MTL - Mythical Tyrant-Chapter 1153 The beginning of the war

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The first one hundred and fifty-three chapters began

Takino has targeted the St. Zongqiang near the Xuan Mozong, and there is another reason. The Xuan Mozong is adjacent to the Holy Zong, and the defense of the Sheng Zongqiang is definitely more loose, which is convenient for him to start.

The saints have arrived near the site of the Xuan Mozong, and the farthest distance from the other six roads.

Takino first took them to the knife, and the other six-way army had no time to rescue.

The distance is far from the problem of Takino, and it took him no long time to go to the place where the saints were camped.

The Shengzong strong man has not been quiet, and he is still waiting for the results of negotiations with the five major factions.

The 100,000 strong people are near the site of the Xuan Mozong, which is a great deterrent to the Xuan Mo Zong.

These strong people are extremely arrogant, and there is almost no defense. It is determined that the strong of the Xuan Mozong does not dare to take the initiative.

Takuya had first touched the enemy's situation, and then carefully examined the situation around him to see if there were any strong people hiding nearby.

Don't look at the only hundred thousand strong people in the Holy Family. In fact, according to the information obtained by Takino, there are thousands of strong people in the 100,000 strong people, and there are thousands of people who hide the mysterious fairyland.

This time the Holy Sepulchre made up its mind to destroy the Tiancheng City, the Tiandan City, and the five major denominations.

However, the first thing that Shengzong wants to deal with is Tianjiacheng and Tiandan City. As for the five major sects, the first is to deter and persuade, let the five sects turn their backs, or remain neutral.

Therefore, the five-way army that sent the five major denominations should be weak.

Clearly understand the situation, Takuno decided to start.

When he was in the Devil world, he received a lot of magic powers and a lot of monsters, and now they can all come in handy.

Moreover, the first thing he sent was Magic Heaven and Soul Eater, Magic Rattan, and Warm Jade Ganoderma Lucidum. They are now a combination. If it is used to deal with the strong man who is cultivated below the Golden Wonderland, it is really easy.

Nowadays, the sacred tree of life is almost the same as the magical sky. Takuya is not worried about the magical day, because the sacred tree of life can restrain the magical sky and make the magic sky clear.

What's more, Magic Heaven controls so many Soul Eaters and Magic Vine, and it is impossible to solve the battle without having to take his own hands.

Later, he sent out the Magic Road, and there were a lot of monsters.

Many magical and magical powers quickly formed a large array, encircling the 100,000 holy sages.

All of this was done silently, and the saints were not prepared, and the results were surrounded.

Of course, Tuobaye has a large encirclement, and it has not yet reached the distance that the Shengzong strong person perceives.

The commander of the war is Takino, he changed his looks and breath, and he is also a magician. No one can recognize him.

"The small encirclement, and then kill the saints strong." Tuo Yuye ordered.

Under his training, it is not easy for even those monsters to be able to fight against the enemy.

You must know that the monsters are different from the fairy beasts. It is absolutely more difficult to train them.

Takino had spent so much energy and finally came in handy.

In this battle, the Seven Girls also played with him. After all, the Seven Girls also manipulated a large number of magical powerhouses.

The things of the Seven Girls, the shadows of a few women did not even make trouble, beyond the expectations of Takuno.

This time, with the seven girls playing, he still has some embarrassment in the heart of them.

He also wants the seven girls to show more, and strive to let the shadows 妃 they really recognize her.

"Seven girls, you have to keep up with me, don't get hurt." Takuya said.

"Big Brother, you can rest assured, I am not very weak, unless the Golden Wonderland shot, otherwise who can hurt me." Seven girls said this on the mouth, my heart is still beautiful.

Because it is impossible to call the name of Takuno, the seven girls are also saving trouble, and they are called the big brother directly.

"No, you have to keep up." Takuya took seven girls, lest the seven girls were injured later.

How noble is the identity of the Seven Girls, and if she is injured, the problem will be a big problem.

Coupled with Takuya, she was not hurt, she was not allowed to be hurt.

A large number of magical powers and monsters surrounded, and quickly alerted the Shengzong strong.

"Not good, there are enemies, we are surrounded." Someone found the strong around, and immediately yelled out.

"Who is so bold, I dare to do something to our strong people." The saints were very proud and arrogant, and they looked down on the five major denominations.

Because of this, they did not arrange eyeliners around the camp, so that Tuoyuan wild they completed the siege.

"The magical horror, it seems that the strongest of the mysterious sects, they come well, we are the strongest of his mysterious genius, and it is also a great achievement." A mysterious fairyland peak strong cold channel.

Because there is no strong gold fairy in the army to sit in the town, it is generally the leader of the mysterious fairyland.

In the case of the Holy Immortal, the battle of the Golden Fairy is to be far from the Holy Immortal. It is impossible to fight in the ground of the Holy Immortals and destroy the Holy Land.

In fact, a long time ago, the Holy Immortal World, like the Holy Buddha World, was a relatively high world of cultivation, but it was later destroyed. Even the Golden Wonderland Wars could not stand it, and the powerful powers of the Holy Immortals were slow. Slowly disappeared, which made the saints gradually take the lead and develop into the strongest sect of the Holy Immortals.

Even if the enemy is discovered, the saints are not in the heart, and even the array is exempt.

The strong fox gang sang there, and the sages ignored them.

After a while, Takuya took a big group of monsters to face the saints.

"You are the strongest of the mysterious demon." asked a saintist.

Takuya has not answered, and his men will not answer more.

He glanced at him and saw that the saints were not arranged, and they were happy. They immediately shouted: "Kill."

If the enemy does not play, it is a good opportunity for them. Of course, you can't miss it.

If the enemy reacts and lays out a large array, it will be difficult to distinguish the winners when they are killed. It is also difficult for them to take advantage of it.

Many powerful people listened to Tuo’s orders and launched an attack together.

They used the big array and the attacks in all directions to fall together. The saints were not well prepared. As a result, the first round of attacks made heavy casualties.

"Ah..." mourn the wild, screaming for the sky.

Takuya wilderness began to work on the ground, and the magic vine and the soul-killing insect under the magical hand did not shoot, but the magical day shot, he was responsible for suppressing the injured strong, while taking away the body of the deceased.

This is also the task of Takino to the magic of the sky, try to suppress the Holy Power.

As long as the saints are suppressed, they will eventually become a member of the Tianyu League. At that time, it will be more beneficial to Tianyu League.

The situation was very confusing, and no one noticed that the injured strong had disappeared.

"Architecture, the array is against the enemy." The Shengzong strongman knows this time, and wants to arrange.

Takino will certainly not give them a chance. He has ordered the monsters to start rushing and rushing to prevent the enemy from arranging.

At the same time, he locked the strong guys of the flying fox gang, he showed the spirit of the group attack, and then let the magic pass to suppress them.

Once there is a big battle, the Shengzong strong will inevitably bring the strongest of the flying fox gang, because the strong gang of the flying fox is good at arranging the troops, and the strong sage is not good at it.

As long as the strong squad of the Flying Fox gang is suppressed, it is difficult for the sages to be deployed.

Moreover, there is no strong fox gang to make suggestions, arrange troops, and the magical and magical powers under the wilderness will definitely die a lot.

Takuya has been personally shot, and those who are flying foxes are naturally difficult to escape, and all of them have been suppressed.

The reason why he did not directly kill them, because the strong players of the Flying Fox help are talents, it is a pity to die, can be used for their own use, very helpful to Tianyu League.

It is necessary to know that there are many strong players in the Tianyu League. There are not many strong ones who can excel in the formation of troops. Although Takuno has also cultivated some talents in this field, there is no way to compare them with those who are strong.

There are a large number of saints, although the chaos has become a group, but there are thousands of mysterious powers in the world who are still fighting back.

Their counterattacks were very powerful, causing no small casualties to the monsters.

"To deal with those who are strong in the mysterious fairyland, they must not let them play a role." Takino ordered.

With his orders, those who have become the masters of the sacred sects of the sacred sects, and the warm jade sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sorcerer

Anyone who is eyeing the mysterious fairyland is not killed or suppressed.

Especially the magical days and the strong people around them, the gods are out of ghosts, causing great deterrence to those who are strong in the mysterious fairyland, scaring those who are strong in the mysterious fairyland do not dare to take the lead, the head is a dead end, or else it is inexplicably disappeared.

"The enemy is too strong, we still send out the hidden strong." A mysterious fairyland peak said.

"No, we must stabilize the situation, otherwise it will not help to put them out, or even get into a melee, and eventually it will be destroyed."

"It’s awful, when the mysterious genius became so powerful."

"I can't see the power of the mysterious demon, or the mysterious sects and other reinforcements, or they will not take the initiative."

"It's still a signal to let the Golden Wonders move out and see if they have a strong gold fairy."


After the discussion of several leaders of the saints, they first sent a signal to the Golden Wonderland for the strongest.

As for the hidden mysterious powers of the mysterious fairyland, they have not been sent out for the time being. They want to stabilize the situation and use those thousand strong people who are strong in the realm of the heavens to be able to come in handy.

Their ideas are still very good, but they have all made the wrong idea.

After a while, two golden fairy powers appeared, and people have not arrived yet. The shocking momentum is here.

"Yuzhuwei, Litianba, Du Xianbin, Fang Bin, you four people together, try to suppress the other two Jinxianjing strong, it is not, directly kill, you can not let them run." Four gold fairy tales were sent, among them, Li Tianba, the mid-term strong man of the Golden Wonderland, and the fighting power of the Yuzhu blame was also comparable to that of the Golden Midland.

There are four Jin Xianjing strongmen who are dispatched to deal with the two golden fairy powers of Shengzong.

Yuzhu blame them for stopping the Shengzong's Golden Wonderland, and then they entered the void battlefield together.

They are very clever, and they are also the two strongest players in the early days of Jin Xianyu. Li Tianba and Du Xianbin did not show up.

Otherwise, they will appear together with the four Golden Wonders, and it is estimated that they will scare away the two golden fairy powers of the Holy Family.

"The situation is not good. The other side also has two gold fairy powers. Our golden fairy powers are entangled and can't help, how can this be good?"

"Everyone works hard together to try to stabilize the situation. Then I will release a thousand Xuan Xianqiang strongmen and fight for defeat."
