MTL - Napoleon II Reborn-Chapter 484 Large source fee

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Chapter 484 Unexpected

After Cavenster's order was issued to the troops again, the commanders of the troops followed his order. However, during the attack, those troops obviously began to work less. First, they were afraid of being ambushed by the French army like Richard and his army. Richard and his army were the most powerful among the many troops that besieged and besieged the Guyana Plateau, and they were not even part of the French 1st Army. opponents, let alone them. Another point is that Washington has issued a clear order to them, prohibiting them from attacking the Guyana plateau. But because they are all Cavester's old department, they still carried out Cavester's order, but it was only a formality. In essence, it is still to avoid war with the French army. In that case, even if Washington wants to investigate Cavenster in the future, they can put aside the relationship.

Cavenster also understood the thoughts of these generals on the front line very well. But Richard and their failure hit these people hard, so they have no better way. He had no choice but to procrastinate like this. He hoped that as time passed, the soldiers would gradually forget about that failure, and then he would be able to regain his strength. Anyway, he is not in a hurry now. According to more and more information, the French are about to attack Ireland. He still has a lot of time to deal with the French 1st Army.

The ones who are really happy about this situation are Davout and Brad of the French 1st Army, and Xiao Jie and others who are far away in France. The French 1st Army was fully able to cope with this level of attack by the US military, and there was no problem at all when the French army landed on a large scale. The only worry about Xiao Jie and the others was that the French 1st Army would not be able to support the 89th Army and the Iberian 2nd Army to reach South America. In that case, it will have a great impact on France's future occupation. If the French 1st Army can last until that time, then most of the US troops will inevitably be concentrated in the Guyana Plateau area in northern South America. The rest of the vast South America, then, had very few troops. In that case, the French army will be able to quickly occupy a vast area and establish a supply system capable of supporting a huge army.

Time passed slowly. The implementation time of the French army plan is also getting closer. On the evening of September 15th, the sun slowly sank to the bottom of the sea, and night enveloped the entire land. At this time, the port of Brest on the Normandy Peninsula in France is brightly lit. The military police dispatched by the French Command and the Navy Command have already controlled the entire port and even the entire city. Teams of French soldiers, led by officers, boarded the transport ship that had already docked in the port. Large quantities of supplies were also loaded onto the ship. When a transport ship is fully loaded, it sails out of the port immediately. Immediately following this another transport ship was to fill up. This repeated cycle has been busy until 5 o'clock in the morning, when it was just dawn, the Iberian Second Army was all loaded on the ship.

Off the coast of Brest Port, hundreds of warships from the French Atlantic Fleet have already been waiting to be loaded here. When nearly a thousand transport ships were all assembled, the warships of the French Atlantic Fleet immediately protected these transport ships in the middle, and then headed west. They will cross the vast Atlantic Ocean, land on another continent, and deal a devastating blow to the enemies there.

On the morning of September 16, in another port on the Normandy Peninsula, the Port of Saint-Malo, the French 89th Army also took action. A large number of transport ships docked at the port, French soldiers continuously transported supplies to the ships, and troop carriers also transported a large number of French soldiers away. At the same time, in the Netherlands, in Norway, the same scene is going on.

The spies of the United States and Canada quickly noticed the anomaly of the French army and reported the anomaly to the country. This sent a very strong signal to the United States and Canada that France is ready to do something.

A large number of radio waves began to shuttle over the Atlantic Ocean. Order after order passed from Washington to Ireland and to Iceland and the Faroe Islands. Under the orders of these instructions, the U.S. and Canadian troops stationed in the three places in Ireland all took action. Wait for the tragic war that this positive will come. Many people have already begun to write suicide notes. Because the strength of the French army is well known. They can't guarantee whether they can survive this fierce war. Therefore, early preparation is still very necessary.

At the same time, at sea, a large number of US warships are also cruising. Because it is not known that the French army will choose there as a landing point. So they had to pin their hopes on the naval warships, hoping that they could find traces of the French army in the vast sea. In order to determine where the French army will land.

The atmosphere over the entire Atlantic Ocean is very dull. The war has not yet started, it seems to be full of the pungent smell of gunpowder. There is a string in everyone's mind, and their energy is highly concentrated. After all, a very small negligence may bring disaster to one's own side.

On the afternoon of September 16, nearly 500 transport ships carrying the French 89th Army left the port of Saint-Malo under the **** of the French Mediterranean Fleet. Almost half of the supplies were taken away by the Iberian 2nd Army, so the transport ships of the French 89th Army were almost half smaller than the 89th Army in size.

The news of the dispatch of the French 89th Army was immediately learned by American and Canadian spies, and they quickly transmitted this important news. However, most of them only have one chance. The French Ministry of Security has long had a plan to eliminate spies from the United States and Canada. It's just that these people usually hide very deeply, and it's difficult to dig out these mice. This time, the news of the dispatch of the 89th Army exposed a large part of the rats. The French Ministry of Security just took advantage of this opportunity to catch them all. This is also very helpful for the implementation of France's future plans.

On the morning of September 17, the French 89th Army appeared in the Celtic Sea. Immediately, the U.S. and Canadian troops in Ireland were put on high alert. In the south of Ireland, there is an important port city named Cork. Very often the army lands on a large scale. The hearts of Davis and the bigwigs in Washington immediately hung. They believed that the target of the French army was likely to be Cork. As a result, a large number of American and Canadian troops began to gather in Cork.

However, to their surprise, the French fleet just circled the Celtic Sea. Then continue sailing westward. Davis and others believed that the French army had to change the landing site because they saw that the US and Canadian troops were heavily defended in Cork. On the one hand, the navy is required to continue to track the whereabouts of the French fleet, and on the other hand, new troop mobilizations have begun. After all, where the French army will land is still completely unknown.

The morning of September 18. The French fleet was spotted by the Canadian fleet in the Atlantic Ocean west of Ireland. At that time, the course of the French army was sailing north. The Canadian fleet sent back the news immediately. It's just that the battleship was surrounded by French warships just after sending out the news, not long after. was sent to the bottom of the sea.

According to the news sent back by the warship, Davis and others immediately judged that the intention of the French army was very obvious. They thought that the French were going to come around and attack them in the back. Immediately, the U.S. and Canadian troops began a new round of mobilization. A large number of American and Canadian troops began to be transferred from the eastern part of Ireland to the western part. Let the U.S. and Canadian soldiers be exhausted.

However, what they didn't expect was that after the Canadian warship that found the whereabouts of the French army sank. The French army immediately changed course and began sailing westward at full speed. Their mission of confusing the U.S. and Canadian troops has been fully accomplished.

In the next few days, the U.S. and Canadian troops are suffering from anxious waiting. The American and Canadian fleets, at this time have completely lost sight of the French. They couldn't figure out where the French army's goal was. It made them have to change the center of defense at any time according to their own guesses. The American and Canadian soldiers who got it complained. You know, every time the center of defense changes, it means that they have to go to another place. In the era without cars, although there were trains, there were very few trains in Ireland, which only connected relatively large cities. Most of the distance has to be completed by the soldiers' two legs. It is conceivable how much resentment the soldiers will have.

However, to the great dismay of Davis and the others in Washington, there was no news from the French army for several days. On the one hand, they were afraid that the French army would hide in a certain waters of Ireland, waiting for the US and Canadian troops to relax, and then take this opportunity to launch a surprise attack on the US and Canadian troops. On the other hand, they were afraid that the French army would change the target of the attack. Perhaps the target of the French army's attack was not Ireland, but the Faroe Islands or Iceland. Even the Americas on the other side of the ocean.

over time. The United States is also increasingly suspicious. By the morning of September 26th. The mystery was solved. A fleet larger than the fleet carrying the French 89th Corps appeared in the waters off El Salvador, South America. At this time, the United States realized that they were all played by France. France's previous actions blinded all Americans. The reason why France made the posture to attack Ireland was simply to cover the troops attacking South America. Such a result greatly exceeded the expectations of all Americans.