MTL - Napoleon II Reborn-Chapter 485 gaffe kavenster

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Chapter 485: Cavenster, who lost his composure

On September 26, the weather was very sunny. The sea off the coast of El Salvador in South America is very calm, and large groups of seabirds are flying and hunting on the sea. Everything seemed so peaceful.

The fishermen went out to sea with their simple fishing boats. After all, with such a calm sea, fishing is very safe. This is also the weather that these fishermen with very simple fishing boats are most looking forward to.

However, around 10 am, the tranquility was broken. A huge fleet sailed from the end of the ocean, drawing long water marks on the sea. All the fishermen were stunned, because they had never seen such a powerful fleet and warships. The largest battleship is completely like a hill. Compared with these fishing boats of theirs, I don't know how many times bigger they are.

However, it can be seen from the flags on the warships that this fleet is not at all the fleet of the United States and Canada, the current rulers of South America. It is the enemy of the United States and Canada, the fleet of mighty France, the former master of South America. Suddenly, these fishermen panicked. Frantically driving the simple fishing boat to the shore. Although the French army has never harmed innocent people. But those fishermen, as local residents of South America, cooperated extremely well when the United States and Canada attacked South America. I hope to change a master so that I can get rid of the exploitation of the French. But in the end, what he didn't expect was that this new master was many times more ruthless than the original master. Therefore, the current residents of South America are very afraid of French retaliation. So after discovering that the huge fleet that came was the French fleet, they immediately fled crazily.

In fact, this is completely unfounded for them. Although these local residents of South America did not resist the attacks of the United States and Canada with the French army, the French army would definitely not embarrass them. One is that the military regulations of the French army clearly stipulate that innocent people cannot be harmed. The second reason is that after the French army took back South America, these residents were still needed to support the huge consumption of the army. So of course it won't make things difficult for them.

About 20 kilometers from the coast, the fleet stopped. On the French Atlantic Fleet flagship "Poseidon", Field Marshal Otis, Commander of the Iberian 2nd Corps, and the Atlantic Fleet Commander, Admiral Kirkbride, were having their last meeting before the war.

"Marshal Otis, if there is nothing else to worry about. Then I will immediately send the fleet to bombard El Salvador's fortifications. This will prevent them from preparing in advance because of the news." Kirkbride said.

"Well. It's totally possible to do this. While the navy is shelling El Salvador, the landing force can also start preparing." Otis also said. According to the information they received in advance, there are not many US troops stationed in El Salvador. Probably only about 50,000 people. Counting the troops in the surrounding areas, the combined total of the U.S. and Canadian troops will not exceed 70,000. So Otis believes that this battle will be very easy. And it is true. For the sudden attack of the French army, the US military was not prepared at all.

Kirkbride quickly gave the order. A 'Giant Whale' class battleship and 3 'Heavy Cavalry' class heavy cruisers, 8 'Light Cavalry' class light cruisers, and 15 'Bayonet' class and 'Dolphin' class destroyers left the formation and headed towards the coast drive away. They were going to bombard El Salvador, the command center of the US military in South America, and nearby fortifications. Destroy as many of these fortifications as possible to clear the way for the landing troops. At the same time, it also dealt a severe blow to the morale of the US military. These are very beneficial for future battles.

The response of the US military was still very fast. When the French fleet just appeared, the US military got the news. Although it is too far apart, it is impossible to accurately know the identity of this huge fleet. But as you can guess, this is definitely not the US military or the Canadian fleet. One is because if it is the fleet of the United States or Canada, they will be notified in advance, and the other is that the main combat power of the United States and Canada is now concentrated in the North Atlantic. It is simply impossible to send such a large fleet to El Salvador. Finally, from the mouths of the fishermen who had escaped, they finally determined that this huge fleet was their enemy, the French fleet.

"General, something is wrong." A colonel officer stumbled into the headquarters of the US-Canada coalition forces. At that time, the three of Cavenster were having a meeting to discuss some things.

Cavenster frowned very displeased at the colonel's rashness. "Your Excellency, Colonel, look at what you look like now. You don't have a bit of the demeanor of our American military officers. What kind of words are you in such a panic?" Cavenster accused.

The colonel was startled, only then did he realize that he was indeed in a very embarrassing state, and then hurriedly adjusted his appearance, putting aside the emergency military situation for the time being.

"Okay, let's talk. What exactly did you do that made you so flustered?" Cavester said, picking up a cup of coffee. That look is indeed very elegant, and it can be a model for all military officers in the United States.

Only then did the colonel remember the purpose of his visit, and quickly took out the information transmitted from the front line, and reported to Cavester: "General, I just received a report from the coastal forces. I found a huge fleet assembled off the coast. About 20 kilometers of sea area. After confirmation, it is determined that the fleet is the French fleet. Now the other side has sent a fleet to the coast. It will arrive at the coast in about half an hour. It seems that they are preparing to launch an attack on El Salvador Shelling." This time, the colonel behaved very calmly, without any panic.

However, the news he reported was so shocking. So much so that Cavester stood up from his chair in shock. The coffee in his hand was also knocked out, leaving a large black stain on his brand new military uniform. However, Cavenster really doesn't pay attention to these things now. "What? Is this true? The huge French fleet? How big is it?" Cavenster asked loudly regardless of his image, and that appearance was completely out of touch with elegance. Robert and Brady were also very surprised at this time, like a goose.

"It is indeed true. The size of the French fleet has at least a thousand ships. Most of them should be transport ships." The colonel replied affirmatively.

"Damn it. I knew there was a problem with the French. It turned out that they were thinking about South America. Those idiots in Washington have been tricked again. And you, **** it. Such an urgent military situation, why are you Didn't you say it earlier?" Cavenster pointed at the colonel and cursed.

The colonel is very aggrieved now, obviously it was Cavester who stopped him from reporting before. But now it's good, everything has become his responsibility. Although very angry, he didn't dare to refute at all, so he kept apologizing. Because he knew that if he refuted it, Cavenster, who was so angry, could even send him to a military court for the crime of delaying the military situation, or even shoot him directly. So, he had to endure it,

"Okay, General Cavester, it's useless to scold him now. Let's think about how to deal with the French attack." Robert said. Then he waved to the colonel and told him to leave first.

The colonel gave Robert a grateful look, and then left quickly. God knows what will happen to him if he stays here?

"Huh!" Cavenster let out a long breath, and then said helplessly: "What else can we do? Judging from the size of the French fleet, they have at least one legion army. A French fleet Legion, that’s more than 100,000 people! Maybe this number will increase. And what about us? There are only 50,000 people in El Salvador. No more than 80,000 And what about the navy? Our navy is still in Sao Paulo in the south. And there is only 1 fleet. If they know the size of the French fleet. I can assure you, they must not They will come. Those cowards have long been frightened by the French navy. Without the advantage of two or three times the number of warships, they will never dare to fight the French navy." At the end of the speech, Cavester said in a tone Full of disdain.

"I think we should report the situation here to Washington first. Then wait for their instructions." Robert said. Now, facing such a big problem, it is naturally safer to throw the problem to the people above. Anyway, from the very beginning, it was Washington's judgment that was wrong.

"That's good. That's it. In addition, order the 1st Division to be ready to retreat at any time. The 2nd Division will immediately go to the coastal position and prepare to block the French army. Also, send a telegram to the Navy. Tell us the information here. They. But don’t tell them the size of the French fleet. As for whether they will come, it’s up to them.” Cavester thought for a while and said. He is a person who can take it up and put it down. Naturally, he knows that it is impossible to stick to El Salvador. He is not arrogant enough to resist more than 100,000 French troops with 50,000 US troops. Naturally, he has to arrange the way out. .

It's just that when the telegram of the French army's raid on El Salvador in South America was sent to Washington. The whole of Washington was stunned immediately. On Capitol Hill and the Ministry of Defense, I don’t know how many cups and glasses were broken.