MTL - Necromancer and Super Cemetery-Chapter 16 017 Griffith Meditation 3rd Edition

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   Chapter 16 017 Gelfies Meditation Third Edition

  While Green was waiting for Elizabeth's request, a small red bird flew in unhurriedly from the window.

  This little red bird is about the size of a common sparrow, and it flew to Elizabeth's side and chirped.

  Green looked a little surprised, knowing that he was on the top floor of Wilson Castle! Because of the death of Baron Ronanks, Viscount Paul, in order to prevent the strange, specially asked Dr. Wilkins to spend a lot of money to arrange a defensive circle. Once a foreign object invades, even a mouse can activate the circle, issue an alarm and directly attack. But this little red bird flew in so grandly, and the magic circle worth 1,300 gold pounds didn't respond.

   Elizabeth's face sank, listening to the little red bird chirping for a moment, her brows slightly wrinkled, her hands rubbed lightly, she seemed to fall into a moment of contemplation.

  Green was already certain that this little red bird should have some kind of communication function, but the news it brought seemed to make Elizabeth less than happy.

   After more than ten seconds, the red bird fluttered and flew away, still not touching the defensive circle.

Elizabeth stood up and said: "I'm sorry, there are some things that I need to deal with, I'll be here today, as for the meditation method, I'll bring it to you next time, as for the price... Your skeleton is different, let me summon it next time. Just take a look." After saying that, he walked out without waiting for Green to agree.

  Green frowned, didn't get up to say goodbye, staring at Elizabeth's graceful back.

  It is possible that Elizabeth saw the previous battle between Green and the ghouls through some means, noticed the skeleton soldiers that Green had summoned from the cemetery, saw that it was different, and wanted to study it. Green was not surprised by this. As he became a necromancer, it was impossible not to summon the undead creatures in the cemetery in front of people. It was only a matter of time before someone discovered that his undead creatures were unusual.

   And Green didn't believe it, Elizabeth could detect the existence of the cemetery just by looking at the skeleton soldiers.

  In this case, why not do it in exchange for a meditation method? Moreover, "Gelphais Meditation Third Edition" is very famous in the magic circle of the entire Lorenzo Kingdom. It is the final version revised by the famous great magician Gelfies, and there are only two top two in the entire kingdom. It can be studied in the Advanced Seminar of the Magic Academy.


The next day, when Green was having breakfast, Vincent hurried over, sat down opposite Green, and asked, "Green, I heard from Laura that yesterday you went to Old One-Eye to meet Elizabeth F. Langton? How, is that lady really as attractive as rumored?"

  Green rolled his eyes, he didn't expect Vincent's focus to be here, he couldn't laugh or cry: "It's really attractive, but this woman is very dangerous, a very, very dangerous kind!"

  Vincent was a little stunned. He heard that Elizabeth was a very gentle and beautiful noble lady, but how could she become an extremely dangerous figure in Green's mouth.

   Then Green broke the news: "If you can, I advise you to stay away from that woman as far as possible. If I guess correctly, she may be the official level."

   "What did you say!" Vincent's eyes widened, what is the concept of an official level, and Langton City hasn't had an official level for many years! An extraordinary power of that level has enough power to sweep a city. No police force is of any use. For ordinary people, it is like a monster of ancient times. Now Greene actually said that Miss Fronton is an official class!

   But Vincent understood that Green was not joking with him, his expression changed from shock to seriousness: "Are you sure? It's official!"

  Green shook his head: "Not sure, but the probability is very high, and it is not a formal level just entry, but the kind of existence that is also extremely powerful in the formal level."

Vincent swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said quickly: "This situation must be told to my father, this is too important!" Then he stood up very formally and saluted Greene solemnly: "My brother, thank you!" This news is too important, a formal superhuman is enough to decide the rise and fall of the Wilson family.

  Green was also polite and accepted his thanks. At this moment, there was a sound of trotting footsteps from outside the door, and then a little girl in a creamy white princess dress broke in from outside.

  The little girl is only about ten years old, with fair skin, blond hair, big eyes and a baby fat face, which makes this little girl extraordinarily likable.

   "Brother Vincent, Brother Green, what are you doing!" The little girl's childish voice was very nice, and she ran over, like a pure lily.

   "Lilisa, why did you come here?" Vincent looked at the little girl strangely, this is his youngest sister, the little princess in the family.

   "Grandpa Wilkins said that Brother Grimm has moving dolls here, and Lilitha came over to take a look." The little girl suddenly looked at Grimm with big eyes in anticipation.

Green and Vincent looked confused, secretly thinking that Dr. Wilkins was unreliable, and it was estimated that they were impatient with Lilitha, so they threw the pot to Green's side, what moving doll, that is a skeleton Soldier, okay, that thing is not suitable for little girls to play at all, okay?

  Green and Vincent tried to confuse the little girl, for which Vincent agreed to a lot of conditions.

   After the Vincent brothers and sisters left, Green continued to practice [Bone Spurs] alone.

Different from [Spirituality], [Bone Spurs] did not feel that the body could not bear it after being upgraded to LV3. Green could still continue to practice, and on a whim, he stood directly on the balcony and shot the bone spurs in the air. The ground is 30 meters high, and with a magical halo of more than ten rock spikes one or two meters long, they are shot down counting down. After they are ejected, they only fly three or four meters. Do psionics.

   This is the limitation of the [Bone Spur Technique]. When it is launched from the ground, the spikes are ejected, and it can only attack within the range of its own length. And launching in the air, with the help of gravity, can be extended to three or four meters, but it cannot extend the attack range further, otherwise this is not [Bone Spur Technique] but another magic.

After Green discovered it, he tried to improve it further, but unfortunately it had little effect. After all, the magic in this world has developed for countless years. Green's discoveries and ideas may not have been discovered by predecessors, and the [Bone Spur Technique] has remained the same so far, which shows how difficult it is to improve a magic. easy.

Green is not a genius. If there is no cemetery, he can't even become a magician, so he gave up after a few failed attempts. He just kept practicing and improving his magic level. He could instantly cast this magic in any situation, and let him do whatever he wanted. Bone spurs pierced from any direction, up, down, left, and right. Compared with deriving a new magic, this can improve his combat effectiveness more.

   (end of this chapter)