MTL - Necromancer and Super Cemetery-Chapter 17 kidnapping lisa

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   Chapter 17 Kidnapping Lilitha

In the next few days, Green did not wait for the news of Elizabeth. Instead, Laura came to look for it a few times, took Green as an appraiser, and brought some things to let him see if it was a magic item, which made Vincent look at Green and Laura's eyes lit up with gossip.

   On this day, Green went to the old one-eyed shop again to see if he could get a set of military knight equipment.

   Green has always wanted to change the equipment for the skeleton soldiers, replacing the rusty round shields and short swords with enchanted rifles, so that the cheap skeleton soldiers have long-range attacks, but the control of military equipment is very strict, and it is difficult to obtain without special access.

In addition, the military enchanted rifle specially designed for knights can infuse the knight's vindictive energy into the bullets. Even in the face of extraordinary people, it still has a strong lethality. This is also the government's biggest trump card to deter extraordinary people. Thousands of people hold Legions with enchanted rifles, even if they encounter high-level formal mages, they have to retreat.

However, Green still has a concern, whether the enchanted rifle can exert its original power in the hands of the skeleton soldiers. After all, his skeleton soldiers have no fighting spirit, only the psychic energy of the undead attribute, so he needs to get a try first. Only then did he find the old one-eyed who had great powers in Langton City.

  Old One-Eyed is really welcome. He patted his chest and promised to get it, but opened his mouth and asked Green for thirty gold pounds, which was almost five times the ex-factory price of the enchanted rifle.

  Green was also a bachelor. He didn't even pay back the counter-offer, so he turned around and walked out. The old one-eyed knew that he had slaughtered too hard and scared the client away, so he quickly chased after him, stopped Green, and gave him a 30% discount. Green was still unwilling, and he bargained for the price, arguing with each other, and finally settled at the price of fifteen gold pounds a piece, and agreed that if Green could order more, the price could be negotiated.

   After confirming the enchanted rifle, Green was in a good mood. He sat on the carriage and opened the window to look out.

   It was already dark by this time, and the horse-drawn carriage ran over the smooth road and drove into Uptown along the gas-lit avenue.

   Passing through a park, which was not far from Wilson Castle, at this moment he saw a small figure emerge from the park with a white kitten in his arms.

Green smiled and recognized that it was Li Lisa. This cute little **** the surface was actually a mischievous person. It was already dark and she dared to run around. If she was discovered by Viscount Paul or Butler Laurens, she would be responsible for taking care of her. Her maid was to be blamed.

  Green saw Li Lisa running quickly towards the castle, but didn't call her whereabouts, just watched silently and slowed down the carriage, lest the little girl find out that she had been exposed.

   But at this time, a black carriage suddenly rushed out from the fork in front. The driver was very reckless, rampaged, and was extremely fast.

There are nobles living nearby, and no one dares to drive a carriage like this. Who knows that just scratching an old lady may be the mother or wife of a certain baron. Such a traffic accident is not just a matter of losing some money. .

  Green frowned, aware that the carriage was wrong, and stared at the carriage vigilantly.

  The carriage turned quickly, and Li Lisa, who was running, found a carriage, so she wisely hid by the side of the road to avoid being hit by the carriage.

Unexpectedly, when the carriage passed Li Lisa, it suddenly stopped, the door of the carriage opened, and two people got out, fully wrapped up, black hats, black scarves, and burly waists. Brings the bad guy aura.

   "Something's wrong!" Green immediately grabbed the staff at hand, before he could urge the driver to speed up, he pushed open the door, jumped out of the carriage, and ran towards Lilitha quickly. At the same time, he silently recited the incantation and fired two spiritual spells in a row, summoning two skeleton soldiers, and then silently preparing bone spurs to ensure that the spell could be cast at any time.

   At this time, the two strong men in black had blocked Lilisa, who felt that something was wrong and wanted to escape.

   The little girl looked more and more helpless as she hugged the little milk cat.

The other party is obviously a planned kidnapping, the target is the little princess of the Wilson family, one of them is holding a black and white photo in his hand, and finally check it, don't make an oolong, and then arrest the wrong person, and then like a chicken Just like Lilitha into the carriage.

Green's eyes were anxious. At this time, he was at least 20 to 30 meters away from the carriage, and it was impossible to catch up with his running speed. Fortunately, the skeleton soldiers were lighter in weight and faster in running speed. After catching up with the carriage, one jumped up and jumped directly to the top of the carriage, while the other clambered on the door, trying to pull the door open.

   Unexpectedly, at this moment, there was a sudden 'bang' gunshot!

   "Not good! The other party has a gun." Green was stunned for a moment, crossing over from the earth, which made him have an instinctive fear of firearms. What's more, he really has no means to defend against bullets. Only by becoming an apprentice of a high-level necromancer and mastering defensive magic such as [Bone Shield] or [Bone Armor] can he not be afraid of ordinary firearms, but he still can't stop the enchanted rifle. shooting. The only one who is really not afraid of enchanting rifles is the Great Magician. This is because the number of enchanted rifles is limited. If faced with a large-scale knight group, thousands of knight rifles are blessed with a grudge salvo, and even the great magician has to kneel.

   With the sound of a gunshot, the skeleton soldier lying on the carriage door was shot down. The bullet penetrated the leather armor and broke a sternum. However, this injury is nothing to the skeleton soldiers. As long as the soul fire is not extinguished, the skeleton soldiers will not die. They will get up immediately and continue to chase after falling to the ground.

"It seems that the ghouls must be summoned!" Green gritted his teeth secretly, the [Hard-Skinned Ghoul] that he had accidentally obtained today was his trump card, and he easily didn't want to use it, but in this situation, he couldn't helplessly see Li Lisa was kidnapped.

However, before Green could stand still to cast the spell, an old and hoarse voice came: "Where do you two **** want to take our little Lilitha? If I were you, then surrender obediently, otherwise This old man's [Arcane Missile] will smash your heads before you shoot." When the voice fell, I saw a flash of white light, and an arcane missile hit, the speed was comparable to a bullet, and its power surpassed that of a grenade. In front of the carriage, a large pit with a diameter of half a meter was blasted in the ground.

   This time, both the driver and the two men in black who got out of the car and arrested people were all taken aback. They didn't expect to kidnap a little girl and provoke two magicians at the same time!

And it is not difficult to see the power of the arcane missile just now, and the other party is definitely a high-level magic apprentice. Looking at the big hole left by the cement road, the three kidnappers are completely stunned. , but don't play like this, the 10-year-old girl agreed to lead the little girl out of the castle in advance, they only need to come over and catch a single 10-year-old girl.

   At the same time, the two skeleton soldiers who had just been driven back threatened them again.

  Green knew that Dr. Wilkins was coming as soon as he heard the familiar hoarse voice. He did not continue to summon ghouls, but only ordered the skeleton soldiers to surround them and completely block the enemy's retreat.

  Dr. Wilkins came out of the shadow of a tree, his spotless blue magic robe trembled slightly with his footsteps, the blue light of the staff in his hand surged, and an arcane missile was conceived, ready to be launched at any time.

   (end of this chapter)