MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 207 the future of civilization

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The broken bubbles, the long river of time that was swallowed, the strange eyes hanging high in the air, and the dark and terrifying crimson world.

In Jiuqu's video screen, all of these, under the control and scheduling of his already very impactful lens, showed a twelve-point impact.

"What the **** is this eye?"

"Why was this long river of civilization swallowed up?"

"Is there a hint behind this?"

"I feel that this shot is very meaningful. I beg which big boss to do an in-depth analysis?"

This shot of Jiuqu, which was deliberately stopped to show, really caught the attention of all viewers. The barrage has completely turned into a sea of ​​"100,000 whys", and viewers with various identities all over the world all gasped in unison.

However, before they thought too much and thought through it thoroughly, the footage of the video had already left the hall of the first level and was re-introduced to the brave man.

The pace of the brave man is still so slow, and endless bubbles are still floating around the brave man. However, the newly enlarged lens and the requirements for customs clearance, and the viewers who were guided to pay attention to the broken bubble, had more different feelings.

"Is every bubble a ruined world?"

"If it is true, there are so many bubbles in this video... Doesn't it mean that the world has been destroyed countless times?"

"Those bubbles, are they Earths on other timelines or parallel universes?"

"It doesn't have to be Earth, it might be other alien civilizations that have been destroyed, right?"

Everyone is giving their own guesses and giving their own interpretations.

In such a blast, the speeches of some people, such as the speeches of the water army who originally planned to bring the rhythm of Lingshi new energy in this video, have been completely overshadowed by the speculation about the shocking content of this video. , did not even cause a wave.

The civilization in the bubble is being destroyed, the brave man manipulates the long river of time, the high-altitude eyes despise all living beings, and the crimson world reveals that something is wrong - in such an environment, who has time to pay attention to Lingshi Xin, which is not very related to the content of this video energy?

Although all kinds of barrages that are obviously trying to start the battle still float on the screen of the video, they did not cause any splashes in the end.

In the video, the brave man has walked through the passage path and entered the second level.

From the first level, in front of the brave, there is still a long river of time, and there are still countless events that are superimposed but not superimposed, entangled but not entangled, and at the same time are happening on this long river of time.

"Wait? This... This doesn't seem to be our Earth's civilization?" Nie Zhibo, who was the most observant, first noticed something wrong in the video, he lowered his head and instructed the computer operator, "Pause, the long river of time is zoomed in here. "

The person operating the computer nodded and, as instructed, zoomed in on the video.

And when some things are enlarged, everyone can see that something is wrong.

The creatures in the pictures that happened in the long river of time are obviously different from the human images. Their skin color is green throughout, and their bodies are much taller than those of Earthlings. They don't quite fit the aesthetics of Earthlings, and their images are rather odd.

"Oh my God! This is a real alien!" Xu Shaoyang couldn't help but sigh, "This creature should be the first real alien that people on earth have ever seen, right?"

"I'm going, this copy video is too high-end," with Xu Shaoyang's sigh, people in the Transcendent Affairs Bureau began to discuss, "Aliens have appeared?"

"It's really possible that there are aliens in the world," some people were skeptical. "I always thought that Earth civilization was the loneliest civilization."

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime," someone else said with emotion, "I can actually see the day when the Fermi paradox is broken."

"Everyone, please pay attention, this is not necessarily a real alien," Nie Zhibo, who was the one who spoke out, said, reminding him with another kind of thinking logic, "Don't forget, this is in a copy of White Mist. The picture of the copy, everything in the copy may be illusory."

However, having said that, even Nie Zhibo's heart was more inclined to think that this might really be an alien civilization that existed somewhere in the universe.

Viewers like them can notice the finer details of the video. However, many viewers who use mobile phones to watch and just join in the fun cannot immediately know from the small screen that this is not Earth civilization, but some clues of alien civilization.

At least at this moment, the barrage is still full of lively amazement, and not many people have mentioned the keyword "alien" yet.

Then, the lens in the video slowly stretches and stretches. Follow the hero's eyes continue to move upward.

I saw that above this long river of time, it was the same eye that appeared in the first level, that strange, indifferent, contempt for all things; and below that eye, there was still a fixed eye. bubble.

The video gives a close-up of the bubble. In the first level, the bubbles are filled with yellow sand; this level has bubbles. It's full of ice and snow.

The thick snow and ice covered all traces of civilization. The scene on the bubbles looked like the snow scene on the uninhabited grassland in the winter of the earth. It should have been quiet, peaceful and beautiful.

However, against the background of the crimson and eerie world, the white snow scene was imprinted with a faint layer of blood, so the scene that should have been incomparably beautiful suddenly took on a layer of ghostly and terrifying shadows, which seemed inexplicable. Horrible up.

The camera pulled away from the **** snow scene in the bubble, and pulled back to the hero and the long river of time in front of the hero.

The brave man lowered his head and pondered for a while, and began to stretch out his hand to operate on the long river of time.

This time, when the camera began to focus on the worlds that had been moved for a long time, ordinary viewers finally found something wrong.

"Am I dazzled? Why don't these pictures look like people from Earth?"

"I specially turned it to the computer to zoom in. Oh my god, is this green creature the legendary alien?"

"So exciting! The last level was Earth civilization, and this one starts to operate alien civilization?"

"I became curious, and I also ran to the computer to take a look. Uh, this alien looks really strange..."

"Don't forget, this is a dungeon challenge! Everything in the dungeon is not real!"

When more and more people prompted the keyword "alien", the entire barrage instantly became excited, and countless people brushed their own feelings, all kinds of long stories, quotations from scriptures and all kinds of short feelings mixed together , which drowns out all other sounds.

And no matter what the mood is at this time, some people have been persistently posting barrages that want to start the war, but they have never attracted any attention; and no matter how many additional extraterrestrial civilizations the existence of this suspected alien civilization has caused. Pay attention; at this time, everyone in the Huaguo Transcendental Affairs Bureau has already turned their attention to more worthy of attention.

"The development of this civilization," Nie Zhibo said, with a hint of speculation in his tone, "seems to be inconsistent with Earth's technology tree."

"When the time comes, we will hire someone to analyze it," Xu Shaoyang said, with a solemn expression, "for this kind of thing, at least a whole research group dedicated to analysis and research must be brought in."

"Yes, it must be analyzed in detail." An employee from a scientific research department interjected in support.

He was seconded from the scientific research department, and in this emergency response conference room, he was a person who supported and interpreted some scientific research theories. After all, the public opinion war between Lingshi new energy and extraordinary new technology requires the intervention and help of the members of the scientific research team. Although Lu Yanchi is immersed in the research of Lingshi new energy, he still squeezes out a special researchers to support.

"Being able to see the development of another civilization is of great help to our civilization's scientific and technological progress," said the scientific research employee, whose cheeks were already flushed with excitement, "although some videos only show very little Part of the picture, and many of the pictures are blurry, but it is still enough to cause a big technological explosion!"

"This," the researcher was already imagining a bright future, "it's a big gift package from Jiuqu!"

This new perspective of interpretation attracted the attention of the two departments in the conference room, mainly public opinion and intelligence.

The perspective of scientific researchers is really completely different from those who engage in intelligence and public opinion...

While the viewer is talking and having a discussion, the video continues to play. In the footage of the video, the operation process of the brave is very skilled. Even in the face of alien civilizations that are completely different from Earth civilization, he can make adjustments extremely smoothly.

Soon, with the operation of the brave, the picture at the end of the long river of time in the second level gradually turned into a world covered with ice and snow. All traces of civilization are submerged under the thick ice cap, and are destined to disappear completely in a long time, perhaps leaving no trace.

If any observers from other civilizations saw this thick ice cap and heavy snow, how could they think there were traces of civilization hidden in it? He will only treat this planet as an ordinary lifeless planet, and just pass it by without looking at it.

"Wait, pause for a moment." Looking at it, Nie Zhibo discovered something that made his heart skip a beat. "Quick, zoom in on the ruler on this long river of time!"

The operator of the computer did as instructed, and soon, everyone noticed the problem of the long-term ruler of this level.

Different from the first level, the ruler on the river of time ended in 2018; the ruler on the river of time in the second level recorded the end time - "130,000 years ago".

"Look carefully," Nie Zhibo pointed to the magnified screen after the video was paused, and pointed to the incredible scale number, "Is this scale saying that this civilization was actually destroyed 130,000 years ago...?"

Nie Zhibo said these words, and even he couldn't believe it, he couldn't help but turn his head to look at Xu Shaoyang beside him, looking for help and consultation.

"Drag it back and have a look," Xu Shaoyang frowned deeply and instructed the person who was operating the computer, "Drag it until the time before the brave man operated this level, let's compare it."

As instructed, the computer operator dragged the timeline of the video and zoomed in on the ruler on the original long river of time.

Therefore, everyone present clearly saw this scene:

Even at the moment when the first brave man had not yet operated, the ruler at the end of this long river of time was still 130,000 years ago;

At this point in time 130,000 years ago, all the events that happened in this alien civilization were all peaceful, peaceful and prosperous, without any tendency to destroy.

Use this scene to compare the scene of snow and ice after the brave man's operation;

When comparing the first level again, the end of the earth's civilization has changed from a thriving scene to a scene of yellow sand...

Thinking of this, the expressions of all the viewers of the Huaguo Transcendent Affairs Bureau began to look wrong.

"Can I understand it this way," Xu Shaoyang said, staring at the video in front of him, and interpreting, "This alien civilization was still very prosperous 130,000 years ago in Earth time, but he was really caught in the end. Some kind of power manipulation turned into flying snow, and civilization ended on the scale of 130,000 years ago."

"I understand the same as you," Nie Zhibo said, and since he noticed some hints hidden behind this video, his face has never been better, "that is to say, by analogy, in 2019, the earth should have It is thriving and everything is going well; however, it is very likely that the earth, under the control of some force, will end at this point in 2019, fall into the end of the world, and civilization will be reduced to ruins.”

"It's almost there," Xu Shaoyang said. "In the short half-year from the end of 2018 to the beginning of 2019, the earth was not faced with a crisis that almost fell into doomsday. And the things implied in this video are the manipulations behind it. , that high-altitude eye, those civilizations that have been destroyed..."

"Cough, in fact, there is another possibility," the employee from the scientific research department coughed, interrupting the increasingly terrifying speculation of the two department bosses, "Maybe it is not so pessimistic, you know, the universe The range of the universe is very large, we have to use light years as the distance unit of the universe, and because the speed of light is fixed, the picture of the universe we observe is actually a picture from a long time ago."

"That is to say," the employee of the scientific research department gave a very scientific interpretation, "Maybe, when we are in 2019, the civilization we can see is 130,000 years ago. If the speed of light is deducted, in fact, his 130,000 years ago and ours in 2019 are synchronized."

"'s not impossible," Nie Zhibo, who has a certain scientific research foundation, quickly understood the explanation, "Let's watch it first, there are too many things worth interpreting in this video."

He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Perhaps, the current guess may be overturned by something later..."

The operator of the computer clicked the play button as instructed, so everyone started from the paused second level, and watched the brave man operating for a long time and putting everything under the ice and snow again.

Just like at the end of the first level, when the brave man finished the operation, the bubbles floating in the air were broken, and the door to the next level was opened.

And after the brave man turned and left, the eyeballs above the sky couldn't wait to swallow the long river of time again, completely destroying all traces of this civilization.

Next is the third pass.

The third level seems to be back to Earth civilization, at least the life in the long river of time looks exactly the same as the Earth people.

Manipulating the river of time, bringing everything to the end, and then the bubbles are broken and the river of time is swallowed. This whole set of familiar processes, the brave man has done it heartily and in one go.

However, this operation made the viewer's face even more serious.

The fourth level is a brand new alien civilization; the fifth level is back to the earth civilization that seems to be a parallel world.

After that, one level after another, alien civilizations and earth civilizations appeared one after another, demonstrating the whole process of civilization being easily destroyed over and over again.

"Look, this eyeball..." Nie Zhibo, who was keenly observant, noticed something even more wrong. "It seems that compared to the beginning of the video, there have been some wonderful changes?"

"Drag it back and have a look," Nie Zhibo ordered. "Drag it to the video when Eyeball first appeared, and compare the two pictures."

When the computer operator heard the words, he immediately adjusted the picture of the video, and quickly made a comparison of an enlarged screenshot.

Now everyone can see it very clearly.

Although in the process of the dungeon challenge, the whole eye has always maintained that strange and aloof demeanor;

But it's clear that this one eye has really changed after devouring several levels for a long time.

Its composition becomes richer, and the details that fill its interior become fuller. It seems to have a spinning endless starry sky, which seems to become a little brighter; the long river of time that seems to be converging seems to become a little deeper.

"This thing," Nie Zhibo couldn't help but use the word "thing" to describe this strange eye, "it seems to have become stronger by swallowing the long rivers of those civilizations?"

Everyone was silent.

No matter how you look at it, this eye does not seem to be a good thing; and the process of becoming stronger does not seem to be a good process.

In this silent atmosphere, the computer operator, following Nie Zhibo's instructions, adjusted the timeline back to the fifth level and continued to play the video.

In the next level challenge session, the earth civilization and alien civilization still appear one after another, and the operation of the brave is still very proficient and very smooth.

Soon, he passed the 10th level, which was the last level of this dungeon.

After finishing level 10, the hero's movements were clearly paused.

In all his previous actions, the hero's movements were very smooth, and there has never been such an obvious pause.

This action, like a hint, instantly lifted the hearts of all viewers.

The brave raised his head and looked at the strange eyes that had been hanging above the sky.

The lens of the video is also zoomed out. From the angle of the video, it seems that the hero and the eye are just looking at each other. Against the background of the dark red distorted world, this look is also full of malice and hostility. Emotions.

And at this moment, the bubble in the 10th level also shattered, and Time Changhe rose into the sky as usual, and plunged straight into the eyes of the sky.

At the same time, the gate of customs clearance and the altar of rewards also appeared on the side of the hero.

The brave man hesitated for a moment, but in the end he stood still and didn't touch the altar and gate, as if waiting for something to happen.

Immediately afterwards, the world of the copy began to change.

Just in the picture of the video, the weird eye began to stretch and spread, as if an invisible Sixu stretched out from the eye, pulling all the air bubbles suspended in the air, and fluttering towards the eye together. .

The entire crimson world began to be reversed and alienated; the dark purple vortex was completely distorted and turned into various strange appearances, but it still struggled to maintain rotation; one after another bubbles were thrown into the eyes high in the sky. In the midst of it, it shattered and disappeared without a trace...

What a chilling scene that was!

Like the most exaggerated mental pollution, everyone who saw this scene felt a little nauseated, dizzy, and nauseous.

And the source of all the changes in the world lies in the eyes above the sky.

The camera moved away from the hero and made a close-up of the eerie eye.

It can be clearly seen that the bubbles that record the traces of civilization have turned into fragments around the eyes, and then absorbed a thorough, clean, nourishing nourishment for the eyes.

In the process of absorbing the bubble of civilization, that eye, visibly became more chaotic and stronger.

When the camera pulled away from this close-up of the eye and returned to the scene of the whole world, the small ball of light representing the reward props and skills was no longer on the reward altar beside the brave.

"Have you noticed?" Someone around Shang Yinhe watched this and whispered, "The Brave never broadcasts the pictures of him drawing rewards."

What can Shang Yinhe say? He couldn't say anything, not even the slightest change in his expression.

Outside of the footage of the video, in the real situation, in the [Distant Eye] dungeon that was cleared at the end of the game, Shang Yinhe called out the chick Iida and quickly took away the dungeon's level reward. Then he stuffed the chick back into the Devil's Book, and the Devil's Secretary into the back of his left hand, removing all traces.

Then in the editing session, Shang Yinhe edited this scene very calmly, and replaced the scene of this moment in the video with a close-up of the eye in the sky, maintaining the image of the brave who will never show in the reward lottery.

In this regard, the current Shang Yinhe said that he is very Buddhist. After reading and comprehension countless times before, he firmly believes that his behavior will definitely be interpreted by others, and he does not need to make any hints by himself.

"Perhaps, the brave man did this because," See, sure enough, there was a brain-boosting emperor immediately, and he began to make reading comprehension of the brave man's behavior, "We inferred before that the copy was probably made by Jiuqu himself, and he himself When receiving the reward for the copy made by yourself, there may be some strange phenomenon, maybe this phenomenon involves some privacy, and Jiuqu doesn’t want us to pay attention to this.”

This explanation is so reasonable that even Shang Yinhe believed it.

Of course, in this video, the reward ball of light that disappeared for no reason was just an extremely trivial episode.

What is more important and more eye-catching is the huge change in the entire [Eye of a Distance] dungeon world after the dungeon is successfully cleared.

In the current video picture, the strange eye in the sky has swallowed almost all the bubbles of civilization.

After swallowing the last bubble, that eye was already dirty and powerful. It put away all its sprawling minions and seemed very satisfied.

Then, this eye closed.

The moment this eye was closed, the filthy and twisted world of [Distant Eye] instance became quiet in an instant.

The purple vortex stopped spinning, and the crimson world stopped collapsing.

Then, except for the small piece of the tenth hall occupied by the hero and the gate, time began to pass rapidly in all the rest of the world.

This "time flies" is a superficial impression of the video to the viewer.

In the picture of the video, all you can see is that the whole world starts to slowly rotate and change slowly. The lens uses some confusion of light and shadow, and some changing details, suggesting the passage of time.

Gradually, the first bubble reappeared in this world.

Then, the second bubble, the third bubble, the fourth bubble...

The footage of the video gave a small close-up of those bubbles. It can be clearly seen that when they first appeared, the civilization on the bubbles was not an apocalyptic picture, but there were still various traces of living civilization.

"Could it be," seeing this, Nie Zhibo instantly overturned his previous thoughts, "This bubble does not represent the end of civilization, but a civilization?"

"Then that eye," Xu Shaoyang, who was turning his head quickly, immediately picked up the words, "Isn't it strengthening itself by swallowing civilization?"

In fact, it is not very appropriate to use the word "bubble" to describe those spherical objects that carry civilizations.

To describe it accurately, it should be said that this thing is a translucent sphere, which will display some scenes of civilization. It was just that the crimson color that was translucent and reflected the world at the beginning looked like a bubble from a distance.

Perhaps a more appropriate description can be called "civilization ball".

When the Brave just entered the dungeon, the civilization **** were large and small, and many civilization **** entered the doomsday stage;

However, now, the civilization **** have reappeared. At first, they were not large in size. Slowly, some of them became larger, and some of them maintained their size.

The footage of the video traveled around many civilization balls, and then re-projected it onto the closed eye in the sky.

From a certain point of view, the spherical eyes look a little bit similar to the civilization ball...

"This eye," Xu Shaoyang said suspiciously, "looks like an enlarged bubble?"

"Impossible..." Nie Zhibo hesitated to deny it, "Could it be that these eyes are actually the embodiment of civilization?"

Just in their guesses, the camera pulled back to the brave.

The brave finally glanced at the closed eyes in the sky, opened the gate of customs clearance, and stepped out.

This "Amazing Age: Eyes From Afar" video ends here.

This is a very informative video, and it is also a video that can make countless interpretations.

Jiuqu has always been the center of the world's attention, and every one of his videos will be watched and studied over and over again by countless people, not to mention this "Transcendent Age: Eyes from a Distance" video, which seems to be full of endless mysteries.

For a while, all the other voices on the Internet were not covered up. Almost everyone was discussing this video, the suspected aliens that appeared in the video, the metaphors of the video, and the parallel world Earth civilization. misfortune…

On the Internet, on the second day, someone sorted out all the details, a summary of doubts, and a summary of guesses. Many of the places where the brain holes are opened are not inferior to the inside of Huaguo's extraordinary data, which is a little restrained.

Of course, for Shang Yinhe, he still prefers to read the internal reference articles with more rigorous thinking logic and more detailed data within the Huaguo Transcendent Affairs Bureau.

When Shang Yinhe passed this new copy of "Transcendent Times: Eyes From Afar", he patronized the challenge of breaking through the level, and patronized the trial and error to find the best solution for customs clearance, and he didn't care too much about the details at all.

Moreover, the mentality of Shang Yinhe at that time did not pay attention to the details of the copy at all. At that time, he believed that the copy was pieced together by himself using cards, and no matter what the strange content was, it was not worth making a fuss about, so he didn't notice too many things at all.

The authorities are obsessed, and bystanders are clear, the details that Shang Yinhe can’t see and think are common are precisely the details that bystanders pay great attention to and think they are full of hints.

In this urgently produced internal reference document in Shang Yinhe's hand, the first is a detailed analysis of the first level.

The document reads:

"After a frame-by-frame screenshot comparison, a conclusion can be drawn."

"That is: the earth civilization in the first pass of time is not the earth civilization of our world."

"Earth civilization in the first level has not experienced the white fog mutation, has not experienced the awakening of evolutionary animals and plants, has not experienced the third world war, and even some small details before the white fog mutation are also different from the current earth. different..."

After introducing the parallel earth civilization and related details of the first level, this document begins to analyze the operation of the brave in the first level:

"And contrary to the intuition of most people, what the brave man did in this level of time did not delay the invention of any key scientific research. Instead, he moved some extremely critical inventions forward for a period of time. ."

"For example, we can see that at 2 minutes and 15 seconds of the video, the hero's first operation on the long river of time was to advance the invention of the steam engine."

"The real commercial early industrial steam engine was invented by Watt in 1764; the brave man advanced it to 1533."

"This action immediately triggered countless chain reactions. The time of the first industrial revolution was brought forward, and the corresponding scientific research development later became very different. The main changes are: ..."

"However, although the time of the civilization explosion was advanced by 200 years, in the long time of the first level, the earth civilization of this parallel world has never stepped out of the footsteps of space colonization."

"As you can see, at 2 minutes 57 seconds, the camera swept through the 19th to 21st centuries, where the pace of civilization was trapped on the planet until all energy was consumed. until eventually the environment deteriorates and the world begins to desertify.”

"Until the end, civilization completely perished in the elegy of running out of energy..."

At the end of this first level of analysis, the article wrote: "For a detailed analysis of the demise of this parallel world civilization, as well as a warning to our world, you can refer to the analysis on page 48, which will not be detailed here. Next, let We begin a detailed analysis of the second pass."

Shang Yinhe hesitated for a while, but still couldn't hold back his curiosity. He turned to page 48 of the thick internal reference document and began to read it.

Ignoring those irrelevant prefaces, this internal reference reads:

"Robin Hansen of the Bald Eagle Kingdom once proposed a 'big filter' theory, which roughly divides the lifeless planets to the interstellar age into nine stages, thinking that each stage will filter out a civilization ... civilization will die out if it doesn't escape the big filter."

"The current Earth civilization is roughly in the eighth stage, and the next stage is the interstellar colonization expansion stage. From the eighth stage to the ninth stage, this is actually a difficult stage to pass."

"The first astronaut on Earth entered space in 1961, but since the end of the Cold War, Earth's civilization has hardly developed much in the field of spaceflight. Compared with the exploration of the stars and the sea, Earth's civilization is now more concerned about network information Technology makes life easier.”

"There is a saying called 'the sea of ​​stars that you promised, but you only gave me Facebook'. The attractiveness of the universe is greatly decreasing, and the attractiveness of the Internet is increasing greatly."

"Besides that, progress in the basic science community has been stagnant. Quantum mechanics and relativity were the cutting-edge sciences more than half a century ago, and they are still at the cutting edge."

"Moore's Law has long since expired. Except for information technology, there has been almost no progress in many fields such as energy, materials, and biology for more than half a century."

"If this development continues, then the future shown by the brave in the first level, that in the end all energy is exhausted, the earth can no longer support the resources of interstellar exploration, and can only be trapped in the resources A possible future awaiting death on a depleted Earth..."

"It will really happen!"
