MTL - Number One Player-Chapter 208 eye from afar

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In the video of "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes From Afar", the Earth civilization in the first level is a world that did not break through the shackles of the big filter of the interstellar era, and was locked on the planet, thus helplessly perishing.

And the Earth civilization in the third level has taken a little step towards conquering the stars.

In the internal reference document's analysis of the third level of the parallel world Earth civilization, the author pointed out that according to the details of some video screenshots, it can be seen that although this civilization did not break through the shackles of energy, it reluctantly relied on the way of chemical propulsion. , pushed its own rocket to Mars - not much different from our Earth civilization.

But, that's all.

In the age of chemical propulsion, the high cost and resource requirements of aviation have made interstellar voyages unprofitable and beyond their means. The limitations of chemical propulsion also make interstellar exploration very difficult.

In the absence of a more powerful and renewable energy cycle, the entire civilization was locked in the interior of the solar system, and after the non-renewable resources were exhausted one by one, it finally entered the demise.

And the parallel world Earth civilization of the fifth level died in civil war. After the operation of the brave, during the 13 days of the stalemate in the Cuban crisis during the Cold War, the game between the two sides made a slight error, and then the nuclear bomb shot into the sky, bringing death.

That civil war with nuclear bombs did not completely destroy human civilization, but it destroyed the future of human civilization.

Nuclear winter, nuclear pollution, the shattering of civilization, the turmoil of the world... After struggling for a while, the world finally fell into silence.

There are also levels 7 and 9. Every odd level is a display of a parallel world Earth civilization, a lament for civilization to its end, and a warning notice of **** scarlet.

"All the problems," Lu Yanchi commented in the conference room, "actually the key lies in the issue of energy and development. Even the civil war of mankind can be traced back to the energy issue in the final analysis."

Jiuqu's video "Transcendent Times: Eyes From Afar" hides too many hints and clues, and some details point directly to the fiercely quarreling Lingshi new energy war on the Internet.

Therefore, as the chief designer and leader of the Huaguo Lingshi New Energy Research Group, Lu Yanchi had to break away from the state of burying his head in the laboratory and entered the conference room of the Huaguo Transcendental Affairs Bureau's emergency response mode, and started Intervene in this war that is not seen but extremely sinister.

"We didn't want to disturb you originally," Nie Zhibo said, his expression a little apologetic, "I personally think that what you should do now is to speed up the research and development of new energy sources of spirit stones, and seize the opportunity of the times. Instead of running around and dealing with these chores."

"It's alright, actually don't bother," Lu Yanchi's attitude was very detached, "This matter is not a trivial matter. I have seen a lot of things that have died in the scientific research community due to public turmoil. Besides, what I can do, Most of them are almost done. The theoretical design is written, and the general direction is found. The remaining engineering design and research details cannot be completed by me alone, and I have to rely on many cooperative units, so I am also idle. Come on, let's deal with these things together."

"Uh, is that so?" Nie Zhibo didn't know much about scientific research, so he was skeptical.

"Of course," Lu Yanchi laughed, with a hint of cunning in that smile, "Actually, there are a lot of things left to do, that is, to hold meetings, organize and organize, and make overall plans."

"Oh my god," Lu Yanchi couldn't help complaining, just by looking at the reduplicated words he used, you could see how unhappy he was about it, "This is something a scientist should spend a lot of life and time doing. Is it? In comparison, I would rather deal with the debate about the prospect of Lingshi New Energy.”

"Oh, so that's the case," Nie Zhibo was embarrassed, and decisively skipped the topic, "Then how do you think we should start the debate about the new Lingshi energy on the Internet?"

"It couldn't be simpler," Lu Yanchi also became serious when it came to the business. "Energy is the lifeblood of human development. In his new video, Jiuqu has shown us that energy technology cannot be broken through. The tragic end of the whole world, we must seize that."

"That's right, that's how it should be," Xu Shaoyang said. He took his laptop and sat next to the two of them. "If you don't develop new energy, it will be a dead end—this is what we want in this public opinion war. Grab the point."

Energy has always been the most important thing in the development of human civilization; however, for more than half a century, the development of energy has been stagnant for a long time.

A recent major breakthrough in energy technology was the invention of nuclear fission power generation during World War II. However, the current total power generation of nuclear fission power generation only accounts for about 10.5% of the current global power generation, and vicious news of various nuclear power plant accidents are constantly being exposed.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the reserves of the fuel used in nuclear fission are also limited on the earth. If it does not enter the interstellar era, then it will be the same as fossil energy, and it will also belong to non-renewable energy in essence.

As a result, nuclear fusion technology, which is theoretically cleaner, easier to obtain, and more promising, has become an ideal paradise that mankind has spent more than half a century pursuing.

From the proposal of the nuclear fusion theory in 1933 to the present, human beings have never stopped pursuing this technology.

The technology of nuclear fusion only needs to use the isotopes of hydrogen contained in the sea water on the earth. In theory, the sea water on the earth can be used by humans for tens of billions of years, and there will be no nuclear waste and nuclear pollution.

Clean and sustainable, with huge power generation and endless potential - what a fantastic technology!

However, after so many years of chasing, controllable nuclear fusion technology is still like the flower in the mirror and the moon in the water. It seems to be within reach, but it is actually out of reach.

Some people even questioned: The controllable nuclear fusion technology is not like the original perpetual motion machine. In theory, it is an unrealizable technology, right?

However, in any case, in the public opinion of the entire society at that time, the pursuit of controllable nuclear fusion technology was a relatively politically correct statement.

However, up to now, when another theory of new spirit stone energy has revealed its true face that it is more convenient, more effective, and cleaner, it has attracted a splash of sewage.

Of course, considering what oil itself represents, including certain countries and consortia that use oil to control the right to speak, including a superpower that maintains hegemony because the bald eagle is linked to oil, then this happens. , does not seem to be unusual.

As far as Nie Zhibo's intelligence is concerned, behind this apparent war of public opinion, there are not only big consortiums of old energy, but also top consortiums in other related fields such as medical care and automobiles, and even some countries. The government also sneaked in and mixed it with some water.

Oil, this thing, represents an entire era in the past!

In this war of public opinion, the immediate pain that ordinary people see, one is the unknown hidden dangers that may exist in the brand-new technology of Lingshi New Energy.

In the dirty water of Internet public opinion, this unknown hidden danger was splashed with elements such as "may affect future generations", "may pollute the environment", "may cause more evolutionary animals and plants to awaken and attack" and so on. , directly removed the word "maybe", and almost turned those hidden dangers into a sure thing.

This way of throwing sewage is simply an equivalent of Lingshi new energy and nuclear fusion technology. Nuclear pollution, nuclear radiation, nuclear waste, replacing the word "nuclear" with "spirit stone" is a seemingly perfect accusation.

Another immediate pain that ordinary people see is the large-scale application of Lingshi new energy, which will trigger a wave of layoffs.

And these are the two points that the online opponents—especially the “non-ordinary people”—are holding on to.

"There is no need to refute," standing in front of the computer screen, public opinion expert Xu Shaoyang introduced to the people around him, "On the modern Internet, it is difficult for you to persuade a person by refuting other people's opinions."

"We just need to make good use of this video of Jiuqu's 'Transcendent Times: Eyes from afar'," Xu Shaoyang introduced his counterattack plan, "to grasp one point: 'If human beings do not develop new energy from spirit stones, they will inevitably fall into a dead end. ' just fine."

"Jiuqu's video has always been the focus of the world's attention," said Xu Shaoyang, "and the content of this video is so explosive that now everyone is discussing this video on the Internet, almost covering up all other voices. We must do Yes, just grab this video to make a fuss."

"Also, you must know," said Xu Shaoyang, laughing, "in this video of "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes from a Distance", there is more than just a miserable future of energy decline in parallel worlds!"


Xu Shaoyang is right, the video "Transcendent Times: Eyes From Afar" contains a lot of hints.

Among them, the second very important element is the civilization of aliens.

Just next to the emergency response conference room, Shang Yinhe was flipping through the internal reference in his hand, looking at the detailed analysis of the second level in the internal reference document.

"Based on the analysis of the screenshots of all the pictures that are visible to the naked eye over the long period of time in the video, we can draw the following conclusions:"

"This second level of civilization with a long time is indeed an alien race."

"And this alien race is green because they have chlorophyll in their skin, which can photosynthesize according to sunlight."

"And some of the organs growing on them, according to the biology experts I consulted, should also have some similar functions that correspond to real plants - this part can be found in the chapter on aliens and alien civilizations on page 57 below. Detailed analysis, not much to expand here."

"In addition, due to the need to rely on skin for photosynthesis, their entire ethnic group advocates 'nudism' and does not wear clothes with the concept of the earth on weekdays."

"And from some screenshots in the video, we can also infer some festivals, some preferences, and some customs of their civilization."

"That is to say, in general, this alien race is likely to be a race that has really existed, otherwise it would be impossible to have such a detailed and thoughtful setting, and almost no flaws can be found."

"Of course, there is also a possibility that the creator of the copy really has completely unimaginable power, can completely deduce a non-existent race, and set a detailed history, humanities, customs, and customs for them without any conflict. state."

"These two explanations, in comparison, the possibility that the former alien race really existed is significantly greater and more reasonable."

After first confirming that "alien races are really likely to have actually appeared", the document then entered a further analysis of this alien civilization.

"It is obvious that due to differences in body structure, planetary environment and historical evolution, the technological route of this alien civilization is also very different from ours."

Next, this internal reference document conducted a detailed analysis of the technological route of this alien civilization and finally came to a conclusion:

"Although there are not many details shown in the video, and the overall scientific research and development route of its civilization is not clear, the details of the process of alien civilization climbing the technology tree can still give us a lot of inspiration."

"Unfortunately, it is very helpless that even if the civilization is different, the process of technological development is different, but in the end this civilization still perished inside the planet and never left a trace on the universe."

Next, it is an analysis of all the alien civilizations in the fourth, sixth, eighth and tenth levels. These civilizations with different images, different customs, and different environments all have one thing in common, that is that is:

They all died in the interior of the planet and never left the cradle of their civilization.

Between this internal reference document, there is a chapter dedicated to a detailed analysis and summary of all alien civilizations, on page 57 of the internal reference.

Shang Yinhe skipped many of the previous analyses and went directly to page 57.

Here, ignoring those uncritical content, the internal reference file reads:

"Through the analysis of all alien civilizations, we can find an obvious commonality. That is, these civilizations, even if they have passed the many difficult stages of forming civilizations in the past, have finally fallen to the stage of becoming interstellar. ."

"No civilization has invented controllable nuclear fusion technology."

"No civilization has found another source of clean, sustainable, and sufficient energy."

"On the contrary, after civilization reaches a certain level, most civilizations choose internal development and internal struggle."

"And then, in the midst of this protracted, seemingly prosperous internal development and internal struggle, all civilizations are completely doomed."

"Whether it's hero manipulation or not, this situation can teach us a huge lesson:"

"Development is the last word."

At the end of this chapter, the internal reference document reads: "The analysis on the influence of the hero's manipulation and the distant eye on these civilizations, due to the length of the space, was transferred to a new chapter and moved to page 74. The information in that chapter, Can be used as yet another addition to this section."

Seeing this, Shang Yinhe rubbed his forehead helplessly.

This internal reference is obviously from the hands of multiple authors. The analysis of civilizations in different levels and the articles in different chapters are all separated, and the contents of each chapter are listed on the second page of this thick internal reference document.

Therefore, mutual guidance between chapters, especially between chapters of the same author, is particularly frequent.

After reading this document, Shang Yinhe has jumped seven or eight times. But what can he do? As a curious reader who couldn't wait to read the relevant content, Shang Yinhe could only turn to page 74 of the internal reference document and read it honestly.

Fortunately, the content of this page-turning chapter is indeed worth reading.

In this chapter, the article begins with a very eye-catching question:

"Brave, are you the culprit who manipulated civilization into destruction?"

When Shang Yinhe saw this question, he was suddenly refreshed and hurriedly continued to read.

Unlike those articles on the Internet that especially like to whet your appetite and put the answer at the end, the author of this internal reference directly wrote the answer he thought on the second line:


Next, the author of this internal reference article started a more detailed analysis:

"When I first watched this video, I, like many people on the Internet, thought that the brave man was maliciously manipulating the civilizations that have existed for a long time, and I couldn't help but tremble."

"But soon, I realized it - this is a copy of the game, this is a video of nine songs, there are many things, and it is absolutely impossible to interpret only from the superficial actions."

"First of all, we have to think about one thing: Did those civilizations that have been manipulated by the brave for a long time and eventually fell into a state of extinction, did they develop like this originally, or did they develop like this under the malicious manipulation of humans?"

"The entire "Super Age" series of videos is about the customs clearance challenges of the White Mist dungeon. Each clearance challenge has its own purpose and requirements."

"What the brave does is actually to reproduce the possibility of parallel space development of a civilization."

"Actually, from my point of view, this kind of behavior is more like a warning than some malicious manipulation."

"And, then again, if the brave man is really someone who maliciously manipulates time, why would he expose his malicious behavior to smear his image and make everyone vigilant?"

"There is only one possibility, and that is that he did not do these things."

"Secondly, think about it in reverse. According to the series of things that Jiuqu and the brave have done since the White Mist Mutation, if Master Jiuqu really has any manipulation of civilization, it must be hard work. saving our civilization, not destroying our civilization."

"Think about "The Creator" and the doomsday warning, think about the food crisis and the rainbow miracle, think about "The Hero Project" and the Third World War - think about it, without the help of Jiuqu and the brave, we The civilization of China has been completely destroyed at those few points in time."

"After confirming the goodwill of the brave or Jiuqu, then we can dig and infer more details."

"Here, there is a key question, and that is—"

"Is there any mastermind behind the destruction of these civilizations?"

Shang Yinhe's gaze stopped at the words "behind the scenes", and then continued to look down.

"I think from the hints of this video, Jiuqu is actually telling us clearly that behind the destruction of these civilizations, there is actually a mastermind behind the scenes."

"And the mastermind behind this so-called destruction of civilization is the strange big eye above the sky in the video, which is the referent of 'the eye from afar' in the title of this video, "Transcendent Times: Eyes from afar". "

"The title of this video actually has a very strong charm. Eyes from afar, does this mean that there is an eye that is actually watching everything from a distance?"

"We can see that the eye in the video is actually very much like an enlarged version of the Civilization Ball bubble."

There are two color comparison screenshots in the internal reference, one is an enlarged version of the Civilization Ball doomsday bubble, and the other is a strange eye in the sky. From this comparison screenshot, there are many similarities between the two.

"It's just that this eye is more filthy, more chaotic, and larger than ordinary civilization ball bubbles."

"I deduced from this that this eye is actually a civilization."

"And this eye is extremely important at the future nodes of all civilizations."

"In this video, after each level is over, there will be this strange eye in the sky, swallowing up the long river of civilization."

"And after the devouring is complete, the eye becomes more chaotic and stronger."

"I personally think that this is actually a hint that the civilization represented by this high-altitude eye will devour other weak civilizations to strengthen itself."

"Even, I guess, the reason why this eye has become so chaotic and huge is because it has become like this because of too many civilizations it has swallowed."

"When this eye devours civilization, all weak civilizations will not be spared;"

"And when this eye closes and begins to recuperate, slowly, a new civilization emerges from the ashes."

"In this new video of Jiuqu's "Transcendent Times: Eyes from a Distance", the entire video is full of countless hints and details. Different people, from different angles, can make different interpretations."

"And my point is that this video is a warning, a very strong warning from the brave to us."

"Some words, Jiuqu or Lord Brave, may not be spoken directly - after all, if this eye from afar really exists, maybe, once he says something, he will be aware of it."

"So, he could only create this copy full of hints and details and convey his specious remarks through video."

Shang Yinhe's eyes wandered for a while on the sentence "He can only create this copy full of hints and details, and convey his specious remarks through video", and he couldn't help thinking of his words full of hints and details. game system.

He couldn't help stroking the back of his left hand with his right hand, unconsciously depicting the hexagram on the back of that hand.

The amnesiac Iida, the split little cloak, the game world copy filled with various interpretations, the system itself determines the death of each game world option...

It took a while for Shang Yinhe to recover from this imagination.

He settled down and continued to read:

"We can put together the details mentioned earlier."

"First, the many parallel world Earth civilizations in odd-numbered levels have almost never completely entered the interstellar era - the interstellar era here, at least has to fly out of the solar system and have the ability to travel for a long time."

"Second, many alien civilizations, even if their technological and cultural development routes are completely different from those of Earth, have almost never completely entered the interstellar era."

"Thirdly, in the copy level of the video, when every civilization can almost enter the interstellar era, it will always encounter different disasters, such as civil wars, such as natural disasters, such as man-made disasters."

"The triggering of these disasters seems to be very clever and accidental, but there is a manipulator behind it. In the video, this manipulator is the brave man himself."

"And I think that the manipulator in reality is likely to be the civilization itself represented by the eye in the sky."

"Fourth, the eyes in the sky, by feeding civilizations when they close their eyes, and swallowing civilizations when they open their eyes again."

"To sum up, I think what the brave man wants to reveal behind this video is actually—"

"There is a civilization in the universe that is powerful and chaotic, the embodiment of the eerie eye in The Otherworld: Eyes From Afar."

"It has been remotely controlling and watching the civilizations in the rest of the universe, and by devouring the different scientific research development ideas and artistic development works of various civilizations, it is used as nourishment to develop and strengthen itself."

"When the civilization in this universe wakes up, it will completely clean up all civilizations that have not entered the interstellar era and have no ability to resist."

"If you want to fight the civilization that this eye represents, there is only one way, and that is—"

"When this civilization closed its eyes and rested, it quickly developed the road of the interstellar era and had the ability to barely resist blows."

When he saw this, Shang Yinhe's face was already very serious.

As the number one player of the game system, as Jiuqu himself who seems to be manipulating everything behind the scenes, he knows much more details than the expert who wrote the article.

If this copy of "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes From Afar" does imply something, he really thinks that this "Eye from afar" civilization, which is watching all possibilities and silently waiting to be harvested, does exist. of.

Because, although this angle seems a bit far-fetched, from this angle, there are many operations in the game system that seem to be completely unreasonable, so there is room for interpretation..."

At the same time, someone was discussing this in the emergency response conference room next to Shang Yinhe.

"Have you seen the internal reference that just came out?" Nie Zhibo asked, taking out a thick stack of documents from the drawer, "I just sent it out this morning, and I printed a copy."

"I read it on the computer," Xu Shaoyang replied, "The analysis is quite in place. I think this analysis can be used as an important argument for our public opinion war - if you don't develop, you will die. His eyes are looking at everything, hey, if this situation doesn't develop, do you have to wait to die?"

"I also read it." Speaking of this internal reference analysis document, Lu Yanchi's interest also came up, "Although some places are still unreasonable, considering that this is a document that was rushed out one night, only Speaking of admiration, whether it is scientific or reasoning, it is very powerful."

"The document is very powerful, but this document expresses one thing I was worried about before," Nie Zhibo smiled wryly, and couldn't help recalling how he felt when the "Super Age" series of videos appeared not long ago. "I have discussed this issue with Lu Yanchi before, and we feel that Jiuqu's "Transcendent Times" video is that Jiuqu is madly pushing mankind forward - the feeling is like holding a whip and whipping desperately , as if something was chasing behind..."

"The last time I felt this way was during the "Hero Project" series of videos, and then the third world war happened," Nie Zhibo's smile was bitter and gloomy, "At that time, I would I feel that Jiuqu urged us like this, all kinds of overtly and secretly pushing us forward, and there must be his own intention behind it."

"At that time, I guessed," Nie Zhibo lowered his head and began to open the internal reference document, "The future of the earth may have more exaggerated disasters than the third world war. As a result..."

He couldn't help shaking his head mockingly: "As a result, now, Jiuqu uses the last video of "The Extraordinary Age" to tell us, hey, this more exaggerated disaster—"

The wry smile on Nie Zhibo's face couldn't be hung up: "It's very possible that he is the overlord of the universe that has developed for a long time and devoured countless civilizations!"

"This... can this be beaten?" Nie Zhibo's words contained a little despair, "You know, we are just a small civilization that is still confined to the interior of the planet!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone fell into silence.

If the video of "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes From Afar" really implies such a dominant-level eye civilization that has a certain development around the universe and is eyeing it;

So, so far, the earth that has not entered the interstellar era has any resistance?

To put it further, even if the earth has the key to enter the interstellar age, even if the earth begins to enter the interstellar age, can it really resist such an interstellar overlord whose civilization has a huge generation gap?

You know, if what is implied in the video of Eyes from afar is true, then this overlord-level eye has devoured countless civilizations and has been nourished endlessly...

That is truly a hopeless future when you think about it!

In the silence of the crowd, Lu Yanchi reached out and took the printed internal reference, and flipped through the articles in the internal reference. I turned to the article on the analysis of the intention of "Eye from afar".

At the end of this chapter of internal reference, the author writes:

"The above is purely personal speculation, and I also hope that none of this is true."

"However, if this speculation is true, then the speed of human development may have to speed up, speed up, speed up again, go crazy, crush everything, and accumulate enough capital before the eye in the sky wakes up. , so that it is possible to complete the redemption of civilization itself."

"Development is the last word."

"Only in this way, I would like to share with you all."

Lu Yanchi's eyes stayed on the last two lines for a while, and then silently repeated in his heart "Development is the last word".

He thought of the rise of China in this short period of time, he thought of the rapid progress of human civilization after the Industrial Revolution, and he thought of the moment when the ancient Homo sapiens tried to pick up tools for the first time...

Talking, talking, Lu Yanchi smiled suddenly.

"Anyway," Lu Yanchi raised his head, breaking the desperate silence, "If you don't even try, just give up, everyone, is this too negative?"

"Perhaps, there are some details in the video of "The Extraordinary Age: Eyes from afar", which should not be interpreted as we are now;" Lu Yanchi pressed his hand on the internal reference document, and his tone was still at first. It was a little unstable, but as he spoke, his confidence became stronger, "Perhaps, the imaginary very powerful enemy is actually not that powerful, and it has its own problems."

"Maybe, we will usher in an era of more technological explosions and rapid development," Lu Yanchi said, smiling frankly and confidently, "Or maybe we will find better solutions to problems in the future. The method?"

"The future is not yet known," Lu Yanchi thought of the technological revolutions in the making, of the new Lingshi energy that has entered the right track and only waiting for the demonstration pile to be completed, and of the "Transcendent Times" series of videos that triggered the recent technological revolution. , "Don't forget, everyone, the omnipotent Jiuqu is still standing behind us!"

"Yes, cheer up a little," Xu Shaoyang also cheered up in such a confident voice, he laughed, "do everything in the present, speed up all the development speed - the future, not necessarily how The ending!"

"Let's finish the public opinion war between Lingshi New Energy and the extraordinary technological revolution first." Smiles are contagious, and Nie Zhibo smiled along with everyone, "Jiuqu put all the materials, all the support, and all the reasons. Handed it into our hands, what we have to do is to make good use of these things and fight this war of public opinion."

"They wanted to throw the sewage on Jiuqu before," Xu Shaoyang's smile subtly brought on a look that was not too big of a problem to watch the fun, "Hey, are you shriveled now?"

"Come on," Lu Yanchi closed the internal reference document and hid the sentence "Development is the last word" in the article, "Let's crush all the old forces."

"Humanity wants to develop and want the future, and there is no room for some clowns who jump on the beam, and do anything more like a man's arm and a car!"
