MTL - One New Rule Per Month Globally-Chapter 15 "I don't know why, but I feel that life is full of dry

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  Chapter 15 "I don't know why, but I feel that life is full of energy."

   Immediately after.

   Another panel also appeared.

   "Prop Name": Red Moon Claw Knife.

   "Prop Level": C-level props.

   "Prop Effect": The knife is extremely sharp, it can destroy almost everything you see in front of you, and the knife can be charged.

  The power storage rules are as follows.

   After you say 1 sentence, your claw knife will start to charge, and every 10 more words you say after that will increase the progress of charging.

   After finishing charging, you can swing a blade light to cut off everything in front of you.

  There is no limit to the power.

  Theoretically speaking, as long as you store your energy long enough, you can even split the entire planet in half with one knife.

  「Item Restriction」: After stopping the charging, the charged blade light must be consumed before the charging can be resumed.

  「Introduction to props」: "You know what? I really hate those boring gourds who don't say a word."


  Chen Yi was a little speechless, and turned his head helplessly to the side, who had squatted in front of him at some point, raised his head and stared at him, with watery eyes and a face full of anticipation.

to be honest.

   This weapon is very suitable for the talkative attribute of the Tutu.

  He believes that it won't take long for the consumptive rabbit to charge this weapon to an exaggerated level.


  He really didn't want to give it to the consumptive rabbit.

   It’s not that he searched. After all, when they went to work as cleaners this month, all the coupons they got were with him. His money is the money of the consumptive rabbit, so naturally there is nothing reluctant to say.

   It's just that when the rabbit didn't have this prop, he already had a headache that day when he was chattering.

  After having this prop, wouldn't it be... directly holding Shang Fang's sword and talking about tuberculosis according to the order.

  He can already foresee his future days.

   Is that the life a person can live?

   "Brother Yi."

As if seeing the helplessness in Chen Yi's heart, Kutu raised three fingers with a serious face: "If you give me this weapon, I will never talk about it, even if I talk about it, I will definitely not talk too much in front of you, Brother Yi." Too talkative."

".OK OK."

  Chen Yi sighed helplessly, and handed the handle of the knife to Tutu: "Take it, you don't have any weapons at hand, take this for self-defense."

   "I originally said that I would use some coupons to buy other people's gift bag qualifications later, and give you a whole weapon for self-defense, but now that you have a weapon that suits you, you can use it first."

   "520 Limited Time Event" sells gift packs with 88 points coupons. To be honest, he feels that the explosion rate is quite high.

   Not only gave him B-level weapon props.

  Consumptive Rabbit also won a C-level life item.

  And under the C-level props, there are also D-level props and E-level props.

  During the siege of Cupid just now, the dagger in the hands of Han Yu, who ranked second on the ranking list, was probably not of low quality, and it should have been obtained from the gift bag.

   After all, so far, except for the limited-time gift pack of 520, there is no place to get props.

   This shows that the explosion rate of this gift package is not low.

  Although each person can only purchase once.

  But they can transfer the coupons to others, so that those who can't afford the limited-time gift pack can use their qualifications to buy the gift pack, and then give the gift pack to them.

   "It's so handsome."

  The tuberculosis rabbit kept his halazi, admiring the claw knife in his hand with excitement, after he finished his sentence.

   A panel popped up in front of him.

   "Red Moon Claw Knife starts to charge, every ten sentences can charge a progress."

  He took a deep breath, and then said ten nonsense in a hurry like a series of cannonballs.

   Immediately after.

   "Your Red Moon Claw Knife, the current charging progress is '1'."

   Said another ten sentences.

   "Your Red Moon Claw Knife, the current charging progress is '2'."


   Having figured out the rules of accumulating energy, the consumptive rabbit fondly played with the scarlet crescent-like claw knife in his hand.

  He is very satisfied with this weapon.

  Even if you use a stronger B-level item to exchange it with him, he will not change it.

  He has a little problem with hoarding.

  Usually when he was playing games, the messy gift bags and exchange coupons he received in daily activities were never used, and they were always stored in the warehouse.

   Not for anything else.

   I just like the feeling of this kind of collection.

   And this claw knife can make him have this kind of hoarding feeling. Watching the power accumulation progress slowly change from '0' to '2', there is an indescribable sense of accomplishment and satisfaction in his heart.

  Even assuming that even if this energy storage progress is useless, he will be happy, just watching this energy accumulation progress start to increase, he feels happy.


  Chen Yi glanced helplessly at the consumptive rabbit who was squatting in the corner beside the corner, laughing foolishly, and asked if he had spoken. Instead, he placed the B-level enchanting stone on his Snow Eagle sniper rifle.

  Next second—

  A white light flashed.

  His B-level enchantment stone began to melt slowly, and a new special effect appeared on his Snow Eagle sniper rifle.

   "Enchantment effects: The Snow Eagle Sniper Rifle can transform into Santa Claus's crutch at any time. In the crutch form, the Snow Eagle Sniper Rifle will lose the ability to shoot, but it will allow the user's eyes to see through an obstacle."


  Chen Yi didn't quite understand this ability, so he tried it experimentally, and saw that the Snow Eagle sniper rifle in his hand suddenly turned into a slender crutch with red and white stripes.

   Looks extremely festive.

   It's quite smooth, and it's very comfortable to lean on.

   Just when he was about to see what was different, he suddenly saw the white stomach under the clothes of Tutu, and the underwear with the Patrick star print.


  Chen Yi fell silent.

  He kind of understands what this enchanting special effect is, referred to as the crutch form, which can have the ability to see through.

   After he tried a few times.

  It was discovered that this see-through effect is actually held permanently, there is no number of times to use it, and there is no consumption cost. As long as the Snow Eagle sniper rifle is in the form of a walking stick, he can have the see-through ability.

   It's just that there is only one obstacle to see through.

   Such as a wall, a piece of clothing.

  No matter what obstacle, there can only be one.

   That's why he can only see Patrick's underwear, because underwear and pants count as two layers.

not bad.

  Chen Yi nodded in satisfaction. It is a good enchanting special effect, which is of great help in many situations.

   And just then—

  The consumptive rabbit on the side took a breath and said with satisfaction: "The power storage progress is already 23."

  “I don’t know why, but I feel that life is full of energy.”

  Chen Yi didn't speak. He knew about the hamster habit of Tuberculosis Rabbit, but in most cases, this problem was not harmful, so he didn't care.

   Just keep talking a little less.

  He looked at his coupon balance, hesitating for a moment, whether he should go out and buy 88 coupon gift packages.

  Honestly speaking, the price is a bargain.

  As long as 88 coupons can be exchanged for a random item and five random skill fragments.

  You must know that so far, apart from this 520 limited-time gift pack, there is no other way to obtain props.


  He frowned slightly, lost in thought, and did not speak.

  (end of this chapter)