MTL - One New Rule Per Month Globally-Chapter 14 "308 Heavenly Immortals vs. Dragon King Third Prince."

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  Chapter 14 "308 Heavenly Immortals vs. Dragon King Third Prince."


  The tuberculosis raised his head in a daze and looked at the four big characters with blue light above Chen Yi's head, couldn't help swallowing and muttered: "I don't know why, but I always feel a strong sense of disobedience."

   Have you ever played web games?

  In the player corner of the page game, there are always some gleaming titles in a mess, and some titles require a lot of money to obtain.

Yes, that's right.

  The title on Chen Yi's head looks exactly the same as the title on the player character's head in the web game.


  Chen Yi looked up at the title with blue light above his head, the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably, dare to be more eye-catching?

  The name is not too big, about the size of a font is about equal to a shoebox.

   is still a three-dimensional character.

   It’s just that I don’t know how it exists. No matter what angle you look at, you can clearly see the three-dimensional title. Even if he stands still and looks up at the top of his head, he can still see the title.


  He took a deep breath, and after forcibly suppressing the speechlessness in his heart, he began to look for the button that could turn off the special effects of the title.

   Once the title is worn, it cannot be removed.


   But he must be given the right to turn off the special effects of the title, right?

   Thirty minutes later.

Chen Yi remained expressionless on the spot. After a long time, he took out a cigarette from his pocket and threw it into his mouth. After taking a deep breath, he sat on the stone pillar beside him and looked at the dark place in the basement with a dazed expression. .

  He found the adjustment entrance for the special effects of the title.

   There are only two options.

  「Let the name start flashing」

  「Keep the title on forever」


  He only had two options: keeping the title on all the time, or letting the title flash like a laser light in a bar.

   As for turning off the title special effects?

  Don't even think about it.

   There is no play at all.


   After hesitating for a while, Tutu crouched beside Chen Yi and comforted him: "Think about it, at least the next time we go to the bar, we will definitely be the prettiest boy on the dance floor."

   "Well, that's true."

  Chen Yi nodded, and through the lingering smoke, he looked down at the blue light constantly flashing under his feet.

   Comes with a permanent flashlight, and adds a little chance of critical strike.

   is also a good benefit.

  Although going out like this is a bit too eye-catching, basically this life has nothing to do with the word lurking. Can you imagine an assassin with a huge title on his head and a dagger in his hand?

  Then he sighed softly, could only accept this reality helplessly, and looked at his other rewards.

  C-level random item x1, two chances of roulette lottery draw.

  "Prop Name": Live Ticket.

   "Item Level": C-level.

"Item Effect": A live broadcast can be launched, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of players. When a user initiates a live broadcast, 100,000 players around the world will be randomly notified whether to enter the live broadcast room. If the player chooses to enter the live broadcast, It is the price that needs to pay 6 coupons.

  "Item Limitation": The live broadcast can last up to 3 hours, and all the coupons earned by the user can only be obtained in half, and it is a one-time item. If the item is not used within 24 hours, the item will disappear automatically.

  「Skills Introduction」: “Let’s launch a live broadcast that belongs to you!”

"This is.?"

  Chen Yi stared at the effects of the props and pondered for a while, then nodded with some understanding in his heart.

  This prop sounds pretty strong.

  One person needs to pay 6 points to enter the live broadcast room, and 100,000 people are 600,000 points.

  Even if you can only get 300,000 coupons, it is definitely a huge number!

   But there are two restrictions.

  The first one is the limitation on the surface, if it is not used within 24 hours, the item will disappear.

  The second is a hidden restriction. When the live broadcast starts, only 100,000 players will be notified whether to spend 6 coupons to enter the live broadcast.

  The 520 limited-time event made everyone realize the importance of coupons.

   At this time, I will spend another 6 coupons to watch a live broadcast. It is estimated that not many people are willing.

   In the end, less than 10,000 people may actually enter the live broadcast room.

   "Why don't you come to some exciting programs?"

  The consumptive rabbit standing aside thought thoughtfully: "Since ancient times, gorgeous pictures have brought more traffic. Our entire 308 celestial beings fight against the third prince of the Dragon King."

   "Presumably no matter men, women or old people, they are willing to spend 6 coupons to enter the live broadcast room to see what's going on?"

   "Who can bear this?"

   "Would anyone be able to resist such an exciting show like 308 Heavenly Immortals vs. the Third Prince of the Dragon King?"

   "Wait. If 308 Dragon King Princes fight against 1 Celestial Immortal, will the ratings be higher?"

   "It didn't work."

  Chen Yi shook his head: "Do you know Maslow's five-layer needs theory?"

   "Physiological needs for food, clothing, housing and transportation come first, safety needs come second, and the needs you mentioned come third."

   "Only when you are full and warm can you think about lust."

   "In the current situation, many people are worried."

   "The most important thing for them at this time should be their security needs."

   "It should be a strategy or something. Just write the title of the live broadcast room, and tell you how to seize the opportunity of the event in a minute."

   "This doesn't work, it's better to be more prominent, such as "I am a time traveler, I know the content of the next version update, come into the live broadcast room and listen to my chat." "

   "Let me think about it."

  Chen Yi bowed his head and pondered for a while, then looked at the countdown to the disappearance of the item, and decided to use up the two chances of the roulette lottery first.

   I saw a huge virtual roulette suddenly appear in front of me.

  There are about a hundred grids on it.

  He cannot see the props and panels in the grid, but he can judge the rarity of the items in the grid by the size of the grid.

generally speaking.

  The smaller the grid, the rarer the items inside.

  I saw that the pointer in front of me suddenly started to turn, and stopped slowly after turning dozens of times.

   Stopped on an item that occupies a very large grid.

  Chen Yi shook his head in disappointment. The lottery draw is really fascinating, but it's okay, it's free anyway, so it's good to have it.

  I saw the next second—

  A panel pops up in front of you.

  "Property name": B-level enchanted stone.

   "Item Level": B-level.

   "Prop Effect": A B-level prop can be randomly enchanted with a new special effect.

  「Props Restriction」: One-time props.

  「Introduction to props」: "Warrior, you have to believe that enchanting is the final destination of all players!"

  He only has one B-level prop, which is the Snow Eagle sniper rifle.


  He currently only has such a prop.

   This B-level enchanted stone should only be used for this item, but he didn't use it for the first time, but used the second chance to draw a lottery first.

  (end of this chapter)