MTL - Quick Transmigration System: Male God, Come Here-Chapter 3066 Belly Black Goddess Girl (52)

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The 3066th chapter of the girl with a black belly **** (52)

The teenager behind him has left.

He walked away calmly.

The fine fragment just now contains a kind of indescribable morbid kiss.

Like it never existed before.

Bai Weiwei looked back, staring at him a little unbelievably.

"what are you doing?"

Fu Yuheng came to his desk, opened the notebook, and looked at her calmly.

"I need to take care of work before going to bed. You can warm up in bed first."

This sentence was frivolous, but he said it seriously.

Not at all frivolous.

Bai Weiwei's fingers have been pressed on the back of the neck, it seems a bit strange that his reaction is so normal.

The kiss just like the wings of a butterfly.

It's over in a flash.

Instead, it is not real.

So she pursed her lips, thinking she was too much fuss.

The girl let go of her finger, and then she smiled rebelliously.

"Wait until you go to bed, I am waiting for boredom in bed myself."

Fu Yuheng didn't say anything, but turned around and pulled a book at random on his bookshelf.

Then he reached out and threw the book on the table in front of her sofa.

"Look at it if you are bored."

Bai Weiwei raised her eyebrows and glanced at the cover, as if it were textbooks or the like.

Fu Yuheng had already sat down and reached out to start typing. "It's time to start school. You have to preview the first-year books."

Bai Weiwei frowned.

Fu Yuheng said softly, "Listen to me."

Bai Weiwei: "..."

Then she tightened a small face and picked up the book.

She was rumbling loudly.

Completely unfocused.

Fu Yuheng was not affected in any way.

About ten minutes later, I suddenly heard the girl throwing the book on the table.

"can not read it."

Fu Yuheng glanced up at her. He was already wearing glasses, and his dark eyes were usually cold, because of the lenses of the glasses.

Even looked at Sven a lot.

His voice was faint, "I can't understand how I can keep up with the study, didn't I want you to find a good university for you? The students in the university are good, you can't compete with others."

The girl smiled indifferently, and then laughed at herself: "Do I still need to compete with others? I have already been adopted."

Listen to this.

It was a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Fu Yuheng certainly knew her mentality.

Because she was abandoned by her mother, she renounced herself.

But the character is stubborn and can't stand the life of being really controlled and supported by him.

So the period of rebellion has increased.

This kind of temper can be honest after being thrown into society for a few years.

Fu Yuheng glanced at her gently.

The pretty girl frowned delicately, staring fiercely at the books on the table.

She looks pretty.

Even if angry, it is a kind of vigorous, pure and lovely beauty.

A very precious flower.

The thought flashed through his mind.

And the flower can't stand any damage.

Why should she be sharpened?

Fu Yuheng found that she couldn't stand her after leaving him.

Become a member of the mediocre crowd, and then conform to social customs, get married and have children.

She just needs to leave him.

Her life is very different from him.

This barrier of isolation is simply insurmountable.

Even if she met later, she didn't know what it was like.

Ugly, old, or vulgar?

This kind of thinking is not conjecture.

It's real, and it's a concept that has only been seen after too many examples.

Fu Yuheng knew that it would be a luxury to keep a girl beautiful.

She is now adolescent, so the best years are in these years.

Not well maintained.


Bai Weiwei doesn't know what Fu Yuheng's mind is thinking.

If you know, slap in the past.

You just withered, your whole family withered.

Curse her for being ugly.

Of course she didn't know that she just felt that Fu's eyes were a little strange, even ... sentimental?

Alas, how to grind this package.

Can't you be direct, violent, or aggressive?

Thinking of this, she rolled her eyes coldly again.

Sincerely, without false sarcasm.

Good night last

(End of this chapter)