MTL - Rebirth of a CV Star-Chapter 37 ceremony

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Chapter 37 Ceremony

Yan Mulin knew what kind of voice he should use to confuse the Prince. Through his own voice, he gradually disintegrated his guard against himself, walked into his heart, listened to his heart, and passed his goodwill to him.

Different voices will give people different feelings, things will be prioritized, and the tone will be suppressed. Only by grasping the tone and sense of speaking, can the words spoken can be fully understood and accepted by the other party in order to receive the expected effect.

If you want to attract the attention of others, you need to have a rhythm. It should be fast when it is fast. It should be slow when it is slow. When it is fast, there are ups and downs, speed, weight and weight, and it will describe the language and the sound. . Mastering the rhythm of speaking and stopping will only be heard and liked, otherwise it will make people sleepy like a lullaby.

Dubbing is speaking most of the time. Different characters have different speaking styles. Yan Mulin has successfully mastered this skill. Of course, most of the time is based on lines and characters. In the face of others, when a person with a living character is uncertain, he needs to think, use what tone, let his tone not appear indifferent and arrogant, approachable, and at the same time make the topic fascinating, so that the other party is completely immersed in your digging In the trap.

Now, Yan Mulin uses his voice superiority and clever way of speaking to grasp the curiosity of the Prince. A person who will be sent to the treatment center must be very lonely. It is very necessary for someone to solve his inner confusion and Do not understand, the charcoal in the snow is nothing more than this.

Being able to communicate with the prince is probably because Yan Mulin did not treat him as a patient from beginning to end. It is really awkward to face the real patient. But visually, for the time being, he only recognizes that the Prince is an innocent and poor passer. So he is traversing from the parallel world. When an ancient person comes over, he must adapt to all science and technology culture. It is the biggest tragedy. So, the Prince is Really poor.

The curiosity of the prince was provoked and he followed his words: "Which world are you?"

I have been in the treatment center for half a year. The Prince also knows what the world is, what is the earth. I used to think that the land I lived in was square. I didn’t expect it to be in the future, the books are all round and still hanging in the air. In the middle, when I saw the earth shrinking the map, I almost didn't scare the prince, and I was afraid that I would fall to the middle of the night and I didn't know where to go.

The modern man who has been in contact for half a year, the prince is no longer talking as if he had just arrived, unless he gets up in the middle of the night and looks at the moon.

Yan Mu Lin sighed: "Speaking, my world is similar to the present world, so I am very comfortable with everything in this world."

The Prince asked him tentatively: "How old are your parents in the world?"

Yan Mulin found a comfortable position on the grass and said: "Because this is my secret, do you want to know that we have to exchange, deal?"

The prince stood up from his chair and sat next to Yan Mulin: "The deal, but you have to say it first."

The cameraman took a picture with him. The Prince only used to be the bodyguard of Yan Mulin. He didn't care. Of course, he wouldn't know if he would regret it later.

Yan Mulin nodded: "Well, let me first say. My father is an ordinary civil servant and my mother is a teacher. When I was six years old, they divorced and divorced."

The Prince knew the divorce and knew what the civil servant was and what the teacher was. In the recent period, he did not watch the eight-point TV series: "Later? Where have you been? How did you come here?"

The other party eagerly asked questions, Yan Mulin knew that his communication with the Prince was still smooth.

Yan Mulin did not make any mistakes. He said that all are true. There is no need to think at all. But the directors of the monitoring room pinched a cold sweat for Yan Mulin, and he was afraid that he could not compile it. At first glance, it was really It’s ridiculous, but it’s very reasonable. It’s impossible to talk to an abnormal person.

Yan Mu Lin bent his right leg, his right hand was in a relaxed position on his knees, with a few points of care but with sadness. He said: "Then my parents formed their families, I lived in the East for two days. After a few days, after living for a few years, they all had their own children, and they didn’t have much time to take care of me. I moved to the school myself. After I finished college, I went out to find a job, no family burden, I chose I accomplished my dreams in various ways. When I got the first representative achievement award in my life, I had an accident and woke up to the world."

I don't know if my description of the Prince understood a few points. Yan Mulin saw his hands clasping his knees and put his chin on his knees. He fell into deep thoughts. Yan Mulin did not bother him. He sat quietly waiting for the Prince to think. Finished.

After a long while, the Prince said slowly: "I am the first son of the father and mother. Besides me, the father has many emperors and emperors. They are almost all different. My mother is not very favored. In the palace, there are many other nephews, they are more favored than my mother, and they are very tired of competing with the father's women. Now it is not easy to think about managing the whole harem after the mother, and it is necessary for her to deal with the big things. After that, I regretted that I didn’t understand the mother’s heart very much at the beginning. I should study hard, learn the swordsmanship, and learn the way of governing the country. However, now I will never see my mother again.”

The prince fell into his own memories and almost shed tears, but in the principle that the man did not shed tears, he did not fall into tears in front of the camera. Yan Mulin patted his shoulder: "How did you come here?" I don't ask, but Prince, here is the treatment center, it is the place to treat patients. You are a normal person. You should not live here if you are not sick. The past is always the past, you can never return, you will want to Living in this world, you can't tell others that you are the identity of the Prince. It is a secret to you. It is a ** that you can never let others know. Can you understand what I said?"

He doesn't know how old the real prince is, but he can find out from the conversation that the child is not too old at the age of eighteen. He is still in the stage of childish rebellion. He travels here to think about the time of comprehending life. Perhaps it is his rare calm at this time. Moment.

The Prince had nodded in a difficult position: "I know what you mean, you hope that I will make a break with the past, live in this world, like you?"

Yan Mulin smiled and said: "You have not yet grown up, you have to learn to grow, you can get a professional diploma before you can work. Of course, my career is exceptional. Everything depends on how you go in the future."

Prince's eyes lit up: "When the emperor can?"

Yan Mulin smiled and said: "Yes, but in this society, the right is not called the emperor, the prime minister. Today's emperor is a hereditary system, and does not have the power to manage the country, only cultural diplomacy, almost the same, specifically I have to wait for you to understand."

After giving the Prince a lure, Yan Yanlin will naturally not know that in the next few decades, the Prince will embark on a road to power because of his remarks today. Not to mention.

After Yan Mulin and the Prince had a friendly communication, Yan Mulin remembered the matter that he directed him to mention. The task of tomorrow is to satisfy the patient's wish before leaving. Yan Mulin asked the Prince: "Prince, have you ever thought about it?" How to say goodbye to the past? Do a simple farewell ceremony. Later you will be called Qin Hao, not the Prince."

The prince took care of his chin and thought about it. He looked at Yan Mulin up and down and smiled particularly evilly: "This prince wants to see you dance "Netherel Feather Dance", how?"

Yan Mu-Lin’s mouth was pumped, and the editors said, and they also recorded their dialogue at that time. As long as the conditions raised by the patients must be agreed, even if they pick the stars, they must agree, and the program group will try their best. Ways to meet their requirements.

Yan Mu Lin was so irritated, one could not hold back, and smashed the head of the prince: "Not how."

The prince looked at Yan Mulin: "The farewell ceremony you just said, I want to see "Nether Dance", my mother jumped very well, would you jump?"

Yan Mulin shook his head directly: "No, there is no other farewell ceremony?"

The prince looked into the distance: "No, I want to be a mother. After you find the gentleness behind you, I want to see you jump."

Dead child, dead child, dead child

I knew that he would poke his pain points. The most unfortunate thing is that he is pitiful in front of him. Compared with Yan Mulin, the Prince is really far from home, and he can quickly integrate, and he can only start from scratch.

Yan Mulin stood up and twisted and said: "For this farewell ceremony, I am going to fight it out. I have to look at it tomorrow night." He is such a soft-hearted man.

Prince Edward smiled: "Of course."

Tomorrow's mission is so certain. In order to give the Prince the time to recall the past, Yan Mulin did not stay any more. After bidding farewell to the Prince, he was led to the lounge and choreographed to discuss tomorrow's dance performance.

The prince "parents" hiding in the remote monitoring room are already bursting into tears. Since his son came here, he never saw him seriously chatting with him. He agreed that the filming of the program was correct.

In the morning, the doctor explained that he would go to see Qin. In fact, Qin's parents came before the program started. For the sake of the son, the two are busy again. They also want to know if such treatment is effective.

On the show let others know that their son is mentally ill? It is best to take care of his son. Moreover, their sons did not perform very badly, he was normal, but it was like changing a person, but then how, as long as the son is still, no matter what he becomes, they are still Son.

The result is so good that they can hardly believe that the young man has such magic. If the child can really change back to normal, they must thank each other.

The other four people communicated with the patient. Yan Mulin didn't know, but he knew that after communicating with the Prince, the program group finalized the training room in 15 minutes, and trained the teacher, and the rest of the time until the afternoon rehearsal. He used to practice dancing for him. He didn't have time to go to gossip and the other four companions had something...

The neon feather dance song, also known as the neon feather dance, is a kind of court music dance in the Tang Dynasty. The "Ningshang Yuyi" describes the myth that Tang Xuanzong yearned for the gods and went to the moon palace to see the fairy. His dance and his costumes all focused on the illusory The image of the fairy in the fairyland and the dancing pose gives the immersive artistic feeling.

When Yan Mulin was sent to the training room, the whole person was still in a state of sorrow. He seemed to agree to a very unfortunate thing about the Prince an hour ago, especially dancing.

He has a physical class at school, but the teacher teaches the dance movements of the boys. He does not teach him the dance movements. The classical dances are involved, but that is the famous neon feather dance, several sleeves. The action will allow Yan Mulin to smother himself, otherwise it will be the same as the volume of the film, no dance talent, what to do.

Why do you want to die and ask the Prince, why not think about it yourself?

How can he be confused by the other party, it is stupid. I deeply understand the meaning of self-satisfaction and inviolability.

"Netherel Feather Dance" has a fixed movement, no need for teachers to arrange for Yan Mulin on the spot, leaving the treatment center at 5 pm, and arriving at Tianzi TV station at 6 pm, at Yan Mulin. Within an hour of the road, the teachers had a plan in mind, and they were also in danger. When they saw Yan Mulin, the teacher’s mouth was twitching.

What is the real-life program of Teng Dao?

Not much to say, after Yan Mulin told the dance teacher about the situation, the teacher finally understood that he had promised the patient and must complete the performance. What can the teacher do?

First of all, to understand the body flexibility of Yan Mulin, good seedlings, not bad.

Secondly, explain to Yan Mulin the dance movements of "Netherel Feather Dance" and explain it step by step. Yan Mulin followed the study.

In the end, it is the technique of the sleeves. Yan Mulin did not learn the opera. The technique of the sleeves could not be mastered as much as the drama actors. He could only learn the simplest, how much he could learn in a day.

When the zero point is coming, the teacher asks a tired face Yan Yanlin: "Can you circle?"

Yan Mulin put away his eyebrows and stared at the look. The hand holding the long sleeves naturally drooped and replied with anger: "I have no problem turning the circle."

The female teacher said: "On that line, the action at the end of tomorrow will not change, ending with the action of the laps. In addition, when the circle is turned, the main leg is half-toed, the other leg is raised in the forward and reverse directions, and the toe is placed on the upper and lower parts of the knee. , a total of ten turns."

Yan Mulin directly fell in the training room with exaggerated action: "Teacher, I don't want to live..."

The teacher squatted and patted Yan Yanlin, who was soaked in sweat all over the body: "You are great, come on"

The shooting team accompanying Yan Mulin was also disbanded in the early hours of the morning. Assistant Aya fell asleep several times in the corner of the training room. Yan Yanlin pushed him to know that today's training was over.

Yan Mulin practiced so hard, but he was sleeping on the side, very embarrassed, and quickly gave Yan Mulin a towel to wipe the sweat.

Aya whispered to Yan Mulin: "Are we going back now?"

Yan Mulin nodded. Compared with just now, he is now recovering some physical strength: "Go back to the hotel, I will shower after you, I will press the leg, although I usually exercise, today's strength completely exceeds my expectations. I am afraid that my muscles will be sore tomorrow."

Aya said: "You sleep peacefully tonight, my massage technique is professional."

Yan Mulin is really tired, he does not want to talk anymore now.

Who knows that shooting is shooting, suddenly going to practice dancing, is also drunk.

Sitting back in the hotel's car, Yan Mulin unknowingly slept, Zhou Wenjing also wanted to tell her what she had heard during dinner, but he saw that he slept so sweetly, and Aya Mochi Don't talk, don't make a little noise.

Back to the hotel, Yan Mulin also took a shower at random. Aya gave him no feeling of massage on his legs. He did not know that his mobile phone had no electricity. A text message sent by a prince to him did not respond immediately.

On the following day, Yan Mulin’s biological clock waked him up on time.

At the thought of continuing to rehearse, Yan Mulin had a life-and-death relationship, until Zhou Wenjing told him that he had four other co-locations at breakfast, he was alive.

It turned out that only worse, not the worst, at least he is not the worst.

Hahahahaha~~hahahahaha~~hahahahaha~~If there is any gloating

Tian Zhenyang played the fairy tale "Cinderella", and the patient asked him to play the vicious mama in Cinderella.

Lv Zhongting is relatively better. The content of the performance is that the police in addition to the violence of Anliang sacrificed for justice. The content of the program was thought of by himself, but the patient said that he must be the policeman who was violent and violent, and Lu Zhongting was the bad person inside.

Tang Wenhao accompanied the patient to play with the family. Two of the patients said that they were husband and wife. Tang Wenhao was the disobedient child.

As for the content of Tao Baichen's performance, the classic fragment of "Journey to the West" is a pig, and he is a pig, and his wife is his patient.

In contrast, Yan Mulin feels that he is tired and worthy. Although he wants to be a woman, at least he sounds like a high-end atmosphere, not at all naive.


Because the other four groups of people are rehearsing, it can be said that they are arrogant, chaotic scenes, chaotic actors, all of them are being beaten by the patients, feeling that they are not seeing the sun of tomorrow, it is alive. It is better to die.

It can be seen that the filming of the program group also gave the society a lesson. The income of the people in the treatment center is high, and the fees for the hospital are extremely expensive. However, the staff of the people try to take care of these patients and see that these are about to be Actors who are not tortured by the adult, we will not complain about unfairness in the future. If you try it, you will know why the salary is high and the treatment is good.

It’s not a place to stay.

Look at Tao Baichen, his most precious face is actually scratched, and can not complain to fans, can not complain.

As long as a complaint is sure to be sprayed with a face and spit.

After learning about the horrors of other people, Yan Mulin is more motivated. Isn't it a "Natural Feather Dance"? He can, can, be.

At 7 o'clock that evening, everything was ready and the show officially began.