MTL - Rebirth of a CV Star-Chapter 38 Screening

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Chapter 38 Screening

What is sacrifice for art?

The current Yan Mulin is the real sacrifice for technology.

He has always admired the male drama actor in the opera, which is subtle and slightly fascinating. Now he is even more admired. After a hard training, he deeply understands that it is really difficult to perform the dance and dance movements. He was only performing dance movements. However, because of the reasons of the dance foundation, the dance teacher temporarily asked him not to sing and dance well. The opera is not a good thing. In the last episode, he completed the performance of the opera and the words. It should not be too much of a problem to sing a playroom.

Yan Mulin naturally wants to challenge himself. Simply agree with the teacher's request. If the effect of the rehearsal is not good, then return to the original arrangement. Teng Guide looks at Yan Mulin's various kinds of ups and downs, and his heart is very happy. Others There are no more episodes of Yan Mulin in the four-stage two-stage program. I really want to know the ratings after the show is broadcast.

Teng Guide now sees that Yan Mulin is like seeing Jin Yuanbao. He also privately ordered to follow Yan Lulin’s scriptwriter. As long as Yan Mulin’s request is met, he should try his best.

Yan Mulin dressing up in the background is more grand than any other actor. Don't ask, everyone knows the show he wants to perform, even singing and jumping, except envy is envy, no one has any pressure on the bottom of the box. At work, Tao Baichen will especially dance now, what hiphop, mechanical dance is completely out of the question, if he can jump, kill Yan Yanlin in minutes.

It is a pity that no exquisite dance skills are useful or can be performed. The requirements of people's patients are so full of fantasy. It is already very good if you don't want to be a glimpse.

The program team set up a large stage on the large lawn of the treatment center that can accommodate dozens of people. It was built according to the standard. The treatment center has always been quiet, and suddenly there is a huge stage, many patients. They are full of curiosity and their expressions are active.

In the white paper on the head of the white lady who was hanging under the name of the doctor, I looked at the smoke that was ejected and silently lamented: "I thought that when I changed my body, I would also see smoke."

Miss nurse said along the way: "Su, you are really amazing."

White Lady gimmick: "That is."

Ginseng essence continues to smash the corner. This time, it will occasionally look out curiously. It is very curious about the outside world. I really want to go out and experience. I heard that the human world is colorful and interesting.

The order of appearance is the most interesting. Everyone is competing to run ahead. I hope to finish my hard work quickly. This is not because of their professional dubbing skills, nor for their acting skills, but for their lives.

As a newcomer, Yan Mulin was once again silently behind...

It is obvious that the hard-working performance of the opening warm-up performance has become a finale. However, there is no way for this. Whoever makes him a new person will one day have the right to choose.

In fact, Tian Zhenyang's performances are not as bad as they were supposed to be, because they are all professional drama actors, even the costumes are exquisitely customized, and they are exquisitely crafted in one line and one line. The quality of the borrowed goods from the store was bad.

Yan Mulin's exquisite makeup with the performance of the opera stood aside and let the staff put on his performance clothes and looked at the two raised faces in front of him. He made a sad expression to the cameraman.

The teacher who gave him the waist asked him: "Are you dissatisfied with this body? How many girls still envy."

Yan Mulin said with a deep breath: "Can the two cottons in front be removed?"

The teacher slammed his belt and said, "Which fairy you have seen is flat chest"

Yan Mulin, who was blocked by the teacher, chose to be silent: "..." He really thought about the flat-chested fairy in mythology. It seems that there is no, even if it is a flat chest, the fairy can also become a big breast, just like the current breast augmentation. The technology is still scary.

The headgear is a bit live, Yan Mulin has been in the dressing room for nearly two hours from makeup to now, so tired...

Tao Baichen, who was wearing a pig's face, dangled around him and opened a cold mocking stunt to Yan Mulin: "It's beautiful."

Yan Mulin is also welcome, replied: "Of course, I would rather have to be bubbling to die, not to be ugly and scared to death."

Tao Baichen turned to see the pig in the mirror, dressed up in a sad, sorrowful chest: "..." **** Yan Mulin, I will kill you later, give me waiting

After Yan Mulin’s clothes and headwear were all dressed up, the show officially began. The host was still the flower-spotted person who loved to see the flowers. He still ran an active atmosphere, but obviously, the patients were very Without cooperation, once the cold field, the flowers sneaked down leisurely, and found that Yan Mulin sat in the corner to watch the performance, and then took the time of the show to get to Yan Mulin.

"Mr. Knife, your makeup is so beautiful, can you make a photo?"

"Of course." Yan Mulin stood in the same place, posing a perfect smile.

Hua Qian took the phone and took a few shots. He also let the cameraman give them a few close-up shots. During the period, he also sighed at the swell of Yan’s chest. I don’t know what to sigh, or Yan Yan?

Yan Mulin: "..." So tired, you can spend some time with your seniors. My head is a bit heavy and I need to sit down and rest.

The seniors are very lively and lovely.

Tian Zhenyang’s vicious and aunt’s play was alive and well, and received many cotton eggs that the patients had cast on the stage. Yes, in order to allow the patients to be quiet and participate in the interactive links in the program, the program group They are provided with various props and can be thrown to the vat next to the performers according to their preferences. The eggs represent dislikes and the flowers represent the likes.

Tian Zhenyang’s interpretation is not good for a vicious stepmother. Of course, it’s not popular with the audience. It’s so hot to throw eggs and throw it. The most enthusiastic one is Tian Zhenyang’s patient. He just wants to jump up and rush, if not The nurses pulled it, and it is estimated that the old man would have rushed up to make his stepmother hate.

The people in the audience could not help but succeed. The Tian Zhenyang predecessors who were over forty years old are not easy. They are also thrown into rotten eggs and are also poor people.

Not to mention him, the next is Tang Wenhao, everyone is now calling him Hao Hao, playing a disobedient child.

The performance scene is relatively smooth compared to the rehearsal, that is, the patient actor who wants to play the husband and wife almost played the role. He is a disobedient bear child who is more awkward than a child, and is also a bitter actor. Fortunately, the obedient "bear child" harvested a lot of flowers because the flower on his head was growing well.

The third appearance was Lu Zhongting, who was forced to play the bad guys. He had Tian Zhenyang’s foresight. He deliberately performed a bit of exaggeration. As a result, he got more rotten eggs than Tian Zhenyang. The reason was that the audience thought that he was fooling them and his acting skills were really bad. When we are stupid, such bad acting is also on stage, oh, we are also people with glare.

You see, our overbearing prince is to let the little straight next to the stinky egg.

Xiao Shunzi is another child under the name of a doctor. He always specializes in the role of the eunuch. He has not been able to extricate himself. Since the appearance of the prince, he has been living like a source of life.

Stinky eggs, rotten eggs, rotten eggs, cockroaches

After reading the first three programs, I observed the changes in the audience's feelings. The remaining Tao Taochen and Yan Mulin, who have not yet appeared, began to have psychological shadows. They thought that playing well and doing bad things would not help, completely watching the mood of the audience, and many Most of the audience are princelings. Prince, you said, we will do it, and we will never disobey.

In the fourth program, Tao Baichen appeared on the back of the pig's wife, and the accident was not scratched and it was very smooth.

The prince applauded appreciatively, and the applause of the sparse cheers on the scene. Of course, there are eggs and flowers. Compared with the first three, it is simply a god, and can actually receive flowers.

The three seniors in the background are all angry. Children, what are you tastes, deeply feel that you are doing performances in different worlds, not as good as street art.

It was Yan Yanlin's turn to appear. The audience found that the prince looked nervous, did not dare to speak too loudly, and sat in a chair. It was really a special look. This is thanks to the cooperation of Xiaoshunzigong, as long as the Prince. If his face is not good, he will find out that he still has a hundred "fat", but he really does not cross the goods, authentic Chinese domestic goods, such as fake replacement.

It was finally Yan Yanlin’s turn, and the pressure was quite high. Everyone looked at him with the mourner's gaze, and his dancers had already stepped on the stage to prepare, just waiting for the music to ring.

Yan Mu Lin converges on emotions and enters the state.

The music rang, and the graceful dancers entered the fairness and danced with the music.

Thirty seconds later, wearing a peacock feather dress with beaded jade and other accessories, a light color skirt, a swaying scorpion, wearing a "stepping crown" Yan Mulin floated out of the air, a colorful skirt unusual eye-catching, radiant. Under the art of smoke and light, the stage where everyone only feels like it is the entrance to the fairyland. The beauty is like a cloud, and it is like a dream.

Among the many beautiful women, it is necessary to count Yan Mulin as the most outstanding, to dance according to the rhyme, if the sky is scattered, the ethereal magic...

With the ethereal dance, the dancers dance around Yan Mulin, only to listen to Yan Mulin and sing: "Spring flowers and autumn months, why the country is worthy of the love, the poetry of the poetry, who knows the neon dance, I don’t see Wushan **, □ □ 添 香 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

The mysterious and beautiful songs stopped, the music did not stop, the graceful dance was still dancing, and the dancers put long sleeves on Yan Mulin and quickly formed a semi-circle. It was the time of Yan Mulin’s solo dance, long color. The sleeves danced in the air, only to see Yan Mulin slightly lower the waist, the color sleeves were again swayed, soft and soft, beautiful and moving, attracting the attention of some people in the place, just like being introduced into the beautiful fairyland.

A very difficult movement was completed, the music suddenly rushed to the urgency, and the dancers once again surrounded Yan Mulin in the middle. Seeing his body dance faster and faster, the skirt fluttered, elegant and beautiful, and was swayed. The color sleeves seem to have countless petals floating in the volley, fluttering, one flap...


The end of the song is scattered, only the dancers are set in place, the color sleeves are scattered around the circle, a beautiful word.

The audience holding the breath was so beautiful that the sleeves on the stage were settled. The dancer’s posture was like going back to the palace. He just wanted to make a cry: don’t go, don’t go, don’t go... ...

The music stopped, and there were ten seconds left in the scene.

Just as Yan Mulin stood up and bowed to the curtain, a figure rushed toward the stage, and he screamed and screamed at his dance. "Mother and son will miss you."

Yan Mulin, who was still in the middle of a gasp, looked down at the imperial concubine, who was full of tears, and was speechless.

The people who were attracted by the beautiful dreams just slowed down. The dean of the treatment center stared nervously at the interaction between the actors on the stage and the princes. Teng also let the staff pay attention to the changes around the scene. Daze, switch lens

Sudden changes in the story have caught people off guard.

Yan Mulin, who didn’t think that the Prince would come to this move, was first set in place, then raised his hand and stroked his head. He flashed a thought in his mind and gave the Prince a thought. He converted his voice and used his loving and gentle voice. Said: "The emperor, the mother can not be with you, you can take more care in the future, even if the mother is not behind, you have to be good, the mother will be good."

The tearful prince slammed his head, and he couldn't speak without hesitation. He only looked at Yan Mulin's clothes. He didn't find that the words actually came from Yan Mulin's mouth. He would know the greatness of the dubbing world. The sound is really fake.

The prince believed.

This is the best answer.

Yan Mulin knew that this embarrassing situation could not continue. He stroked the head of the prince and said: "The mother has to leave, and the emperor remembers that it is irresponsible and must take care."

The prince is now listening to the mother's words. Whether it is true or not, he knows that this is the last time he indulges himself and releases his emotions: "After the mother... don't go... don't leave the baby"

Yan Mulin patted his shoulder and said: " Take care."

The prince finally loosened his hand. He wiped away the tear marks on his face. He respectfully stepped back two steps. He untied his hands and then closed them. He placed them on his chest and slowly squatted. The tears could not stop rushing out again: "Children are willing to be thousands of years old." Chitose and Thousand Years old.

Xiao Shunzi was stimulated by the prince to shed tears and screamed, followed by the next dagger: "Queen of the Empress Dowager Chitose Chitose"

The princelings saw the princess so pitiful, all of them were unable to extricate themselves, and shouted: "Queen of the Queen, Chitose, Chitose, Chitose"

Staff and other silence: "..."

In any case, this emotional infection is too terrible, and we all want to be embarrassed.

Yan Mulin did not advance, and the retreat was not. He had to bite his teeth and calm down for a long while: "It’s too late, please call back and take care."

After the speech, Yan Mulin did not look at it, turned and walked away.

From the beginning to the end, the Prince did not get up.

Yan Mulin knows that behind is real emotions, not performances.

In the future, there will be a boy named Qin Yu in this society. He used to be a Prince.

Prince, goodbye.

After Yan Mulin turned and left, the ginseng still in his place said to the white lady nearby: "White Lady, the original mother and child are so different, the Prince is really pitiful, there will be no mother in the future."

The white lady smiled and said: "This is the queen, it is beautiful, I decided, I will be a prince in the future."

Ginseng essence fell into deep thought and said: "The Prince has a mother, who is my mother? Why don't I have a mother?" The head hurts a bit. Who is my mother?

Bai Niangzi continued to hold his face and said to himself: "Hey? Why should I be a prince?" Like the Prince Edward in the TV series "The Change of Xuanwumen"? What is a TV series?

The two were conducting barrier-free communication for the simple reason that the two patients were not on a communication channel at all, talking to themselves.

After Yan Mulin resolutely turned and left, the dancers were blessed and turned to leave. The Prince was lifted by a small straight face with a snot of tears, like a soul infused with something, he closed his eyes again. Open your eyes, your eyes are a little cold, and say to the doctor who is standing not far away: "Dr. Fang, can I meet my father... Mom and Dad?"

Dr. Fang was scared by the arrogant princely abuse habits. It was the first time that he was asked to ask him normally. He was almost scared and ignored. The image jumped up and shouted that the prince was not normal. After trying to calm down, he replied: "Of course, Of course, I am willing to help you."

It’s a ghost, the Prince has become so normal, it’s so special.

Hey? That is to say Prince... Is this a disease?

That's it?

All right?


Yan Menglin’s shocking performance caused much confusion and fright to the audience and staff at the front desk. He didn’t know, and he knew that he didn’t know it because his emotions had not recovered.

With the makeup of the present, it was easy to let Aya take a few photos as a souvenir, and then began to carefully remove the makeup with the help of the teacher.

Heavy and exquisite headwear should be gently removed one by one, the clothes should also be taken off one by one, the headgear should be pulled out a little bit, the force is too heavy and it will hurt, the strength is too small to pull out, not only the body's torture, or Mental torture.

He is now removing his body from the dress that he can't breathe. He slows down his emotions that he is about to get out of control. He was taken away by the Prince on the stage, and it was a bit swaying. It is too much to install the Queen. .

After changing the clothes, Yan Mulin found that his body was sore and he was all sweaty.

In the process of removing makeup, there was no filming. Just after returning to refreshing, Tengdao personally came to the dressing room where only Yan Mulin was waved. He patted his shoulder and said: "The score of this episode is not taken, four Master's reviews will be recorded separately."

Yan Mulin squatted and smiled: "Oh, good." Save trouble.

Teng guided and said: "In addition, I told you good news. Qin's parents just told us the crew that Qin Hao suddenly returned to normal. The doctor said that he would observe another week. If there is no problem, he can be discharged from the normal life. This is Your credit. His parents want to thank you in person."

However, Yan Mulin shook his head: "Teng guide, I and Tai, Qin Hao privately has an agreement, the future meeting must be outside the treatment center, I did not help anything in this matter, can you help me to reject it? I don't want them to have any psychological burden."

Teng said: "You really don't see? Their identity..."

Yan Mulin smiled and said: "I really want to help Qin Xiao, I don't want to take this matter to ask his parents to do something for me, I have got what I want, please help me thank them, or Jingjie took me on a trip?" He looked to Zhou Wenjing.

There is a reason for him not to go. The Prince just visited him. Now he is looking for someone else to ask for help.

Zhou Wenjing nodded: "Yes. Teng, I will see them."

Teng Dian nodded, Yan Mulin, a newcomer, with such temperament, he also consciously stunned.

On the occasion of Teng's guide, Yan Mulin asked him a question, and Teng's leader immediately disappeared without a trace.

At 10 o'clock in the evening, I didn't have a front-facing photo of a glamorous makeup when there was a "Natural Feather Dance" under the Weibo.

Content: Well, the picture is taken from the front.