MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 10 10 [Good friends are blessed to share]

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  Chapter 10 10 [Good friends are blessed to share]

"Penny, thank you so much. Without your help, I would not have been able to buy such a suitable dress." Xiang Nan thanked Penny with a smile, and then handed out a handbag, "This is a little gift, Please accept it."

  Penny was surprised for a while.

  She has dated so many boyfriends, but not many of them took the initiative to give her gifts.

  She took it happily, opened the handbag and saw a pair of new Prada women's shoes inside.

   "Wow!" Penny's eyes widened in surprise.

   Such a pair of women's shoes is worth at least a thousand dollars.

  Xiang Nan gave her such an expensive gift, she was really flattered.

   "Haney, you don't need to give me such an expensive gift." She smiled a little embarrassedly.

   "It's okay, as long as you like it." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

  Penny was his first woman after all. Not to mention a mere pair of shoes, even the entire Macy's, as long as he could afford it, he would be willing to buy it and give it to her.

   "Thank you, Hani, you are so kind to me." Penny took the initiative to send a kiss, "Now let's go to eat and then go home, I will reward you well."

  Xiang Nan immediately understood, smiled and nodded.


   After lunch, the two returned to Penny's house again.

   A day of intimacy.

   It wasn't until the next day, a working day, that the two were forced to separate.

  Drove to Caltech, just sat down in the office, Howard knocked on the door and walked in.

   "Raj, where did you go yesterday? I've been looking for you all day." He asked excitedly.

   "I'm sorry, buddy, I was with Penny yesterday." Xiang Nan spread his hands.

   Although he doesn't want to show off, it is what it is.

   "What?!" Howard's eyes widened when he heard that, "You've been with Penny all day?!"

   "To be exact, it was one day and two nights, from Saturday night to this morning!" Xiang Nan nodded with a smile.

  Thinking of this day and two nights of lingering death, he couldn't help but smile.

   "Hiss..." Howard gasped.

  He really didn't expect Raj to have such an affair.

  Penny, with blonde hair and blue eyes, a curvy figure, and a sweet smile, is a stunner.

  He met for the first time the day before yesterday, and he was already in love at first sight, but he didn't want Raj to get ahead of him.

   "You lucky soul." Howard couldn't help but sigh, "I really shouldn't have gotten out of the car that night."

   "Okay, don't be sad." Seeing this, Xiang Nan comforted him with a smile, "After my relationship with Penny is stable, I will ask her to introduce you to a girlfriend."

   "Thank you~thank you~" Howard shouted excitedly when the cloudy weather suddenly changed and he hugged Xiang Nan.

   "Now tell me, how does it taste?" He asked again in a low voice.

  Xiang Nan pushed him away, "Howie, if you really want to find a girlfriend, don't act so impatient and obscene."

   "Okay, you are the boss, everything is up to you." Howard naturally obeys everything he asks for.


  After Howard left, Xiang Nan started working.

  Raj's official position is an assistant research professor in the Caltech Department of Physics, and his current project is to study the planets in the Kuiper belt.

  The Kuiper belt is a hollow disk-shaped area in the solar system near the ecliptic plane outside the orbit of Neptune, where celestial bodies are dense.

  There are hundreds of thousands of tiny planets there, and Pluto, once one of the nine planets, is located among them.

  The study of the Kuiper belt will help people understand the origin and evolution of the solar system, thereby deepening their understanding of the universe in which they live.

  In the episode, Raj was selected by "People" as "the 30 most noteworthy people under the age of 30 in the world" because he discovered a planet 2008-NQSub-17 in the Kuiper belt.

  Xiang Nan consulted relevant papers before time travelling.

   Originally, he couldn't understand it, but after reading it, his mind was muddled.

   But after receiving Raj's IQ, astronomy knowledge, and superhuman memory, he quickly understood those papers.

  At the moment, he began to write the "Edgeworth-Kyber Fragmentation Disk" paper.

  This paper was jointly published in 2010 by well-known scholars Wittens Christian and Klevov Alexander V.

   It proposes a new algorithm to remove the effects of **** and distance selection in known TNO populations to derive the expected parameters of the "true" EKB.

   This is of great benefit to the study of the Kappa zone. Therefore, after the paper was written, it was published by the top journal "Astronomy and Astrophysics" soon, and was included by Oxford University Press, OA Library, and the Gate of Scientific Research.

  If Xiang Nan can publish this paper first, it will undoubtedly be of great help to enhance his status and popularity in the industry.


   Throughout the morning, Xiang Nan was busy writing his thesis.

  Although he already knew the main points of the paper, it was not easy to write a paper.

  He still needs to collect information, verify data, draw models... All in all, this is a very meticulous work, which cannot be completed in a week or two.

   At noon, Howard invited him to the cafeteria for dinner.

   There, he joined Leonard and Sheldon.

  As soon as he saw him, Leonard's expression became a little stiff.

   "How could you do this to me?!" he confronted Raj.

   "What did I do to you?" Xiang Nan was a little puzzled.

   "Penny was my first favorite, why did you **** her away?" Leonard asked angrily.

   "Please, she is a person and not a thing, how could I take her away. You are a bit objectifying women." Xiang Nan laughed.

   Leonard's momentum was hindered, and his voice immediately quieted down, "I didn't mean that, anyway, you understand it in your heart."

   "I understand, but I really can't blame me for this. She invited me to her house for a drink." Xiang Nan spread his hands, "If you were me, would you refuse?"

  When Howard heard this, his envious eyes lit up.

   Leonard was silent.

  If it were him, he would indeed not be able to refuse.

"Okay, don't be sad, there is a saying in China, 'Where there is no grass at the end of the world, why bother to love only one flower'." Xiang Nan persuaded with a smile, "There are so many beautiful women in this world, why should you only love her one."

   "You have Penny now, of course you said it lightly." Leonard said sourly.

   There are indeed many beautiful women, but how has he ever caught up with one.

   "Don't worry, we are all friends. We share the blessings and the difficulties. After my relationship with Penny is stable, I will ask her to help introduce you to friends." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Yeah!" Leonard immediately stopped complaining and cheered happily.

   "Raj, don't forget me." Howard reminded him immediately, fearing that he would be left behind.

   "I'm really sad for you." Seeing that they only talked about women, Shelton said contemptuously.

  (end of this chapter)