MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 11 11【Happy life】

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  Chapter 11 11【Happy life】

  In the afternoon, Xiang Nan continued to work on his thesis.

   Before leaving get off work, he called Penny, "Haney, how is your work today?"

   "It's still the same boring." Penny said bored.

   "It's okay, let's relax tonight, what do you want to eat tonight?" Xiang Nan asked with a smile, "I'll go to the supermarket to buy ingredients, and cook for you myself."

   "We ate steak the day before yesterday, and pizza yesterday. Tonight, I want to eat fried rice, fried dumplings, and Tso's chicken." Penny thought for a while and said, "Can it be done?"

   "OK, no problem." Xiang Nan nodded, "Come to my house after get off work."

  After get off work, he rejected Howard's invitation, "I won't go to eat Thai food tonight."

   "Why, a beautiful woman has a date?" Howard asked curiously.

   "That's right, I'm going to cook for Penny myself." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Dude, do you have to 'strict wife control' now?" Howard shook his head.

   "This is called fun." Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at him, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to buy materials."

   "Oh, Raj, you'll spoil her like this." Howard said helplessly.


  Xiang Nan then went to Costco to buy the ingredients and seasonings he needed, as well as two bottles of red wine, a dozen beers, and two scented candles.

  After returning home, he happened to meet the cleaner Maria who was helping him clean up.

  Seeing Xiang Nan coming back, she just glanced at him, but didn't say hello to him, and was still doing her own thing.

   "Hi, Maria~" Xiang Nan smiled at her, startling her.

  Before that, Xiang Nan was in front of her, but he couldn't speak a word, just like a little mute.

   Now that she spoke suddenly, she was inevitably shocked.

   "..." Maria looked up and down, looking at Xiang Nan in surprise, "God bless, you can talk."

   "Of course." Xiang Nan nodded, "Please sit down, I have something to tell you."

   "What's the matter?" Maria sat down suspiciously, looking at Xiang Nan anxiously.

   "It's like this, my parents cut off my credit card, and I have to support myself from now on, so I have no money to hire you again." Xiang Nan said.

  As a domestic worker, Maria helps him clean up once a week and buys food for him. The commission is 1,000 U.S. dollars per month.

   This price is not expensive, but it is a luxury for Raj.

  Because he is an assistant research professor at the California Institute of Technology, his annual salary is only 85,000 U.S. dollars, and after deducting taxes, he only gets 60,000 U.S. dollars, and his total monthly salary is only 5,000 U.S. dollars.

  However, his consumption is very high. In addition to daily expenses such as rent, medical insurance, water and electricity, food, clothing, Internet, gas, phone bills, etc., he also buys comics, games, cooking classes, and comic exhibitions...

   Even, he went to Beverly Hills for a haircut, which cost two hundred dollars a time.

   Thanks to these years, he has the support of his parents, otherwise he would not be able to live such a luxurious life.

   And because he has been supported by his parents for a long time, he has always been unable to support himself, and he must be controlled by his parents.

  He was also complained by his ex-girlfriends because of this, saying that he was a mother's treasure, a child spoiled by his parents.

  So Xiang Nan decided to change everything, starting with changing his own luxury life.


  Maria was stunned when she heard what Xiang Nan said.

  To be honest, serving Xiang Nan is a good thing for her.

  Xiang Nan's character is very gentle and not picky. Even if his work is not done well, he never blames himself.

   Besides, he's a doctor, but he's kind of goofy.

  Every time I help him buy vegetables, I report false accounts, and I can earn an extra six or seven hundred dollars a month, but he never sees it.

   An employer like this is really hard to find in the world.

   Unfortunately, this kind of thing happened now.

   "I know this news has hit you hard, but please believe me, there is really nothing I can do about it." Xiang Nan said regretfully again.

  Maria sighed and stood up, "Okay, then settle my wages, and I won't come here again."

   "Yes." Xiang Nan nodded, and then settled the wages with Maria.

   "Okay, goodbye." After getting the money, Maria said goodbye and left.

   "Wait, leave the key." Seeing this, Xiang Nan reminded immediately.

  Maria was startled, took out the key from her handbag angrily, and handed it to Xiang Nan.

  She originally thought about leaving the key and sneaking in to steal something when Xiang Nan was not at home.

  With his silly personality, it may not be possible to find out.

   Today, everything is in vain.


  After Maria left, Xiang Nan began to cook, while considering the issue of moving.

  The house he rented was also very expensive, even more expensive than the two-bedroom apartment rented by Leonard and Sheldon.

  He is going to change to a single room with a lower price, so that he can save a lot of monthly expenses.

  Just as he was making the last dish of fried dumplings, there was a knock on the door.

  Xiang Nan turned down the fire, then walked over and opened the door, and saw Penny standing outside the door.

   "Hi, welcome!" he greeted with a smile.

   "This is where you live, um~" Penny stepped in and looked at the room curiously.

   This room is indeed full of exotic style, which makes people feel quite novel.

   "Yes, visit as you like." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I have another dish, which will be ready soon."

   "Okay." Penny nodded, and turned around curiously, "Wow, your cosmetics are more advanced than mine."

   "You can use it as you like." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Really? Thank you." Penny said happily when she heard that. Then put away a bottle of liquid foundation, a bottle of BB cream, and a bag of moisturizing mask.

  Xiang Nan hurriedly prepared the dishes, and placed red wine, candles, and paper cranes on the table.

   At the same time, he also took out his IPOD and played Kelly King's famous song "Songbird".

   "Haney, dinner is ready." Xiang Nan immediately greeted.

   "Wow, why is it so grand?" Seeing that he had made so many preparations, Penny was very surprised.

   "Because I want to give you the best." Xiang Nan smiled, and then took the initiative to pull out the chair, "Please sit down."

   "Thank you." Penny sat down happily.

  She has dated so many boys, and this is the first time she has been pampered like a princess.

"Wow, your hands are really skillful." Seeing Xiang Nan's folding paper cranes, Penny couldn't help but praise, and then tasted his dishes, "Oh, it's better than professional chefs, what's the trick? Is it?"

   "Love, love is the trick." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Come on, cheers~"

   "Cheers~" Penny also raised her glass with a smile.

   After enjoying the dinner, Xiang Nan played the love movie "Unreachable Lovers" starring Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves on DVD.

  The lingering love affair between the hero and the heroine made Penny quite emotional.

  When the love is strong, there will be thunder and fire, and it will be another night of lingering.

  (end of this chapter)