MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2563 2565【An accident in Martin】

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  Chapter 2563 2565【An accident in Martin】

  After saving Tu Fu's life, Xiang Nan participated in performances and recorded his latest album at the same time.

His latest album has twelve songs, namely "Your Answer", "Youth", "Lonely Sandbar Cold", "Thousands of Miles", "Chrysanthemum Terrace", "Love Transfer", "Damn Tenderness" , "Blue and White Porcelain", "Rice Fragrance", "Three Kingdoms", "Hair as Snow", "Youth".

  There are folk songs, ancient styles, R&B, pop, bitterness, inspirational, mixed styles, and mixed styles.

  Because the style of a good album is basically uniform, even if there are changes, it will not be too bad. Xiang Nan's style is purely based on his singing.

  If a fan bought the entire album, his mind would be in a mess after listening to it.

   Fortunately, there are not many fans who buy genuine albums, and more of them buy the pirated version of "One Person, One Famous Song", or just download the single from the Internet.

  So Xiang Nan's way of looking at the whole album alone is absolutely messy, but if you look at it separately, each song is a classic song, which is more suitable for the current market.

   Sure enough, Xiang Nan's new album "Your Answer" was released in May, and immediately received a warm welcome from the market.

Students like to listen to inspirational songs such as "Your Answer", "Youth", and "Youth"; slightly more mature people like to listen to "Love Transfer", "Scent of Rice", "Hair Like Snow", "Thousands of Miles Away" " and other lyrical songs;

Those with taste like to listen to ancient styles such as "Blue and White Porcelain", "Love of the Three Kingdoms", "Chrysanthemum Terrace", "Lonely Shazhou Cold"; in addition, there are saliva songs like "Damn Tenderness", which can be said to cater to everyone's taste. Naturally, it was very popular.

  Although the sales of physical records are not high, there are only tens of thousands of copies, and even the cost cannot be recovered. However, the sales volume of CRBT has exceeded 30 million, which is quite an exaggeration.


  In May, at the instigation of Tu Jun, Martin, Li Anran and others, Zhu Weijiao went to Chengdu to participate in the Super Girl audition.

   It turned out to be a big joke. Not only did she sing out of tune, but her makeup was also messed up, making her a clown.

   What's even more damning is that the Supergirl program team used her to steal the ratings and played her performance over and over again, causing her to almost die.

   "If you want to help your friends realize their dreams, it's really good to use your heart." Xiang Nan said to Li Anran, "But before realizing your dreams, can you first consider the reality?

   Dalijiao's singing is out of tune, and it's impossible to stand out. You still encourage her to compete. Fortunately, she has a bright personality and strong endurance, otherwise she would not be depressed. "

   "What we did was wrong, but our original intention was indeed good. We also wanted her youth to be in vain." Li Anran explained, "Besides, this matter has something to do with you."

   "Me?! What does it have to do with me, and I didn't persuade her to participate in the competition." Xiang Nan asked in surprise.

   "It was you who praised her for singing well at the New Year's Eve party, and she believed it, so she had the confidence to participate." Li Anran explained.

   "..." Xiang Nan was speechless, and after a moment of silence, he said, "Well, I am also responsible for this matter. Tell Zhu Weijiao for me, and I will give her a gift later."

   "Yes." Li Anran nodded.


   In June, the college entrance examination season is here.

  Before the college entrance examination, something happened to Martin.

   It turned out that there was a real estate company whose construction review failed, so it could not be listed for sale. And it was Martin's father who was in charge of checking.

  The boss of that company felt resentful because of this, so he asked someone to deliberately punish Martin.

  He sent people to act, pretending to be harassed by gangsters, and attracted the hero Martin with a sense of justice to save the beauty. Then he asked him to drink water in the name of gratitude, and secretly drugged him inside.

   Taking advantage of the effect of the medicine, he took Ma Tian to a KTV and found a group of girls to accompany him. Taking the opportunity, he took a lot of photos and posted them on the Internet to slander Ma Tian's reputation and use it to discredit Ma Tian's father.

   Sure enough, as soon as the photo went online, the whole world knew about it.

   Martin was ruined almost overnight and died socially. What disappointed him even more was that not only his classmates and teachers misunderstood him, but even Zhu Weijiao and his parents refused to believe his innocence.

  So on the day of the college entrance examination, he secretly left home and left Chongqing by bus.


  Xiang Nan received the news after the college entrance examination.

   "Brother Qin, Martin is gone, have you seen him?" Li Anran asked anxiously.

   "No, I've been running performances these days." Xiang Nan explained, "How could he not know, what happened? Isn't he supposed to take the college entrance examination?"

   Li Anran immediately told the story.

  Xiang Nan nodded.

  Actually, he knew about it, but he didn't make a move.

  Because Martin can only be with Zhu Weijiao after he encounters setbacks. Otherwise, a family like Martin's would definitely look down on Zhu Weijiao.

  Martin's father is a high-ranking official, and his mother is also a civil servant, with status, background, and status. And Zhu Weijiao's family just opened a noodle restaurant, the most common general public.

  The so-called inappropriate family is wrong. If nothing happened to Martin, his parents would never let him date Zhu Weijiao, let alone marry them.

   Now, although something happened to Martin, he has brought this couple together. As for delaying the college entrance examination for a year, it was actually not a big deal for him.

  Based on his grades, he will also do well in the college entrance examination next year. Moreover, his life path was so smooth before, and now he has encountered some setbacks, and it is not a bad thing to settle for a year.

   "Anran, don't worry too much, Martin is very smart, I think he just wants to calm down." Xiang Nan comforted Li Anran, "After he figured it out, he will contact his family."

   "I hope so." Li Anran nodded, "By the way, Brother Qin, I'm not going to study abroad anymore."

   "Isn't that a pity, it's good to go out and have a look." Xiang Nan persuaded, but it was not surprising.

  Because Li Anran is the seed of infatuation, for her love is bigger than heaven.

  Studying abroad is an extremely rare opportunity for a disciple from a poor family like Chen Xiaozheng, so he would rather give up Zheng Wei and go abroad.

  But for a rich girl like Li Anran, she can go abroad whenever she wants. So she doesn't care about these at all, but puts love first.

   "It's okay, if you want to go out, you can go out at any time. But when I think about being separated from you for so long, I really can't bear it." Li Anran explained.

  Xiang Nan nodded, "Then what does your father say? Will he agree?"

   "I haven't told him yet, I think he will agree." Li Anran said to Xiang Nan.

   "Well, let me tell him." Xiang Nan thought for a while and said, "It will be easier for two men to communicate."

  (end of this chapter)