MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2564 2566 [Experts will know if there is one as soon as they make a move]

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  Chapter 2564 2566 [As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one]

  Xiang Nan then came to Li Anran's house and walked in the door for the first time, "Hello Uncle, Hello Auntie!"

   "You are Liu Wenqin?" Li Chengxu looked at Xiang Nan with a gloomy expression.

  Xiang Nan understood. After all, whoever planted the cabbage so easily would be angry if it was picked up by other pigs.

   "It's Uncle, I'm Liu Wenqin." Xiang Nan nodded obediently immediately.

  Although Li Chengxu's tone was quite blunt, Xiang Nan didn't intend to fight him hard.

  The so-called attitude is everything, if you want to overwhelm other people's cabbage, what if you don't have a humble attitude. Just like when Guo Jing went to Peach Blossom Island to propose marriage, it was with the determination to die.

   "Follow me to the study." Li Chengxu said immediately.

   "Dad~" Li Anran couldn't help feeling a little worried.

  Xiang Nan gave her a confident look, and then went to the study with Li Chengxu.

   "How long have you been with An Ran?" After entering, Li Chengxu locked the lock and asked.

   "Less than two years." Xiang Nan replied.

   "How did it start?" Li Chengxu asked.

  Xiang Nan then told the story of his hero saving the beauty, and did not deny that he broke up with her because of poverty.

   "You are quite honest." Li Chengxu nodded, "Then why are you so sure that you can give my daughter happiness now?"

"Uncle, on the one hand, An Ran and I have true feelings. I love her, and she loves me." Xiang Nan explained, "And I know that An Ran's family is rich and powerful. I have been working hard to make money for the past two years, and finally I have made some achievements. Uncle, this is my passbook, which contains the money I have earned this year."

   Xiang Nan said, and handed Li Chengxu a Bank of China passbook.

   Li Chengxu opened it, and couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and saw that there was a total of 10 million RMB inside.

  For a young man, it is really remarkable to be able to earn so much money from scratch, especially this is the money Xiang Nan earned in a year.


   "Yeah." Li Chengxu nodded in satisfaction, "But I heard that the entertainment industry is very chaotic. You are also a young man, how can I believe that you will be devoted to my daughter?"

   "If uncle minds my job, then I can quit the entertainment industry." Xiang Nan said immediately.

   "Quit the entertainment industry? Then what else can you do, go back and sell your skewers?" Li Chengxu curled his lips when he heard that.

   "Of course not." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Uncle, I will do business."

   "You know how to do business, what kind of business do you want?" Li Chengxu said with some disdain.

   "Uncle, I think the real estate industry is worth investing in in the future." Xiang Nan explained.

  He knew that Li Chengxu was in the real estate business, and his family had a small real estate company that developed some real estate projects in Chongqing, so he deliberately mentioned this.

   "Oh, tell me about it." Li Chengxu sneered.

  When it comes to real estate, he is the old Xingzun. He has been involved in the real estate industry since the 1980s. He started working in the Land Bureau, started business in the 1990s, and within a few years his net worth exceeded 30 million.

  So if Xiang Nan talks about other things, he doesn't understand, and he might be bluffed by Xiang Nan. But when it comes to real estate investment, as long as Xiang Nan dares to talk nonsense, just wait to be cast aside by him.


   "Okay, uncle, then I will express my humble opinion, please advise." Xiang Nan then talked eloquently, "Our country started the real estate reform in the 1980s..."

  Although Li Chengxu is a veteran in the real estate industry, Xiang Nan has no less experience than him.

  After all, he has inherited the real estate knowledge of Chen Xiaozheng and Xu Wenchang, and his accumulation in real estate is far better than that of Li Chengxu, who became a monk halfway through.

  Besides, he also knows the future economic trend, so the argumentation is well-founded and well-founded, and Li Chengxu is fascinated and benefited a lot.

  He originally thought that Xiang Nan never went to college, and he was just a superficial entertainer with good looks.

  My daughter likes him, but she is only temporarily deceived by him. I would never allow my daughter to associate with such a man with embroidered pillows and an empty mind.

  But after communicating with Xiang Nan, he realized that he really underestimated this boy.

  He is by no means an illiterate, reckless master. On the contrary, he is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he clearly and vividly analyzed the future prospects of the real estate industry.

  As an old master of real estate, he can't find any faults.

  This can't help but make Li Chengxu's view of Xiang Nan greatly changed.

  It is really difficult for a young man like this to be knowledgeable, knowledgeable, courageous, and wealthy. The daughter was with him, and she definitely did not find the wrong person.

   "Okay, okay, okay, Wen Qin will stay for lunch at noon." Li Chengxu invited with a smile.

  The so-called expert will know if there is one as soon as he makes a move. Xiang Nan's words just now won his approval.

   "Of course that's good, thank you uncle." Xiang Nan laughed.

  Li Anran was worried that his father would fight with Xiang Nan if he quarreled with Xiang Nan, so he was always trembling at the door.

  But she didn't expect that when the door opened, the two of them came out of the study happily, and their relationship became so close that she didn't expect it.


  After Li Chengxu recognized Xiang Nan as his son-in-law, he no longer forced his daughter to study abroad.

   After all, there is such a good son-in-law, if she doesn't hurry up, someone will **** her away sooner or later.

   Li Anran couldn't help being very happy seeing that his father no longer forced him to go abroad.

   Later, Li Chengxu invited Xiang Nan to come to the company to help him, but Xiang Nan refused.

   "Uncle, I still want to make my own way." He smiled and waved his hand.

  Based on his ability, he can create a career by himself without relying on Li Chengxu.

  Besides, if he went to Li Chengxu's company, wouldn't it be the same as knocking in the door backwards, and it would seem that he is eating soft food.

   Li Chengxu nodded when he heard this.

  Xiang Nan is worth tens of millions, has vision and courage, and really doesn't need to rely on his shade.

   "Well, you young people, you can take care of it yourself. In short, I have confidence in you." Li Chengxu smiled immediately.

   Seeing that his father said that, clearly agreeing to dating Xiang Nan, Li Anran couldn't help being very happy.

   Having passed Li Chengxu's test, Xiang Nan also became the prospective son-in-law of the Li family. There is no longer any barrier between him and Li Anran, which makes him much more relaxed.


   Half a month later, the truth about Martin being framed was revealed.

  It turned out that the lady he "saved the beauty" that day happened to be a female netizen Luo Shenxi met on the Internet.

  The two of them dated online for a long time, but unfortunately, the lady was from a bad background and was drinking in a dance hall.

  But Luo Shenxi didn't mind, and wanted to be with her very much. That lady also likes Luo Shenxi, but she knows that it is impossible for them to be together.

  After seeing the missing person notice posted by Luo Shenxi, she knew that she had hurt his friend and felt very guilty, so she stepped forward and told the truth.

   As a result, family members, friends, and classmates who had misunderstood Martin before all understood the truth and blamed themselves very much.

  Tu Jun, Zhu Weijiao and others swore that no matter what, they must find Ma Tian.

   Half a month later, Martin couldn't bear the feeling of longing, so he called his family and Zhu Weijiao's.

  Although he didn't speak, everyone guessed it was him.

   Afterwards, according to the address of the caller, everyone found Chengdu all the way, and finally found Ma Tian.

  (end of this chapter)