MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2567 2569【Mission Complete】

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  Time flies, time flies.

   In 2009, Liu Youde passed away.

  Xiang Nan went back to help his father with the funeral, and reunited with old friends such as Tu Jun, Ma Tian, ​​Zhu Weijiao.

  At this time, Ma Tian is already a department-level cadre, and it is estimated that before retiring, he can still go up to the bureau level. Zhu Weijiao is now also a department-level cadre.

  The family of the two is harmonious and happy. In 2019, they responded to the call of the country and gave birth to a second child.

  As for Tu Jun, he is also married.

   But when he got married, he was already thirty-two years old, a real older youth, and he married a second marriage.

   I heard that the couple always quarreled, so Tu Jun didn't bring her here when old friends reunited.

  So Xiang Nan doesn't even know what his wife looks like.

  During the party, Tu Jun was very emotional and drank a lot of wine.

   "I knew growing up would be so hard, so I didn't look forward to growing up." He said to Xiang Nan.

  When he was in school, he was high-spirited and felt that he was different, even the blue sky was under his feet.

  After all these years, he gradually realized that he was no different. It's just one of the mortal beings in the vast world.

  The lofty ambitions of the past are now all turned into dust and smoke.

  Xiang Nan nodded, he could understand Tu Jun's thoughts very well.

  Thinking that he was the same back then, he also felt that he had a bright future and was destined to be famous and famous, but in the end he was still a social animal, which was nothing special at all.

"Okay, now that you have a stable job, a wife, a house, and a car, you are already much better than most people." Xiang Nan comforted him, "Look at those migrant workers, those employees of private companies, and those who deliver food Of... which one is not worse than you?"

  Tu Jun is well-established now, with a house, a car, and a wife. Although it is not enough compared to the top, it is definitely more than the bottom, and it is definitely an enviable existence.

  Tu Jun nodded upon hearing this.


   In 1932, Tu Fu died of illness.

  Xiang Nan didn't hear any news from Tu Jun, he only found out when Martin told him.

  Xiang Nan then performed a funeral ceremony worth 100,000 yuan on Thomas Tian.

  In 1940, Li Chengxu died of illness, and only An Ran's mother remained in the family.

  Xiang Nan and Li Anran decided to move back to live in Chongqing.

  On the one hand, fallen leaves must return to their roots; on the other hand, it is convenient to take care of the elderly.

  After returning to Chongqing, Xiang Nan bought a super large flat near the river in the upper half of the city that Liu Wenqin was thinking about. Standing in front of the window, you can overlook the Jialing River, the scenery is quite magnificent.

   After moving back to Chongqing, Xiang Nan became closer to Ma Tian and Zhu Weijiao.

  As for Tu Jun, I don't know when, since when he was young, he has seen much less than when he was young.

  Xiang Nan was not surprised.

  No matter how close a friend was, it may be like a stranger.

  Life is like a bus, some people get on the bus, some people get off the bus, and very few people can stay with them till the end.

  Furthermore, Tu Jun is not enjoying himself right now. I don't want to see myself, maybe I don't want to be stimulated.

  He understands this very well. When he was having a bad time back then, he didn't want to attend class reunions or relative reunions, for fear that he would be compared.


  In 1948, An Ran's mother also passed away.

  After the old man passed away, Xiang Nan and others also entered old age.

   Less than twenty years later, Li Anran also came to the end of his life.

   "Brother Qin, thank you for being with me in this life." She said to Xiang Nan, "I am content."

   "Me too." Xiang Nan nodded.

  Although she was the only woman in his life, he didn't think it was a pity.

   "If there is a next life, I hope to be with you again." Li Anran said again.

   "Okay, we've made a deal." Xiang Nan nodded.

  Afterwards, Li Anran closed her eyes peacefully.

   A moment later, a long-lost notification sounded in Xiang Nan's ear.

   "Liu Wenqin is very grateful to the host for helping him realize his wish, so that he and Li Anran can be the same family and stay together forever, leaving him a good memory."

   "The mission is complete, the host is about to return!"

   Immediately, a light gate appeared out of thin air, and Xiang Nan's soul was sucked out of Liu Wenqin's body, and thrown into the light gate.

   Immediately after, a series of pictures flashed across Xiang Nan's eyes.

There are pictures of him selling barbecue at the night market, there are pictures of him performing at the New Year's Eve party, there are pictures of him helping Tu Fu on a rainy night, there are pictures of him releasing his first record; there are pictures of him marrying Li Anran; there are pictures of him in the first half The picture of buying a house in the city...

   All are the highlight moments in his life.

   "Does the host consume memory stones to keep all the memories of this life?" At this time, the system prompted again.

  Xiang Nan didn't think about it and chose "No".

  In this life, he didn't learn too many talents and skills, so it's really not worth wasting a Memory Stone.

   "In return for the host, Liu Wenqin is willing to donate his basketball skills as a reward." The system then prompted, "Congratulations to the host for getting the memory stone reward!"


  Xiang Nan immediately opened his eyes, only to feel that there were more basketball skills in his mind.

  For him, these skills are not worth a penny, but they are really not very useful.

  With his martial arts, he is qualified even to play basketball in the NBA.

  Lingbo Weibu is used to make fake moves, Wudoumi magic is used to shoot, King Kong is not bad to fight, and Wuxiangjie is used to instigate tricks... Which team can stand up to him? If he can't score 300 points in a game, it's his fault.

   But Xiang Nan was not disappointed.

  Before he went to this world, he had already guessed that there was no good reward.

   After all, Liu Wenqin himself is a loser, failed in his studies, career, and love, so there is no good reward for him.

  The reason why he still took this task was originally out of sympathy and did not expect anything in return.

   "Well, I will take on the next task right away, and try to find a better one." Xiang Nan then opened the task bar again.

"Chen Daguang hopes not to let Qiaogu down again; Tong Zhi hopes to have a successful marriage with Wen Li; Lin Yi hopes to marry Zhou Xiaozhi; Li Xiaoyao hopes to protect Zhao Linger forever; Chen Xun hopes to make atonement to Fang Hui; To grow old together; Tang Ren hopes to catch up with the proprietress Ah Xiang; Xu Zhengtai hopes to grow old with Zhang Suzhen..."

  Xiang Nan looked at all the tasks on the task bar, and didn't know which one to choose, feeling that none of them was good.

  After thinking for a while, he finally decided to accept Chen Haonan's task.

  Because of the "Bewitched Boy" series, it is his youthful memory. When I saw such a fierce movie for the first time that year, my blood was hot with excitement.

   And the small stammer in the film is indeed quite miserable. He came out of society when he was a child, and was almost sold by the boss. It was so easy to get close to Chen Haonan, and within two days of quiet time, Chen Haonan was put together by Liang Kun.

  After finally getting rid of Liangkun, he was assassinated by Baodao's gang. He was seriously injured and hospitalized and lost his memory. It was so easy to wait for her to recover her memory, and then she was tortured and killed by that perverted crow again... It is really worthy of tears of sympathy.

  Thinking back then, when Xiang Nan saw that scene, he couldn't help but want to **** a crow. So out of emotional considerations, he decided to help Chen Haonan once.