MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2568 2570【I am Chen Haonan】

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  Xiang Nan then watched the "Bewitched Boy" series of movies to prepare for the mission in advance.

The "Bewitched Boy" series of movies is adapted from the comic book of the same name. There are six main stories in total, namely "Man in the Jianghu", "The Raptors Cross the River", "One Hand Covers the Sky", "Invincible", "Enter the Dragon" and "Winner Takes King".

   and three side stories, namely "Affection Chapter: Hongxing Big Brother", "Affection Chapter: Hongxing Thirteen Sisters" and "Friendship Years: Pheasant Story". There is also a prequel, "Juvenile Fight".

  As for the other titled "Bewitched Boys", although there are more than 90 films, they are basically shoddy and shoddy products with completely different characters and worldviews, so there is no need or value to watch them.

  Xiang Nan watched all ten movies. As for the comics, he didn't read them.

  Because the manga is too long, it has been serialized for 28 years, with a total of more than 2,000 issues, and it takes at least a month to read all of them. The point is, the movie is not just different from the comic book story, it is completely different.

  In the movie, Chen Haonan is affectionate, righteous, courageous and resourceful, and willing to do anything for his brothers. He can be said to be a rare good brother. But in the comics, he is a scumbag, ruthless, jealous of the virtuous and capable. I don't know how many brothers turned against him, and I don't know how many brothers were killed by him.

  In the movie, Pheasant is always Chen Haonan's good brother. But in the comics, the two turned against each other early on, and the pheasant power once overwhelmed Chen Haonan.

  In the movie, Ding Yan was killed by a pheasant in the second part. But in the comics, Ding Yan didn't die until the end, but the pheasant was killed early. After that, Ding Yan listened to the government behind the curtain and became the Queen Mother of the Viper Gang...

  So the movie only borrows the characters from the comics, and the story is basically written by the screenwriter himself. Naturally, Xiang Nan didn't need to read comics, it was a waste of effort.


   After Xiang Nan was ready, he officially took over Chen Haonan's task.

  A light door appeared out of thin air, and he stepped into it, and then his head was slightly dizzy.

"My name is Chen Haonan, and I live in Tsz Wan Shan. I joined Hongxing when I was fourteen years old, and I worship Brother B, a fit man from Causeway Bay, as the boss. I am loyal and calm in dealing with things. I have made many military exploits in the past ten years. 【Pretty South】.

  I also have four good brothers who grew up together. Pheasant, big day two, nest skin and Baopi. We were born and died together, shared the blessings, shared the difficulties..."

  Xiang Nan opened his eyes, and saw himself standing on a busy street.

  Neon lights are flashing around, the lights are feasting, pedestrians are busy, and there is a lot of traffic, full of the decadent and degenerate atmosphere of capitalist society.

   "Brother Nan, what's the matter with you?" Xiang Nan was familiarizing himself with the environment when someone said in his ear.

  Xiang Nan came back to his senses, looked sideways, and saw a man with strong facial features and a burly figure. He was his best brother Da Tianer. Originally named Liang Er, he is good at boxing, and he is also very loyal.

  It's a pity that in the fourth part of "Invincible", because he wanted to help the pheasant compete for Tuen Mun's fit people, he took people to teach the students a lesson, but was severely injured. Afterwards, he was thrown downstairs by Dongxing Yaoyang, and his wife KK was also ruined by others. It can be said to be very miserable.

   "Oh, it's okay." Xiang Nan smiled, "Da Tianer, where's the pheasant?"

   "I don't need to ask, of course I went to Wenrou Township." Da Tianer laughed.

   "Isn't he doing valet parking at Adu's place?" Xiang Nan asked.

   Valet parking is the most common job for dwarf mules.

  Because of the small size of Xiangjiang, the land is small and there are many cars, parking has always been a big problem. Private parking lots cost 30 to 40 yuan per hour. Compared with public parking spaces, it only costs 10 yuan per hour, which is a huge difference of three or four times.

   Therefore, dwarf mules often use force to occupy public parking spaces for people to park in order to earn the price difference. A parking space can earn at least twenty or thirty yuan an hour.

  If you monopolize the entire street and hundreds of parking spaces, you can earn three to four million Hong Kong dollars a month. This has also become an important source of income for the society.

   "But there are beautiful girls in Ruanrou Township." Da Tianer smiled wretchedly.

  Xiang Nan smiled, knowing that Pheasant has always been lustful.

  When I was twelve or thirteen years old, I was already squatting on the stairs to peep under girls' skirts. After growing up, it got worse, and my girlfriend changed almost every week.


  Xiang Nan and Da Tianer came to Wenrou Township immediately.

   After waiting for a while, I saw Pheasant hugging left and right, and came out with two women with heavy makeup, scantily dressed, and coquettish looks.

   "Be sure to come back to me later, or I will ignore you."

   "Yes, I must come back tonight."

  The two young ladies are both coquettish and authentic.

   Pheasant wanted to talk sweetly, but after seeing Xiang Nan and Da Tian Er standing at the door, he immediately knew that there was serious work to do, and immediately became serious.

  He swung his arm, pushed the two beauties away, and said proudly, "I'm leaving~"

   "Come and see me again~" the two cuties said reluctantly.

   Pheasant did not look back, and left with Xiang Nan and Da Tianer.

   "Please, don't just focus on picking up girls every day." Xiang Nan persuaded him.

  Those cuties are most likely masters with a pair of jade arms and thousands of pillows, and a little bit of red lips. If you play with them a lot, be careful of tricks. The so-called better to eat a bite of fairy peach than a basket of rotten apricots, you should find a good girl.

   "No way, I'm a pheasant." The pheasant said indifferently.

   "No wonder you are always bitten by chickens." Da Tianer teased him.

   "Fuck you~" The two immediately started fighting.


"Okay, let's get down to business. Brother B asked us to get rid of Bakugan this time, and Da Tianer and I went to find Chaopi and Baopi." Xiang Nan said, "Peasant, you go get the guy, half past twelve punctual."

  Bakuan is the fit guy of Hutchison in Causeway Bay, and he has always been arrogant and domineering. Recently, because of the scramble for territory, there have been several conflicts with Big Brother B.

  After suffering a loss, the big brother B became more and more angry, and decided not to do anything, and sent someone to kill Bhagavan directly. As his leader, Chen Haonan took over this important task as he should.

   Pheasant nodded, then turned and left.

  Xiang Nan and Da Tianer went to find Chaopi and Baopi.

  Chao Pi and Bao Pi are brothers, but their personalities are completely different.

  Chaopi is calm and capable in dealing with affairs, and his righteousness is the top priority. Bao ruffians are timid and afraid, and they are not smart enough. The main reason for being in the club is to ask for cover and avoid being bullied by others.

   Baopi found it as soon as he looked for it. He was squatting in front of his newsstand reading salty books.

  He looks ugly, and he is not as bold as a pheasant. When he sees a beautiful girl, no matter whether he succeeds or not, he dares to flirt hard. Therefore, it is difficult for a ruffian to find a girlfriend, and he is usually self-sufficient.

   "Wow, this is not bad~" Da Tianer sneaked up and snatched the book from his hand.

   "Hey, what are you doing, people are watching it with enthusiasm." Baopi complained.

   "Let's go, the business is important." Xiang Nan said with a smile.

   Bao Pi nodded, and then left with them.