MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2575 2577【She is my wife】

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  Chapter 2575 2577 [She is my wife]

   "You've been out here for so long, do you know what 'loyalty' is?" Xiang Nan curled his lips when he heard this.

"The word 'loyalty' means holding a sword in your heart." Liang Kun stood up, wrote the word [loyalty] on the whiteboard, and then explained to Xiang Nan, "When taken apart, it means 'I It's lamb'.

   Talking about [loyalty] is harming yourself. These days, no one is as stupid as you. "

  Xiang Nan laughed when he heard this.

   Liangkun's words are indeed reasonable in conscience.

  What did the short mule talk about [loyalty], he really wanted to set up a memorial archway even if he was a bitch.

  When the big brother flaunts loyalty, it is PUA to the younger brothers, making them more obedient and working harder. To be a younger brother who flaunts loyalty is really extremely stupid, rushing to be cannon fodder for others.

  Like the big-headed boy in "Enter the Dragon", he took the initiative to cover the crime for the big brother B and go to jail. I thought that if I had some qualifications, I would be able to get a position when I came out.

   As a result, I squatted for eight years. After I came out, even Big Brother B himself disappeared. Therefore, not to mention him being the boss, the society has even forgotten about him.

  The most precious eight years of youth in life are wasted so meaninglessly. So the word [loyalty] is really useless. After becoming the boss, you can also mention it. When I was a younger brother, I absolutely couldn't believe it.

  But it doesn't mean that he will betray big brother B and come to be Liangkun's younger brother.

  Because he knows that Big Brother B is still loyal, and he is still affectionate and righteous to his brothers. Follow him, at least you won't worry about being backstabbed.

   But Liang Kun is different. Follow him, sooner or later you will be sold by him.


   "Your class is over, can I go?" Xiang Nan got up and said.

   "Wait a minute, I haven't finished." Seeing that Xiang Nan was about to leave, Liang Kun took out a wad of money from the drawer, "Here is two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars.

  伱 Go back and talk to boss B, just say to help me film, I will praise you as the leading actor. After filming one or two movies, you automatically follow me, everything is logical, and Big Brother B can't say anything.

   Those who come out to mix are all poorer in the third and richer in the fifth. Anan, don't let your money go unearned. "

   "Yes, I really want to make money, but unfortunately my spine is too hard to bend down." Xiang Nan smiled and refused again.

   "You don't remember when you were a child, do you?" Liang Kun's face turned cold when she heard this.

  Back then, when Chen Haonan was fourteen years old, he was playing football on the field, but he was beaten by a group of younger brothers led by Liang Kun. If it wasn't for the boss B to stop him, he would have been beaten to death by Liang Kun long ago.

   Because of this, Chen Haonan, who was underage at the time, decided to follow Big Brother B, and he and Liang Kun also became enemies because of this.

   "I have a clear distinction between grievances and resentments." Xiang Nan smiled and opened the door to leave.

   "Anan, think about it again. He who knows the current affairs is a hero. Why can't you let go of a little thing back then." Liang Kun followed up and persuaded.

   Just then, a noise was heard.

   "No, no, no, I will never make salty movies." A girl stammered.

  Xiang Nan Xunsheng saw that it was Xiao stuttering.

   "What are you doing, what's the matter?" Seeing this, Liang Kun walked over and asked.

   "Brother Kun, bring a chick to the audition." The stuttering big brother Feihong accompanied him with a smile, and then yelled at Xiao Jieba, "Quickly call Brother Kun!"

"Well, she looks pretty good, except that Mimi is a bit smaller." Liang Kun grabbed the little stuttering clothes, looked her up and down wretchedly, and said, "It's really cheap for you to be the heroine, take her here audition."

  The two younger brothers stepped forward immediately, and were about to leave while stuttering.

   "Let go of me, help, I won't take off!" Seeing Xiao Jieba, his face turned pale with fright, his soul flew into the sky, and he repeatedly called for help.

   "Hey, what are you doing?" Seeing this, Xiang Nan couldn't help feeling pity, and hurriedly stepped forward to stop him, saving Xiao Jieba.

   "Anan, this is a family matter, don't worry about it." Seeing this, Liang Kun said.

   "Yeah, pretty boy Nan, why do you care?" Feihong also immediately said displeased.

  According to the rules of the rivers and lakes, since Xiao Jieba worships him as his eldest brother, he must obey his orders in life and death. Not to mention asking her to make a film, even letting her die, others have no right to intervene.

  Xiao stammered, and couldn't help becoming nervous. He didn't know how Xiang Nan would answer, let alone his own fate.

   "Since she is my wife, how about it, is it okay?" Xiang Nan hugged her in his arms and said.

   Feihong and Liang Kun were speechless for a moment.

  Small stammering, he suddenly felt relieved, and a sense of security emerged spontaneously.

  Xiang Nan then left with his arms around her, leaving Liangkun and Feihong standing there holding their breath, looking at Xiang Nan's back, showing a murderous intent.


  After leaving Qiankun Film Company, Xiang Nan loosened his stutter.

   "Hey, thank you just now." Xiao stammered gratefully.

   "You're welcome. Last time I forced you to eat pork buns, this time it's even." Xiang Nan waved his hands.

   "You just said that I was your horse, so you have to admit what you said." Xiao stammered again.

   "You have a good idea, it's so easy to be my fool." Xiang Nan curled his lips and said, "You go home."

  Actually, if it wasn't for the mission, he would really look down on a seductive girl like Xiao Jieba.

  Because most of the seduced girls are from poor backgrounds, or their native families are very unhappy, they drop out of school early to mix in society.

  Due to the lack of self-control due to youth, most of them are infected with bad habits. Smoking, drinking, fighting, brawling, promiscuity, dirty words, lying,'s not uncommon.

   Such a girl, not to mention Xiang Nan doesn't like it, even Chen Haonan doesn't like it.

   Otherwise, he wouldn't have made his debut for ten years, and he didn't even have a horse around him.

   "In short, I don't care, I will follow you for the rest of my life." Xiao stammered but stubbornly said, and continued to follow Xiang Nan.

  Xiang Nan smiled and didn't dump her again.

   At this moment, his elder brother rang loudly, "Hello, who is it?"

   "Anan, it's me." Big Brother B's voice came from the other end of the phone.

   "Brother B, what's your order?" Xiang Nan asked immediately after hearing this.

   "Accompany me to meet someone tomorrow." Boss B immediately ordered.

   "Okay." Xiang Nan agreed, knowing that the mission was coming.


  Afterwards, Xiang Nan took Xiaojieba to the tea restaurant where the brothers often gather, and saw Chaopi, Baopi, Pheasant, Da Tianer, and Pheasant's girlfriend Keen were all there.

   "Hey, you guys are quite together." Xiang Nan smiled, and then stammered to Xiao, "Sit down, eat and drink, and pay for me."

  Little stuttered after hearing what he said, and sat down happily.

   "Brother, why did you bring her here?" Chao Pi, Bao Pi and the others couldn't help being a little surprised when they saw Xiao Stutter, and asked curiously.

   "It's nothing." Xiang Nan waved his hands, unwilling to talk more, "What's the matter with you, aren't you in high spirits?"

   "He just met his father-in-law, can he get taller?" Da Tianer pointed at the pheasant and smiled.

  It turns out that Keen's father, Lord Wei, the local snake in Guanyong, came to see Pheasant just now. Only then did Pheasant realize that his girlfriend had a lot of background, and she wasn't the kind of little girl who would just dump him when he was done playing, so he couldn't help feeling dizzy.

   It's so easy to see him unlucky once, the brothers naturally embarrass him to their heart's content.

  (end of this chapter)