MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2576 2578【Jiang Tiansheng】

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   Chapter 2576 2578 [Jiang Tiansheng]

   "This is my elder brother Chen Haonan, is **** as cool as him?" Baopi smiled and asked the pastor in front of him.

  This pastor was brought over by the pheasant. The last time he went to Kebaguan, he was unlucky enough to encounter an elevator failure and was forced to listen to his teaching for half an hour.

  Perhaps the pastor felt that he had roots of wisdom, or perhaps he wanted to save him as a lost lamb. In short, he has been entangled with the pheasant since then, and he must be made to believe in religion.

  But the brothers are all out of society, so naturally they won't listen to him, but will use the doctrine to tease him.

   "Then has your elder brother been crucified?" the pastor asked as he took out an icon.

   "What's so great about crucifixion? Wear a condom, and you won't be afraid of nails." The ruffian took out a stack of family planning supplies from his pocket and said, making the pastor a little at a loss.

   "Hey, put it away." Seeing this, Xiang Nan hurriedly stopped.

  Although he does not believe in religion, he knows that pastors are good people. He came to preach because he wanted to lead people to do good, he had no malicious intentions, and he should not be teased.

   Seeing that the elder brother had spoken, Bao Pi quickly put the cover away.

   Upon seeing this, the pastor took a look at Xiang Nan and felt that he was also very wise.


  After eating at the tea restaurant, Xiang Nan wants to drive home.

  Little stutterer really clung to him, and he insisted on getting into the co-pilot.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan didn't force her out of the car, and drove her directly home.

   "Let's talk about it first, I just want to keep you for one night. You sleep on the sofa and I sleep on the bed. Don't touch my things." Xiang Nan told her.

   "I...I...I see." Xiao stammered and nodded with a smile.

  If she can stay one night, she can stay the second night. And tonight, she is going to take Xiang Nan down.

   "The living room is here, and the toilet is here. This towel is for me, and that towel is for you..." Xiang Nan pointed out again, "Don't get confused."

   "Afraid, afraid, afraid of what, you think I, I, I have AIDS." Xiao stammered, immediately displeased.

  Although she came out to hang out, she was not the kind of casual girl.

   "I'm not afraid of illness, I'm a clean freak." Xiang Nan explained, then took off his coat, revealing his beautiful muscles and the dragon tattoo on his shoulders.

  Xiao stammered seeing this scene, and suddenly felt a little dry.

  Xiang Nan immediately raised the barbell, first did a hundred clean and jerk, and then did palm press...

  As he moved, sweat oozes out, making the muscles seem to be lightened, strong, round, fit, and stylish.

  Xiao stuttered, his cheeks were hot and his ears were red. Finally, he couldn't stand it any longer. He ran to the bathroom and took a cold shower, finally calming himself down.


  Xiang Nan was doing sit-ups when he saw Xiaoba walk out of the bathroom.

  She was wearing his white shirt. The white shirt was obviously a little too big, covering up to her thighs, and there was nothing underneath. Walking, looming, arousing people's daydream.

  Little stutterer actually looks pretty good, but the dress is too cheap, giving people the feeling of a little girl. Now after taking a shower, all the makeup is washed away, the hibiscus comes out of the water, and the decorations are removed naturally, which makes me feel a little more pure.

  Although her figure is not comparable to that of supermodels, she is also bulging forward and backward, with slender legs and thin waist, so she looks pure and lustful, which makes Xiang Nan slightly taken aback.

   Seeing this, Little Stutter couldn't help smiling triumphantly.

  She knew that, with her looks and figure, Xiang Nan would not be indifferent to her.

  She deliberately walked past Xiang Nan, then sat on the sofa gracefully, took the remote control, turned on the TV, raised her little feet, and shook them in front of Xiang Nan.

  Xiang Nan stopped paying attention to her and continued his exercise. After sweating profusely, he went into the bathroom to take a shower.


  A moment later, Xiang Nan came out wrapped in a bath towel after taking a shower, and shouted at Little Stutter, "Keep your voice down, I'm going to rest."

   After finishing speaking, he walked into his bedroom.

   "Is there a mistake, or is he not a man?" Seeing that Xiang Nan actually went to rest, Xiao stammered, feeling very depressed.

  She has almost tried her best. Even a hard-hearted man should be tempted, but she didn't expect him to be indifferent.

  But after thinking about it, she became happy again.

  Little stammer has been wandering around the rivers and lakes for many years, seeing that most men are anxious, wishing to have **** as soon as they meet. Compared with those stinky men, Xiang Nan is more rare and more worthy of entrusting him to stay calm and not bully the dark room.

Xiao Jieba had already made a decision in her heart, but she was not the kind of unrestrained girl who would not go to a man's bed casually, so she struggled for a long time before she finally mustered up the courage to walk into Xiang Nan's room. bedroom.

   Entering the room, she saw that Xiang Nan was fast asleep, so she quickly took off her shirt and got under the covers.

   "Hey, what are you doing?" Xiang Nan woke up startled and asked loudly.

   "I want to be your pony, Brother Nan, you want me." Little Stutter hugged his arm, summoned up his courage and said loudly.

"..." Xiang Nan was stunned for a moment, then sighed, "You have to think about it. Ten dwarf mules, nine will fail to the end. I may be hacked to death in the future, or I may be arrested and sent to a bitter kiln. You Do you really want to be with me?"

   "Yeah." Xiao stammered vigorously and nodded.

  She doesn't want to last forever, she just wants to have it once. And for a little girl like her, what is long-term.

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan stopped being polite, turned over and pressed on top.


   One night of passion.

   The next day, when Xiao Jieba was still sleeping soundly, Xiang Nan and Big Brother B came to the luxury residential area in the middle of Hong Kong Island.

   "Being a leader is different, living in such a nice house." Xiang Nan couldn't help thinking.

  Chen Haonan, Pheasant, Chaopi, and Datianer are all living in public housing estates. The house is as small as a pigeon cage, and it is difficult to turn around.

  Jiang Tiansheng lives in a luxury residential area in the middle of the mountain, with a garden, a swimming pool, and a courtyard. The size of the bathroom alone is probably bigger than their house.

  As soon as the car was parked, Hong Xing's white paper fan Chen Yao came out to greet him.

  The so-called white paper fan is a military adviser, responsible for making suggestions, managing the society's finances, and diplomatic work.

  Chen Yao's status in Hong Xing is only below that of Jiang Tiansheng. Most of the big and small things are hosted by him, which is equivalent to Jiang Tiansheng's spokesperson.

   "Brother B, long time no see, still so handsome." Chen Yao laughed.

   "You too." Big Brother B smiled, "How is it, Mr. Jiang?"

   "Fortunately, it's inside, please follow me." Chen Yao smiled, and then brought Big Brother B, Xiang Nan and others into the villa.

   I saw that the villa has a large area, gorgeous decoration, and complete security measures. Xiang Nan alone saw seven or eight guards. It is also equipped with a series of equipment such as high-definition camera and infrared sensor.

   "Rich people are really afraid of death." Xiang Nan thought silently, and then, together with Chen Yao and Big Brother B, came to Jiang Tiansheng's gym, and saw him doing fitness under the guidance of a personal trainer.

  Rich people really live a comfortable life. If they want to exercise, they can do it at their own home, and there are professional coaches for training.

  (end of this chapter)