MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2584 2586【Promoted to fit person】

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  Chapter 2584 Chapter 2586 [Promoted to fit person]

  Liang Kun then took Jiang Tiansheng hostage and walked out.

   "Akun, let go of Mr. Jiang, and come at me if you have the guts." Seeing this, boss B got up and said.

   "Fuck, you think I won't dare to touch you." Upon hearing this, Liang Kun immediately aimed at him, and then pulled the trigger.

   At this moment, Xiang Nan suddenly spit at Liang Kun.

   This mouthful of saliva was accompanied by inner strength, and it knocked Liang Kun dizzy at once.

  Xiang Nan strode forward and dug his finger into the trigger, making Liangkun unable to pull the trigger any longer.

  Following him with a kick, Liang Kun's ancestral hall was directly demolished. Then came another elbow, which shattered Liang Kun's ribs. Immediately after a head hammer, Liang Kun's head was bloodied and he fell to the ground.

  Seeing his miserable appearance, and recalling Xiang Nan's neat set of movements just now, everyone present couldn't help but feel terrified.

   They all fought a lot, almost every one of them was experienced. But it's really not easy to charge forward at the gunpoint, and to knock down a person so simply.

   "Ma De, dare to kidnap Brother Sheng, he really deserves to die!"

   "Anan is really amazing, the shot just now is very demeanor when I was young."

   "Mr. Jiang, Ah B, are you all okay?"

  All the fitters pretended to be dead just now, but now that Liangkun was killed, they all started talking again.

  Jiang Tiansheng nodded expressionlessly, and said, "Jingkun colluded with outsiders, betrayed his brother, and harmed the public and private interests, which has violated the family law. Now he kills his brother and hijacks the leader. It is unforgivable."

   "Yes, yes."

   "Killing him is right."

   "It deserves a thousand cuts!"

  Everyone echoed.

  Jiang Tiansheng immediately ordered someone to open the incense hall, so that Liangkun would be tortured with three knives and six holes.

  Jing Kun had already been beaten half to death by Xiang Nan, and after being stabbed three times and six times, his injuries were even worse. After a while, he died of exhaustion.

  When everyone saw his dead body on the spot, they couldn't help feeling a little sad.


"Okay, if you make mistakes, you should be punished, and if you have meritorious deeds, you should be rewarded. After talking about troublesome things, let's talk about happy things." Jiang Tiansheng said again, "A'nan first got rid of the fat dog and made a great contribution to the society. Another meritorious service by exposing the traitor and digging out the moths of the society. Just now I saved the life of Big B and me, and made another contribution.

  Three merits and rewards, I propose to hand over Liangkun's territory to Anan, what's your opinion? "

  He originally only wanted to hand Locke Road over to Xiang Nan, but now that Xiang Nan has made so many outstanding achievements, one Locke Road is no longer enough. It just happened that Liangkun died, so he rewarded Xiang Nan with his territory.

  He just let everyone know that as long as you are loyal to him, you will be rewarded.

  Seeing what he said, everyone in the fit team hesitated.

  Because Liang Kun is a fit person in Yau Ma Tei. As the name suggests, Yau Ma Tei is extremely rich in oil and water. Ballrooms, bathing pools, massage parlors...such a large property, they are naturally very greedy to hand it over to Xiang Nan.

   "Huh?!" Jiang Tiansheng immediately looked at everyone.

  Xiang Nan was silently playing with the gun he had just snatched from Liang Kun. The muzzle of the gun was aiming at everyone intentionally or unintentionally, which made everyone feel a little scared.

   Liangkun's territory is decided by him, and he will kill anyone who dares to oppose him.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm the first to agree." The boss B raised his hand and said, "Although Anan is my younger brother, I don't shy away from my relatives. Anan has always been loyal to the club, and he is also very loyal to the brothers. It is absolutely suitable to take over Akun's territory."

   Seeing what he said, everyone nodded.

   "That's right, Anan is the most suitable to take over."

   "Akun's territory should be inherited by Anan."

   "Congratulations, Anan, you've finally made your mark!"

   Pheasant, Chaopi, Baopi, and Datianer were both surprised and delighted to see Xiang Nan in charge and become a fitter in Yau Ma Tei.

  Xiang Nan is in the top position. As younger brothers, they naturally follow suit, which is really great.

   "Okay, then it's settled." Jiang Tiansheng immediately said, "Anan, I will leave Yau Ma Tei to you in the future. Do your best and don't disappoint us."

   "Thank you Mr. Jiang, thank you Brother B, thank you uncles and brothers for your support. I, Chen Haonan, swear that I will be loyal to the club and loyal to the brothers, so that everyone can make a fortune and make money." Xiang Nan immediately expressed his opinion.

  Seeing what he said, everyone clapped their hands.


  After the meeting, Xiang Nan took Shaqiang with him to Yau Ma Tei to receive him.

   Pheasant, Nest Pi, Bao Pi, Da Tian Er, etc. followed suit.

   "Brother Nan, congratulations, you have finally become a big brother." Baopi laughed.

   "Brother Nan, you are really good. A 24-year-old fitter, I'm afraid you are the only one in Xiangjiang." Da Tianer also laughed.

  Although Shisanmei is also the boss of Bolan Street, she only occupies one street. In terms of land, it is still a bit small, and it is far from Xiang Nan.

   "Brother Nan, you are in the position, and the brothers will follow you, and they will have a good life." Chao Pi also laughed.

   "Brother Nan, you will be in charge of Temple Street from now on, and you won't need to spend money to pick up your sister in the future." Pheasant also said proudly.

  The famous Temple Street is in Yau Ma Tei, which is known as a man's paradise.

   "Prospect~" Xiang Nan rolled his eyes at him, "You will also be a big brother in the future, and there will be business for you to take care of. Be careful, don't patronize chasing girls."

   "Really?! Thank you Brother Nan." Pheasant laughed happily when he heard that.

  He used to be just a parking boy, but now that he is in charge of the business, it is undoubtedly a big upgrade.

   A group of people talked and laughed, and they have arrived in Yau Ma Tei.

   Then, with the help of Sha Qiang, they summoned Liang Kun's younger brothers and announced to take over all his sites.


   Liangkun's younger brothers heard that he was dead, and now that Xiang Nan is the boss, most of them naturally refused.

   "Little Nan, how can you take over Brother Kun's territory?"

   "We took down these territories, and you haven't exerted any effort, so why come here and pick the fruit?"

   "That's right, even if Brother Kun is dead, there are still us. If you want to choose a successor, you should choose from among us. Why should you be the one?"

  The little bosses disagreed and choked at Xiang Nan.

   "You ask me why, I just rely on this!" Xiang Nan said, suddenly got up, knocked down one with one punch, kicked two down with one leg, and slapped one unconscious.

  In the blink of an eye, a dozen or so small bosses were all knocked to the ground by him.

"Dare to look down on me?! Wash your ears and go to inquire carefully. I just single-handedly singled out more than 80 of them in Macau." Xiang Nan sneered, "If you don't accept it, just send someone to kill me. I don't care Blink your eyes, and this site will be returned to you."

   Seeing what he said, everyone was skeptical.

   It's just that Xiang Nan has just shown his skills, but it is indeed beyond their reach.

  Because it is too fast. Before a dozen of them could react, they were already knocked down, making them really afraid to try again.

   In desperation, they could only temporarily accept the fact that Xiang Nan is the boss. However, all this is temporary.

  If Xiang Nan doesn't show enough ability to convince them later, don't blame them for being ruthless.

  (end of this chapter)