MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2585 2587 [No windfall, no wealth]

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  Chapter 2585 2587 [People without windfalls are not rich]

  Xiang Nan thought about it immediately, and saw that Liang Kun's property is really quite a lot.

  Bars, dance halls, bathing pools, casinos, massage parlors, foot bath shops, financial companies, catering companies, film companies, minibus lines... Food, clothing, housing, transportation, leisure and entertainment, almost involved in every industry.

  These businesses add up to tens of millions of income every year. Coupled with the fact that he was also involved in drug trafficking, it was a hugely lucrative business.

   "No wonder he has so much money to buy people's hearts." After Xiang Nan saw it, he admired Liangkun's means of making money.

   It's a pity that greed is not enough to swallow elephants. Liangkun was too greedy, and was finally eaten back by greed. In fact, if he does not seek to seize the leading position, with his financial resources and influence, it will not be difficult to enjoy it for a lifetime.

   It's a pity that he has worked hard for half his life, and now it's all cheaper for him.

  After Xiang Nan took over Liang Kun's property, he didn't immediately carry out drastic reforms. Except for the suspension of the drug business, other businesses remained basically the same, even the boss in charge did not change.

   On the one hand, he just took over Liang Kun's business. Those bosses and managers didn't trust him and were anxious.

  If he immediately makes drastic reforms, he will definitely attract opposition. At that time, even if he can fight again, it will be useless. After all, many things in the world cannot be solved by fighting.

   On the one hand, even if those people don't rise up against him, he doesn't have enough people to take over these industries now. And if no one takes over, these industries will stagnate or even lose money.

   At that time, not only will you not be able to make money, but you may even lose money in it. You know, many of these businesses are owned by associations, so they have to pay money to the association every month.

   In addition, the younger brothers under him also need to give rewards from time to time. If they are caught, they have to pay bail, if they are injured, they have to pay for medical expenses, and if they run away, they have to pay for resettlement. Otherwise, Hades is no worse than a hungry ghost. If you don't pay a penny, which little brother is willing to work hard.

   Therefore, although the boss looks at the scenery, he actually needs money everywhere. In order to guard his own pocketbook, Xiang Nan couldn't do anything drastic.


"Although you didn't follow me before, you are all Hong Xing's brothers, and you are worshiped by the same second brother Guan. Now Liangkun is dead, and the club asked me to take care of Yau Ma Tei. You don't have to worry about anything, as long as you do things well, I will take care of you." You will not treat us badly." Xiang Nan said to the leaders and managers.

   "However, if someone acts obediently and violates the law, harms the public and private interests, and wants to challenge my authority, I don't mind sending him to accompany Liangkun." Xiang Nan said, "Where to go, you decide for yourself."

  Although the leaders and managers may not approve of him in their hearts, at this moment, no one is a leader. They all said in unison, "We must listen to Brother Nan, and we will definitely do things well."

  Xiang Nan nodded, in order to prove that he kept his word, he didn't even abandon Sha Qiang, but still let him be the leader.

  Xiang Nan's actions naturally puzzled Pheasant, Chao Pi, Da Tianer and others.

   "Brother Nan, if you keep those people, aren't you afraid of their half-heartedness and duplicity?" Pheasant asked worriedly.

   "That's right, Brother Nan, they have all retained it, what are we brothers doing?" Baopi asked in confusion.

  Xiang Nan kept all the leaders and managers of Liangkun's subordinates in place. In this way, with one radish and one hole, they would have no place.

   "Don't worry, you are my brothers, will I treat you badly?" Xiang Nan waved his hand and explained, "The reason why I don't arrange work for you is because the time is not enough.

   Now that I have just become a fit person, Quan Yau Ma Tei and Quan Hongxing are watching me. If I come up indiscriminately, I will remove others and bring you up, and everyone will say that I am reckless and nepotism.

   So I'm going to keep them, I'm going to wait for them to make mistakes. Only then will I be able to follow the rules, lay them off and bring you up. In this way, no one can say anything.

  And don’t be idle these days, start recruiting troops to strengthen your power, I will help you provide funds. "

   Pheasant, Chaopi, Datian Er and the others nodded their heads just now.


   Afterwards, Xiang Nan booked the entire restaurant, and invited Big Boss B, Pheasant, Baopi and others, as well as his own bosses and managers, to have dinner to celebrate his becoming a Yau Ma Tei fitter.

  In the afternoon, Xiang Nan went home to pick up Xiaoba, took her to Central, and did some shopping.

   "Brother Nan, Brother Nan, I have enough clothes, so you don't need to buy them for me." Seeing Xiang Nanjing picking expensive ones, Xiao stammered and said flatteredly.

   "Of course." Xiang Nan smiled, "Tonight is a happy day, the more beautiful you dress, the more face I will have."

   "Brother Nan, what's the matter, so happy?" Xiao stammered in doubt.

   "Temporary secret, you will know when the time comes." Xiang Nan smiled and said.

  In the evening, Xiang Nan came to the restaurant with a little stammer.

   Changed into a brand name, the newly dressed little stammer is slim, pure and elegant, much better than the little girl before. Therefore, as soon as he entered the restaurant, he attracted the attention of all men.

   "Brother Nan, your new horse?" Chao Pi, Pheasant, and Da Tian Er were all surprised, and they couldn't recognize her as the little stammer before.

   "Nonsense, your eyes are wide open, let me take a closer look." Xiang Nan scolded with a smile.

   Everyone took a closer look, and only then did they recognize Xiao Jieba.

   It's not their fault for admitting their mistakes. The previous little stutterer had heavy makeup and a demon look. The little stammer now is slightly powdered, pure and pleasant, exactly like two people, it is normal for them not to recognize each other.


  After Xiang Nan arrived, the banquet was set up immediately.

   "Brother B, I offer you a toast. Without your teaching, I would not be where I am today." Xiang Nan raised his glass to the boss B.

"Anan, among all the younger brothers, I am most optimistic about you, and you really did not disappoint me." The boss B smiled, "You are the youngest fitter in Hongxing now, you must work hard and keep your feet on the ground. "

   "Yes, thank you Brother B for teaching." Xiang Nan said respectfully.

   "I propose everyone to raise a glass together, congratulations to my elder brother Chen Haonan for becoming a Yau Ma Tei fit person!" Da Tianer said with a toast.

  Everyone raised their glasses after hearing this.

   "Thank you all, I still need your help in the future. I also assure you that in the future, if you have money, you will make it together, and if you have money, you will make it together." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I will do it first as a respect!"

   "Brother Nan, when did you become a Yau Ma Tei fit person?" Xiao stammered in surprise.

  Just yesterday, Xiang Nan was just an ordinary dwarf mule, at most a small boss. But now he has become a fit person in Yau Ma Tei, it is like a carp jumping over the dragon's gate.

   "It's today." Xiang Nan nodded, and then told about Liang Kun colluding with outsiders, betraying his brother, and hijacking the leader. It was the first time for many people present to know that Liang Kun had done so many evil things.

  (end of this chapter)