MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2592 2594 [Dingba]

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   Chapter 2592 2594 [Ding Yan]

   "For this business, we must find someone who is loyal, loyal, good at making money, and not greedy for money." Jiang Tiansheng saw this and said with a smile, "Do you think I am right?"

   "Of course it makes sense, Mr. Jiang is right." Everyone agreed after hearing this.

   "So, Anan, I'll leave this stall to you, do you have confidence?" Jiang Tiansheng looked at Xiang Nan and smiled.

  When everyone heard this, their faces froze.

  Xiang Nan has already won Yau Ma Tei, and now even the Macau business is handed over to him, he is too happy. If this goes on like this, wouldn't these uncles and uncles all stand aside.

  For a moment, they looked at Xiang Nan with jealousy.

  Seeing this, Xiang Nan smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang, I just took over Yau Ma Tei. Now that I'm being asked to take over the Macau business, I don't think I have enough qualifications."

"You don't need to be modest. If you didn't kill Fat Dog cleanly, Mr. He would not recognize our Hongxing's strength. So this time we won the management right, thanks to you." Jiang Tiansheng waved his hand, "And In the past half a year, you have done a good job in Yau Ma Tei, and all the uncles and brothers have seen it. So I don’t think anyone will object to entrusting the Macau business to you, right?”

   As he spoke, he looked around at everyone.

  Everyone shook their heads when they saw this.

   "Okay, then it's settled. Anan, you can continue." Jiang Tiansheng smiled.

   "Yes, Mr. Jiang, I will do a good job and make a lot of money for the club." Xiang Nan nodded.


  After the meeting, Xiang Nan led the team back.

   "Brother Nan, that's great. Now we not only have the business in Yau Ma Tei, but also the business in Macau." Baopi laughed, "We can get rich this time."

   "Brother Nan is mighty!" Da Tianer also laughed, "Brother Nan, if we go to Macau in the future, don't we need to pay money?"

"Nonsense, it's not my business, it's the company's business. You want to guard against it, don't you?" Xiang Nan said with a smile. In the future, I will have nothing to do, and live on the streets."

  Of the ten dwarf mules, nine are dead. There are very few people who can still have a house to live in and have hot food to eat when they are old, and they will not end up on the streets.

  Baopi, Chaopi, Datianer and others are all laughing and joking, they don't take it seriously.

"By the way, Brother Nan, when you rejected Mr. Jiang just now, do you know how worried I was?" Shan Ji also said, "If you are so polite, Mr. Jiang really won't give you the Macau business, what should I do? ?”

  Xiang Nan smiled.

  He could tell that Jiang Tiansheng was already cleaning up the older generation of fitters. The series of retirements and the prince's ascension are exactly this manifestation.

  The reason why Jiang Tiansheng supports the crown prince instead of Tommy Boy, who is more powerful, is to play a balanced strategy.

  The crown prince is weak, and he must rely on Jiang Tiansheng's support if he wants to secure a position in Tsim Sha Tsui. In this way, Jiang Tiansheng naturally won the allegiance of the prince.

  In comparison, if Tommy Tsai is promoted to the top position, because he is already powerful, he can still sit firmly in the position of fitman without Jiang Tiansheng's support, so naturally he will not bow to Jiang Tiansheng.

  Since Jiang Tiansheng intends to clean up the veterans, the business in Macau will naturally not be handed over to them.

  Today's Hong Xing Twelve Fitters, apart from Xiang Nan, there are no other newcomers, so of course he is none other than him. Even if he declined, Jiang Tiansheng would still feed this piece of cake into his mouth.


   "Brother Nan~"

   "Brother Nan~"

   "Brother Nan~"

  At nightfall, Xiang Nan took his younger brother to inspect various venues.

   This is already his practice.

   Take a tour, one is to let the younger brothers feel their own existence, and then they will not easily get distracted.

  The reason why Jiang Tiansheng was replaced by Liang Kun was because he didn't show up all year round and stayed at home all day.

   After a long time, everyone almost forgot about him, who else would remember him well.

  The second is to let him have first-hand information, so as not to be deceived by others.

The reason why the emperor in the deep palace is always deceived by the ministers, and an egg costs a few taels of silver, is because he has lived in the palace for a long time and does not know the world, so the people under him are naturally deceived and deceived for their own interests. .

  Xiang Nan doesn't want to be a hands-off shopkeeper, and be played by his subordinates.

  Third, you can check the service status of each store, reward you for your merits, and correct your mistakes.

  Now dozens of stores in Yau Ma Tei are chained. If the service of one store is not good, the interest of customers will be spoiled. They may not go to other chain stores, and even tell relatives, friends, colleagues and neighbors not to go.

  In this way, if you lose one customer, you will lose potentially more than a hundred customers.

  The entire population of Xiangjiang is only over 6 million, and every venue offends one person every day. After a month, all the venues have no customers.

  So the service industry is customer first, service first.

   "Pheasant, are you okay tonight?" Xiang Nan asked Pheasant.

   "Don't worry, Brother Nan, with me watching, nothing will happen." Pheasant laughed.

   "Well, be more vigilant." Xiang Nan nodded, and after a brief chat, he continued to take a few younger brothers on patrol.

   These young men were all recruited by him in the past six months, and they were all young people who had just entered the society. They were simple-minded, passionate, eager to get ahead, and easy to control.


  Walking, I suddenly heard a voice from the alley in front, "Help~"

   Seeing this, Xiang Nan hurriedly led people over.

  In Xiangjiang, associations exist because they represent a kind of order.

  It seems that there are many unorthodox and gray industries that the Hong Kong government and the police cannot manage, so associations are needed to maintain them.

  The most typical example is the Kowloon Walled City, such a three-way zone full of pornography, gambling and drugs, where order is maintained by associations, but it is still very safe.

   Entering the alley, I saw two men tearing a woman's clothes.

   "Fuck, you dare to make trouble in Brother Nan's territory?" When the younger brothers saw it, they immediately stepped forward to fight.

   As soon as the two men saw someone coming to rescue, they immediately let go of the woman and ran away.

  The little brothers couldn't catch up, so they had to give up.

   "Sir, thank you for saving me." At this time, the woman tidied her clothes and came to Xiang Nan and said.

  The lights in the alley were dim just now, and she couldn't see her face clearly.

   Now seeing her appearance, all the younger brothers couldn't help swallowing, feeling an evil fire rushing up.

  Because this woman is so beautiful and charming.

   Willow leaves with curved eyebrows, skin like fat, red lips, lordosis and back warping. Especially when the clothes have just been torn and messed up, the upper and lower parts are faintly visible, which is more attractive than taking them all off.

  There are so many girls in Temple Street, none of them can be more beautiful than her, she is so glamorous and captivating that people wish they could die on her body.

  Xiang Nan was slightly taken aback when he saw this person.

  Because he has already recognized that the woman standing in front of him is none other than Lei Gong's lover, the femme fatale Ding Wei!

  (end of this chapter)