MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2593 2595【Beauty trap】

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   Chapter 2593 2595 [Beauty Trap]

  In "The Way of the Dragon", Ding Yan roams among many men by virtue of his unparalleled beauty, ecstasy in bed, and hidden and extremely vicious scheming.

   Pheasant, Lei Gong, Da Fei, Gao Jie... have all been played by her in the applause, and they are quite difficult and ruthless characters. Xiang Nan didn't expect that she would come to pester him.

   "What a coincidence. I just got the business in Macau, and she came to the door." He couldn't help thinking.

  In the movie, Ding Yan used the business in Macau to promote the war between Sanlian and Hong Xing, and took advantage of it to reap the benefits and become the acting leader of the Sanlian Gang.

  So Xiang Nan guessed that she might have the same purpose in coming this time.

   "It's a trivial matter, don't be polite." He waved his hand to Ding Yan.

   "Sir, you help people to the end, send the Buddha to the West, can you take me back to the hotel?" Ding Yan said softly again, "I dare not leave alone now."

   "Okay." Xiang Nan nodded, he also wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Ding Yan's gourd.


  Xiang Nan then took Ding Yan into the sports car.

   "Brother, I'm afraid there may be danger." Seeing this, the younger brothers reminded in a low voice.

  Ding Yan is extremely beautiful, but her origin is unknown. Xiang Nan sent her back by himself, what if it was a trap.

   "Cut, what danger is there that I can't handle?" Xiang Nan curled his lips, deliberately pretending to be arrogant and domineering, then started the sports car and roared away.

   "Sir, your driving skills are really good." Ding Yan praised, her voice was very soft and charming, and her voice could arouse people's fire.

   "It's so-so." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Judging from your accent, it seems to be from Baodao?"

   "That's right. I came to Xiangjiang for a trip. I heard that the Temple Street Night Market is the busiest, so I wanted to come here to broaden my horizons. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing." Ding Yan nodded and said.

   "I'm really sorry." Xiang Nan nodded. "Actually, I saw this site. It was safe and sound before. I didn't expect that there would be trouble today. On behalf of myself, I want to say sorry to you."

   "So you are so powerful." Ding Yan said with a smile, "Then what's your name?"

   "My name is Chen Haonan, what about you?" Xiang Nan smiled.

   "So you are Chen Haonan. I have heard your name in Baodao. I heard that you fight very well." Ding Yan smiled, "My name is Ding Yan, Brother Nan. It's an honor to meet you."

   "It's an honor to know a short mule." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "people like us, in Xiangjiang, don't smell cats and don't chew dogs."

   "No way. Every time righteousness slaughters more dogs, heroes have been reckless since ancient times." Ding Yan laughed, "I think you are all good men. Just like just now, if it weren't for you, I would have been ruined."


   Talking, the two have arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel.

   "Brother Nan, do you want to go up for a drink?" Ding Yan invited with a smile.

  Xiang Nan smiled, and went upstairs with her.

   "Brother Nan, sit down first, I'll take a shower and change clothes." Ding Yan first poured a glass of wine for Xiang Nan, and then walked into the bathroom gracefully.

  The bathroom grilles are made of frosted glass, so you can see a figure in the shadows. It is bumpy, petite and exquisite, and it is more attractive than being naked.

  Seeing this, Xiang Nan couldn't help admiring Ding Yan's charm, as expected, he was naturally charming and a peerless beauty.

  However, he was not fascinated by the beauty in front of him, but looked around vigilantly. He wants to see if there is a camera in the room, if there is a tape recorder, and if there is an ambush killer...

  Xiang Nan's eyesight is extremely astonishing. After careful inspection, he did not find any sneak-camera equipment.

"That's right. For a short mule, it's not wrong to pick up a girl, as long as it's not his brother's woman, then there's no problem." Xiang Nan pondered, "So it's worthless even if Ding Yan takes a sneak shot, and I don't either. will be blackmailed."

   Right at this moment, Ding Yan had finished taking a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe.

  At this time, although she has removed her heavy makeup, she is still unparalleled in beauty, and has an extra layer of purity and charm.

   "Brother Nan, I'll toast you again~" Ding Yan sat beside Xiang Nan and raised his glass to congratulate each other.

  Xiang Nan heard the faint fragrance on her body, and to be honest, he was unavoidably a little bit surprised.

   "I can't drink any more. I don't hold alcohol well. If I drink too much, I will get drunk." Xiang Nan waved his hand and smiled.

   "So what if you're drunk?" Ding Yan laughed.

   "Drunk will mess up." Xiang Nan looked at her and said.

   "I hate it, you look so dead, people like you to mess around." Ding Yan poked Xiang Nan's forehead coquettishly and said.

  Xiang Nan was no longer polite when he saw this, and pressed him directly.

  Although he knew that Ding Yan was just a bait, he believed that he had the ability to eat the bait and spit out the hook.


  After several lingering fights, Xiang Nan and Ding Yan finally ended the battle.

   "Brother Nan, you are so brave, I love you so much." Ding Yan said contentedly, lying on Xiang Nan's chest.

  Xiang Nan smiled, "Of course. No matter how you say it, I am dozens of years younger than Lei Gong, so naturally I am as powerful as a dragon."

  When Ding Yan heard this, his body froze immediately, and then he smiled awkwardly, "Brother Nan, I can't understand what you are talking about."

"Really?" Xiang Nan smiled, "Lei Gong is really useless, no wonder he is willing to use you as bait. It's just that he is so old, and he is not good at that, so why do he work so hard? Are power and money really that alluring?"

  Ding Yan's expression became more and more cold, and he couldn't help asking, "How do you know who I am? When did you recognize me?"

  She originally thought of using a beauty trick to lure Xiang Nan into taking the bait, and let him cooperate with Lei Gong. When the time comes, try every means to get rid of Lei Gong and help her rise to the throne.

  Unexpectedly, she had already been recognized as soon as the plan was implemented, which made her feel cold, not knowing who leaked the secret and what went wrong.

"To be honest, I recognized you at the first sight." Xiang Nan smiled, "I also know that you came to me because you wanted to get involved in the Macau business. I also know that you are ambitious and want to replace Lei Gong as the The leader of the Sanlian Gang."

   "You're talking nonsense!" Ding Yan was shocked when he heard it.

   "Really, then why did you flirt with Lei Gong's bodyguard, Gao Jie, and communicate secretly?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   Ding Yan was shocked.

  No one knew about her and Gao Jie, even Lei Gong was kept in the dark. I didn't expect Xiang Nan to know so clearly.

   "Who the **** are you, and where did you hear about it?" Ding Yan asked in surprise.

   At the same time, she quietly picked up the bottle opener from the bedside table, and then stabbed it hard at Xiang Nan.

  The matter of her and Gao Jie, and the matter of her attempt to rebel, are all top secret and must not be known to anyone. Even if Xiang Nan is the strongest man she has ever seen, but she can't let him continue to live in this world.

  So when she plunged down to Xiang Nan, she was using all her strength.

  But there was a clang, and the corkscrew was thrown out, causing Ding Yan's arms to go numb, and his tiger's mouth to burst, bleeding out. But Xiang Nan didn't even have a white spot on his chest.

  (end of this chapter)