MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2595 2597 [Virtual and Snake]

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  Chapter 2595 2597 [Virtual and Snake]

   "Are you sure that after you get rid of Lei Gong, you will be able to take the position of acting leader?" Xiang Nan asked.

  Ding Yan nodded, "The old man has always trusted me, he thought that I was loyal to him, devoted to him, and would never betray him.

   And he has no suitable successor. His son, Lei Fuhong, is now studying at a university in the United States, and has no intention of inheriting the family business at all. So he can only pass on the Sanlian Gang to me.

  Besides, Gao Jie also helped me settle the southern hall, so as long as Lei Gong dies, I can take over. "

"Since you have confidence, then it's settled." Xiang Nan nodded, "You arranged for me to meet with Lei Gong, and I will secretly strike and let him die suddenly without knowing it. At that time, you can realize your dream gone."

   "Okay." Ding Yan nodded, "After I become the previous leader, everything in the Sanlian Gang will be yours."

   "You are more obedient than yesterday." Xiang Nan smiled, "Did you go to the hospital for an examination, and you know that there is no cure for Hua Gu Mian Zhang, so you can only rely on me to help you."

  Ding Yan's face froze suddenly.

   "Okay, just kidding. Don't worry, as long as you are obedient, I won't be willing to kill a woman like you." Xiang Nan touched her face and said with a smile.


   Three days later, at the Lisboa Hotel in Macau.

  Xiang Nan came to the room and had a secret talk with Lei Gong.

  After entering, I saw a hale and hearty old man in his sixties; a tall, middle-aged man with a cool expression;

   "Brother Nan, let me introduce you. This is Lei Gong, the leader of the Sanlian Gang." Ding Yan introduced with a smile, "This is his personal bodyguard Gao Jie."

   "Mr. Lei, hello, I have known you for a long time, like thunder." Xiang Nan shook hands and smiled.

   "I've heard of Mr. Chen's name a long time ago. At the age of twenty-five, he became a fitter in Yau Ma Tei. It's true that the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves before, and the new generation is better than the old.

  Mr. Chen, when I was your age, I was just a little brother, far less beautiful than you. " Lei Gong smiled and said to Xiang Nan.

   "Mr. Lei is over the top. Mr. Lei is now the leader of the Sanlian Gang. Even if I work hard all my life, I can't achieve your achievements." Xiang Nan also complimented.

"Actually, I just chose well." Lei Gong smiled, "Back then, my boss asked someone to take the blame and went to the Kuyao. I was the first to raise my hand and went to the Kuyao for a year. After I came out, I was directly promoted to be the eldest brother." After that, it went straight all the way from the eldest brother to the hall master, and finally to the gang master.

  If I hadn’t been the first to raise my hand back then, I would still be a low-level gangster like my old brothers. "

   "Mr. Lei is absolutely right. A virtuous official chooses the master to do his work, and a good bird chooses a tree to live in." Xiang Nan laughed, "The key lies in the word [select]."

"Mr. Chen is indeed enlightened. No wonder he is able to stand out at such a young age." Lei Gong nodded and smiled, "Compared with Hong Xing, the Sanlian Gang is superior in all aspects. What Jiang Tiansheng can give, I, Lei Gong, can give. Much more than him. It is definitely more suitable for you to cooperate with me than him."

   As he spoke, he clapped his hands, and Gao Jie immediately presented a box.

   Opened it and saw that it was full of stacks of dollar bills.

   "Here is a million dollars, which is my gift to you." Lei Gong laughed, "If you help me get the Macau business, I will give you ten times the money."

   "Mr. Lei is really generous." Xiang Nan nodded, "Okay, this matter is on my shoulders. However, I hope that Mr. Lei can give me half a year to plan this matter carefully."

   "Half a year is too long, I will give you a month at most." Lei Gong waved his hand.

   "One month?! Okay." Xiang Nan hesitated for a moment, "Since Mr. Lei ordered, I have no choice but to obey. I hope we can have a pleasant cooperation in the future!" He held out his hand while speaking.

   "Yes." Lei Gong also smiled with satisfaction and shook hands with him.


  After the talks, Lei Gong took Gao Jie out of Macau.

  Before parting, he smiled and told Ding Yan, "Ah Yan, help me to accompany Mr. Chen well."

   Ding Yan nodded.

  Xiang Nan noticed that there was a hint of sullenness in Gao Jie's eyes.

   "You really know how to act. If I didn't know the truth, I would be deceived by you, and I thought you were sincerely seeking refuge." After Lei Gong left, Ding Yan put his arms around Xiang Nan and smiled.

  Xiang Nan acted so well just now, she thought he was real.

   "If you don't act real, how can you fool that old fox." Xiang Nan laughed.

   Not to mention that he inherited Fang Yifan's acting experience, even if he has lived for hundreds of years, acting is just a piece of cake for him.

   "Then how soon will he die?" Ding Yan asked again with concern.

   "Didn't he set a death date for himself? His death date will be within a month." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I wanted him to live for another half a year, who would have thought that he would be so overwhelmed."

   "One month?! Good." Ding Yan nodded.

   "By the way, that Gao Jie, I look very upset. Find a chance to get rid of him." Xiang Nan said again, "I don't want you to have other men by your side."

   "Why, you're jealous of me?" Ding Yan laughed when he heard that.

   "Since you have followed me, it can only be mine alone. I don't have the habit of sharing it with others." Xiang Nan said coldly.

   "I see." Ding Yan smiled, "Actually, you don't have to worry, the sea has been difficult for water, and I did it once with a man like you, and I don't think I would like other men.


  After returning to Xiangjiang, Xiang Nan began to take over the business affairs in Macau.

  The business in Macau is lucrative. As long as it is well managed, the daily turnover may be tens of millions.

   This is a huge cash cow.

  Using this money to invest, money makes money, compound interest, and a turnover of 10 million can leverage hundreds of millions of leverage.

  With Xiang Nan's ability, it can more than double within a month.

   Therefore, this business is definitely a huge profit for him. According to Da Fei's words, it's the **** riding a horse - no way!

   While he was busy, the decoration of the house he bought in Haiyi Mansion was also completed.

   Afterwards, Xiang Nan and Xiao Jieba moved in together.

  Xiang Nan also invited two Filipino maids to take care of her.

  Actually, Xiang Nan originally wanted to take grandma over.

  Chen Haonan's grandma lives in a housing estate in Tsz Wan Shan. Because of her age, she is a little deaf and confused.

  Before, Chen Haonan was just a short mule. He didn't have much money, so he couldn't take good care of the old man. So Xiang Nan wanted to do his filial piety for him and bring his grandma out to enjoy the blessings.

  But grandma is used to living in housing estates, especially with her neighbors, so she doesn’t want to move to Harbor Plaza, lest she cause trouble with her old friends.

  Xiang Nan couldn't hold her back, so he had no choice but to give up the idea.

   Fortunately, little stutterer is kind-hearted, and he goes to see her every now and then, so that the old man is not so lonely.

"Haonan, you are promising now. The house is so big." When grandma came to visit the new house, she said with a smile, "You are too old, and it's time to think about getting married. Xixili is a good girl, you can Don't let people down."

   "Yes, grandma, don't worry." Xiang Nan fully agreed.

   Xiao stuttered, naturally he was ashamed and happy.

  (end of this chapter)