MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2596 2598 [Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit]

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  Chapter 2596 2598 [Three caves of cunning rabbits]

  Three weeks later, Xiang Nan has successfully taken over all of Hong Xing's business in Macau.

  His assets have also expanded to three billion Hong Kong dollars. It is no exaggeration to say that even Jiang Tiansheng and Jiang Tianyang may not be as rich as him.

   But having said that, the Jiang family has been prestige in the Jianghu for decades. In addition to Hong Kong and Macau, it has influence in Thailand, the Netherlands, Malaysia and many other places, which can be called the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

  They have been operating in those places for many years, and no one knows how big it has become.

   Therefore, their actual assets are likely to be much more than what they appear on the surface.

  But no matter what, Xiang Nan, who holds three billion Hong Kong dollars, is already at the top of the Xiangjiang Pyramid.

   That is to say, his status is embarrassing and he cannot be promoted to the public.

   Otherwise, based on the speed at which he makes money, all major financial magazines will blow him up.

   While he was taking over the Macau business. There was news from Treasure Island that Lei Gong suddenly had acute pancreatitis, which caused systemic organ failure, and within two days of being admitted to the hospital, he drove west because the treatment was ineffective.


   "You really did it, Lei Gong is really dead." Ding Yan called Xiang Nan, with both excitement and worry in his tone.

  Xiang Nan said that Lei Gong died suddenly within a month, and sure enough he really died within a month. Moreover, even the top doctors in Baodao believed that the cause of his death was beyond doubt, it was simple acute pancreatitis, which caused organ failure and died.

  The old brothers of the Sanlian Gang had doubts about Lei Gong's death. After all, he died really fast. A few days ago, they were playing golf together, but two days later they unexpectedly died suddenly, who could not be suspicious.

  But what the doctor said left them speechless, so they had no choice but to accept this reality.

   "Then you can finally get what you want." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Congratulations, Master Ding~"

   Ding Yan giggled when he heard this.

   She had been waiting for this day, indeed, for a long time.

   It's just that Xiang Nan said let Lei Gong die, so Lei Gong really died. That Xiang Nan said that if she didn't have him to detoxify her, she would not live for a year, and she would die of broken bones, which is very likely to be true.

  Thinking of this, she couldn't laugh anymore.


  After the death of Lei Gong, the position of the leader of the Sanlian Clan has attracted covetousness, and several clan leaders intend to seize the position of the leader of the clan.

   But in the end, Ding Yan took over the position of acting gang leader.

   There is both the support of Lei Gong's old department and the support of Gao Jie who won her the support of the southern hall. In addition, Ding Yan also slept with many people in those years.

   As for the head of the Sanlian Gang, elections are held every three years. It has been a year since the last election, so Ding Yan still has two years to help him consolidate his position as the leader.

   Otherwise, two years later, when the new leader takes over, she will have no choice but to abdicate.

   "Brother Nan, these hall masters are my hidden competitors. You help me send people to get rid of them, and I will give you one million Hong Kong dollars each." Ding Yan begged Xiang Nan.

"Hey, don't fight and kill all the time." Xiang Nan waved his hand and said, "Sun Tzu's art of war has a saying, all fighters win with the combination of the right and the strange. Your superiority relies on insidious tricks. You can't always use shady tricks, but also use some aboveboard methods.

  Just like when Kowloon seized the throne in the last years of Kangxi, Yongzheng did play a lot of conspiracies. But after ascending to the throne, what he did was a good emperor.

  If you want to keep your position as the gang leader, you can rely on doing a good job in management, so that all the brothers can make money, and then you can naturally win everyone's support. "

   "..." Ding Yan blinked in confusion.

  She has always played tricks and tricks, relying on her beauty and scheming to get ahead. Let her do business management now, how can she have such great skills.

  To be honest, if she really had that much ability, why would she have sacrificed her looks and committed herself to a bad old man.

   "Don't worry, I will help you." Xiang Nan smiled and handed a detailed plan to Ding Yan.

  Ding Yan opened it and was shocked.

   There are detailed development plans, which industries have potential, which projects can be invested, which stocks can be held, which pitfalls to avoid, and even how to participate in politics.

   "This... this... this..." Ding Yan scanned it hastily, and then looked at Xiang Nan in shock, "Who the **** are you? You have such a great ability, why bother to be a short mule?"

  This plan is detailed and feasible, and it is really rare to have a high-level plan and insight into opportunities. She couldn't figure it out. A person who can write such a plan, why should he be a dwarf mule.

  After all, being a dwarf mule looks at the scenery. In fact, anyone who has pursuit, ideals, ability, and can make a living in the industry will not consider this industry.

   "Who am I, you don't have to ask." Xiang Nan waved his hand, "In short, you and I are one, and I will not harm you."

   Ding Yan nodded, "Then what do you want? The Sanlian Gang is in my hands now, and I can give you whatever you want."

   "No rush." ​​Xiang Nan waved his hand, "I have a lot of money, and enough land. The reason why I win you over is nothing more than to swindle the rabbit's three caves, so that I can have a hiding place in the future.

  You also know that 1997 is coming soon, we short mules don’t know what will happen then. I need to prepare a way out for myself. "

   "Okay, if you run away to Treasure Island in the future, I will definitely take you in, lock you in my bed all day, and be my man alone." Ding Yan laughed.

   "Think of yourself as Wu Zetian." Xiang Nan smiled, "In short, do your best. Remember, development is the last word, don't always think about doing crooked ways."

   Ding Yan nodded.


  After taking over the Macau business, Xiang Nan made it flourish.

  On the one hand, he digs deep into the source of customers, and uses Hong Xing's influence to attract customers in Xiangjiang; he cooperates with the Sanlian Gang to let Ding Yan attract customers from Baodao. With a two-pronged approach, the business is naturally booming.

  On the one hand, strengthen management. The business is managed by professional managers hired from Las Vegas with high salaries, and they must provide the best and most comfortable services to the guests.

   On the one hand, there is a lot of publicity. After he received the news that the well-known director Wang Jing was preparing to shoot "God of Gamblers 3: The Young God of Gamblers", he contacted the other party and invited him to come to his place to shoot scenes.

   "Director Wang, all the expenses of the crew here, including food, drink and entertainment, are all mine." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "In addition, I will sponsor another two million Hong Kong dollars in production funds."

   "Mr. Chen, you are really polite." Wang Jing was very surprised when he heard this.

  Because in the past, their Macau counterparts were not very cooperative with their filming.

   Firstly, when the film crew enters the set, it cannot be filmed in a day or two, which will definitely delay the business; secondly, those gambling films often have themes of revealing secrets, warnings, and quitting gambling, so they are naturally unwilling to support them.

  But Xiang Nan not only offered to provide the venue, but also willing to sponsor two million Hong Kong dollars in production costs. It was so polite that Wang Jing even suspected that Xiang Nan had evil intentions.

   "Based on Director Wang's status in the entertainment industry today, he should be polite." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "And I am very optimistic about the future development of the film industry. We still have many possibilities for cooperation in the future."

  (end of this chapter)