MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 5 5 [wash and find it quickly]

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  Chapter 5 5 [wash and find it quickly]

  After driving for fifteen minutes, the two came to Los Robles2311.

   After climbing up to the fourth floor together, Howard knocked on the door of 4A.

  Xiang Nan noticed that there were some cardboard boxes and old furniture piled up at the opposite door of 4B.

   "It seems that Penny has really moved here." He thought quietly in his heart.

   After a while, the door opened.

   "We all have good news to tell you." When he saw Leonard, Howard immediately smiled, and then he walked into the room.

  Xiang Nan nodded to Leonard with a smile, and walked in.

  After watching the complete episodes of "The Big Bang Theory", he thinks Leonard is really good.

  Kind-hearted, hard-working, infatuated with his lover, and bothering his friends, he can be said to be the cutest person in the whole show of "The Big Bang Theory".

  The only shortcoming is that it is too weak.

   "What good news?" Leonard asked puzzled.

   "I found Hawking's speech at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1974." Howard said proudly, "Raj discovered an terrestrial planet."

   "Wow, really?! Congratulations!" Leonard looked happily at Xiang Nandao when he heard that.

   "Thank you. But I haven't finalized it yet, so it's a bit early to congratulate." Xiang Nan waved his hands modestly, but he was 100% sure that it was an Earth-like planet.

"Yes, it's really not worthy of congratulations." Sheldon curled his lips in disdain and said, "It's just a chance to discover a stone that has been drifting slowly in the universe for billions of years. As long as you are lucky, anyone can find it." .”

  Xiang Nan frowned when he heard what he said.

  When he watched the "Big Bang Theory" episodes before, he knew Sheldon was tongue-in-cheek, conceited, and had a low EQ.

  But because the object is not yourself, not only is it not offensive, but it makes people feel interesting.

   But now, he has become Raj. It hurts to hear such rude words again.

   "You don't believe in luck." At this moment, Leonard continued, "If Raj really discovers an earth-like planet, it is really something worthy of congratulations."

  Hearing him take the initiative to defend himself, Xiang Nan felt warm in his heart.

   "What~" Shelton shrugged disdainfully.

  Although Xiang Nan knew that he was not bad in nature, seeing him so conceited, he still couldn't help but want to beat him up.


   At this moment, Howard had inserted the videotape of Hawking's speech into the VCR, and then sat on the sofa and started playing it.

   "Hey, Howie, now is not the time." Seeing this, Leonard quickly dissuaded him.

   "Why?" Howard asked puzzled.

   "Leonard has a lady visiting." Sheldon was the fastest and explained first.

   "Yeah, your grandmother came to see you again?" Howard said casually.

  Last Thanksgiving, Leonard's grandma, who suffers from Alzheimer's, visited him and stripped naked in the living room, leaving an unforgettable memory for everyone.

   "No, it's not a lady, it's a new neighbor." Leonard quickly explained.

   "Wait~" Howard immediately stood up when he heard this, "So there is really a lady here?"

   "Hmm." Leonard nodded.

   "Then you drove us away because you wanted to communicate with her?" Howard asked curiously.

   "I didn't want to communicate with her." Leonard quickly defended.

   "That is to say, others can communicate with her?" Howard asked.

   "Can we stop saying the word 'communication'?" Leonard said awkwardly.

  Xiang Nan was also speechless for a while.

  Howard is too wretched and impatient, and when he hears a woman, he thinks of talking.

   I really don't know what his brain is made of.


  At this moment, a girl wrapped in a bath towel came out of the bathroom with bare feet.

   "Leonard, isn't there supposed to be a **** that sends water from the tub to the shower?" she asked as they walked.

   Immediately, she saw Howard and Xiang Nan in the living room.

  The moment she saw Xiang Nan, her eyes lit up.

   "I'm sorry." She stopped immediately and greeted awkwardly, "I'm sorry, hello everyone~"

"Nice to meet you, ma'am." When Howard saw her, his eyes lit up, and he immediately approached her, "I'm Howard Wolowitz, an engineer in the Department of Physics, Caltech. Some of my research results, you may Already familiar. It's orbiting Jupiter's largest moon, taking high-resolution digital photos."

   "I'm Penny, and I work in the cheesecake factory." Penny glanced at him, then looked at Xiang Nan, and asked, "Are you also their colleague?"

   "Yes, he is Rajesh Kusapari." Howard offered to introduce, "But he suffers from selective mutism and cannot talk to girls."

   "Really?!" Penny exclaimed in surprise. It was the first time I heard of such a strange disease. It's a pity that this handsome guy with an exotic style is gone.

   "Of course not." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "It's just because my accent is a bit weird, and I'm afraid of being laughed at, so I usually don't like to talk."

  Seeing that he actually spoke, Howard, Leonard, and Sheldon were all startled.

  They had known Raj for three years and had never seen him speak in front of girls. Unless the girl is not beautiful, or she is mixed in the crowd.

   "Raj, is your selective mutism cured?" Howard asked suddenly in surprise.

  Xiang Nan smiled.

  Raj's selective mutism is mainly psychological.

  Because he was not confident when facing girls and dared not communicate with them, he became ill over time.

  In the play, after he was hit by a broken relationship at the end of the sixth season, the illness miraculously healed without any medicine.

  Xiang Nan has no psychological problems in this area, he can talk to girls freely, so Raj's illness was cured by him.

   "I think your accent is very interesting." Penny said with a smile.

   "Thank you." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Actually, I would talk like that too." Seeing that Raj's accent aroused Penny's interest, Howard immediately imitated it.

  He is an imitator, not only knows how to Bbox, but also imitates stars such as Nicolas Cage and Al Pacino. It's even easier to imitate Raj who is together every day.

  Penny frowned when she saw him doing this.


   "I'll take you to get the knob." Seeing Howard pestering Penny, Leonard hurriedly stood up and said.

   "Ah, thank you." Penny nodded and followed him.

   "bonnedouche!" Seeing this, Howard quickly shouted behind him.

   "What do you mean?" Penny stopped, turned around and frowned, asking puzzledly.

   "It's French, meaning 'wash well'. This is a congratulatory speech, and I can speak it in six languages." Howard proudly showed off.

  Penny pursed her lips in embarrassment.

   "Save it on your blog." Leonard complained, and then left with Penny.

   "Take a shower and find it~" Howard shouted at the top of his voice.

  Xiang Nan couldn't help smiling when he heard this broken Chinese.

   The new book is on the shelves, looking for all kinds of support, thank you!



  (end of this chapter)