MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 6 6【There is no gap without comparison】

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  Chapter 6 6 [There is no gap without comparison]

   "Raj, when will your selective mutism heal? Why don't I know?" Howard asked curiously while handing the takeaway to Xiang Nan.

   "Actually, there have been signs of improvement before, and it should be completely cured today." Xiang Nan smiled and said, "But I don't know exactly how it is. I guess it is probably a miracle."

   Too many words will lead to loss, he doesn't want to discuss this matter anymore, so everything is pushed to metaphysics.

  Seeing what he said, Sheldon rolled his eyes greatly.

  Howard no longer entangled, nodded with a smile, "Congratulations to you."

   Immediately, he said excitedly again, "It's good that your illness is cured. In this way, we can work together to pick up girls. It just so happens that you come to be my wingman."

  Xiang Nan smiled.

  In the play, although Howard is very horny, he always picks up girls when he sees them, and he does a lot of tricks. It's doing magic tricks, speaking foreign languages, and pretending to be Gothic, but the success rate is very low.

  Throughout the whole play, he only chased Bernadette alone, and his record was not as good as Raj and Leonard, so how could he be worthy of being his wingman.


   At this moment, Leonard came out of the bathroom excitedly, "Sheldon, follow me."

   "What are you going to do?" Sheldon asked puzzled.

   "You'll find out when you come with me." Leonard said mysteriously.

  Seeing this, Shelton immediately became interested, and immediately stood up, "Should I go to the comic shop to buy comics, or go to the supermarket to buy batteries? Wait, don't tell me, let me make a good guess."

  Xiang Nan smiled, knowing that Leonard was asked by Penny to ask her ex-boyfriend for a TV.

  But because they did not have the slightest deterrence, not only did they not get the TV back, but their pants were stripped off.

  Xiang Nan didn't feel sorry for Shelton's pants being ripped off, who made him speak so viciously.

  But he couldn't bear to see Leonard suffer, so he stood up immediately.

   "Wait, Leonard, where are you going?" Xiang Nan asked.

   "..." Leonard said with some reluctance.

  He hoped this was his and Penny's little secret.

   "What's going on?" Howard suddenly became suspicious when he saw this, and asked the same.

   Leonard was not good at lying, so he had to tell the truth when pressed by the two.

  As soon as Howard heard it, he knew it was a good opportunity to please the beauty, so he immediately applied to participate.

  Selton looked disappointed. He thought Leonard took him out to play, but he didn't expect him to be a porter, so he pursed his lips.

   Leonard flatly rejected Howard's application.

  He already regarded Penny as something in his pocket, and he would never allow anyone to **** it from him.

  Howard was rejected. Although he was very reluctant, he chose to give in because he and Leonard were good friends.

   "Sheldon, if you are willing to accompany me, I will give you the first edition of the "Green Lantern" comic." He lured Sheldon again.

  Although Sheldon was very reluctant, under the inspiration of the comics, he quickly agreed.

   Leonard is about to set off with Sheldon.

   "Leonard, I want to remind you that you can't go like this." Seeing this, Xiang Nan quickly reminded.

   "Why?" Leonard stopped and looked at Xiang Nandao suspiciously.

   "It's very simple. From the looks of you, you can tell that you are nerds. Will they obediently return the TV to you?" Xiang Nan explained.

   Hearing what he said, and looking at each other's clothes, Leonard immediately couldn't refute.

   "In my opinion, you'd better change into a suit and pretend to be Penny's attorney." Xiang Nan suggested.

   In the United States, lawyers are an awesome profession, and no one wants to provoke them.

   Leonard was thoughtful when he heard this.

   "But we're not Penny's attorneys. Isn't that making us lie?" Shelton flatly refused.

  Although he has a lot of problems, he will not lie, he will say what he has. This is one of his rare strengths.

   "You can think of it as a real-life role-playing game. In the game, you play the role of a lawyer." Xiang Nan smiled slightly. He knew that Sheldon liked playing games the most, just like a child.

   Upon hearing this, Shelton became interested.

   Immediately, Leonard and Leonard changed into formal clothes and went to claim the TV set.


   After Leonard and Sheldon left, Xiang Nan and Howard returned to their seats and continued eating.

  They ate Indian food. To be honest, the taste was really uncomfortable.

   While eating, Penny has already taken a shower. After returning home and changing her clothes, she returned to 4A again.

   "Are you working in the same university as Leonard and Sheldon?" She sat beside Xiang Nan and asked him with a smile.

   "Yes, we are all colleagues." Howard hurriedly replied, and offered to hand over a pack of juice, "Penny, where did you get it from?"

   "Well, I'm from Omaha." Penny smiled, and then asked Xiang Nan, "Where are you from?"

   Before Xiang Nan could answer, Howard rushed to say again, "Omaha?! I thought you came from Mars, because only the gravity of Mars can shape your hips."

  Hearing him praise herself so much, Penny couldn't help frowning.

   "Let me tell you a secret, I'm still the developer of the Mars Rover. If you're interested, I can let you drive on Mars." Howard approached Penny again, proudly.

  Penny rolled her eyes when she heard what he said.

  Xiang Nan couldn't help frowning when he saw Howard was so impatient and spoke so lewdly.

  Although he is not a love expert, he also knows that to pursue girls, it is best to stop as soon as possible, and remember to stalk them.

   Blind obscenity will not move girls, but will only disgust them.

   "Penny, I noticed that you just moved here today, and you must have a lot of housework to do. It just so happens that Howard and I are fine, do you want us to help you?" Xiang Nan suggested with a smile.

  Penny was very moved when she heard this.

  She just moved here, the house is a mess, the luggage is still in the box, and it really needs to be taken care of.

   "How embarrassing." She hesitated.

   "Don't worry, we're fine anyway." Xiang Nan smiled, "Howie, are you right?"

   "Of course, I'm happy to help." Seeing a chance to please the girl, Howard immediately agreed.

   "Then thank you." Penny was also very happy when she saw this, and immediately brought Xiang Nan and Howard to her room.

  The three of them immediately started packing up.


   In fact, Howard is not good at housework. He lives with his mother, who does all the housework.

   Therefore, working now is not enough, and I often stand there stupidly, not knowing what to do.

  In contrast to Xiang Nan, since he graduated from university at the age of 22, he has lived alone, and he has also taken care of the housework by himself, so sweeping, mopping the floor, and cleaning the windows are done in an orderly manner.

  Penny’s daughter was born on the farm, and she also did farm work since she was a child. Taking care of housework is a piece of cake for her.

  Seeing Xiang Nan and Howard doing things now, she couldn't help but feel a comparison in her heart.

  (end of this chapter)