MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 13 tease

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What can He Yu use?



In the hands of Gu Xihe, He Yu became a tool for the whole person. He can use the feather end to scratch the itch, use the feather tail to stab the neck, and even insert it into the hair of the person to laugh and laugh. In short, everything He did what the urchin could think of, childish and bad things.

Shu Huan was so upset that he couldn’t move, but he couldn’t move away from it. There was no way to smile at him. A crane that was inserted on her head was pulled out and thrown into the ground: “Don’t Bother me, play anywhere else!"

Gu Xihe was swept away and his mouth was like a cry.

Shu Huan is a little panicked. The old lady in the head is petting him like him. He really wants to be cried by himself. Isn’t he added another crime? Busy to squeeze out a smile, to go to marry him, who wants him to break into a smile immediately, retreat three steps, proudly laughed: "Be deceived!"

Although the current age of this body is at most four or five years older than Gu Xihe, but Shu Huan’s true age is already 20, and the gas is mad, still can’t look at his trick, squeeze out from his teeth. Two words: "naive!"

"what did you say?!"

The child is most afraid of people saying that he is small, Gu Xi and this anger, immediately swayed her fist, but finally remember Shu Huan identity, no matter how he is, he did not fight, and finally snorted, turned and ran.

Shu Huan first breathed a sigh of relief, and he saw that he was running inside the house, and he was worried that he would go to the confession. He just wanted to stop and couldn’t stop it. He said that he was no different from being punished, and he simply died. However, she did not think that she was as childish as Gu Xihe, and occasionally she could prank her creativity. When the boy came back with blue and white porcelain and told her to look inside, she almost spit.

It was full of worms and worms, looks like cockroaches, and the color was yellow and brown, so she could see her goose bumps.

"How?" Gu Xihe smoked his nose and said: "Feed the birds."

Shu Huan gnashed his teeth: "What do you want?"

He is honest: "Pour the worms in the collar of your clothes."


Shu Huan really wants to faint in the past, but the gods are still tough, but they are not faint.

I know that Gu Xihe is not threatening her. It is really possible to make such a bad thing, but she can't beat her children. Besides, this small body, even if she has a heart, is not necessarily the opponent of this wicked child. She had to get up from the ground and turned around and ran outside the courtyard.

What are the fines, what rules, all go to hell!

She is fed up!

This ghost place is old and harsh, small and bad, it is not a treat!

However, it took too long, the lower limbs were numb, did not run two steps, the legs were soft, and she sat back on the ground.

Seeing that Gu Xi and the little **** chased him, and carrying the blue-and-white porcelain, she was going to lean on her. At this time, the outside of the courtyard suddenly sneaked into the head of a double-horned scorpion, and screamed at Gu Xi and shouted: "Four Lord! Four Lords!"

Gu Xihe turned around and looked at his own companion boy, and he was impatient: "What?"

The ink dyed anxiously at him and waved: "Four Lord, come out, there is a hurry!"

Gu Xihe is still hesitating.

Here, Shu Huan has already taken the opportunity to stand up and raise his hand to force it under the blue and white porcelain enamel.

Under the circumstance, Gu Xihe did not force the prison, blue and white porcelain smashed out of the hand, was carried on the air, slightly tilted over.

He was flustered to pick up, but finally remembered what was in the head and promptly retracted his hand.

At this time, the blue-and-white porcelain enamel had fallen to the ground and smashed. A worm, like the rain, had a small half leaning on his blue satin shoes and was still creeping.

Gu Xihe was not afraid of this thing. At this time, I saw this situation. The scalp was also faintly numb. I quickly shook my feet and shook the worm. I was going to find Shu Huan’s account. She was far away. Going on, and dyeing the ink boldly came in from the outside of the courtyard door, took him and left: "Four Lord, don't make trouble, go with the small."

The bugs are scattered on the ground, don't be afraid!

Shu Huan looked at Gu Xihe and was towed away. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked back. No one came out to look at it. He walked back under the pine tree, but she was impatient and then squatted, sitting on the floor and squatting herself. The sore knees are sore and sigh.

Just now, there is really a thought of wanting to leave here regardless of everything.

Probably this is the impulse!

Now that I have calmed down a bit, the most sensible thing is to pretend that nothing has happened and continue to squat, but after all, she grew up in a modern society where people are relatively free and equal, and there are roots in the bones. Obedience, restraint and restraint, there is also a limit. Without this limit, she can laugh at everything. Once she has passed this degree, she is the type that sees the coffin without tears. The pros and cons are very clear. Just don't want to be embarrassed!

I didn’t mention Shu Huan’s swearing, and I was mad at it, and said that Gu Xihe was suffocating, and just dragged the ink to the outside of the hospital, he opened his hand impatiently: “What the hell?”

Dyeing ink knows that his temper is big, accompanied by a smile: "Four Lord, don't ask, in short, it's a good thing, you just follow me."

Gu Xihe has a waist: "You don't say I don't go!"

Dyeing ink had to be attached to the ear, and quietly said a few words.

Gu Xi and his eyes immediately let go: "Really?"

I was not satisfied with the ink: "I still can't be a grandfather?"

"What are you waiting for? Go away!"

When Gu Xihe said, he ran up before he slammed his robes. Without a moment of work, he would dye the ink to the far end.


The sun is getting higher.

Under the pine trees, there will be a lot of coolness without the sun.

Shu Huan leaned back against the trunk, sitting on his knees silently thinking about things.

Xu was too quiet, a bit abnormal. After a while, Gu Xihe’s nurse, Xiao Shi, came out from the house.

Seeing Shu Huan sitting, she was a glimpse, and then seeing that Xi Xihe was gone, the ground was broken with porcelain and insects, and suddenly he understood what had happened, and he turned around and went into the house to report it.

After a while, Shu Huan looked up and saw that the old Taijun was smashed out by Fang, and Lin followed him. He thought: This little boy is really a big face, but he was pulled out to play, so he was so excited. The introduction of Laotai Jun personally came out to see.

However, the old lady’s head is reprimanding her: “Let you squat, do you dare to slacken in the ground?”

It’s clear that it’s good!

Shu Huan bit his lip, no words.

The old lady is very angry and asks: "Hee hee? Where did you go?"

She was fined here, not ordered to look at the little boy, he disappeared, how to ask her? But seeing the old lady is really angry, for fear that she is really angry, so Shu Huan still sighs, squats back, just want to answer, suddenly see Gu Xi and panting from the outside rushed in, mouth is still anxious Shouted: "Taijun... grandchildren... here..."

This sound, listening to the old lady's ears, such as the smell of fairy, her wrinkled brow immediately stretched out, his face full of smiles, looks very kind.


That, everyone should not vote for me for the time being, it will be wasted.

Because I want to be faster, but at present many things have to be carefully laid out, written very slowly, heartless and powerless, I hope that after a while, the speed can be faster.

Oh, of course, I don't object to you replacing the updated ticket with a reward, 嘿嘿^-^