MTL - Seeking Happiness-Chapter 14 Unexpected pleading

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Looking at the sudden change of the face of Lao Taijun, Shu Huan sighed a bit, a little depressed for Gu Xiran. The same is the grandson, this attitude is really big difference. For Gu Xiran, she is more stern and more loving. For the little boy in front of her, she is blindly loved. It seems that this eccentricity is really a thing that has been common since ancient times.

Gu Xi and this guy are also very smart. In front of Laotaijun, they don’t show a little bit of color. They look like a normal, painful child. Waiting for the temper, just like a sparrow, 叽叽喳喳Speaking of the words, the old lady was laughing and laughing, screaming at him, shouting a slap in the face.

He was still diligent: "Taijun, the outside is very hot, is it good for you to go in with your grandchildren?"

"Good!" Laotaijun was moved by this filial piety, only knowing to repeat a good word.

Fang's and the niece are in the sidelines, and even say that they don't love Taijun. The four masters really know filial piety. Even Lin's face reveals a lot of smiles. Looking at Gu Xihe's eyes, he is full of love and pity.

Shu Huan can understand, this four masters, it is Lin's child.

A group of people surrounded the old lady to go to the house, but did not take two steps, the old lady thinks wrong, and turns back.

Is this going to send her down?

Shu Huan quickly lowered his head.

Who wants Laotai Jun not to speak, Gu Xihe has already rushed: "Taijun, Suner still wants to find you a favor, don't punish him, let her play with me?"

In a word, the people present were mostly smashed.

They are very clear about the temper of the man in front of him. Seeing that people are punished, it is better to not play tricks with the pits. It is an unprecedented thing to ask for love!

Shu Huan is also embarrassed, how can you think of things like this amazing change.

The smile on the old lady's face converges a bit, look at him and say: "How come you suddenly think about playing with her?"

Gu Xihe smiled innocently and reached out to the pile of broken porcelain: "Two dare to accompany me to play bugs!"

As long as it is a woman, I am afraid that there is no good feeling for the worms. The old lady is so disgusted and wrinkled her eyebrows, and she looks at Shu Huan with a strange look.

"Well, good! Good!" Gu Xihe was not right, and spoiled.

Watching him twist and twist like the old-fashioned arm, it is very different from the previous stubborn image, and Shu Huan’s mouth is involuntarily twitching.

Fang thought it was kind, and smiled at the side: "Also, my sister's age is not much bigger than that of the four masters. The two think that they can play together, and then they have been stunned for a long time. Taijun will open a favor."

Can't stand Gu Xihe and grab his arm, and the old lady is annoyed and slaps his hand: "I have done it, don't shake it anymore, my old bones will be shaken by you!"

"Too Jun promised?"

Laotai Jun nodded very helplessly.

Gu Xihe cheered and ran to pull Shu Huan from the ground and pulled her out of the hospital.

Lin is busy shouting: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the garden."

The old lady had a heavy crutches: "Slow down slowly! Don't rush to plant your teeth!"

"Know it!"

With this promise, Shu Huan has been dragged out of Songhetang by her. She is really full of fog at this moment. She doesn’t understand the little kid who is still pranking to her before, how can she tell her the moment? As for the reason, as for the reason he said to the old lady, she did not believe it.

The two little sisters, Liangchen and Meijing, also chased them out and shouted at the back: "Grandma, wait for us."

Shu Huan stopped.

"It’s really troublesome!" Gu Xihe was a little impatient and revealed two anxious nature.

Shu Huan gave him a glance: "Why do you suddenly ask for love?"

She asked this, Gu Xihe was a little depressed: "I am not happy to ask for you, not the second brother, he said..."

When the words were not finished, the two crickets had already rushed up.

Still breathing, Liang Chen said: "Lao Taijun said... Let the second grandmother carefully look at the four masters, don't take him to play some bugs... Also, I have taught the kitchen to prepare the dishes that the four masters love, let Four fathers have lunch in the afternoon!"

"I know, I am sick of it." After listening to Gu Xihe, he turned and then ran.

Shu Huan took a nap, for fear that he didn't keep up with this little boy, and turned back and lost someone. She was going to be unlucky, so she had to run along with it.

All the way in the past, I met a lot of servants, they met this smashing four lords, all of them rushed to give way, if someone responded a little slower, it would be inevitable to be kicked by him, seeing Shu Huan straight frowning, thinking about this It’s really her brother, she was taught by her.

She didn't recognize the road until she ran for a while, and saw that the scenery around her body was familiar, only to find that Gu Xihe was going to go to the place where she was going to go, and his book boy was waiting at the door of the courtyard. When I saw him, I was happy to beckoned: "Four Lord! Four Lords!"

Gu Xihe had long ignored the people behind him and rushed into the hospital with the speed of the sprint.

Shu Huan looked back and looked at it. Liang Chen and the beautiful scenery have already run seven twists and turns, and they are about to be planted on the ground. It seems that the quality of her body is really not bad.

Holding the door frame for a while, she lifted her foot across the threshold. When she didn't want to enter the door, she felt that something was "squeaky" and smashed it from her red satin embroidered shoes, which scared her to jump. When I looked at it, I saw a small hedgehog, and when I hit the sill, I slammed into a ball and swayed on the ground.

At the same time, Gu Xihe shouted: "Catch it! Catch it!"

I dyed the ink and tried to catch it, but it was obvious that he had nothing to do with a small group of stabs. In the end, he squatted down and tied his hand with the front robes of the robes to hold the little hedgehog. Bending his body and holding it to Gu Xihe to go to the treasure.

Gu Xihe’s heart itch was difficult. When he climbed the plum tree and folded the branches, he went to play with the hedgehog. He looked at Shu Huan and frowned. He just wanted to say something, and suddenly heard a faint voice: “say After that, you can play, but you can't do this."

She raised her eyes and saw that Gu Xiran was helped by Yunxiao Niang from the inside of the house. At this moment, she was looking at and then I saw a lot of wire cages in the yard. The cages were filled with weird Kinds of pets, as well as lizards and snakes, made her a little bit creepy, and realized the reason why the little boy had pleaded for her.

It turned out that Gu Xiran took these pets to seduce the little boy!

Su Huan’s heart was full of gratitude, and then looked at Gu Xihe. At this moment, seeing Gu Xiran was a rule. He said that he was standing up and shouted: "Second brother."

Gu Xiran "Hmm": "Return the hedgehog back to the cage, you can find something to feed it."

The little fart boy is unwilling to be exposed: "Second brother, you are not saying to save the two from the old Taijun, are these pets mine? Then I bring them back to play."

“Bring it back?” Gu Xiran smiled slightly: “Mrs. let you raise?”

Gu Xi and his face are stiff.

Dyeing ink also desperately pulls his sleeve: "Four Lord, don't you, you forgot the bat that was raised back? Drilled into the house of the wife, scared the wife to be sick for a few days."

"That's it." Gu Xiran said faintly: "Pets are raised here. When do you want to play, come over, if you are tired, I will call people to release them."

In a word, the little boy hasn't said it yet. Yun Yanniang first whitened her face and caught Gu Xiran's arm. She said, "Do you raise it here?"

Gu Xiran raised his eyebrows and first stunned Shu Huan. He suddenly smiled: "Hey, if you are in the yard, it is not convenient to encounter the windy and rainy weather. Then raise it to the east wing to raise it." ”

"That is the house I live in!" Shu Huan almost jumped up, and the heart was still full of gratitude, and suddenly disappeared.

"You live in my house."

Gu Xiran faintly said, he called people to move these wire cages.