MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1209 Second stunt (recommended)

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Chapter 1209 Second Stunt (Recommended)

Chapter 1209

At this time, the strength of happiness has long surpassed the peak of mythology. Even ordinary ordinary masters of heaven are not happy opponents. Therefore, even if the ban is able to connect the forces of nine people together, they can be brought together to one person. The latter temporarily possesses the strength of a heavenly master, but it is not very important for happiness - a person who can truly counter the master of heaven, the big ban can no longer have an overwhelming advantage.

In the face of the two attacks, I am not happy!

The dragon tail is not activated until the moment of attack.


Equivalent to the move of the Heavenly Masters with full force, the attacking momentum is very amazing. The desert is flying in the desert. The whole world seems to be driven by the tornado, and it is impossible to see the things ahead.

The powerful attacks of the two heavenly masters unfolded, and the heavens and the earth changed. Even the wolf organization master temporarily lost the view in front, only to see that the happiness was swallowed up by two black tornadoes.


Just as they waited for the happy screams and the figures that they flew out, a glimpse of the afterimage appeared in front of one of the groups at a speed that was too fast.



"Be careful!!"

The afterimage appeared in the corner of the person headed by the Great Imprisonment Law, but it did not hinder the eight people at the end, and suddenly heard the warnings constantly.

At the same time, the eight wolf organization masters unanimously pushed their own internal forces into the first person...

Hey! ! !

Almost as soon as the power was delivered, the headed man was hit by a leg that was drawn from the air.

A shocking scene appeared.

At the beginning.

Even if it is a knife that is unbeaten in the East, the nine people are still only taking a small step, but at the moment when they are kicked in the tail of a dragon, the nine people are back half a step at the same time, and then nine people are shaken at the same time. A fierce and unparalleled force suddenly came from the foot!

boom! ! ! !

The sand is bursting! !

The nine people have not yet stood up to digest the happy Yu Wei, and they were shocked by this sudden darkness. The formation was broken and a group of people knocked out several meters at the same time.

One by one, they couldn’t control themselves, they couldn’t grasp the balance of their bodies, and they flew a few meters away with a horrified color. After a few steps, they stopped.

Not far away, Xianer looked at the nine people and suffered a happy blow at the same time, but the same degree of internal injuries appeared, and the look changed:


Even if it is the undefeated East in the hands of the tigers and the strength of the world, it will not cause too much harm under the weakening of the Great Prohibition Law;

Nowadays, if you are happy and unprepared, you can be as good as it is, even beyond the East.

This makes her unacceptable anyway!

And she is very clear, happy this move is to feedback the power of the nine ban, so from the attack point of view, can not compete with the East unbeaten.


Double attack! !

At the moment when the dragon was applied, Happy also shot and attacked nine people. When everyone had not had time to organize the next big ban, they took the lead and attacked nine people!


What martial function in the silent and breathless earthquake shocked back nine people, but not by the masters of the wolf organization?

Surprised to be surprised!

The happy offensive was not stopped because of the shock of a group of people.


With both hands pointing, the big ban, which was broken, suddenly folded two people;

Seeing that these two people are defeated and full of blood is a wolverine look, but everyone who knows a little bit of experience knows that it is impossible for them to help other people form a big ban in a short time - the internal forces have been knocked down.


Another group of people have already reflected!


"Don't entangle with him, the wolf is chasing!!" The nine talents on the side of the wolf are happy to be happy, but Xianer is on the other side to scream for warning.

Sure enough, I felt a violent and fierce momentum of the icy ice, and flew over the mad sand.

what! !

A group of people suddenly turned back.

It’s just that the pair of wolves have lost their clarity and become murky and cruel!

The hand tigers and scorpions have become more awkward and ferocious because of the long-term blood-sucking. The violent knives of the killing are more clear and strong, and the whole body is bloody, as if they are going to be detached at any time.


A group of people have a big shock.

If they use the big ban and the happy fight, they are confident that they can support the people in Yanzhen, but the squad is not divided at this time. If he is mixed, the wolf is very passive.

"Send signal!"

"First meet with the brothers of Yanzhen! Fast!!" Xiaotaohong, blood prison knife died, Xianer became the only commander in the team.

Under one order, the nine people of the ban have continued to entangle with happiness, and others rushed to pick up the signal rocket from the Qiankun bag.



After a series of signal rockets rushed to the sky with a screaming sound, bursting into a dazzling fireworks.

The sound of the signal and the rocket fire, the messy and urgently revealed the current state of emergency of a group of people.



A group of Kui wolves surrounded the silver fox four people in the center...

Although the seven brothers fell on the ground, the silver foxes have been bruised and bruised, and the situation is not good.

"Don't waste time."

"I can't ask why anyway... kill him! It matters."

"I come!"

Just when Kui Woer issued an order, when someone in the crowd took the initiative to ask for it, a group of people heard the fierce and screaming rocket signal from a distance.

The face changed:

"What happened?" The rocket signal that made one after another made the face of Kui Woer more and more gloomy and dignified.


Turning suddenly, bluntly, staring at the eyes of the Silver Fox four:

"You still have accomplices!"

"Hey, now I know? It’s late!!" The silver foxes rely on the medicinal swords of the medicinal herbs to support them now. Where would they not know their ending? But when I saw the rocket signal that was suddenly in the distance, I had a smile on my face:

"Ha ha ha ha..."

"Kill them!"

"Leave a group of people to show me the martial arts temple, and everyone else will follow me!" After seeing more and more rocket signals, Kui wolf became cold and gloomy in a vain manner, taking out weapons and taking dozens of them. The people plucked out of the town and rushed toward the direction of the rocket signal.


A group of wild wolves released the rocket signal, happy to know that they have not much time!

At this moment, there must be news on the side of Yanzhen. The four people of Silver Fox are likely to bear more pressure and even have fallen.

At this point, you must make a quick decision and solve a group of people here. Otherwise, once the people on both sides come together, it will be difficult.

As long as the people here are eliminated, even if there is such a formation, you can seize the time difference in the news and break each!

Thinking of this, happy no longer hesitate...

Dragon hand!

One catch, one twist, one long sword;

Then there is a wild wolf master who is easily controlled to death, even a little chance to resist!

Happy did not give up on this.

Dragon plate!

Killing one person, the shadow of the blue dragon's body is coming, and an unlucky one has not been reacted and is trapped in it. After watching the happy and twisting the second person, a sword stabbed.

Tianjing wears through!

One after another.

Nine of the first big ban, five will be lost!

In the twinkling of an eye, the wolf rushed from a distance...

Under the influence of the tiger cubs, a face has been distorted almost deformed, full of violent, cruel and fierce!

Far away is a knife!


This sentence is naturally not to say happy.

The people of the wolf organization were happy to be blocked, and the way to the road was blocked. The wolf shot was the first to be a group of people.

The back of the belly is affected by the enemy.

The wolves are all ugly, only fifteen people are left at this time...

what! !

With a low scream, the wolf has lost one more person.

The tiger's squadron's knives are one, and one more!

Thirteen people.

In addition to a complete big ban, only the fairy and the other three are left next to each other, running wildly in the desert.

"Where to run!"

Happy smile, start Lingbo microsteps to chase behind the fairy.

Perceived the purpose of happiness, the latter was shocked and changed.

choke! ! !

The sword is out of the sheath!

"It's good."

Xianer is already in a hurry, this time trying to use Feijian to block the happy steps...

Happy laughter, one-handed claws, flying swords against the electric shot directly deducted the past, in the eyes of a group of wild wolf masters, the fairy weapons directly into the hands, income Qiankun bag.


Under the horror, Xianer’s foot is slow...

expensive! ! ! !

Half a minute happened to pass.

The dragon slammed.

Xianer heart minerals, the speed of the foot is sharply reduced.

call! !

When the moment is restored to the clear, Xianer is already feeling the wind at the top of the head...

I want to turn my head, but there is a sharp pain in my throat.

Consciousness is quickly annihilated!

At the same time, the wolf catches up and is led by two wild wolves who are singles to the other side of the desert.

Above the desert, suddenly became happy, and the nine wolves masters arranged in accordance with the 123321 formation, waiting for the ground surface to face.

Bang! ! !

The iron hooves rolled in.

Quin wolf and others who came from Yan Town to help have finally entered the field of vision of a group of people.

Seeing here, there is a solemn array of people there, and a group of people who are waiting for it have finally made a little effort!

"Our people are here! Happy! You have no chance!"

The opposite wolf master shouted loudly, as if he was courageous.

Happy face with indifference, a faint glance at the fast rolling sand:

"is it?"

The tone is flat and does not wait for the slightest mood swings, as if the arrival of a group of people does not matter.

"Hey! Little Pink, Fairy, she will soon be resurrected from the Wu Temple in Yanzhen, taking medicine. When the time is nine, I will see, how can you be happy with the big one? The law of imprisonment!"

"The big ban?"

Hearing words, happy to sink a sentence, then his eyes cold and cold: "Nothing is like this!" The voice has not fallen, people are already like the wind and the wind, so unobtrusively rushed to the nine-man ban.

Nine people changed their faces, pushed them, and they made a shot.

Happy has been waiting for this moment, the dragon swings to start...

One kicked on the face of the head of the person, floating under the feet of nine people;

The man has not yet landed in the air, and a palm flashes from the happy hands, and it is printed on the chest of the wild wolf master!

boom! !

Frenzy! !

Learn the stunts on the second stone tablet:

Dark and vigorous! The next move is to retreat all enemies within a radius of ten meters.

This is the trick, before the shock of the big ban, nine people! Leading to the destruction of nine people.