MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1210 Identity exposure

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Chapter 1210 Identity Exposure

Chapter 1210

The response of the wild wolf master is not unpleasant. With the lessons of the previous car, naturally, the speed of the happy one will not be small. After the launch of the palm, the second palm will fall on the former, and the ban will be opened again.


'Fighting Wars' is one of the four great stunts of the ancient gods. Unlike the 'wind full of sky', it instantly bursts with amazing lethality. The mad war is a kind of application for group attack or disrupting enemy positions. stunt.

One stroke, shocking space, space vibration!

All the enemies in the range were attacked, and the damage of the natural ban was not effective. The attack that the nine people were simultaneously attacked was exactly the same, and it was inevitably broken and flew out.

The array of law is chaotic, a group of people are not good at all!


Happy has no chance to stay and give them the opportunity to struggle, and they have a sword:

Hey! !

The wind is full of sky! !

Under the horror, a group of people started to protect themselves in the air...

It is a pity that the battle of the law is chaotic. If one of the nine people lacks one, they will not be able to achieve the law of the ban, and they will see that the sword that cuts the sky easily breaks into the body.

Nine people vomited blood in the air at the same time, and they fell into the sand like gold paper.

A group of people from Kui Wo flew in the direction of Yanzhen. They saw that the people here were divided into two groups. The team with a small number of people was left with a figure of a rushing horse and a blood red like a demon. Figure

As for the more people!

Kui Wowo turned his gaze, but it just caught a magnificent sword in the sky, and then saw a group of familiar figures flying across the dust, not climbing for a long time;

On the **** of the sloped sand dunes, more than 30 bodies were scattered all over the floor...


Kui wolf's eyes turned into blood red.


At this point, he still doesn't know what kind of opponents a small group of people have encountered, but from the point of view of the big man's ban, the strength cannot be underestimated.

"Wolf brother! The flying pigeons of the head!" When the Kui wolf was ready to chase, he was dragged by the brothers behind him.

Head? !

Thinking of the Kaissen on the other side of the ocean that can instantly see the scene, Kui Wolf’s face changed slightly and he did not dare to neglect: “Say!”

"The head said that the person may be a mysterious heavenly master, the strength can not be underestimated, need nine forbidden to deal with ... the head let you not bother to deal with him, immediately lead the wolf and tiger scorpion into the town With other brothers!"

When the voice just fell, Kui Wo did not say the direction of twisting:



A group of people flew to the brothers who were chased by the wolves.

Only less than 50 meters, only one homing pigeon descended from the sky, and Kui’s eyes quickly caught it in his hands:

Little pink pigeon flying book?

The look of Kui wolf changed and he did not dare to neglect.

Take off the note and look at it!


"Is it happy?" Kui wolf's face changed dramatically. He turned back and looked at the white shadow in the distance with a vicious and jealous gaze. He shouted loudly: "Everyone is careful, the white-shirt swordsman was originally the main director of Jinxiu River. We don’t have a lifetime of death and enemies!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone was amazed.


"It is actually him!" "I have long guessed that this kid will not have a little thought about the desert palace. I did not expect him to enter the desert palace for the first time!"


"Even the big ban can not kill him, Xiaotao said, must be banned, everyone has it, when necessary, give up the tiger squad, join the people, nine bans and kill a happy!" The wild wolves run faster.


I solved the nine wild wolf masters in one breath, and I was relieved to be happy.

Even if you are confident in your own strength, once the two people come together, it will be no small trouble. Therefore, when the people in Yanzhen appear, they will be happy, the dragon will slap, the battle will be full, and the wind will be full of time. The three most exquisite tricks in one go, directly extinguished a group of wild wolf masters.

Look around!

The happy sight fell to the wolf in the distance holding the tiger scorpion soldier;


The subtle shift in the hooves also quickly caught the attention.

Happy and quickly noticed that a group of people from Yan Town rushed to this side suddenly turned to go to the wolf, the brow wrinkled, knowing that their identity should have been leaked.

At the moment, I dare not neglect, a little under my feet, and bring out a series of white afterimages from the desert, like a solitary smoke, drifting in the direction of the wolf.

Since the tiger scorpion soldier has reappeared in front of him and is still in the hands of the wolf organization, there is only one thought in the happy heart:

"The evil king, I will never allow the tiger squad to fall into your hands!"

Killing a knife!

But everyone who sees the wolf in the field of vision will die!

With the killing of the sky, happy and racing in the desert, and the wild wolves racing, chasing the wolf at the fastest speed...

Because the tiger scorpion soldiers are attracted to the wolves, they lead to the direction of Yanzhen, and the speed of the two is not slow. In the end, the wolves will come into contact with the wolves faster.


It is not a good thing to first contact the Tigers.

Now that the wolf's mind is lost, it is completely controlled by the tiger's evil spirits. There is only a sense of killing in the heart. Within the field of vision, each is an enemy.

A full-hearted wild wolf master greeted him with a **** tiger-shaped knife, and the whole person was smashed from the middle!

"Don't get close to him!" Kui Wo and others were shocked and shouted:


"Bring the wolf back to Yanzhen! Fast!!" In exchange for the general team to encounter such a thing, I am afraid that the whole army will be wiped out, but the people of the wolf organization will not see the situation, and will turn around and leave.

The voice has not fallen, a group of people have been separated from the left and right, and turned to the horse head Chao Yanzhen rushing!

"Little Pink, Fairy has brought the brothers out of the town to go back to the big nine, and bring the wolf and happy together!"

"it is good!"

The heroes promised.

After the hoofs were evacuated for a while, they rejoined together and became neat, and the yellow sand fluttered.

Although happy is not slow, it is impossible to reduce the distance between yourself and a group of top speed players at such a speed in such a short period of time.

Watching a group of people getting closer and closer to Yan Town;

Brows tight!

Happy to know...

After arriving in Yanzhen, there will be a fierce battle!

But at this moment, it is inevitable!

Even if it is to fight off the fire of the unicorns on the body, happy will not back down, in order not to let the tiger scorpion soldiers fall into the hands of the evil emperor, in order not to let the strength of the evil emperor leap again, in order to prevent the rare peace of the Central Plains again damage.

After chasing the yellow sand that is flying all over the sky, a happy heart slowly precipitates peace, slowly closing his eyes, infuriating, blocking the yellow sand flying in front of him, while covering the square with a spiritual sense of two hundred meters. range.




In the clear hooves, a group of iron rides over the sand dunes and flew down the soft slopes.

At the entrance of Yanzhen, Xiaotaohong and Xianer have been waiting at the door of the town's run-down, hundreds of people, their eyes are dignified and cold, and they look far away.

The blood prison knife stood beside the two women who were graceful, and the eyes flashed with savage brilliance.


As soon as the voice fell, the little peach red inhaled, and the red lips in the open red lips were cut out and the words were broken:


A group of people behind a large group of people...

Ninety-nine people!

All of them are the top masters of the wild wolves who came out of the Wu Temple after the death, and they are all people who practice the law of the ban!

A group of nine people, all standing in accordance with their respective queue formations, into eleven diamond-shaped teams, clothed in the town gate, greet the rolling yellow sand from the horse.



After a group of people approached the horse, they flew down from the horseback and put away their mounts, revealing the **** and fierce wolf behind them, and the blood-red gods with amazing length!


The breathing of a group of people suddenly rushed a lot.

"Give me all the best!"

"The two groups are entangled in the wolf!"

"Other people are married to a big ban, and they are happy! It must be mistaken!!"

A small peach made a slam, and a group of people rushed out from the left and right, and a group of people from the Kui wolf rushed through the epee and greeted the wolf.

The two teams over there have already collided with the jackals.

One party is ready to go;

One side is extremely fierce!

Directly spell out the real fire!

boom! ! !

The breath of the two masters of heaven and earth came suddenly, and the blood-colored tiger-shaped knife that the wolf had thrown was quickly and simply smashed.

A strong enthusiasm ring swept out and swept the sky!

"Take it to the town!"

Fairy shouts loudly!

Among the yellow sands, the two teams quickly turned to the town after completing the cover and goal replacement;

The murder was once again blocked, and the **** and violent breath of the wolf became more intense, and a roar, like the **** light, accelerated into the town.

"Where to go?"

Just then, happy to arrive!

A look at the wolf rushed into the town, a magnificent sword mans cut through the sky, far away!

The little peach red face is awesome!

Compared with happiness, the wolf with the tiger squad is not so difficult to deal with.

There is no need to order, there are already two teams of people at the same time to push the palm, cast a big ban!


boom! !

Huangsha whistling, two forces that make the world's discoloration force shot at the same time, instantly condensed two big hands from the outside of the town, and grabbed the swordsman who was happy to sway.


The yellow sand is flying in the sky, and the swordsman is also broken;

The two yellow sands are like a rewinding waterfall, which is set between the wild wolves and the happy, and it is spectacular;

The violent momentum made everyone feel a heavy suffocation.

The wild wolves have changed:

"A strong sword!"

"What kind of martial arts this guy is practicing, the random sword can actually strike the full strength of the realm of heaven and man."

Although the happy attack was intercepted, the wild wolf masters were deeply shocked!

A group of *** is killed by the wolf, and the remaining 30 people have a half death, and it is not clear about the current strength of happiness.

But now I see the power of the sword of happiness, and I am finally confused. I finally understand why the head is repeatedly attacked by the other party.