MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 17 Experimental success (below)

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On Tuesday, Xiao Ming did not go to school after leaving home with a schoolbag. He went to Boss Xu's factory to pick up the goods.

The perfect high-pressure device is made, from the finish of stainless steel to the joint processing of it and other instruments, it can show the good manufacturing technology of small factories.

It is these small factories that are responsible for Xia's strong economic growth.

He paid money to get the goods, and the boss Xu was very human. He found a "pull-up shoe" to help Xiao Ming bring the equipment to his home. He was still thinking about the million business that Xiao Ming said.

Xiao Jianqiang worked early in the paper mill, and He Hui set up a stall outside the paper mill. There was only Xiao Ming at home.

将 He placed the device on the ground, and then removed the bottle containing the type 1 anaerobic bacteria colony.

瓶子 The colony bottle is divided into many layers, and the bacteria in all layers are mixed together to be a complete colony.

Xiao Ming took out a few strains of bacteria from each layer, and introduced the culture reagent and anaerobic bacteria colonies into the autoclave according to the experimental instructions, and finally plugged in the oxygen from the bottle to pressurize it.

According to Xiao Ming's drawings, the experimental high-pressure bottle has an observation port, a reagent addition port, and a liquid outlet.

The reagent adding port can regularly add fungal culture liquid or sewage, etc., while the liquid discharging port can flow out the liquid after anaerobic colony treatment, which is generally pure drinkable water.


It took a whole morning for Xiao Ming to finish every step of the experiment.

The next step is to test the effect of phagocytosis.

Xiao Ming took the glass reagent bottle and walked out of the door to look for sewage.

In the old family area, it is easy to find sewage. Drainage on the surface, puddles after rain, and the entrance of the fly house are all sewage.

Xiao Xiaoming, under the gaze of the old man, endured the stench and filled 200 ml of glass reagent in the drains in the family area.

"Fecal residue, food residue, various heavy metals, various types of harmful bacteria including E. coli, enough!"


Xiao Xiaoming returned home quickly, according to the experimental steps of the instructions, 200 ml of sewage into the inlet.

According to the instructions for phagocytosis of 1 anaerobic bacteria, 1 ml of saturated colonies can treat 100 ml to 300 ml of sewage, and the treatment time is half an hour.

Saturated colony consciousness here means that the concentration of 1 anaerobic bacteria per milliliter must reach 10 ^ (-5) g / ml.

Waiting anxiously for half an hour, Xiao Ming filled 50 ml of the treated liquid with a sterilized reagent bottle. Because the phagocytosis of bacteria has a tendency of gravity, and there is a tendency to accumulate downwards, the liquid poured from the upper liquid outlet will not eat the bacteria.

At least intuitively, the experiment was successful.

Because the sewage from the ditch appears yellow and black, the liquid is now colorless and transparent, just like bottled pure water.

However, further experiments are needed to confirm that the sewage has been treated and that the liquid meets the standards for drinking water.

Xiao Xiaoming has two experimental options:

1. Drink this 50 ml of water by yourself and see if you can't diarrhea for a while;

2. Take it to the laboratory for inspection.

The first method is more direct, but the risk is too large and the uncertainty factor is too much. What if Xiao Ming's resistance is too good to kill all the bacteria in the water? Or wasn't the sewage treated at all? Didn't Xiao Ming directly drink the feces?

I seem a little sick.


The second option is to take the laboratory to test, so you can most intuitively see what ingredients are in the water, including those elements, whether there are heavy metals, how much bacteria content meets drinking water standards, and so on.

Obviously, the second option is more realistic.

There is an inspection and quarantine agency in Qijiang City, which specializes in serving the society. Can test food pesticides and drinking water safety indicators.

Of course, Xiao Ming can also take the sample water to the No. 3 Middle School Laboratory in Jiangcheng, but Xiao Ming abandoned the plan because of the humble equipment and dirty environment in the No. 3 Biochemical Laboratory.

It's worth the money.

When it was too late to have lunch, Xiao Ming left with a test tube. He knew that the inspection and quarantine center was near the Chengbei Industrial Zone in Jiangcheng.

This time, Xiao Ming did not ride a rusty bicycle but spent 15 yuan by taxi.

"Check 800 yuan at a time, and send samples after paying in advance." The staff of the window department has long lost passion for the work, said mechanized.

Inspection 800 pieces, Xiao Ming pain.

结果 For the results such as payment, Xiao Ming handed in the paper at 1:30 in the afternoon.

"Brothers also do this business?" While Xiao Ming was waiting, a middle-aged man took the initiative to talk to each other.

Xiao Ming was confused, and saw the man saying, "There are many products in the market north of the city, and one catches one! I will go to the store that sells pickled products after the inspection results come out. I won't let them get through without giving me 5,000 yuan. "

After fooling around for a long time, this person is specialized in the inspection and quarantine business, and Xiao Ming not only sighed: "It really is a champion."

"Liquid Xiao Ming!" A woman shouted at the window.

Seeing that no one agreed, the woman shouted again with a sharp voice: "Liquid Xiao Ming is out!"

"Brother, are you calling?" The middle-aged reminded.

Xiao Ming came back, silent, and shouted like this, he is not a sample ~ ~ also liquid Xiao Ming.

"Come here." Xiao Ming walked quickly.

The middle-aged woman said angrily, "I've been shouting for a long time!"

"Sorry, sorry!" Xiao Ming took the inspection and quarantine list.

The inspection content is divided into color, turbidity, odor and taste, total bacteria (E. coli single column), heavy metal content and so on.

This is the standard drinking water inspection index.

All indicators are qualified!

The total coliforms and heat-resistant coliforms related to the reference standard are 0. Heavy metal content is also 0!


Xiao Xiaoming squeezed his fist fiercely.

"Little brother is going to get money?" The middle-aged man laughed.

Xiao Xiaoming just smiled and left quickly!

Among these indicators, what Xiao Ming has the most information about swallowing 1 anaerobic bacteria is that the coliform colony is 0.

The water in the gully of the community has dung and food residues, and the number of E. coli is definitely not zero.

In fact, according to the complete experimental guidelines, Xiao Ming must also take the original water sample (sewage) here for inspection. Even so, the results speak for themselves! Swallowing 1 anaerobic bacteria is effective for sewage treatment!

But whether Xiao Ming is effective for the sewage treatment of paper mill, Xiao Ming has to experiment further.

Xiao Ming, who was very excited to return home, did not expect that she was truancy one day. The class teacher had already contacted He Hui. He Hui and Xiao Jianqiang were looking for people in the paper mill and various Internet cafes near the school.

According to Xiao Ming's past urine, most of them went to Internet cafes to play games.

He Hehui scolded: "This bunny boy, I thought he had worked hard for such a good exam, and today the head teacher said that he suspected that the boy was cheating! Why not so worrying."