MTL - The Black Technology Era of Xueba-Chapter 18 Authenticity of grades

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Things should start from the meeting room of the senior high school teachers in Jiangcheng No.3 Middle School in the afternoon.

Mr. Zhang, the director of the Senior High School, brought an unexpected news as soon as he entered the conference room this afternoon.

Director Zhang Zhang: "Have a short meeting and report on one thing. Do you know that this time we may leak the questions in the first examination."

"What?" The senior high school teacher in the office was a little surprised. "How can it leak?"

Director Zhang took a sip of strong tea, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "The problem over there was a worker who took out the question. The original intention was to do a test for the son of the county, where to know the question three days in advance. Just leaked out. "

The teachers immediately gathered around to listen to gossip.

Director Zhang said very seriously: "This is not a joke. More than ten students from the first and second middle schools knew the test questions in advance from their rural classmates. This time the test scores are very high. Now major universities are investigating, see Seeing how many students know the test questions in advance. Knowing the test questions in advance and knowing the answers in advance is also a form of cheating. "

Teacher Liao, the head teacher of class three, twitched his heart and asked, "Is the result of the first diagnosis determined to be invalid, and you need to retake the test?"

Director Zhang shook his head and said, "This is not a problem. The scope of the problem is limited. There are more than ten people, no more than fifty, which does not affect the overall situation. Now the school means that each class checks and corrects itself. See See if there are any students in your class who may know the examination questions in advance. The head teacher must criticize education and let students take the integrity test. Those question candidates should be announced on a small scale. "

The so-called small-scale announcement is to be communicated to various teachers, and the impact on students is also very bad, and the impact on the reputation of the class is even worse!

Director Zhang said this, Teacher Liao naturally thought of Xiao Ming.

Xiao Xiaoming said that day that he happened to do a few similar questions, so he would.

I'm afraid I didn't happen to do a few similar questions, but I knew the exam questions in advance and memorized the answers in advance!

Thought of this, Teacher Liao was angry. What he disliked most was dishonest students. He can accept Xiao Ming's poor grades, but absolutely cannot accept Xiao Ming's dishonest test.

Mr. Liao, who was back in the office, was so angry that he found that Xiao Ming was out of breath.

"A poor student is a poor student, how can he expect him to get better!" Teacher Liao immediately notified Xiao Ming's parents and informed them of the seriousness of the matter.

At the same time, the original paper could not cover the fire, and the leakage of the examination questions in the first instance was also known by the third grade classes.

"I said how Xiao Ming's first examination was so good. It turned out that I knew the exam questions and answers in advance! If I knew, I would be able to take the 560 exam." A student said loudly, and seemed to give himself an excuse for failing the exam.

"Yeah! Let me just say that every exam is the last in the class, oh, why suddenly became the tenth in the class, the top 100 in the school. Even during this time, it is not too much to watch all night. Right. "

Zhu Haorun chuckled and said coldly: "Poor students are poor students, and what kind of poor student study group is set up. This Xiao Ming cannot guarantee himself and is still dreaming of being a savior."

Zheng Xuanyu frowned when he heard what Zhu Haorun said.

When Chen Lin heard this, he immediately became hairless.

"Zhu Haolun, what are you talking about!"

Zhu Haolun: "I said Xiao Ming cheated on the exam, but I didn't say you."

林 Chen Lin and Wan Tao have made great progress in mathematics these days. They really feel that Xiao Ming has real strength, and they absolutely do not believe that Xiao Ming has cheated in the examination.

Chen Lin shouted: "Your mother can say bad things about my master again, I'll make you!"

Zhu Haolun has not been afraid of anyone yet. He stood up and confronted Chen Lin: "Oh hey, Master! Come and come and listen to everyone! Xiao Ming, the penultimate in the class, has become Chen Lin, the penultimate in the class. ! "

"Fuck you!" It was not Chen Lin who shot, Wan Tao.

He kicked him in the stomach of Zhu Haolun. "Zhu Haolun, labor and capital have long seen you displeased, and you can say a word more, I see it once."

The chubby Zhu Haolun usually ate KFC and Starbucks. He learned to read books every day without exercising. Where was the wild monkey Wan Tao's opponent.

Stuck on this foot, suffocating Zhu Haolun enough, he lay on the ground, oh oh oh he couldn't climb for a long time.

I finally cried out with a cry, "I want to tell the teacher!"

Wu Wantao also said ruthlessly, "Zhu Haolun, you better get up for me. If the teacher knows, I can't clean up after school! Others are afraid of your father, I am not afraid!"

浩 Zhu Haolun was stunned, but he was furious but could not speak. He stood up and lay on the table.

Wan Tao said, "Later, keep your mouth clean! Otherwise, there will be opportunities to be beaten if you go out of society."

Uh ...

Xiao Xiaoming returned home, only to find He Hui sitting on the couch crying, Xiao Jianqiang looked angry.

"Mom, what's wrong with you. Dad, aren't you going to work early today?"

"You little bunny, cheating on exams and skipping classes! You want to anger your mother!"

Xiao Jianqiang has never beaten his son in the past, they are persuaded and educated. However, the parents were invited today ~ ~ He just felt that his education was quite a failure. In front of so many teachers, the class teacher appointed Xiao Ming to cheat in the examination.

In that case, everyone ignored the word “may” and directly heard Xiao Ming cheating in the first examination. Xiao Jianqiang has more than forty people. He blushed and took the teacher's instructions for his son. There are still many people pointing and pointing at the back. He can't afford to lose his old face.

He flicked the belt, Xiao Jianqiang was ready to greet Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming is not stupid, even running and hiding, asking He Hui for help, "Mom! Mom! Save me! Dad hit someone."

Xiao Jianqiang didn't fight out, "You still have a face to call your mother, is it easy for your mother to get hacked early?"

"No! Why hit me as soon as you entered the door, you listen to me!" Xiao Ming couldn't help crying and laughing. He was almost eighteen years old and was chased by a flying chicken, too shameful.

He Hehui still distressed his son and stopped. "After Xiao Jianqiang, you have to kill your son! Can killing solve the problem? Sit down and listen to Xiao Ming's explanation."

Xiao Xiaoming kept his distance from Xiao Jianqiang as much as possible and asked, "Why hit me."

"You!" Xiao Jianqiang was even furious when he heard this.

He Hehui closed her tears and said, "Why beat you, then you talk about why you skipped class today and why you cheated at the clinic."

Xiao Ming explained: "I was wrong to skip class today, but I skipped the class to check the quality of the water treated by the sewage treatment equipment at the quality inspection center. Dad, say here, I need the sewage samples from your paper mill for the final test. If successful This experimental device can be applied to the sewage treatment workshop of a paper mill. "

等等 "Wait!" Xiao Ming suddenly noticed, "What did you just say !? I cheated at the exam? Who said it!"