MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 105 The teacher's kiss was rejected

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An Ruoshui had already set off now, and Li Tian, ​​who was following on the road, opened the tablet to check the news.

Quickly explained: "But these An always have bodyguards to come down, you can rest assured. A film crew also filmed here a few years ago, but there was a third-tier actress and a little assistant in the crew who disappeared. Although the above also came I checked it out, but the villagers resisted too much. Later, the bodies of the two were found in the deep mountains, but there was never an accurate statement about the result of the case."

Li Tian read the news and explained to An Ruoshui by the way.

It was the first time for An Ruoshui to shoot in such a place, so she frowned slightly when she heard Li Tian's words: "It sounds creepy here, why do you choose to shoot here, can't you find another place? ?"

"Actually..." Li Tian paused, and then explained: "Actually, after investigation, screenwriter Xiao was abducted and sold here by human traffickers when he was young. Later works have always focused on describing this place. Director Jiang believes that "Blind Heart" can be better shot here. After all, it is the real place."

"It's terrible." An Ruoshui murmured softly, she thought she just found a remote place to shoot, but she didn't expect it to be...

So looking at the bodyguards accompanying the two cars, An Ruoshui also understood why the elder brother had told him so many times before he came that he must not let these people out of his sight, including someone in the co-pilot.

Gu Xunxue looked back at An Ruoshui and Li Tian: "Relax, no matter how vicious they are, they are just some villagers wielding hoes and scythes, with my elder Gu Wu guarding for 24 hours. Stay by your side, don't talk about human traffickers, cattle traffickers can't take you away."

"..." An Ruoshui's eyes twitched, this metaphor is in line with Gu Xunxue's style: "Then I really want to thank you this time."

"You're welcome, just invite me to dinner another day." Gu Xunxue's 'meal another day' has always had no exact time, but it will not tire people.

Li Tian stretched her waist: "Actually, we don't have to worry too much, after all, the program team has been there and brought them too much economic benefits. No one will be foolish enough to come and offend the gold master this time. Just relax a little and take a break."

In this situation, most of the lovers are worried about whether the other party will be in danger. When she arrived at An Ruoshui, she only worried about herself.

After all, Luo Xuange's profound inner strength can clearly see how many mice are 100 meters away, who can hurt her under her nose.

"What? Are you worried about Xuange?" Gu Xunxue asked An Ruo on purpose when she saw An Ruo's face was pale.

An Ruoshui shook her head and smiled: "She doesn't need us to worry."

Gu Xunxue muttered strangely: "That's not necessarily true, as the saying goes, people make mistakes and horses make mistakes, and no matter how powerful she is, Luo Xuange is not a god, isn't she?"

An Ruoshui's silence made Gu Xunxue a little relieved. An Ruoshui believed that Luo Xuange would not have an accident. When the news of Luo Xuange's accident and serious injury really came out, An Ruoshui probably I wouldn't believe it. As long as one day of free time, I believe Luo Xuange will explain it to An Ruoshui in person, so her mission on this trip is half completed.

"I heard that Xu Xiu has gone back, so don't you and her diverge?" Gu Xunxue pulled the topic away, Li Tian was stunned for a while and then reacted: "That's not true. The way, the company still has a group of trainees waiting for her, but Kong Ran also went back, which made me a little confused."

An Ruoshui knew the truth of Kong Ran being brought back, but there was no need to explain to them now, she glanced at the mighty motorcade, then sighed softly, and said to Li Tian: " I'll take a nap and call me when it arrives."

"Hmm. Rest assured."

After Li Tian finished speaking, An Ruoshui closed her eyes and began to rest.

Gu Xunxue sat in the co-pilot and looked at the female bodyguard in the driver's seat. She stared at it for a while, and then said interestingly, "Why are you nervous?"

"I..." The female bodyguard was not nervous before, but now she is sitting next to Gu Xunxue, her idol since childhood, the martial arts overlord Gu Xunxue, how can she be excited.

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly: "Relax, the person sitting behind is your boss's own sister. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." The female bodyguard stumbled and apologized.

Gu Xunxue chuckled again: "Relax and drive well. Now, we are colleagues. How you usually get along with your colleagues, how you get along with me now. Don't treat me as Gu Xun Xue, I am a new bodyguard."

"Relax?" Gu Xunxue felt the change in the other party, she smiled and hummed and sang a little song.

Li Tian: "Hey, you sing really well. Are you interested..."

My answer to you is the same. I'm not interested in signing contracts with you! I don't want to be a star in the circle, I just want to be an internet celebrity, and I usually earn some extra money through my craftsmanship."

Li Tian was stunned for a while, then she clenched her fist: "Damn! Xu Xiu is not kind, she clearly said that she was not interested in you. She even asked you first."

"Tsk, you can buy some durians and take them home when you go back to the city." Gu Xunxue thought that the couple was very interesting, and immediately had a bad taste of teasing.

Li Tian shook her head subconsciously: "No, my knee is not yet healed."


There was a strange atmosphere in the car, and even the female bodyguard who drove the car forgot the tension and embarrassment, and drove the car with difficulty and laughter all the way.

An Ruoshui, who was not yet asleep, also rarely opened her eyes and glanced at Li Tian, ​​Li Tian hurriedly waved: "No, it's not what you think."

However, no one in the car paid her any more attention this time. The mood of the crowd holding back laughter remained.

Li Tian was frustrated and no longer refuted.

After a long time, I finally reached my destination.

Li Tian looked at the dirty and dilapidated house here with surprise, and asked Gu Xunxue, "We will all be living here for the next period of time?"

"Yes, no." Gu Xunxue looked at her meaningfully: "When someone comes, maybe I can help you improve the environment. But that depends on her mood."

Gu Xunxue alluded to Luo Xuange, after all, as the 800-year-old demon leader, she has no strange feeling at all in this kind of place, instead she has a sense of closeness to her hometown, she can be more Well get more in nature.

"I went to the director to see, is this kind of house safe to live in? Why do I feel like it's going to collapse soon?"

The adobe walls are cracked, and the lights are lit in the house at night, so you can see clearly outside the house.

After Li Tian left, Gu Xunxue found a big rock, blew it casually and sat on it.

An Ruoshui stood on the spot, it was already afternoon, so the poisonous sun disappeared, An Ruoshui didn't feel very hot when he stayed here.

Gu Xunxue took out water from her backpack and threw it at the female bodyguard. He immediately understood and handed the water to An Ruoshui: "Drink some water."

"Thank you." An Ruoshui took it, and did not rush to drink, but first thanked the two of them.

Li Tian came back after a while, and she brought back two men, who came with large bundles of backpacks, Li Tian said: "Director Jiang didn't think about these issues before coming here. After all, the original negotiated house was not here, it was temporarily replaced by the villagers in the village. In order to avoid trouble and save time, Director Jiang did not discuss and check in detail, but I didn’t expect this place to look like this now.”

Li Tian's tone was a little sad, but he recovered quickly, pointing to the two men behind him and said, "But it's okay, Mr. An has taken this into consideration, I'm afraid you are not used to the house here, So the field tents were arranged in advance."

"Only this tent?" An Ruoshui frowned slightly, everyone slept in the room, and she stayed outside alone, so she might as well stay in a dilapidated house.

Li Tian shook her head: "That's not true. Everyone else has one for every two people. If you want to live in a house, you don't need to take these tents, so there are many tents."

Gu Xunxue looked at the tent: "I'll live in a tent. It's convenient for work."

And her job is to take care of An Ruoshui and ensure her safety.

Gu Xunxue glanced at the female bodyguard by the way, the female bodyguard nodded slightly: "I live outside with my senior, I will choose a place."

The place their bodyguards choose is naturally the most beneficial to the employer. They also understand the situation of the village here. Among the group of female bodyguards, only four were brought here, and the remaining eight were The eldest man, so they are not suitable to live together, they can only find a place to hide by themselves, not far from An Ruoshui but not touching her privacy.

Gu Xunxue is more free. Although she was invited by An Junfeng, on another level, she is An Ruoshui's senior, so she doesn't have to worry too much. She is not afraid of An Shi.

"It's getting dark, I'm going to tidy up first." Gu Xunxue said to An Ruoshui, and then shouted from a distance: "Hey, come over here and put the things here. Move things over."

Several bodyguards ran over instantly to help carry the luggage.

In the actor industry, there are some sour entertainers staring here and whispering to their peers: "It's really a big name. Isn't it just a few stinky money at home?"

"If you have the ability, you can also smash it from the stinky money at home." The companion sneered, she didn't want to talk about these things with this brainless person.

An Ruoshui herself has strength and acting skills, and her backstage background is hard. Not long ago, she also broke the news that she is an inner disciple of Guwu, or a hereditary ancestor. .

How dare this woman dare to be sour and calm here?

Didn't you see that the elders of Gu Wu came to **** him? Unsurprisingly, Luo Xuange, who was filming nearby, would definitely take the time to come and have a look. After all, they were all disciples of Guwu, and the other relationship was the sister of their own boss. Luo Xuange was definitely interested in An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui was a little tired, but the environment here was so bad that she didn't even know where to stop.

Gu Xunxue took care of the An Ruoshui tent. When she came over, she saw An Ruoshui still standing there. She smiled and said, "What's the matter? Have you started practicing the basic skills of an actor?"

"..." An Ruoshui is not actually a cold iceberg, but the emotions bursting out at this moment can definitely freeze three feet in an instant.

Gu Xunxue hurriedly laughed and joked: "Okay, okay, I'll tease you. The tent is ready, come with me."

Li Tian and others also followed An Ruoshui, Gu Xunxue pointed to the tent that was no different from others, and explained, "If your tent is unique, it will be bad for you. . I chose a sturdy one for you to put on, which is safer. I sprinkled insect repellent powder all around, and sprayed the tent, so it is very safe to live in. There are me and this little girl next to me. , you can sleep peacefully at night."

Gu Xunxue explained in detail, An Ruoshui nodded slightly and thanked, Gu Xunxue smiled lightly: "Take money from people, your elder brother gave me a lot of money. I have a lot of money for you. It should be taken care of."

Li Tian also nodded, the president really valued the filming and gave her a raise.

It will get dark soon, there is no barbecue on the first day like Luo Xuange's side, they get together in twos and threes, some live in dilapidated huts, some are more familiar with The human partner lives in the tent.

An Ruoshui, the director and others found an open space nearby to chat for a while, Gu Xunxue and others followed not far or near.

It really happened in their village.

They are afraid of being exposed, and they are afraid that the people above will come to investigate again, so that the daughter-in-law and children at home may not be able to keep it, and it will cost a lot of money to go out to buy it.

However, the remuneration Jiang Dao gave them was too high and tempting, they thought about it and finally agreed.

After all, I agree to shoot here, and each household can get several thousand dollars.

The money can be used to buy several women back, and they all agreed in the end.

"Okay, it's settled now. It's getting late, you go back to rest first. I'll talk to Xiao Wang and the others about the props." Jiang Dao and An Ruoshui said after He turned around and left, and there was no other director who waited for An Ruoshui to leave and then went to work.

An Ruoshui walked to Gu Xunxue's side: "Excuse me, please stay with me in the mosquito pile."

"No trouble, just ask your eldest brother to add money." Gu Xunxue said with a smile that it wasn't that she was obsessed with money, but that she was about to start earning money to support her family, and a penny broke.

An Ruoshui nodded: "When you go back, let the big brother add."

Everything was very quiet at night, except for a figure who flew over in the woods a few times, and quickly stopped in front of An Ruoshui's tent.

When Gu Xunxue was about to lie down to rest, he subconsciously felt that there was someone outside, but he walked out of the tent and saw nothing, and finally laughed at himself for being too sensitive, and went back to to the tent.

In An Ruoshui's tent, Luo Xuange sat beside An Ruoshui, An Ruoshui was drowsy at the moment.

Master Luo saw his wife whom he hadn't seen for a few days, all his thoughts were thrown away at the moment of seeing An Ruoshui, and he took off his coat and lay quietly beside An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui slept in a daze, and was suddenly held in her arms, but because the embrace was too familiar, she slept more sweetly.

Luo Xuange leaned over and kissed An Ruoshui's forehead, and whispered, "Good night."

Gu Xunxue in another tent suddenly opened her eyes, and then smiled: This guy is really here.

However, she also sighed secretly at the skill of the demon leader eight hundred years ago. When she was chased and killed, she was always vigilant.

Now Luo Xuange slipped into An Ruoshui's tent under her eyelids, if 'good night' in this life is not deliberately revealed to herself, I am afraid that this night, except An Ruoshui, no one will Will know that a thief sneaked in.

I had no dreams all night, but slept very sweetly.

Waking up early, An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange lying beside her, she couldn't help raising the corners of her lips and showing a sweet smile, she got out of Luo Xuange's arms, and seemed dissatisfied with Luo Xuange Xuange fell asleep like this, raised his hand and pinched Luo Xuange's nose, but the other party just held his breath and fell asleep for a few minutes.

An Ruoshui was so frightened that he let go of his hand again, just when An Ruoshui was about to wake Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and rubbed his nose: "Ah? . Did something bite me just now?"

"Hmm, when did you come here last night?" An Ruoshui looked at the tip of her red nose and opened the topic with a guilty conscience.

Master Luo thought for a while: "The filming ended yesterday afternoon. I heard that your crew came over. I came over after dinner. But you were all busy at the time, so I hid in the dark. Come out. When you are all in the tent, I will come out to find you."

"Did no one find you?" Although she knew that the other party was very powerful, An Ruoshui couldn't help but want to ask.

Luo Xuange nodded and shook his head: "Yes, no. Yesterday I deliberately said 'good night', Miss Gu should have heard it. She probably came over by myself. "

"I see." Gu Xunxue, as an elder of Gu Wu, naturally knew their relationship, so even if she knew that Luo Xuange was coming, she would not come to check.

Luo Xuange approached An Ruoshui excitedly: "I want to kiss."


In the middle of the night, I ran a dozen hills, big and small, just for this?

Master Luo closed his eyes and waited for a long time, but he didn't have the kiss he wanted. He opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that An Ruoshui was **** with his back to her.

Luo Xuange started to pull his clothes excitedly, but after An Ruoshui took off his pajamas, he slowly put on another set of clothes.

It seems to be accusing her of why she put her clothes back on.

An Ruoshui held back her laughter and helped her to put her clothes back together. In the end, An Ruoshui thought of the word and suddenly couldn't help laughing.

Luo Xuange was at a loss, and when she was dressed, An Ruoshui began to chase people away.

"Okay, let's go back before everyone gets up."

Master Luo muttered, and the original enchanting appearance was transformed into a pitiful little brother who was frivolous.

With that delicate appearance, An Ruoshui looked like she stepped forward to bully her, but she still held back, not to mention that this is a wild mountain area. He didn't dare to put himself into Luo Xuange's mouth.

What's more, the eldest brother also asked her to keep a distance from Luo Xuange during this period, lest Xu Hao put people in the crew and make some other scandals and black materials, which would be detrimental to him Not good for Luo Xuange.

Master Luo looked at An Ruoshui with aggrieved eyes, but An Ruoshui was not influenced by her eyes, looked at Luo Xuange with a smile, and said mercilessly: "Wear All right, let's go."

"I, I..."

"You, are you stuttering?" An Ruoshui said jokingly, and suddenly seemed to think of something, took out a few bags of snacks from a rucksack and sent them to Luo Xuange's arms: " Take it, I brought it to you."

"Didn't give it to Xiaoxi?" Luo Xuange looked at the familiar snacks, and his eyes full of sorrow were instantly lit up by surprise.

An Ruoshui smiled and nodded. The ones for Xiaoxi had already been given away. These were bought before she came. Although the brands are the same, the production dates on them are different. Fortunately, this child has not yet learned to read those thing.

Master Luo was immersed in his own snacks, and was not in the joy of being given to Xiaoxi by An Ruoshui. He also forgot to ask An Ruoshui for a kiss, so he was ready to leave with the snacks .

"Wait, I'll see if there is anyone outside." An Ruoshui stopped, after all, Luo Xuange wanted to go out in a big way.

Luo Xuange shook his head: "No one, only a man 300 meters away just woke up, sat on the bed for a while and then lay down. Miss Gu next door is already awake, but She's awake and she doesn't make much difference. I'll go first."

An Ruoshui nodded slightly, she couldn't imagine how Luo Xuange knew all this.

After Luo Xuange walked out of the woods, she saw Gu Xunxue waiting for her on the path, Luo Xuange walked over with snacks while eating.

"Waiting for me?"

The leader is very imposing, but holding a few bags of snacks and eating with relish, this is a bit…

The contrast is cute! ?

Gu Xunxue held back her desire to laugh, and said in a choked voice, "When will the agreed thing be done?"

"No hurry, I've been involved in a lot of scenes recently. I'll finish those first, and I can make arrangements later if I don't shoot the director a few days later."

Luo Xuange's voice was cold, but eating potato chips made that crunching sound, and finally Gu Xunxue couldn't help laughing and bent down.

Luo Xuange raised his eyebrows slightly, looked at Gu Xunxue who was squatting on the ground, and then left with a cold snort.

She doesn't talk too much with the sudden head convulsion, Zuo Hufa said that fools are contagious.

After Luo Xuange arrived on the set, An Ruoshui also started nervous shooting.

"Girl, staring like this, do you also want to join the circle?" Li Tian looked at the previous female bodyguard who had a good chat with Gu Xunxue, she rubbed her hands like a fly People also turn into circles. After all, this figure, this appearance, and this character, it is hard to think about it.

What's more, the other party can kung fu, and the play will be wide in the future.

The female bodyguard blushed and shook her head again and again: "No no no, I dream of becoming a boxing champion like senior. I don't want to go to film."

"..." Li Tian shook her head regretfully, these people obviously can rely on their faces to eat, why do they have to rely on strength? Confused.

The female bodyguard hesitated for a while, and seemed to have something to say to Li Tianwen, but was unable to speak for a long time.

Li Tian noticed it, raised her eyebrows slightly: "If you want to ask, just say it!"

"Actually, I don't understand, you are so good, and you look so good. You have a lot of resources in the circle, why don't you make a debut? If you become a star, you will definitely become popular. ." The words of the female bodyguard made Li Tian stunned on the spot.

For so many years, she has thought of countless ways to make money, but she didn't expect to make her debut, this...

"I really admire you, you can rely on your face to eat, but you have to rely on means. It's amazing." The female bodyguard once again pierced Li Tian's heart.

So what has she missed all these years?

"Sister Li? What's the matter with you?" The female bodyguard was a little surprised. She wouldn't have caused Li Tian to beat the big demon just because she rejected her.

Li Tian suddenly grabbed the female bodyguard's hand: "You're right! It's so right! I've decided, I'll change my way of life in the future!"

"???" The female bodyguard looked at Li Tian with a bewildered face, and nodded inexplicably: "It's good to live, it's good to live."

Later Li Tian went around the entertainment circle and was so tired that she finally understood what this girl meant by 'it's good to live, it's good to live'. That night, I lied in Xu Xiu's arms and cried for two hours: "Is it bad for me to live? Why do I want to die in the circle, woo woo woo ~ Am I the worst artist you have ever brought."

Xu Xiu: "Well, you are my only one."

Let's not talk about it later, just say that Li Tian is excited to plan his new path in the future, leaving the female bodyguard alone to watch An Ruoshui's performance.

An Ruoshui's role in the next role is quite difficult, she is a very fragile mental patient, the first scene is to shoot her to travel here with a tourist team.

Everyone was fine, but she suddenly remembered the past that was sealed in her memory.

And the rest of the scene is here, done in a way of memory.

The little child star is Director Jiang's granddaughter. This girl was thrown to the crew by Director Jiang when she was four years old. Now that she is six years old, she can be regarded as a child star who is quite praised in the circle.

Everyone joked that maybe the second little Xu Ru came out.

At this moment, under the explanation of her grandfather, Jiang Yan recites the lines half-understood. When she accidentally recites the wrong words, she will look at An Ruoshui with small eyes.

And everyone in the circle knows that Jiang Yan is a die-hard fan of An Ruoshui, and when she was four years old, she threatened to marry a goddess in the future. Seeing the goddess now, the tension is growing over time.

An Ruoshui rarely cast a shallow smile when the child looked at him.

This smile made Jiang Yan burst into ecstasy. Director Jiang pinched her little granddaughter's cheek in disbelief: "Remember the lines carefully. Be careful if you don't act well, you will be angry, Sister An An."

Xiaoyan laughed and promised that she would remember it well, film well, and make Sister An An like her.

After listening to Xiaoyan's words, everyone present kept laughing.

After Xiaoyan memorized her lines, An Ruoshui quickly entered the play.

During the filming of this scene, a couple from the tour group brought their little cute child to the village and found that the child was missing the next day.

The character played by An Ruoshui also remembered her childhood because of this scene.

Although the 'Xiao An Ruoshui' in the recall scene is also played by Xiao Yan, but now this little cute child only needs a background board.

Although the people in the village still have farm work, they are very curious about the new thing of filming. come over.

While maintaining order, the staff are on guard against the villagers here. It’s not that they are too unfriendly to these people, but that these people seem harmless and honest, but this place is really personal pit.

An Ruoshui has been watched by people during filming in the past, but she is not as nervous as she is now, because she knows that some or even most of these people eat people without spitting up bones, and her heart cannot be calmed down .

Gu Xunxue soon realized that An Ruoshui was nervous. She took her sword and walked to the place with the most villagers. Sitting up against the sword.

For the benefit of An Ruoshui, none of them would do anything.

But Gu Xunxue is different. She is a disciple of ancient martial arts. She draws her sword and meditates on the ground.

An Ruoshui's tension has eased a lot, but this scene does need to use tension, after all, she has entered an unfamiliar environment.

The male lead Wang Gaoyi came over to An Ruoshui at this time and asked in a low voice, "Hey, where are you from?"

"The person in your heart." With the girl's rebellious and cynical smirk, she said the provocative words without a heartbeat.

Wang Gaoyi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Are the little girls now so open?"

"I'm not too young." An Ruoshui raised her eyebrows slightly, then inadvertently glanced at Wang Gaoyi's neck, she smiled and said, "Have a quarrel with your girlfriend. Are you here to relax?"

Wang Gaoyi's eyes were full of surprise, and then he asked, "How do you know?"

"You're very open-minded. When people talk about this kind of thing, they don't feel sad and depressed like you, but have the excitement of encountering new things. You are afraid of your girlfriend. No feelings." An Ruoshui said as she wandered in front of several houses, it seemed that she was a tenant who was concentrating on viewing the house, and the guy beside her seemed to be the salesman who accompanied her.

Wang Gaoyi sneered: "It's an ex-girlfriend, and she has no feelings at all. I met him on a blind date, and now I'm pestering me. I can't help but resign and come out to relax."

Soon Wang Gaoyi asked excitedly: "However, how did you know?"

"How do I know, you are curious?" An Ruoshui suddenly turned cold.

Wang Gaoyi was stunned for a while, but he stabilized his mind and chuckled: "I'm not curious, after all, my quarrel with my ex-girlfriend is not written on my face."

"That's not necessarily true." An Ruoshui swept his eyes sharply and stared at Wang Gaoyi's neck, as if he wanted to cut his throat with a knife and carefully check how the blood would flow out.

Wang Gaoyi suddenly felt a chill on his back, so other teammates came over at this time, allowing Wang Gaoyi to escape from his fear.

"Okay! Stop, stop for a while."

Director Jiang didn't seem satisfied, so he found Wang Gaoyi and An Ruoshui, and said to them, "Is the fear here too much? Although the other party's eyes make you feel scared, But Liu Gongzi in the play is a prodigal son who is in your love scene, and women will not easily scare him."

Wang Gaoyi laughed twice without refuting, just now he was brought into the play by An Ruoshui, An Ruoshui's eyes were more than terrifying, if he had been a professional actor for many years, his professional ethics controlled his body , he can turn around and run a few steps away, away from An Ruoshui.

Director Jiang found An Ruoshui standing silently, although she is usually very cold, giving people the feeling of an iceberg, but at this moment it is a cold blade sticking to your neck feeling on.

Director Jiang shivered involuntarily, then coughed twice to An Ruoshui: "Ruoshui, relax."

The author has something to say: Master Luo is holding a small snack, 'eating it crunchy': This seat wants to dominate the rivers and lakes!

An Ruoshui: It’s all gone, it’s all gone. The boy was sleepwalking in the middle of the night. don't look, don't look...

Thousands of believers knelt down to greet him, Luo Xuange walked slowly to his throne, just sat on it, and touched his stomach: Xuanyang~ I'm so hungry...

Xuanyang: Let it go, let it go. Your sect leader has gone crazy today, go back and don't look at it...