MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 106 too deep into the play

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An Ruoshui's expression looked indifferent, Director Jiang squeezed the script in his hand, and then said, "Xiao An? Are you okay?"

"It's fine." An Ruoshui's face gradually became pale and morbid, as if his soul had been taken away.

Director Jiang shook his head: "In this state, you should rest first."

Wang Gaoyi couldn't take it anymore, and nodded in agreement: "Yeah, listen to the director, and have a good rest. It's the worst thing you can't get out of filming, you're not a newcomer either. Now, you can see the pros and cons here for yourself."

An Ruoshui smiled back at the two: "Thank you, I understand."

An Ruoshui sat on the spot, also took up the sword and walked over.

She and Li Tian gathered around An Ruoshui, Gu Xunxue asked in a hurry, "What's the matter?"

Li Tian frowned slightly, pulled Gu Xunxue aside and whispered, "Maybe she's in the play."

"It's not easy, don't think about it if you don't shoot now." Gu Xunxue waved her hand in front of An Ruoshui, then said with a smile, "I want to be happy. Boring, I'll take you to Xuange's place to see."


An Ruoshui quickly rejected her. She looked like she was in a very poor condition. It would be better not to see Luo Xuange. I don't want my image to collapse in Luo Xuange's mind.

Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief, the heroine in the play is a walking dead without love, An Ruoshui is still concerned about Luo Xuange at the moment, it can be seen that the play is not deep, it should just be more feelings in the heart These will make her unable to slow down for a while.

"Okay, let's not crowd here, let her be quiet." Li Tian said to Gu Xunxue, Gu Xunxue nodded slightly, but she couldn't really leave Here, it's just guarding a few meters away.

After all, these villagers are still crowded here to watch the filming.

The female bodyguard brought some food, An Ruoshui took it, and said softly, "Thank you."

"No, you're welcome. This is what I should do."

An Ruoshui looked at the girl who was obviously nervous but pretended to be calm, and couldn't help laughing: "Don't be afraid, I won't deduct your salary."

The female bodyguard shook her head again and again: "No, no, it doesn't matter if you deduct it. I will try my best to do better."

Although the words were vague, An Ruoshui understood that the salary deduction must be because she did not do well, so she will be deducted from her salary, and she will work hard because of her salary deduction Do better, and strive to not be detained in the future.

This girl is very interesting, and An Ruoshui's mood gradually eased in the process of chatting with her.

When the shooting started again in the afternoon, An Ruoshui's situation had obviously improved. Li Tian, ​​Gu Xunxue and others were also a little relieved.

Luo Xuange performed exceptionally well in the crew today, so the director valued her very much, but Zhang Yiyun always felt that something was wrong, Luo Xuange was a little rusty at first, but now it seems A veteran in the circle, could it be that Luo Xuange hid himself from the beginning? Otherwise, how could such rapid progress be made?

During the noon break, Zhang Yiyun came to Luo Xuange and said casually, "Xiao Luo, what do you think of today's shooting?"

Luo Xuange was eating when she heard Zhang Yiyun's question, she was stunned, and then quickly replied: "Well, I seem to have played a bit too long hahaha."

Zhang Yiyun nodded, Luo Xuange's excitement was real, it seems that the child was not hiding from the beginning, but suddenly became enlightened in the past two days.

Luo Xuange waited for Zhang Yiyun to leave, she slowly put down her chopsticks, if a person has always been excellent, then even if she improves in the future, it will be difficult for others to notice, or simply ignore .

Make up shots instead of trying to wait for her to come back.

So Luo Xuange made up her mind from the moment she joined the group. She wanted to be a very diligent and motivated newcomer at first and left a deep impression on everyone. Show your strength slowly, only in this way will the director cherish her talent.

The shooting started in the afternoon, Luo Xuange once again showed everyone's face with amazing acting skills. Helpless in the world and struggling with little hope.

At night, it was getting dark.

Luo Xuange arranged everything properly, just waiting for the rest of the crew to fall asleep, so that she could find his wife to sleep.

However, in the middle of the night, I heard a little movement outside the door. Luo Xuange held his breath and listened carefully.

Soon she heard the sound of the door being opened, and she lay peacefully on the bed, as if not paying attention to the intruder.

After struggling a few times, she finally lost her strength and slumped on the bed.

The other also nodded, feeling that it was really bad luck to come out at night to kill a woman.

'Dead Man' Luo Xuange was put in a sack, she felt two men carry her on her shoulders, she yawned and closed her eyes for a while.

When the two men threw her to the ground and started digging a hole with a shovel, Luo Xuange stretched out his hand and pulled the sack to open a gap, lying on the ground watching the movements of the two men.

The two men don't seem to be afraid of having a 'dead man' beside them, digging a hole and talking about where to drink tomorrow.

These people came to kill her mastermind.


After there was no movement above, Luo Xuange slowly crawled out of the soil.

Fortunately, no one was there in the middle of the night, otherwise the village would have revealed the news of the corpse fraud.

After Luo Xuange got up, she couldn't stand the earthy smell on her body, and she didn't need to look in the mirror to know how embarrassed and disgraced she was at the moment.

She hurried to the creek at the foot of the mountain.

After she took a shower, it was inconvenient to find An Ruoshui in her embarrassed appearance. She was afraid that things would not be explained by then, so she would startle An Ruoshui first.

But Luo Xuange was resting at the foot of the mountain, but she didn't know that someone on the mountain had noticed that she had disappeared.

The screenwriter temporarily added a scene during the filming process tomorrow, Zhang Yiyun thought about discussing it with Luo Xuange in advance, but she did not expect to go to Luo Xuange's room without seeing a figure, and finally Feeling that something was wrong, I found the director and others.

Now the entire crew is looking for Luo Xuange all over the place.

Walking for half an hour was enough time for everyone to find An Ruoshui, but they did not find Luo Xuange there. After everyone was anxious together, even An Ruoshui became uneasy .

Gu Xunxue frowned slightly, as if she knew something, but the result she knew now was different from what she originally thought, so she was quite surprised at this moment.

An Ruoshui panicked and wanted to find Luo Xuange herself, but Gu Xunxue grabbed her.

"Don't be impulsive! If she wants to disappear, can we find her? If she doesn't want to disappear, no one can take her away. Calm down, this is not as good as you think It's complicated and terrifying." Gu Xunxue persuaded An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui looked at Gu Xunxue silently, if she used to believe that Luo Xuange would never be surprised, but now her emotions seem to be out of her control.

Gu Xunxue lowered her voice and said, "Come with me, I have something to say."

An Ruoshui followed her to a slightly hidden place because of unknown reasons, Gu Xunxue whispered: "I'll just say it once, listen carefully, she doesn't want an accident, no one can do anything, if she really If something goes wrong, neither you nor I can save her. Also, do you remember what you said? You will always believe in her and her strength. You and I both know her identity, so what we can do now is not to Be flexible, try to take it easy. I'm sure she'll be fine."

Gu Xunxue knew that An Ruoshui's emotions were a little out of control. Maybe she was still immersed in the play. Calm down.

An Ruoshui gradually calmed down, cleared her mind, and thanked Gu Xunxue: "I understand, thank you."

"You're welcome." Gu Xunxue actually apologized to An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange. If she hadn't come to ask Luo Xuange for help, maybe the two of them wouldn't be like this at the moment appearance.

Moreover, she was not sure whether Luo Xuange's disappearance was her own plan, or if something really happened to interfere with her.

"Since you've calmed down now, you should have your own judgment. I'll go to their crew to investigate first, and I'll let you know when I have the preliminary results." Gu Xunxue wanted to go there in person Look, after all, she only asked Luo Xuange when she was going to act yesterday morning. Luo Xuange also told her at the time that she needed to wait for a little less time, so that the director could arrange the manpower, so it was absolutely impossible to start playing at night. Missing.

Something must have happened to her, Gu Xunxue thinks that Luo Xuange is more likely to take the plan. The reason why she didn't appear here may be because of some delay.

When she came to the place where Luo Xuange lived last night, looking at the dilapidated and shabby place, she also admired that Luo Xuange could live here with peace of mind.

Zhang Yiyun said to Gu Xunxue, "This is it. When I came to her last night, I wanted to ask her how to cooperate with a crying scene tomorrow. I didn't expect the door to be open. Yes, I pushed the door open and went in, but I didn't see her. Everything here is well laid out, and there are no other extra traces. I don't know if I left or was called out by someone. "

Because Gu Xunxue is a big disciple of ancient martial arts, people in the world are accustomed to think that they exist to maintain justice in the world, so for these clues, there is no need for Gu Xunxue to ask deliberately, Zhang Yiyun said it herself come out.

Gu Xunxue nodded and asked some doubts: "Did you hear anything again?"

"I don't know, it's summer now, and at night the bugs start to make noises. Even if I really hear something, I can't remember anything." Zhang Yiyun said rather weakly.

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, this matter has not yet come to an end, don't worry about her comfort for the time being. After all, she is my eldest disciple of ancient martial arts."

"Yes." Zhang Yiyun's dangling heart dropped a little, and she also remembered Luo Xuange's identity.

After Zhang Yiyun left, Gu Xunxue checked the room carefully, she felt that if this was the last place Luo Xuange stayed before she disappeared, maybe Luo Xuange would leave some What information to give her.

Luo Xuange slept by the stream and tore off the clothes covering her eyes. The dazzling light made her unable to adapt to it for a while.

Jumping down from the tree, Luo Xuange planned to go to An Ruoshui first to clarify the matter, lest An Ruoshui be worried when she found out that she was gone.

But when she hurried over with Qinggong, she didn't find An Ruoshui.

Director Jiang Haixi and others were also nervous because of An Ruoshui's departure.

Several bodyguards have started looking for An Ruoshui all over the mountain, and Li Tian has also begun to search for the signal with her mobile phone, wanting to contact An Junfeng as soon as possible.

Luo Xuange took out a pebble and hit Gu Xunxue, Gu Xunxue looked back and found the hidden Luo Xuange among the flourishing green leaves on a tree. Xuan Ge deliberately exposed it to her.

Gu Xunxue found a secret place and walked over, and soon Luo Xuange followed.

"What's the matter? What about if water?" Luo Xuange's tone seemed very anxious and cold.

Gu Xunxue said slowly: "It's gone. Zhang Yiyun found out that you disappeared last night, and your entire crew was looking for you in groups of three or five. And I stayed there to investigate. , I didn't expect to come back in the morning to find that An Ruoshui was gone.

I was wondering if you took her away, but now it seems…”

"Trash! A bunch of trash!" Luo Xuange's inner strength had already gathered in her hands, but after a few breaths it subsided again, she endured her anger and asked, "Currently she is still There is no danger, I fell into a coma. I have disappeared to everyone's eyes. We will proceed according to the previous plan. I will go to Ruoshui, you can control the situation here and use the fastest time to get the news Pass it out. The mastermind behind the scenes will always reveal his tricks."

Gu Xunxue was silent for a while, then asked, "That's good! Be careful yourself, you found her, be sure to tell me."

"Please hurry out of my sight. I'm afraid I can't help it." Luo Xuange's tone was suppressed, and the bloodthirsty anger of the previous life was lingering in her heart.

Gu Xunxue also heard that something was wrong in her tone, and left without saying anything more.

After Gu Xunxue left, Luo Xuange seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, she didn't want to kill innocent people in this world, her bloodthirsty character needs to be controlled slowly, otherwise it will scare An Ruoshui , In the future, if things are exposed, people in this world will not tolerate her.

Fortunately, she put the bug on An Ruoshui in advance.

At least in the short term, there will be no accidents in An Ruoshui.

Luo Xuange followed the traces left by the Gu worm and slowly searched for An Ruoshui's whereabouts in the mountains and forests.

An Junfeng's computer screen suddenly popped up a dialog box, he clicked to close it in confusion, but the dialog box still existed, and he quickly realized that it might be a virus.

However, the dialog sent a message.

Your Guardian Star: Your sister is in my hands, if you want her to go back well, just be obedient.

An Junfeng wanted to reply to the other party's question, but he could only look at the message from the opposite side of the dialog box. No matter what he did, he couldn't reply to the message.

When An Junfeng was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother, the dialog flashed and disappeared.

If it wasn't for the cup that smashed on the ground when he was angry, An Junfeng would have thought that it was just a dream.

"Come in."

An Junfeng called the secretary to come over, and the secretary outside the door was nervous before knocking on the door. After all, it was the first time that he was so angry in the president's tone.

When An Junfeng saw the secretary, his anger had not subsided, his shoulders trembled slightly, he pointed at the secretary and panicked: "Go check, arrange someone to investigate. Let's see how Ruoshui is now. ."

"Yes." The secretary finally understood why An Junfeng was suddenly so angry.

She didn't dare to delay. When it comes to things related to An Ruoshui, they always pay more attention to other things. The sister on the tip is the most important.

An Junfeng looked at the mess all over the floor, sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and started to call Li Tian, ​​but it has been in the stage of being unable to get through.

An Junfeng knew that there was no signal in the place where they were filming, so she had no hope of calling Li Tian.

Thinking of Luo Xuange again, An Junfeng immediately called Luo Xuange, but the answer was the same as calling Li Tian.

An Junfeng was restless, walking back and forth in the office, and soon he seemed to think of something, and hurriedly dialed the phone.

The number dialed was a detective. Since they had some business dealings before, they were familiar with each other.

An Junfeng urgently needs the information of An Ruoshui.

After the call was connected, what he said was very simple, but his flustered tone revealed his anxious heart.

After he chatted with Mr. Detective, An Junfeng quickly asked someone to drive him to the shooting place.

In a farmhouse, An Ruoshui was tied to a chair and fell asleep.

A glass of cold water was splashed on her face, An Ruoshui woke up in a daze, and when she saw the person in front of her, she froze and smiled: "Brother Xu, I really didn't expect that you would be willing to Put down your body and come to the old forest and do these dirty things that you can't see."

"An An, don't say it too harshly. Big Brother Xu is also forced to." Xu Hao sat next to her, still the same elegant young man as before, the only difference was that the haggard eyes made him lose spirit.

"Oh, Xu Hao. Are you tired? You can wear a mask for more than 20 years. It really makes me sick." An Ruoshui said with disgust.

However, after saying this, not only Xu Hao, but also An Ruoshui was stunned. In the past, An Ruoshui would not say this no matter how angry she was, but now her emotions seem to be different It's not something you can control.

Xu Hao grinned, listening to his laughter, An Ruoshui felt horrified.

"An An, you have changed." Xu Hao raised his hand to squeeze her chin, looked back and forth on her face, and then whispered to An Ruoshui, "Don't expect it, Luo Xuange Even if you have the ability to fly and escape, don't even think about crawling out from the ground to save you now."

An Ruoshui's eyes turned cold, looking directly into Xu Hao's eyes: "What do you want to do?"

"What I want to do is very simple." Xu Hao took out his mobile phone and handed it to An Ruoshui: "Call your brother and tell him to divorce that woman immediately. God's married news is just a joke."

"An family's ancestral teaching, from the beginning to the end. Even if my brother gets divorced, he will not be with you." Even though she fell into Xu Hao's perverted and perverted hands, she could still be indifferent.

And Xu Hao revealed the news that Luo Xuange had died. Although An Ruoshui was sad in his heart, he didn't show it at all on his face. Instead, he had a feeling of indifference.

Xu Hao thinks he can't see An Ruoshui a little bit. Could it be that this girl has been acting before?

Otherwise, with An Ruoshui's temperament, it would be impossible to remain calm now.

Xu Hao let go of An Ruoshui, he was walking back and forth in the small room with his phone in hand, he didn't mind breaking his hair, she scratched her hair anxiously, and then took a deep breath , turned his head and stared at An Ruoshui and said, "An An! Don't force Big Brother Xu, Big Brother Xu doesn't want to hurt you. Because of this, your brother will be sad."

"Don't disgust me here." An Ruoshui sneered: "Remember, your surname is Liu. The Xu family pity you and sympathize with you, give you a surname, don't know what's wrong. What did you do? New Year's Watch Dog, do you think you are the master of the Xu family?"

An Ruoshui was stunned for a while, she looked at Xu Hao helplessly, she didn't know why she just said that, although she and her brother always knew about it, but never He will look down on Xu Hao because of this, and he has never spoken out so directly to stimulate Xu Hao.

An Ruoshui is thinking of Luo Xuange, she is thinking of her former self, she would rather be An Ruoshui who is afraid of danger at this moment, rather than being so shady enough to be **** in time, also Don't forget to use a few words to stimulate Xu Hao, and go gloomy behind her back.

An Ruoshui knew that she was deeply involved in the drama, and even now she has the feeling of being inseparable, but she still has a little awareness that she is in a bad situation now.

Really angered Xu Hao, Xu Hao may have killed her directly.

But the other soul enjoys the process. Enjoying the appearance of a wicked person showing pain in front of this, she even enjoyed the pain when Xu Hao wanted to kill her later.

An Ruoshui felt that another soul in her heart was terrifying, even crazier than the crazy Xu Hao in front of her.

"An An, you have to be good. Big Brother Xu doesn't want to hurt you yet. Do you... understand?!" The knives in Xu Hao's hands rested on An Ruoshui's neck.

, your servility really can't be changed."

"An Ruoshui, don't think I dare not touch you!" Xu Hao's knife was about to draw a blood-red mark on An Ruoshui's fair neck.

An Ruoshui was stunned for a while, then she curled her lips: "I, I..."

Sudden pain in her heart, as if someone was preventing An Ruoshui from speaking, and soon a lot of cold sweat poured out of her forehead, and An Ruoshui's expression gradually became painful.

Xu Hao was stunned, took the knife from An Ruoshui's neck slowly, and then looked at An Ruoshui's face, the sweat on her forehead, Xu Hao hurriedly put the knife aside .

"An An? Are you okay? What's wrong with you?" Xu Hao was really nervous when he was nervous, his worries were real, but he didn't let go of An Ruoshui, he just asked urgently.

An Ruoshui shook her head, struggled for a while and then slowly fell into a coma.

The author has something to say: Ah...other children went out to play during the holidays.

I am not only not fake, but also code words!

This is the last Children's Day! Hee hee, it's long gone.

But it will be eighteen in a few months. There is a big difference between a minor and an adult. I don't want to celebrate my eighteenth birthday, ahhhhh qaq

I love you~

Good night and good dreams!