MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 5 Bishop's choice

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Luo Xuange slowly raised his hand and took the lunch box in the hands of the big brother, and then followed the big brother to the side, ignoring An Ruoshui the whole time.

An Ruoshui stood there stunned, looking at Luo Xuange, who was chatting with the group while eating, she suddenly felt that the lunch in her hand was a little heavy, and she seemed to be unable to hold it. Same.

An Ruoshui took the box lunch and went back silently. No matter what movie she was filming after that, Luo Xuange's actions would not affect her.

When Luo Xuange was eating, she seemed to be chatting with the eldest brother in the group, but in fact, the eldest brother in the group said that she was listening while eating.

Hearing the eldest brother scolding her, why didn't she take An Ying's meal just now, and hearing the faint laughing around her, laughing at her ignorant of current affairs, annoyed Han Yu and offended again An Ruoshui.

Luo Xuange was eating a meal of grievances and didn't take An Ruoshui's lunch, naturally because he was afraid that An Ruoshui would be hungry, not to mention that there was no agreement between the two before Don't know each other? Since they didn't know each other, how could she accept help from strangers?

The day's shooting ended soon, and it wasn't until after eleven o'clock in the evening that Jiang Haixi called everyone to stop work.

On this day, Luo Xuange played 'corpse', 'beggar', 'bandit' and 'maid'.

After Luo Xuange got the hard money for a day, she was almost moved to tears. The dignified Demon Sect leader, this is the first time that he has personally made money. This feeling is somewhat unspeakably happy. The moment I saw the salary, it seemed that the hard work of the day was worth it.

After finishing work, Luo Xuange was no longer able to take the car from Huijia.

Walking on the street, suddenly a car galloped past her, Luo Xuange saw that it was An Ruoshui's car.

After a while the car drove back, An Ruoshui's assistant got out of the car and invited Luo Xuange: "It's very late, it's basically impossible to get a car now. Get in the car. , we'll give you a ride."

Luo Xuange hesitated for a while, and suddenly the rear window of the car was lowered, An Ruoshui said to Luo Xuange expressionlessly, "Get in the car."

In a very ordinary tone, there is no joy, anger, sadness, but An Ruoshui's eyes reveal anger.

Luo Xuange shrank his neck subconsciously, opened the car door and sat beside An Ruoshui.

Under tension, Luo Xuange forgot that there was a co-pilot who could take a seat.

She sat uneasily beside An Ruoshui, and couldn't stop muttering in her heart: Didn't you say you don't know each other? Why are you staring at me again today, delivering meals again, and now ordering me to get in the car.


Seeing Li Tian staring at the rearview mirror with a lively expression, An Ruoshui couldn't help but intensify her anger.

Today she was surprised to see Luo Xuange appearing on the set.

Because of the previous investigation of Luo Xuange's information, it said that Luo Xuange is a contract artist of an entertainment brokerage company, she could not imagine that the contract artist would go to the studio so much.

When she saw Luo Xuange lying in a puddle, shivering from the cold, she was relieved and asked the assistant to get a towel. Unexpectedly, Luo Xuange regarded her as air, fluttering He glanced at her as if he had never seen her.

Afterwards, I saw Luo Xuange being run on by Han Yu on the set, although the relationship between the two was nothing more than two strangers with an extra certificate. But with the connection of that certificate, she couldn't ignore Luo Xuange.

He kindly sent his lunch, but Luo Xuange ignored her the whole time, embarrassed her, and then chatted with the group leader.

I saw Luo Xuange walking on the street alone at night. I was angry and didn't want to come back, but I heard the assistant said that the security in the area during the Spring Festival was not good, so I rushed back again.

In the end, Luo Xuange looked at her as if she had seen a bandit. Asking her to get in the car was like robbing the old girl and forcing her into the bridal chamber.

Luo Xuange was sitting beside An Ruoshui, she felt the air around her freeze, and inexplicable embarrassment filled the carriage.

Fortunately, after a while, An Ruoshui began to lower his head and play with his mobile phone.

But a few seconds later, my phone rang a text message alert.

Luo Xuange turned on her phone and checked, it was a message from An Ruoshui.


An Ruoshui: {Why didn't you pick up my lunch today? }

Luo Xuange: {Didn't you say that you should not know each other in front of outsiders? }

An Ruoshui turned her head and glanced at Luo Xuange, with a faint sneer on her face, don't you know each other?

An Ruoshui: {Then why are you getting into my car now? }

Luo Xuange: {You asked me to come up? }

"Stop!" An Ruoshui's cold voice came from the car.

The assistant responded very quickly and parked the car on the side of the road, An Ruoshui pointed to the door and said to Luo Xuange, "Go!"

"Oh." Luo Xuange nodded, opened the door without saying a word and got out of the car.

After Luo Xuange closed the door smoothly, An Ruoshui began to worry about Luo Xuange awkwardly.

Li Tian in the driver's seat still doesn't understand what happened, but looking at An Ruoshui's angry face, she didn't dare to ask questions rashly. Only in the bottom of my heart silently waxing for the little newcomer.

After a while, An Ruoshui resolutely said to Li Tian, ​​"Go back."

"Oh, okay." Li Tian quickly drove An Ruoshui back to the apartment.

Luo Xuange, who was walking alone on the road, didn't know that An Ruoshui cared about her, nor could she understand that An Ruoshui's actions during the day were caring about her. After all, Master Luo had never experienced such an awkward feeling of being cared for.

I couldn't see a new person or vehicle along the way, Luo Xuange was not afraid at all, kicked the pebbles on the street, walked and ran, it took more than half an hour to finally get home .

, she can pay the rent with a few more days of hard work.

After washing, Luo Xuange drank a cup of hot water and lay down on the bed to sleep.

After washing in the apartment, An Ruoshui was not relieved. After all, she had the opportunity to send Luo Xuange home, but she threw him down halfway, in case Luo Xuange really What happened, she not only felt guilty but also widowed...

After thinking about it, I decided to send a message to Luo Xuange to ask.


An Ruoshui: {Are you home? }


Luo Xuange: {no}

An Ruoshui: {Where are you now? }

Seeing Luo Xuange's reply, An Ruoshui suddenly became nervous.

She had just put on her coat and was about to go out to find the little guy when she got another message.

Luo Xuange: {On the bed in the room. }

An Ruoshui was so angry at her that she took off her coat and lay down on the sofa.

An Ruoshui: {Rest early. }

Luo Xuange: {oh}

There was no reply after that.

An Ruoshui stared at the news for a long time, and after not seeing her for a while, she felt that Luo Xuange had changed a lot.

For example, when Luo Xuange saw her in the past, his eyes were full of hot emotions. Although he couldn't understand what kind of emotion it belonged to, An Ruoshui could clearly feel it. But now An Ruoshui saw Dodge in Luo Xuange's eyes.

And today I saw Luo Xuange on the set, that guy seems to be very short of money every time he sees her. The An family should have given her a lot of money in the past, although it is not clear how much, but the big brother who has always been generous will definitely not treat Luo Xuange lightly.

Is it possible that Luo Xuange is in some big trouble?

An Ruoshui wants to wait until she sees Luo Xuange in the crew tomorrow, and then find another opportunity to ask her.

Actually, An Ruoshui's impression of Luo Xuange has been changing all the time. In the first interview, when her eldest brother said that the other party was willing to marry her, she felt a little uneasy and anxious. After all, she was a stranger. Still a strange woman.

Ten sentences were said, six of which mentioned money.

An Ruoshui's impression of her was so bad that it couldn't be worse, so even when discussing with Luo Xuange about hidden marriage, she used a cold command tone.

However, I saw Luo Xuange several times in the crew. She was diligent and steadfast and willing to learn.

Since the two have been bound together, it is better to get along well, even if there is no love, there can be friendship, and it is better to be a friend than a stranger.

But when I saw Luo Xuange in the crew today, that guy not only looked at her in the wrong direction, but also kept stroking her kindness. An Ruoshui was so angry that she couldn't find anyone to talk to.

The author has something to say: Master, let’s have some snacks. That's your daughter-in-law. After a while, you'll understand how deadly you are now.