MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 6 Auditions begin

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It's a pity that An Ruoshui couldn't see Luo Xuange on the set the next day.

She, who has always maintained a cold personality in the outside world, naturally would not ask the group to ask Luo Xuange's whereabouts.

When she got some free time to rest, An Ruoshui was going to send a message to ask Luo Xuange, but she thought of how Luo Xuange ignored her in love last night, and turned the phone in a fit of anger Shut down and began to study the script and film with heart.

Master Luo was called by Xu Xiu to the company early this morning, because the audition will start this morning.

This audition was broadcast live online, so Master Luo's mobile phone was naturally taken away like other contestants.

The host, Mu Ling, dressed in professional attire, with her habitual smile on her face, stood in the middle of the contestants and introduced the selection project.

"In the next three weeks, everyone will be disconnected from the outside world. During the three weeks, with your own efforts, the top 20 players in total votes will directly advance to the total finals."

Meng Xiaomeng stood beside Luo Xuange, she whispered to Luo Xuange: "Is this different from the talent show you watched on TV before?"

"Well." Luo Xuange didn't know what a draft was, and there was no knowledge about drafts in the original owner's mind.

Mu Ling paused for a minute to give the players time to buffer their understanding.

Mu Ling continued: "After three weeks, everyone will advance to the finals. At that time, foreign aid can help you canvass for votes. The three players with the most votes after the finals will receive the mystery provided by us. grand prize."

Mu Ling introduced some details, while Luo Xuange listened to Meng Xiaomeng whispering beside him.

"It's great, the mysterious gift from An's. Xuange, do you think it will be a gift like an important character in a movie or TV series?" Meng Xiaomeng was full of this show. fighting spirit.

Luo Xuange has very little understanding of the entertainment industry, so it is not clear what kind of existence this so-called Anshi is in the entertainment industry, let alone what the so-called foreign aid is all about .

However, in the first three weeks, we can only rely on the strength of the players to canvass votes. If An Shi will not do some operations for their players behind the scenes, then this program is relatively fair.

After all, no matter how strong the team behind an artist is, an artist must not be a brainless and powerless existence.

Luo Xuange did not attack Meng Xiaomeng's fighting spirit, but became active with Meng Xiaomeng.

The first round began to compare talents, and performed according to the application form and the specialties on the specialties column.

The online live broadcast has been opened. This show is funded by Anshi, and many people on the Internet value this show.

The live broadcast room only opened for half an hour, and the number of viewers in it has reached tens of thousands.

There are hundreds of people in the audition, so naturally not everyone will introduce themselves one by one in front of the camera, but since the whole process is live broadcast, then the players' living rooms and even the corridors have been installed with cameras. The rest of the bathroom will be in the public eye.

However, in the evening, the shooting will stop after 8:00, and the live broadcast will start at 7:00 the next morning.

It is now ten o'clock in the morning, the live broadcast officially starts, and the audition begins. All players line up to draw numbers for the next three weeks.

In the live room—

Monkey who eats melon: The whole live broadcast, I feel that this melon is very big.

Confusion is spinning like a gust of wind: I heard that foreign aid can be invited in the finals, but I don’t know if I will invite my idol. Really been waiting.

The three views are reorganized by me: I don’t know how the players look.

Dolphins laughing in the sea: The first round is about talent. I just saw a player getting ready.

The players in the venue are not clear about the online chat and discussion, and even their votes are only announced once a week.

Meng Xiaomeng leaned over to Luo Xuange: "What should I do? I'm so nervous. I saw that many people can play the violin. After comparing, I suddenly found that my specialty is not a specialty."

Meng Xiaomeng looks sweet and cute. When she enters the live broadcast room, someone will notice her sharply, and then make peace with others in the live broadcast room. There are naturally many people who pay attention to Meng Xiaomeng.

Now seeing Meng Xiaomeng speaking to a tall, thin, yet very lonely girl, everyone is watching carefully.

There were a lot of messages to comfort Meng Xiaomeng in the live broadcast room. There are also many people waiting for Luo Xuange to comfort him.

After a while, Luo Xuange choked out a sentence.

"Perhaps you can do the opposite and play a particularly ugly song for everyone. This is also a specialty. After all, not everyone can use musical instruments to kill people." Luo Da The teacher's words are sincere, and every sentence is sent to the heart. In her previous life, she used the guzheng to practice the magic sound of a hand, and when she brought her internal strength, she played the meridian internal power that could disrupt the enemy invisibly. It can be said that the murder is invisible.

As soon as Luo Xuange's words were spoken, the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

Sunny day: Are they friends or enemies?

Qiliang: Probably a bad friend.


I am addicted to you: There is more than one of you upstairs, Miss Luo is so cute, I forcibly took it away.

Tired and tired: It’s time for Xiaomeng to break up with Miss Luo.

I'm fooling around, you take care of the aftermath! : Cut off the friendship, Xiaomeng is coming to her sister's arms, and the sister will comfort you.

Er ​​Ha next door: Luo belly black, stay away from me cute!

Meng Xiaomeng nodded thoughtfully, and suddenly took Luo Xuange's hand gratefully: "It's great, really. The music you listen to is your specialty, right?"

"Yes." Luo Xuange nodded solemnly.

Then the two of them decided, what will happen later?

Live Room—

Fried again! !

"No. 17, Meng Xiaomeng."

When the host called Meng Xiaomeng, Meng Xiaomeng went up with the violin.

He gave Luo Xuange a big hug before leaving.

Meng Xiaomeng changed her lack of self-confidence. At this moment, her face was full of joy and excitement, and the violin in her hand was tightly held by her, as if it was the source of her strength.

Meng Xiaomeng bowed deeply to the three judges in front. The judges also have the right to vote in the selection, and their one vote represents ten votes of ordinary netizens. Each judge can give a full score of 10. So the first impression to the judges is also very important.

Meng Xiaomeng first briefly introduced herself, then glanced in Luo Xuange's direction, and then nodded firmly to Luo Xuange.

In the live room—

I'm fooling around, you take care of the aftermath! : Xiaomeng, let’s have a long snack. This is a game...

Tired and tired: It's not really that bad looking at this posture, is it?

Bajie, Amy: I am the ear of the judges, who will save me!

Weak burst: Quick, save upstairs.

Sisters, girlfriends: Everyone, let it go, artificial respiration is coming.

Sao Nian's Sao Operation: Do you think Xiaomeng will cry when he loses the election?

Desolate people: For the black belly of Luo, Xiaomeng will definitely get angry later.

Netizen n: For the black belly of Luo N

Meng Xiaomeng closed her eyes, her mind was blank, she forgot all the names in her mind, and felt the moment when she got the violin as a child, excited and happy Emotions.

The arm moved slightly, and the sound of the violin wafted in the venue.

Slowly integrate yourself into the music and into the tune, the first time I learned to recognize the novelty of scales and notes, the first time I learned the joy of playing a tune, the first time I was praised by others The joy , Gradually recalling the most assiduous grievances, the most unforgettable pains, and the grief of licking the scars alone when misunderstood by others.

The excitement of participating in this audition, the yearning for a better future, the hope for tomorrow, and the regret for the big and small mistakes made in the past.

For a time, through a tune that is not a song and a tune, I integrate all my experiences, integrate all my efforts, pull out a tune, and feel the joy of life in the venue. joys and sorrows.

The song ended, many people covered their ears, many people covered their mouths and noses, and many people took out tissues to wipe their tears.

Meng Xiaomeng put down her violin, with a shallow smile on her lips, she bowed again with satisfaction to the three judges below.

The three judges gave their votes while wiping away tears.

In the live room—

Netizen 1: Raise your paw when you hear the cry, I want to know that it is not me who is crying like a dog.

Netizen 2: Raise your claws. Good... Ugly. But inexplicably followed the song to laugh, and inexplicably followed the song to cry.

Netizen 3: I heard that music can resonate with people, and I suddenly feel distressed. Without further ado, let's vote.

Netizen 4: I originally planned to wait for all the talent shows today to vote for a favorite, don’t say anything stupid, isn’t it just a vote? Give it to you.

Netizen 5: If this is not a specialty, is there any specialty in this world? Calling Luo Bei Hei and stupid Xiaomeng, calling crazy.

The author has something to say: Stupid Xiaomeng: Xuange, you are amazing~

Master Luo: Well, this seat allows you to worship me!

Stupid Xiaomeng: wow (#`O') Xuange, you are awesome~

An Yinghou: I don’t know the two mentally retarded people upstairs!