MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 88 bishop wins

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When An Ruoshui heard Gu Xunxue's words, her heart became even more nervous.

However, Zheng Xu and Luo Xuange on the field fought hard. Luo Xuange looked at the stone pit that was smashed out of the ring, and then looked at Zheng Xu's arm that no longer trembled.

Zheng Xu's strength seems to be gradually getting stronger, Luo Xuange clicked on his acupuncture points, and all the internal power in his body was sealed, at least it won't be released within a stick of incense.

She wanted to see how Zheng Xu made his martial arts progress by leaps and bounds.

"Today, I'm going to smash your bones!" Zheng Xu suddenly let out a roar, only to see him move nimbly to Luo Xuange's side, when he was close to Luo Xuange, He stretched out his fist and hit Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange didn't dodge this time, she took a punch, and then took two steps back.

It's not that she can't dodge, it's that she wants to know how powerful Zheng Xu's punch is. The strength is more than a hundred times higher than before.

Fortunately, she was well prepared for this punch, otherwise Luo Xuange would have been in pain for a long time without her internal strength.

Luo Xuange stepped back deliberately, and then coughed violently. This coherent movement of hers made An Ruoshui tremble.

Luo Xuange stabilized his pace and slowly analyzed the changes in Zheng Xu's every move.

Seeing Zheng Xu's faster and faster moves, and Zheng Xu's sudden increase in strength, Luo Xuange felt surprised, but when he thought of someone in his previous life who used extraordinary skills to transform his martial arts in a short period of time It is not surprising that Zheng Xu has changed.

After all, in her previous life, it was precisely because she practiced magic that she could not live for ten years.

Now seeing Zheng Xu forcibly improving his martial arts, Luo Xuange wondered what the consequences of doing so would be.

After fighting Zheng Xu for two more rounds, Zheng Xu's eyes became scarlet, and the sweat on his forehead was as big as beans. Seeing Zheng Xu's appearance, Luo Xuange suddenly felt a little unbearable. She recalled the scene in her previous life when she practiced magic.

How long can a demon leader be unbearable? Luo Xuange had a nasty taste in the next second. She didn't want to end the battle so soon, she wanted to see what Zheng Xu was like when he couldn't hold it anymore.

Fighted Zheng Xu for another round, basically breaking several ribs of Zheng Xu, but Zheng Xu seemed to ignore the pain on his body.

Now, in the eyes of the outside world, Luo Xuange is completely at a disadvantage in this game.

There were even several times when Zheng Xu's hammer smashed on her body, Luo Xuange knelt on one knee on the ground, and caught the hammer with her arms up, that muffled sound Let everyone's hearts are tightly grasped.

But everyone is fortunate, Zheng Xu doesn't seem to have much strength, otherwise Luo Xuange will not die or be disabled after this hammer, how can he just stand up with a face full of pain like now .

Looking at Zheng Xu who was gradually unable to hold on anymore, Luo Xuange beat Zheng Xu with a punch at the last moment.

All netizens on the Internet watched this scene, and the mouse in their hands could hardly hold. Looking at the quiz that they bet on, it seems that they lost another bottom this time.

Jiang Yihan, who was broadcasting live, stood up and walked around the room four or five times in excitement, and then said to the fans in the live broadcast room: "This time I really made a profit, but today I made all my money. All the money will be used for charity."

Jiang Yihan is not afraid of people pointing and pointing. She suffered when she was a child. Now that she has money, she wants to use her own way to repay the society. No matter what other people say, she did not forget that this was her original idea. enough.

However, things changed suddenly, Zheng Xu fell to the ground after being knocked down by Luo Xuange, and he started to foam at the mouth and twitch.

The corners of Xu Hao's mouth in the auditorium slowly twitched, and he glanced at the two men beside him. The two men quickly left the nearest seat and came to Luo Xuange. .

An Ruoshui saw the two coming, so she subconsciously went to Luo Xuange's side, but Gu Xunxue who was beside her suddenly reached out to stop her.

"Don't worry, she will handle it well." Gu Xunxue recalled the conversation in the pavilion, and only hoped that Luo Xuange could really help her, and she would not waste her helping to stop An Ruoshui now.

An Ruoshui was struggling, staring at Gu Xunxue and was about to ask the reason, Gu Xunxue whispered, "Shh, before she came, you promised you'd believe her. '."

Because of these words, An Ruoshui slowly calmed down.

Luo Xuange looked at the two men who climbed up the ring, she raised her eyebrows slightly: "You...?"

"We are international research... ah..."

With two screams, two big men about 1.8 meters tall just fell onto the ring.

Luo Xuange suddenly sneered: "You dare to challenge me on stage with your small body?! You are beyond your own power!"

Luo Xuange naturally knew that these two were from the research team, but she didn't have a plan for them to finish their conversation. It was only their fault that they had to climb up the arena and stand in front of her before speaking. .

According to the rules of ancient martial arts, anyone who climbs the ring can challenge on the same stage during the competition.

Luo Xuange's move complies with the rules of the ancient martial family, and it is a violation of the rules if she doesn't make a move.

The patriarch Guwu looked at the two men who fell on the ring, and waved them to deal with them.

Soon, the three comatose men in the ring were dragged away.

The live broadcast room was full of shock, and many people recognized that it was a member of the research team, but they were knocked out by Luo Xuange before they finished speaking, and they had to say something convinced.

An Ruoshui looked back at Gu Xunxue, how is this different from what she imagined? !

What about the cruel and unkind research team? Luo Xuange smashed one with one punch like this, repelling the research team? !

"Don't worry, Gu Wu will take care of the aftermath. What she needs to do now is to finish this match and become my Gu Wu's eldest disciple." Gu Xunxue seems to have expected it long ago to this matter.

When Zheng Xu brought those two people in, they had already received the notice.

If Zheng Xu wins this battle, Luo Xuange will be taken away by the research team under various excuses. After all, Luo Xuange was exhausted and could no longer fight.

If Luo Xuange wins this battle, they will come forward to point out Luo Xuange taking medicine before the game, and take Luo Xuange away for the fairness of the game.

Although Gu Wu has the right to stop it, as long as Zheng Xu interferes, Luo Xuange's "pre-match medication" will still become a sure-fire fact.

At that time, no matter whether Luo Xuange took medicine or not, the entire ancient martial arts will definitely undergo a thorough investigation, but unfortunately, many scum in the clan do often take special drugs, and ancient martial arts I am afraid that his reputation will be ruined at the hands of those scumbags.

The patriarch had no choice but to use this competition to clear the group of people quietly. All Luo Xuange had to do was to cooperate with Gu Wu and win the game.

It's a pity that the research team's abacus was very loud, but she told Luo Xuange about this in advance in the gazebo.

Luo Xuange also simply and rudely solved the two people for the Guwu family, and Guwu will arrange the rest.

Luo Xuange waited quietly on the stage for the incense stick to burn. She looked at the other ancient martial arts disciples off the stage. Xuan Ge's performance just now, they silently suppressed the restlessness in their hearts, and if their skills are not as good as others, they should not go to seek abuse.

There are still some people whose eyes are full of disbelief, Luo Xuange actually defeated Zheng Xu? ! This outer sect disciple who just entered the inner sect? !

When the patriarch announced the end of the game, Luo Xuange glanced at An Ruoshui in the audience, raised his eyebrows slightly and hooked the corners of his lips.

The next second is the appearance of a person who is not physically strong until the end of the game.

When Luo Xuange fell on the ring, the entire Guwu even with the live broadcast room exclaimed.

Gu Wu waited for the guest room, An Ruoshui looked at the antique room, and then at Luo Xuange lying on the bed. Before coming, An Ruoshui had said that once she fell, it might take a quarter of an hour to wake up. But don't worry, she made herself a sleeping hole to make her fainting look more like it.

An Ruoshui was standing beside Luo Xuange, and it was only a quarter of an hour away.

During this time, Gu Xunxue brought some food over: "Gu Wu is now dealing with Zheng Xu, you should eat something first, the doctor has already seen it for her, and there is no major problem. Just let her rest for a while."

"Well, thank you." An Ruoshui is extremely glad that he is an actor, otherwise he would follow Luo Xuange all day, if he didn't have any acting skills, sooner or later someone would see through Luo Xuange's trick.

Gu Xunxue brought the clothes of the inner disciples and instructed An Ruoshui: "These are the clothes of the eldest disciple. If there is no accident, they will be officially included in the genealogy tomorrow. She's wearing this dress."

An Ruoshui took the suit, and it felt good to the touch. It seemed that Gu Wu treated different disciples very differently.

A quarter of an hour passed, Luo Xuange slowly opened her eyes, she was stunned when she saw the unfamiliar environment, and then thought that this was in the ancient Wu family.

"Awake? How is your body? Are you not really hurt? Is there any discomfort?" Seeing Luo Xuange awake, An Ruoshui immediately sent out a series of inquiries, but Luo Xuange only had a smile on the corner of his mouth With a smile, he quietly sat on the bed and looked at An Ruoshui.

"You talk." An Ruoshui touched Luo Xuange's forehead and gave her a reproachful look.

Master Luo sneered, touched her nose and was about to get up from the bed when she suddenly saw the necklace on An Ruoshui's neck.

She reached out and stroked the necklace, feeling a cold touch on her fingertips. Luo Xuange's brows were furrowed, but when An Ruoshui was about to meet her eyes, she dodged in time.

"Do you like this?" Luo Xuange asked softly.

An Ruoshui looked down. She was used to seeing jewelry and couldn't tell whether this necklace was good or bad, nor could she tell the brand. And there are no traces of artificial production on it, so An Ruoshuiquan should be a gift that Luo Xuange bought after being deceived.

But no matter whether it is valuable or not, she likes it very much, after all, this wood is rarely a gift for her.

Master Luo smiled cheerfully, and whispered to the necklace: "Little things should be obedient."

"Okay, hurry up and eat." An Ruoshui handed the food brought by Gu Xunxue to Luo Xuange: "These are from Miss Gu, they are still hot. , hurry up and eat."

Luo Xuange reached out and took it, and caught sight of An Ruoshui's necklace on An Ruoshui's neck flashing, she accidentally touched all the food in her hand to the ground, sat on the bed at a loss and looked at An Ruoshui : "I, I didn't mean to."

This is intentional!

An Ruoshui thought that she had just finished the game, and it was very likely that she was really weak, so she didn't think about it too much, so Luo Xuange quickly got up, changed her clothes and went to the ancestral hall to accept her eldest disciple identity.

Luo Xuange looked at the food spilled all over the floor and smiled: "Hey, it's a pity, I couldn't eat it."

"Ms. Gu said that we can go back after accepting the status of the eldest disciple. As long as we can rush over tomorrow morning to be included in the genealogy, there will be no problem." An Ruoshui also did not want to stay in Guwu, although the reception here was very thoughtful. , but there is always a feeling that someone is hiding in the dark and staring at them.

Luo Xuange really likes Gu Wu, but unfortunately there are still many mice here, waiting for Gu Xunxue to slowly clear the mice, she will find another time to come and stay for a few days.

An Ruoshui took Luo Xuange away, and the patriarch held some ceremonies for them at the ancestral hall.

Luo Xuange joined Guwu because of her, and she entered the inner door because of Luo Xuange. Sometimes God just likes to make jokes.

"Okay, I hope you will remember your identity as a disciple of Guwu in the future."

The patriarch instructed An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange nodded slightly, and then asked: "The ceremony has been held, can I leave?"

"Come here again early tomorrow morning. I'll take you to Guwu's tomb to worship the ancestors." The patriarch took out the genealogy again and said to Luo Xuange, "And include it in the genealogy."

Luo Xuange said she understood, when she and An Ruoshui were about to leave the ancient Wu family, suddenly a disciple broke in and said to the patriarch and others in a panic, "Not good! "

The disciple was sweating profusely, and it was too late to breathe.

He hesitantly said, "Zheng, Senior Brother Zheng and those two men are gone."

"I'll chase!" Before everyone could react, Luo Xuange ran out first.

Seeing this, Gu Xunxue made a look at the patriarch and followed.

It's only been over an hour since the match, Zheng Xu was seriously injured and could not escape. The other two men were not familiar with the terrain here, even if Zheng Xu was with them, they couldn't walk fast .

Luo Xuange looked down at the bottom of the mountain from the top of the mountain. She was not in a hurry to go directly down the mountain to intercept, but she wanted to teach the three of them a lesson in the mountain.

However, seeing a few birds on the treetops in the distance sometimes fly up and sometimes fall, Luo Xuange understood it, and rushed towards it with a little Qinggong.

When she got here, Luo Xuange listened to the movement in the grass, she didn't plan to let it go, she walked over slowly to clear the weeds.

Zheng Xu and the two men appeared in the weeds.

"Want to run?" Luo Xuange's ending rose slightly, making the three people panic.

"Luo Xuange! I have no grievances with you, why are you doing this to me?" Zheng Xu's arm was interrupted by Luo Xuange during the competition with Luo Xuange , At this moment, when he was talking to Luo Xuange, the pain in that arm made his face twitch.

The other two members of the research team instinctively wanted to come up with their identities to warn and threaten Luo Xuange, but they looked at the mountains and forests that could not go to the village or the store, they thought about it and finally decided Waiting for Zheng Xu and Luo Xuange to talk.

"No grievances and no grudges?" Luo Xuange squatted in front of him: "Every time you see the killing intent in my eyes, it's real, even if we have no grievances and no grudges, I see you How is it not pleasing to the eye?!"

"You!" Zheng Xu was so angry that he was speechless.

Luo Xuange chuckled: "You and I have no grievances, but you shouldn't collude with these guys, it's Gu Wu who wants to abolish you. I was also used as a gun. Make."

"Gu Wu?!" Cold sweat poured out from Zheng Xu's forehead, and he didn't know whether it was because of the pain on his body or because Luo Xuange was out of breath.

Zheng Xu shook his head again and again, his eyes full of disbelief: "This is impossible, I am a disciple of Gu Wu, they can't want to abolish me! If they want to abolish it, they will also scrap that wild **** Gu Xunxue! "

Wild hybrid? !

General swearing can't swear like this. It seems that Gu Xunxue still has a dramatic life experience.

The ridicule in Luo Xuange's eyes did not hide at all: "I'm not interested in your Guwu inside story, but Guwu promised me that as long as you are abolished, I will be the official Guwu disciple I have no reason to refuse such a good deal."

Zheng Xuchu didn't say a word on the spot.

Luo Xuange swept her gaze to the two research team members, she did not threaten them too much, but asked lightly: "How did you and Xu Hao get involved? already?"

"Xu Dashao, he, we..."

Luo Xuange suddenly stretched out his hand to clamp the man's chin, and then found a small bug from his pocket and put it on the man's face, the bug slowly followed the man's open mouth Climb full inside.

Zheng Xu trembled with fear.

Luo Xuange waited for the bug to crawl into the man's body before she let go of her hand and let the man roll on the ground by himself.

Luo Xuange clapped her hands, and then looked at another member of the research team: "I know, let you talk about it, you will definitely not explain it honestly. Just kill the chicken first to warn the monkeys."

"I, I, I..."

"Don't worry, speak slowly. Don't miss anything important, otherwise..." Luo Xuange sneered and clapped his hands, and the man on the ground suddenly wailed.

"He has a Gu worm in his body, and the mother Gu is on me. If something happens to me, he will accompany me. By the way, you'd better be with him. Keep your distance, the little child Gu has crawled into your flesh, taking root and multiplying in your body."

When the three of them were trembling with fear, Luo Xuange stood up in a good mood and looked down at the three people on the ground: "Does this have anything to do with Xu Hao?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! He funded us to enter a new batch of research facilities. Originally, you were from Gu Wu, and we did not intend to come to you, but Xu Hao said that you are not Gu Wu. Martial disciple, but the An family helped you, so...that's why we came to investigate!"

Wen Yan Luo Xuange took out the identity card of the Guwu eldest disciple from his pocket, and shook it in front of the two: "See clearly, I am the Guwu eldest disciple now!"

"Yes! We know, you are a disciple of Guwu."

"Don't be afraid, eh...don't tremble, today I will not only not hurt you, but I will let you go." Luo Xuange promised with great certainty, but in the next second he said something Frightening words.

"However, you have to eat these." Luo Xuange took out a few pills and handed them to the three of them: "This thing is poisonous, you won't die immediately if you eat it, it will only be It hurts for a little while every night."

Then took out a small bottle that appeared to contain some different colored pills.

"This is an antidote that can relieve your pain. Taking one every three months will allow you to continue to live. If you stop the medicine, you should slowly rot and die." Luo Xuange smiled happily. These medicines have not been researched for a long time, but today I finally found the little white rabbit who tested the medicine.

One of them took the pills with trembling hands, and asked very nervously: "If, if these pills are finished..."

"After eating, come back to me. I'll help you detoxify when I'm in a good mood. If I'm in a bad mood, you'd better choose a few cemeteries with the best feng shui."

Luo Xuange hadn't played like this for a long time. Looking at the fearful eyes of the three, she secretly mocked herself for being kind.

After all, she can't blatantly attack the entire research team, not to mention that the worms are precious and difficult to raise, and she can't directly confront the research team based on the influence of the research team in this world.

Some things can only be done quietly and quietly.

Luo Xuange watched the three slowly disappearing figures, she hummed a little song and slowly rushed to the ancient martial arts family.

When I arrived at the ancient martial arts family, seeing An Ruoshui standing at the door anxiously walking back and forth, Luo Xuange felt a warm current in his heart and came to An Ruoshui: "I'm back."

"You finally came back, did you find them? You are not injured!" An Ruoshui was very worried, what if the research team hated Luo Xuange completely because of this incident.

Master Luo stretched out his arms and walked around: "I didn't find them, I rummaged through the forest, and the three mice didn't know where they went."

"Ignore those for now, let's go home." An Ruoshui didn't want to stay in Guwu anymore, and always felt that this place was right and wrong.

Luo Xuange chuckled lightly, took An Ruoshui's hand and prepared to go down the mountain.

"Let's go on." An Ruoshui was afraid that Luo Xuange's use of Qinggong would be too distracting. After all, Luo Xuange had just experienced a fight.

Master Luo wanted to say that she was fine, but seeing the worry in An Ruoshui's eyes, she had no choice but to smile: "Let's go, let's go slowly."

After both of them left Guwu, Gu Xunxue had changed into ordinary casual clothes and came to the Guwu Hall.

There is only the ancient Wu patriarch and a few elders who are about to abdicate and leave.

"Hey, now the Zheng Xu you were optimistic about is gone. Shouldn't you guys also pack up and get out?" Gu Xunxue was not polite to this group of people.

In her cognition, it is possible to respect the old and love the young, but no matter who it is, she must first see if those people are worthy of her respect.

Encountered with unreasonable elderly people and tickle children, Gu Xunxue didn't care about the words "respect the old and love the young" at all.

At this moment, the seven elders looked at the patriarch, and one of them stood up and said: "I didn't take medicine, I hope the family can investigate thoroughly. Don't wrong a good person."

"You are also considered good people?" Gu Xunxue mocked: "You are good people, are there still evil people in this world? Three years ago, Zheng Xu took medicine to participate in the competition, and you paid for it to kill me. I almost lost my life, although I don’t know which of you is, but you are all raccoon dogs on the same hill, not a single good bird.”

Several people seem to be used to Gu Xunxue's quarrels in the clan, they did not continue to refute Gu Xunxue, because there are rules in the clan, and the words are not in the ring.

If they dare to say more, Gu Xunxue can challenge them and fight directly in the ring.

If this wasn't the case before, but today Gu Xunxue has become an elder, they are of the same generation, Gu Xunxue can challenge them.

But now Gu Xunxue can give them a little bit of tolerance and tolerance, and they don't dare to be too presumptuous.

The elder of Wu, there are so many affairs in the clan, why do you still have time to stay here?!"

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly, then took out his certificate and a piece of paper, and handed it to the patriarch: "This elder is just a name, I'll come back here occasionally, in fact, outside Heaven and earth attract me more."

"You!" The patriarch was not surprised by Gu Xunxue's words. He seemed to have a hunch, but he still felt angry when he heard it. After all, this child was brought up by him. of.

Gu Xunxue left the document. On that piece of paper was the promise she wrote. In the future, whenever Gu Wu needed, she would stand up as soon as possible, but she did not want to spend her life forever. Stay in the ancient Wu family.

"Axue, you have to think about it. You only have this chance. If you give up, it will be difficult to come back in the future." The patriarch was reluctant to leave Gu Xunxue, after all, he was watching this Children grow up.

Gu Wu has regulations that the cabinet elders can inherit the patriarch position in the future. Gu Xunxue is now the cabinet elder. No matter how high her status is in the ancient Wu family, her descendants can only go through the outer door. Climb up slowly.

And she can only stay in the elder position forever, and it is impossible to inherit the patriarch position.

Gu Xunxue waved his hand: "I think very clearly, and thanks to the experience of these three years, I know that Gu Wu practice is not martial arts, but a chivalrous heart. Oh, I, Gu Xunxue, belong to the ancient Wu family, no matter where I am, I will never forget my responsibilities. However, I have already prepared for the matter of leaving the cabinet."

"In that case, then you can go. Remember to be an ancient martial artist outside." The patriarch shook his head helplessly.

Gu Xunxue chuckled lightly, she did not necessarily yearn for the vast world outside Gu Wu, but Gu Wu had regulations that the cabinet elders could only stay in the cabinet forever, and the other half of the cabinet elders only You can choose from the Count's family.

She can't fully accept this.

Going down the mountain, Gu Xunxue dialed Meng Xiaomeng's cell phone.

It was agreed that she would invite the little white rabbit to dinner. Although Gu Xunxue had been unable to do much, she was in a good mood today and she was happy to fulfill her promise.

After An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange went home, they soon heard the doorbell.

Luo Xuange, who was carefully preparing dinner in the kitchen, looked at An Ruoshui in the living room: "Ruoshui?! Open the door."

An Ruoshui was reading the new script, when she suddenly heard Luo Xuange's voice, she was startled, and then she reacted, put down the script in her hand and went to open the door.

Li Tian, ​​who was standing outside the door holding several large bags of documents, saw An Ruoshui with a look of hopelessness.

"Dude, you..." Li Tian can't wait to hit the wall and cry for three days and three nights.

What about the straight female actress? ! What about the straight poles? ! This is basically a golden hoop, not to mention turning it, you give her a world, and she can turn into a mosquito coil for you to see.

An Ruoshui knew Li Tian's dejected appearance.

An Ruoshui is actually ashamed of Li Tian. After all, Li Tian put all her hopes on her, hoping to break the rumors and make a comeback through her.

As a result, because of her existence, the rumor about Li Tianzhaoji was once again confirmed.

"Li Tian, ​​I..." This was the first time An Ruoshui was speechless in front of Li Tian.

In the end, Li Tian took a deep breath and spit it out weakly: "I'm fine, but I'm a little too surprised. You and Xiao Luo, you are so early..."

A normal person would find it inconceivable that a rich, powerful and beautiful actress married more than half a year ago. The object is still a small extra who plays around every day to dress up a corpse? !

Are you sure this is not a joke? !

"Okay, come in first." After An Ruoshui learned the truth, it was a little less awkward to get along with Li Tian.

After entering the room, Luo Xuange was still busy in the kitchen, Li Tian hurriedly glared at the kitchen with resentment.

An Ruoshui chuckled and poured a glass of juice for Li Tian: "Come, have a taste. Xiao Luo just finished it."

"Thank you very much." Li Tian said that she didn't want to taste that guy's juice at all.

After drinking a cup, Li Tian licked the corner of her lips: "Cough, I'm still a little thirsty."

An Ruoshui held back her smile and poured her another cup, after all, she drank two cups in a row just now.

According to Luo Xuange, there are special things added to make the juice more delicious. Although I don't know what Luo Xuange added, the taste has indeed changed. .

When Luo Xuange came out of the kitchen, Li Tian just put down the empty cup.

"Xiao Luo, what are your plans now? Are you going to continue filming, or slowly move towards variety shows?" Li Tian asked curiously, after all Luo Xuange is a very talented actor An actor, but now she has been active on variety shows, Li Tian couldn't help but want to persuade her.

Luo Xuange hesitated for a while, and finally said: "I want to finish the filming of Anshi's large-scale reality show first, and then watch the chance to pick up a few interesting shows later."

"So, do you still plan to develop into an actor?" After all, others say that chance is indeed a word for chance, but Luo Xuange is different. Some of the opportunities that you want are sent by people in a hurry.

Luo Xuange nodded: "Well, it's better to be able to play."

Luo Xuange wants to let more people feel the charm of martial arts.

Li Tian hesitated for a while, and finally understood: "Yes, after all, you have the status of an ancient martial arts disciple, and it will be more popular to shoot martial arts dramas in the future."

Although Li Tian's understanding was different from Luo Xuange's, she was right in thinking so, and even expanded Luo Xuange's own advantages.

Li Tian was curious about Luo Xuange's future career development, and she began to ask An Ruoshui.

Although she is only an assistant, she must be worthy of the salary of the agent given to her by the president, as well as bonuses and various benefits.

"I just watched a very good movie, and the plot suits my appetite. And the director is an acquaintance, Mr. Jiang Haixi is a director I have always admired since my debut. I have worked with him so many times , he can bring me a different surprise every time. And I can learn a lot from joining his crew." An Ruoshui handed Li Tian the script he had just seen: "I heard about this drama. Or play with Senior Xu Qian, I think I can take it."

"Xu Qian? You are not mistaken?!" Li Tian looked around in disbelief, and did see Xu Qian's name on the supporting role column: "It's really an accident, Xu Qian not only After taking this style of play, she even chose a supporting role."

"Yeah, although she is over forty years old, she has always been a goddess or something like a goddess. This time I took on a role of a human trafficker who tests human nature. I'm also quite surprised." An Ruo Shui's reverence for Xu Qian is not a little bit, in her mind, Xu Qian is her goddess from childhood to adulthood.

Li Tian took a closer look at the script, and then she also felt that the play was feasible, but she still asked: "What about Princess Xuanyang's play?"

They are all idle there, but An's family business is not enough to support them. When the edges and corners of this play are smoothed out, there will be a lot of trouble in shooting. And it was a script written by Luo Xuange himself, I believe it can truly restore the world 800 years ago to a certain extent.

Li Dian head: "In this case, then sign the play directed by Jiang Haixi. "Blind Heart", I seem to have seen the screenwriter of this play."

"Huh? The screenwriter of this play?" An Ruoshui said without hesitation: "This is a script adapted from a novel, and it is also the author's last novel, but unfortunately, the author has already passed away."

"Ah?! I remember it, it's the 'durian smell that misses you', unfortunately passed away five years ago." Li Tian was very sorry, she had met that person at that time.

Afterwards, several friends around her died unexpectedly one after another, and she was deeply affected. She finally chose to finish writing the last novel in half a year. I heard that when she died, the whole room was filled with cacti and blood The stream was dazzlingly red on the floor.

"It's screenwriter Xiao, it's really a pity." An Ruoshui sighed, and the author of the novel wrote a paragraph at the end, because the content was too dark, many readers climbed up Tiantai, threatened that heaven is too deserted, and they will always accompany that person.

The novel was banned later, but after a few years of easing, the novel was once again in the public eye.

An Ruoshui intends to take over the play, she knows how much pressure she will have to bear from the fans of the original novel, so she was hesitant at first, and it was not until she talked with director Jiang Haixi a few times that she decided Take this play.

The author has something to say: I slapped my face... I didn't have time to revise today... Please forgive me again...

'I miss your durian taste' 23333, screenwriter Xiao, I don't know if anyone can tell who this is... Lend the background, don't take it too seriously...
