MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 89 Brother Andre's question

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"But what about An's reality show? Do you want to quit early?" Li Tian asked worriedly, after all, it was still unclear what director Jiang Haixi's arrangement was.

An Ruoshui shook her head: "I should still be able to participate in the second season, after all, most of the actors of "Blind Heart" have not yet been determined, and the assistant director has also gone abroad to deal with trivial matters at home. Let’s decide after discussing it. This matter is not on the agenda for the time being.”

"Okay, I'll meet Director Jiang tomorrow. In addition, if you really plan to take on this play, you'd better prepare in advance. After all, screenwriter Xiao's script gives people a deep sense of substitution, I I'm afraid that if I walk into the world of the play, I won't be able to come out for a while."

Li Tian explained worriedly, An Ruoshui frowned slightly, and she was quite hesitant about it.

"But it shouldn't be a big problem. After all, you're not an actor on your first day. You've always been quick in filming, so just prepare yourself well in advance. Don't put too much pressure on yourself, Then it will backfire.”

An Ruoshui nodded: "Don't worry, I have my senses."

"Finally I can taste Xiaoluo's cooking. This time I won't secretly order takeaway for me." Li Tian said with a smile.

Luo Xuange hesitated for a while, then frowned slightly: "I can order takeout for you."

"Hey, don't! I'm joking." Li Tian quickly waved her hand to refuse, finally came across the opportunity to taste Luo Xuansing's art, how could she change to eat out because of a joke Woolen cloth.


Li Tianchong gave her a thumbs up: "In just half a year, you have completely refreshed my understanding of the limits of human beings."

If it was before, Li Tian would definitely think that Luo Xuange was not worthy of An Ruoshui. After all, Luo Xuange at that time didn't seem to have any advantages other than having a face that made women envious.

Now Luo Xuange has become a treasure all over her body. Her strengths and specialties are beyond the count of ordinary people.

After dinner, Li Tian chatted with An Ruoshui about work, then said goodbye to them and left.

"When will the reality show start?" Luo Xuange asked curiously. She felt that the second season should be filmed in a different location. After all, something had happened to the island.

An Ruoshui was silent for a while. She hadn't been notified yet, and she didn't know the company's arrangements. After Luo Xuange cleaned up the kitchen, she came out and saw An Ruoshui sitting on the sofa in a trance.

"Okay, don't think about it. Go wash first." Luo Xuange urged him, An Ruoshui was stunned and went to the bathroom in a trance.

After An Ruoshui left, Luo Xuange picked up the script on the table and read it, and scanned it roughly. After Luo Xuange read it for the first time, she was stunned. I quickly came back to my senses and looked at the script carefully.

An Ruoshui washed up, Luo Xuange held the script and asked, "Are you going to take over this play?"

"Well. I'll probably take over this play. I've already had preliminary discussions with Director Jiang." An Ruoshui was not very sure, because she found that just reading the script was already a little confusing. It's over, she's not sure how it will be when she actually appears.

Luo Xuange frowned in disapproval, but did not stop, just said: "If you have anything, you must tell me, don't hold it in your heart."

"Well, don't worry. I will." An Ruoshui reached out and took the script from Luo Xuan's singer and continued to study.

"This is just a script, what they have experienced will never happen to you. Don't take it too seriously." Luo Xuange felt that the play gave people too deep feelings in their hearts Now, she was afraid that An Ruoshui would be affected by it.

"I know, you don't have to worry about me. I will adjust my emotions." Luo Xuange's conversation was very heartwarming, and An Ruoshui's mind was no longer immersed in that movie. In the script: "Go to rest early, and you go to take a bath. I'll go back to my room and sleep first."

"Um..." Luo Xuange looked at An Ruoshui's back with worry, she picked up the script and read it again, a cursory look at it would shock her heart, it was difficult to Imagine how painful An Ruoshui would be when she carefully studied to find a sense of substitution.

Luo Xuange wanted to persuade An Ruoshui not to take on the film, but in terms of An Ruoshui's attitude towards filming, I am afraid that this matter is not something she can persuade.

Luo Xuange sighed, then put on his clothes and prepared to take a bath.

After Luo Xuange finished washing, An Ruoshui in the bedroom was already asleep.

Luo Xuange tried his best to lie down beside An Ruoshui, when he caught sight of An Ruoshui's furrowed brows, Luo Xuange stretched out his arms and took the person into his arms, gently patted An Ruoshui's back said in a very soft tone: "With me here, sleep in peace. No accident will happen, I will always be by your side."

The next morning, An Ruoshui followed Luo Xuange to the ancient Wu family, and completed the ancestor worship ceremony under the arrangement of the patriarch. She accompanies An Ruoshui to walk around again. After all, An Ruoshui had a nightmare last night, and she seems to be in a very poor mental state at the moment.

In the early morning, Luo Xuange woke up and found that An Ruoshui had woken up.

She stretched and sat up from the bed, looking at the note on the bedside table, Luo Xuange felt a little anger in her heart.

An Ruoshui: I received an invitation from Director Jiang, I will go first, I may be back late at night, you don't have to wait for me.

Luo Xuange crumpled the note and threw it aside, pulled the quilt and continued to fall asleep.

An Ruoshui did get up early and received an invitation from Director Jiang, but Director Jiang made an appointment with her around 2:00 pm, and An Ruoshui went out early because of the nightmares every night these days It disturbed her mental state.

She was afraid that Luo Xuange would see her like this, Luo Xuange would persuade her to give up taking the show, and she was also afraid that she would be shaken by Luo Xuange's persuasion, so she had to get up early to find an excuse left.

An Ruoshui didn't have any destination, so he drove his car to the old house, but when he got halfway, he turned around and drove in the direction of the crew.

After a few laps in the crew, An Ruoshui finally calmed down. She clearly realized here that she is just an actor, not a character in the script.

At noon, I accidentally saw a crew filming nearby.

An Ruoshui walked over to the crew, and when she saw the title of the play, she couldn't help but get excited. This is a play that Xu Qian took over. I don't know if I can see Xu Qian when I go in.

An Ruoshui hadn't even walked to the crew when someone suddenly stopped her.

Listening to the familiar voice, An Ruoshui turned around and saw Meng Xiaomeng.

"Xiaomeng? Why are you here?" An Ruoshui was very curious, after all, she hadn't heard that Meng Xiaomeng was in the drama.

Meng Xiaomeng pointed to the crew: "I'm here to study."

An Ruoshui suddenly thought of the relationship between Meng Xiaomeng and Xu Qian, and she understood.

Meng Xiaomeng always had a smile on her face, she could see that An Ruoshui was very healed.

"Sister An wants to go there? Me too, can we go together?" Meng Xiaomeng simply smiled and invited.

An Ruoshui found that Meng Xiaomeng was very happy today, and she didn't want to think too much about other people's little secrets. She readily accepted Meng Xiaomeng's invitation.

Following Meng Xiaomeng into the crew, An Ruoshui's appearance made a group of people look at each other in dismay, as if they didn't expect her to appear here.

The director who reacted first was the director. He came to An Ruoshui, and before he had time to speak, An Ruoshui spoke first.

"I'll come to see and learn from the experience. I shouldn't bother."

"Don't disturb, don't disturb. We welcome you." The director's face was almost too full of laughter, he waved his hand and called the staff: "That...Xiao Wang, clean up that piece. ."

An Ruoshui followed the direction of his fingers. Although it looked a bit messy, she could see that it was the best place for the entire crew to rest, so she quickly refused: "Don't bother. Go ahead, don't worry about me, I'll just follow Xiaomeng."

"Hey, it's fine. Then we'll continue, you can say whatever you need. Xiaomeng, take a good look at the seniors."

However, Meng Xiaomeng on the side looked at An Ruoshui with star-shaped eyes. It turns out that the goddess is so big in the circle.

An Ruoshui is watching Xu Qian's acting carefully. The actress she admires most in the entire entertainment industry is Xu Qian. Xu Qian's acting skills alone are enough to make An Ruoshui yearn for.

As soon as An Ruoshui turned her head, she saw that Meng Xiaomeng was infatuated with her, she couldn't help but help her forehead: "Look at how seniors act, what are you staring at me for? "

"Hey, I...I can go home to study at night..." Stupid Xiaomeng glanced at her mother, she could indeed go home to study, it is very convenient to ask if you don't understand, and now it is still facing My goddess is more of a nympho.

An Ruoshui secretly told herself that Xiaomeng was still a child!

An Ruoshui also felt heartbroken when facing Meng Xiaomeng. It was said on the Internet that she had a good family background. In fact, it was because Meng Xiaomeng's background was not exposed.

Aside from the identity of the third generation of stars, her sister Xu Ru is a legend in the industry, and Meng Xiaomeng does not seem to be motivated at all when it comes to acting.

"Sister An is hot? Let's go there and take it there. The sun is too poisonous here." Since Meng Xiaomeng was disfigured last time, she is now a little afraid of the sun. In the sun, she always felt itchy on her face, although it was only a psychological effect, but she was still uncomfortable.

An Ruoshui didn't know Meng Xiaomeng's psychological shadow, but looking at the sweat on Meng Xiaomeng's forehead, she nodded: "Let's go."

It's strange to say that since she fell into the water last time, she didn't feel much about the weather. She was very afraid of heat before, but now she walked around the crew and didn't feel the heat.

Seeing that An Ruoshui agreed, Meng Xiaomeng breathed a sigh of relief, and trotted An Ruoshui to take a rest in the shade.

When she got there, Xu Qian's play was over, but she didn't come to An Ruoshui.

Meng Xiaomeng helped to explain: "No accident, it will be finished today, so the time is a little tight, you can rest here. I will send some water."

Xu Qian's assistant went to help her prepare lunch, so now Meng Xiaomeng trotted over with two bottles of water.

Half way through.

It’s rare to have the feeling that once you start shooting, you will be the person in the movie.

When Meng Xiaomeng came back, Xu Qian glanced here and smiled at An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui suddenly froze and sat there bewildered, as good as a child in kindergarten who got a little red flower.

Meng Xiaomeng came back and saw An Ruoshui's appearance, her pink star eyes were clearer.

"Sister An, why are you here today?" Meng Xiaomeng was very curious, I heard that the bigger the coffee, the less free time every day.

And her sister and mother basically work outside and rarely go home, but today she saw An Ruoshui hanging out in the crew, her curiosity can no longer be expressed clearly in one or two sentences .

An Ruoshui hesitated for a while, and finally said, "I suddenly remembered, so I came to have a look. I originally planned to leave, but I saw the senior filming here, so I came here to see."

Meng Xiaomeng smiled sweetly, glad that she did not sleep late at home today, but followed her mother to the crew to study.

An Ruoshui stayed here to watch for a while, and when the crew took a break to eat, An Ruoshui proposed to leave. Her departure made the director both happy and regretful.

If it wasn't for the finishing touch today, he could have spared time to invite the crew to a nearby hotel for a meal, and by the way, invited An Ruoshui to join him.

But unfortunately, I really don't have time today.

An Ruoshui still has an appointment in the afternoon, so naturally he won't stay much, so he left after saying goodbye to Meng Xiaomeng.

Xu Qian asked Meng Xiaomeng about the situation when she was resting, and when she learned of An Ruoshui's purpose, she smiled lightly: "I have a note there, which is some experience from filming and watching dramas over the years, When you see her next time, take it there for me."

"Eh? Don't you leave it to my sister and me?" Meng Xiaomeng asked in a low voice, puffing her cheeks in confusion.

"Your sister's acting style is different from mine. She has her own style. As for you...give it to you, you can't understand it. It's better to give it to those who are willing to learn." Xu Qianqing Laughing made Meng Xiaomeng vomit pink and whispered to complain about her mother's eccentricity.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Luo Xuange finally slowly got up from the bed, sat on the floor slightly decadently and looked forward.

After a while, she suddenly heard the phone ringing, Luo Xuange glanced at the phone screen and found that it was an unfamiliar number, he hesitated for a while and chose to hang up.

She seems to have had a dream, but I don't know if the person in the dream is her.

There is also the main tablet of the ancestral hall of the ancient Wu family…

The name above was taken when she was in the arena, and the birthday above was the most familiar day in her memory.

Last night, she dreamed that she founded a sect, but the person in the dream would definitely not be her, because she has never been so indecisive.

In the dream, she treated the enemy with kindness and tenderness. Luo Xuange scratched her head in a disturbed manner. She wondered if the person in the dream was her.

In her dream, she would be with Xuan Yang...

Although they did not object to this matter, but in the end they were the ones who dismissed the Phantom Cult.

She never thought that the Phantom Church would be destroyed by her hands.

Luo Xuange scratched his head in a distraught, and now he doesn't know how to treat Gu Wu, if that dream is correct, Gu Wu is the one founded after the original owner left A sect, the purpose is to protect the family and protect the country, and a sect that inherits the martial arts mentality from 800 years ago.

It’s just a pity that the ancient martial arts did not inherit the ancient martial arts of the year after 800 years. Those flower boxing and embroidered legs that can only be used for performances are not qualified to be called martial arts at all.

After Luo Xuange was sitting on the ground and calmed down, she remembered the ringing of her mobile phone again. Looking at the caller ID, Luo Xuange finally chose to answer.

"Hello." Luo Xuange said.

There was no sound from the other side, so I hung up the phone and called again after a while.

"Hello, who are you looking for." Luo Xuange was a little impatient.

A voice finally came from the opposite side: "Hello, I am a member of the research team. According to reports from the public that you have supernatural abilities, please come to our research institute with your documents. Seeing you, we will take coercive measures."

"People from the research team?" Luo Xuange got a little bit of energy, and when he was about to continue to ask, the other party said again: "If you don't want to come to our research team, it's okay, we can send your The account information is secretly changed, but this procedure is quite complicated and requires a certain amount of money…”

The other party was silent for a while, and when he was about to continue lobbying to intimidate Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange hung up the phone directly.

Standing up from the floor in a daze, Master Luo finally decided to wash up and prepare for a late lunch.

At night, Luo Xuange was watching TV with snacks in his hands when he heard the door bell, put down the snacks in his hand and went to open the door.

Seeing Li Tianshui outside the door holding the wine-smelling An Ruoshui with difficulty, Luo Xuange frowned slightly: "How much did you drink?"

"Hey, don't ask first, help me quickly." Li Tian's tone seemed to be strenuous when he spoke, Luo Xuange quickly helped An Ruoshui, and then secretly used some internal strength to pass, so that An Ruoshui could not will feel uncomfortable.

"It's weird, why did you sleep soundly right after you took her?" Li Tian complained deeply.

Luo Xuange was not in the mood to chat and laugh with her, and said to Li Tian, ​​"I won't leave you, so you should go back early so late."

"Okay, Xu Xiu is still waiting for me outside. You should rest early as well." Li Tian waved her hand and left.

Luo Xuange looked at the sleeping man in her arms, she sighed and picked him up.

Place An Ruoshui carefully on the sofa, Luo Xuange said softly, "I'll go run the water first, and I'll help you take a bath later."

"Hmm." An Ruoshui hummed unconsciously, and Luo Xuange laughed lightly.

When Luo Xuange put the hot water in and came out to see An Ruoshui, she was already asleep on the sofa.

"Wake up, go take a bath first." Master Luo shouted softly, but An Ruoshui did not respond, Luo Xuange sat helplessly for a while, waited for about two minutes, He had no choice but to pick up An Ruoshui: "I washed it for you."

In her memory, she only helped the seven-year-old Xiao Xuanyang take a bath when she was ten years old. Now she picked up An Ruoshui and walked to the bathroom. Although it was only a short walk, Luo Xuan Ge always felt that the atmosphere was weird.

After Luo Xuange tossed in the bathroom for a while, he finally sent An Ruoshui to the bed sweating profusely.

However, the evil fire in her body was difficult to subdue. She looked at the lady lying on the bed and wanted to rush to ask for something to cool down.

"See no evil! See no evil!" Master Luo turned his head and stopped staring at An Ruoshui, and muttered plausibly, An Ruoshui on the bed seemed to hear Luo Xuange's voice, softly Humming turned around and went back to sleep.

After turning around, most of the pajamas that were only half-covered were taken off. Master Luo's eyes swept over inadvertently, and suddenly felt his throat tighten and touched the sweat on his forehead , Master Luo drilled into the bathroom again.

On the second day, An Ruoshui was the first to arrive. However, when she woke up, she saw that the leader Luo was lying beside her in a slightly poor state of mind.

"What's wrong? Didn't you sleep last night?" An Ruoshui asked with concern.

Master Luo smiled wryly and shook her head. She stayed up all night, and finally fell asleep in the morning, but she had another dream that made her completely awake.

"Why don't you speak?" An Ruoshui reached out and touched Luo Xuange's forehead, tested the temperature, and exclaimed, "Why is it so hot?! Are you sick?"

Master Luo also felt that she was ill, but she stretched out her hand to feel her pulse, and she was fine.

Chao An Ruoshui shook his head: "I'm not sick."

Reluctantly struggled to sit up from the bed, Master Luo looked at An Ruoshui weakly: "Get up, I have to go to the company today."

"Hmm." An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange's back and pondered for a while. When he was puzzled, he looked down and saw the pajamas he had put on, and suddenly fell on the bed and laughed. .

She seemed to know why Luo Xuange was angry.

When she came out of the room, she looked into Luo Xuange's eyes, and An Ruoshui asked, "Xiao Luo, did you help me take a bath last night?"

Before Master Luo answered, she saw Luo Xuange's ears turning red, An Ruoshui smiled lightly, stepped forward to Luo Xuange, raised her head slightly and kissed the corner of her lips .

"Good morning kiss to you."

An Ruoshui smiled and ran away.

Master Luo scratched his head depressedly, and his body became more and more out of control.

After breakfast was ready, Master Luo meditated on the sofa for a while, and adjusted her spirit through internal strength to be much better.

After breakfast, the two went straight to the company.

When she arrived at the president's office, An Ruoshui sat directly on the president's special office chair, while Luo Xuange glanced at her helplessly: "I'll go find Sister Xu and come back later."

"I'll go with you." An Ruoshui stood up happily and was about to drink Luo Xuange and leave, but was stopped by Luo Xuange: "No, I'll be there soon. come back."

An Ruoshui ignored Luo Xuange's arm that prevented Luo Xuange from stepping forward, and urged, "I'll go with you!"

"Well, that's fine." Master Luo only dared to refute once. Seeing that An Ruoshui was determined, she had to follow her, so she had to let An Ruoshui go with her.

But just after the two walked out of the president's office, An Junfeng rushed over with big strides, and when he saw An Ruoshui, he immediately stopped: "Wait a minute, you lie down, brother has something to do I want to talk to you."

An Ruoshui glanced at Luo Xuange, looking at her serious elder brother, she finally released Luo Xuange's arm and followed An Junfeng to the president's office.

An Ruoshui had just debuted in the early years, and he had not revealed his identity as An's daughter. At that time, An Ruoshui and An Junfeng were alone in the office, and the whole An's group was talking about it. Not to mention the news of the night.

Later An Junfeng's warm man image came out, and An Ruoshui's true identity was also exposed.

Other people have less discussion on the gossip about their brothers and sisters. After all, can the brothers and sisters stay in the office and get some big scandals about the giants? ! Even if there is, they dare not say it.

Luo Xuange went directly to Xu Xiu. After seeing Xu Xiu, she was in a very good mood and said hello to Xu Xiu.

Xu Xiu was training a group of trainees at the moment, and Luo Xuange's sudden appearance undoubtedly made a splash here.

The group of people also stopped what they were doing and focused all their energy on Luo Xuange at the door.

Luo Xuange glanced at the group of people. It was not that she had not experienced the much-anticipated scene, but seeing the eyes of these people today, she had some strange feelings in her heart.

This group of people seemed to be full of admiration and yearning for her, Luo Xuange greeted them slightly.

"Hello! I'm Luo Xuange. I'm taking up Sister Xu for a while. I hope you don't mind." Luo Xuange's attitude was surprisingly good, which made Xu Xiu, who was watching, almost stunned. chin...

She has been with Luo Xuange for so long, how can she not know what kind of temper Luo Xuange is? But at this moment, Luo Xuange greeted this group of newcomers for the first time ever.

You must know that Luo Xuange is someone who dares to speak harshly when he meets the actor, and who directly ignores when he meets the actress. The sun today is estimated to be out of the west.

Not only Xu Xiu, but also the stunned newcomers were also shocked.

Xu Xiu and Luo Xuange left here and chose a relatively remote place. Xu Xiu asked, "Is it for the reality show?"

Luo Xuange nodded, having to say that Xu Xiu knew her quite well.

Of course, I will also consider it.”

"Well. So what's the arrangement for me?" Luo Xuange asked.

Xu Xiu thought for a while, and said to Luo Xuange, "Wait a minute, I'll get a copy."

"En." After Luo Xuange responded, he honestly stood there and waited for Xu Xiu to come back.

Xu Xiu came back soon after leaving, she held a document in her hand, she handed the document to Luo Xuange: "This is what I discussed with Li Tian, ​​for your future career development should be of great help.”

Luo Xuange looked at the text after she took it over. She didn't ask what she didn't understand in front of Xu Xiu.

"Come in and say hello to this group of newcomers." Xu Xiu invited Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange hesitated for a while, and finally decided to go in and have a word with the newcomers.

Like the morale of the ancient warriors in the previous life.

At the moment in the president's office, An Junfeng asked An Ruoshui, "You and Xiaoluo have been together for so long..."

"Well, it's been a long time." As long as Luo Xuange was mentioned, An Ruoshui recalled her silly appearance in the morning and couldn't help laughing.

An Junfeng looked at his sister's sudden smile, and he couldn't help the corners of his mouth twitching. Women in love are really different. I used to chat with my sister for ten days and a half months to make her laugh once. As soon as someone's name was called, my sister took the initiative to laugh.

"Huh? What's wrong? An Ruoshui asked her brother curiously, An Junfeng smiled helplessly: "My sister has grown up, I am happy for my parents. "

An Ruoshui also smiled shallowly: "Thank you, brother, if it weren't for you... Maybe there would be no An Ruoshui today."

"Stupid boy, even without me, you would become the An Ruoshui you are now." An Junfeng wanted to raise his hand to rub An Ruoshui's hair, but as if he had thought of something, he added Hands retracted.

Seeing her brother's actions, An Ruoshui said subconsciously, "Brother, I will always be your sister."

"Yeah." An Junfeng chuckled, the relief in his eyes made An Ruoshui happy.

"Right, and Xiao Luo, you..."

"Huh? Brother, what do you want to say?" An Ruoshui was very disgusted with other people's half-talking, because those who listened were easily worried.

An Junfeng hesitated for a long time, and finally asked with a blushing face: "Do you have anything like that together?!"

"What? What?" An Ruoshui said that he couldn't understand what the elder brother said, and asked again with confusion.

An Junfeng took a breath, and finally asked An Ruoshui again: "I ask, have you been together..."

Brother An said that his girlfriend had never been in contact with this kind of thing, so he couldn't ask!

After stumbling and stumbling for a long time, she finally summoned up the courage to ask An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui suddenly blushed, turned her head away from looking at An Junfeng, she shook her head shyly: "No."

"Xiao Luo is sexual, cold, and indifferent?!" An Junfeng suddenly stood up from the chair, with resentment in his eyes.

An Ruoshui shook her head without thinking: "No, bro... Keep your voice down!"

The president of Anda also realized his gaffe at this time. He adjusted his tie, took another sip of coffee, and then slowly sat down to continue chatting with An Ruoshui.

"Brother, why did you suddenly ask about this?" An Ruoshui looked at him puzzled.

The parents of the baby and the cute baby will give you scores, and the players with high scores will get unexpected rewards.”

"Cute baby?!" An Ruoshui couldn't help thinking of the group of bear children in the first season of the show, she shook her head in fright, and then she seemed to remember something, and asked An Junfeng : "Then, what does this have to do with me and Xiao Luo?"

"I was thinking, when will you be able to have a child? I also want to ask if you have such a plan." An Junfeng told the truth.

An Ruoshui was stunned, and after a while he said with an embarrassed expression: "Brother, don't worry about this kind of thing. You don't even have a partner, so you started urging Xiaoluo and me to have children. already? You do..."

"...!" The president of Anda said that this kind of sister who stabbed him unceremoniously could be considered as a gift.

An Junfeng took a deep breath: "Who am I?!"

"I'm the president of Anshi Group! I stand on the street and shout, the woman who wants to marry me can directly paralyze the traffic in S province!"

An Ruoshui looked at An Junfeng with a smirk, she really didn't want to hit her eldest brother: "Brother, you are so good, why haven't you found a girlfriend yet?"

"What am I anxious about, your brother is a golden bachelor, a noble noble. It's not urgent, let's talk about you and Xiao Luo."

The president of An Da immediately pulled the topic away, An Ruoshui had no choice but to take advantage of the actress's acting skills to accompany his brother in this scene: "Yes, yes, brother, you are not in a hurry. Let's talk to me first. It's about Xiao Luo."

"I won't take care of you and Xiao Luo, after all, it's the two of you who have a small life. But one thing, if she dares to bully you, you must tell the big brother! Don't care if she has How amazing, I want to make her regret going to this world at the expense of the entire An family." An Junfeng patted his chest and told his sister.

An Ruoshui was touched by her eldest brother more than once. Apart from the tears in her eyes, An Ruoshui did not know how to express her gratitude to her brother.

An Junfeng said everything that he should say, and some words that he wanted to say but were not suitable to say were all kept in his heart.

"Okay, you just planned to go out with Xiao Luo. I have a meeting. You can either stay here and wait for her, or go out to find her." An Junfeng packed her office The meeting materials on the table, while talking to An Ruoshui.

Although this is the president's office, it is not the head office. I couldn't wait, so after saying goodbye to An Junfeng, I went to Luo Xuange with joy.

As soon as the elevator door opened, An Ruoshui saw Luo Xuange in the elevator, but Luo Xuange was looking down at the information in his hand at the moment.

The moment the elevator door opened, Luo Xuange felt someone outside, so she looked up and saw that it was An Ruoshui, she unconsciously raised her lips to greet go out.

"Why did it take so long?" An Ruoshui asked Luo Xuange slightly complaining.

Master Luo was stunned for a while, as if thinking about whether he really went for a long time.

But after thinking about it for a few seconds, she finally answered: "It took seven minutes, not a long time."

"..." An Ruoshui really wanted to knock on her wooden head to see if there was some straw in it besides the water, why wasn't there any sentiment in it? !

The author has something to say: I still haven't had time to revise the text... The fingers are too painful, and now they are wrapped in ointment... My hands are wrapped like zongzi 2333
