MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 91 The psychological shadow of the chubby dun

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"Okay, Big Brother Xu, you can take a break." Seeing that Xu Hao was sweating profusely, An Ruoshui couldn't help laughing.

Xu Hao smiled while wiping his sweat: "I won't rest, and if I rest again, it's time to eat air for lunch."

An Ruoshui didn't plan to chat with Xu Hao much, although getting along with Xu Hao now seems to be back to the past, but An Ruoshui always has a gap in her heart.

"Then I'll take Nannan out to buy toys first." An Ruoshui said while holding Nannan's hand: "Let's go, I'll take you to buy some fun toys, and good Things to eat."

"I want a trapeze." The little guy looked up at An Ruoshui: "I want a trapeze, and I won't leave unless I see a trapeze."

"Flying Man?!" An Ruoshui was stunned for a while, carefully searching for the cartoon about the flying man in her mind, but she couldn't come up with it after thinking for a long time.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, An Ruoshui squatted down and said, "Is that the flying man you just saw?"

"Um..." Although the little guy was very longing, his tone was filled with awe.

I didn't see Luo Xuange's face when he was acting as a rogue. When Luo Xuange lifted him up, the little guy was startled.

Now An Ruoshui takes the little guy to Luo Xuange, hoping that this little guy can be a little more obedient in the face of the trapeze.

"Why does the flying man fly?" The little guy looked up at An Ruoshui, full of longing for seeing the "flying man".

An Ruoshui didn't know how to answer, because she didn't know how Luo Xuange got up.

"I'll see the trapeze later, let the trapeze answer you, okay?" This is the gentlest tone An Ruoshui uses to treat outsiders, but the other party is still a bear child, causing the whole live broadcast room to be overwhelmed. howling.

After asking the staff for Luo Xuange's address, An Ruoshui led the little guy and hurried away slowly.

At the moment of Xiaoxi's house, the leader Luo is busy in the kitchen, and Bai Liu is sitting on the sofa with a book and watching it quietly.

Sometimes I can hear the symphony of pots and pans coming from the kitchen. If Luo Xuange's live broadcast is turned off, and only Bai Liu is watching, you can only hear Bai Liu gently The sound of turning pages.

I have to say that this pair of temporary CPs have turned over half of the live broadcast room, and even many other CP parties have begun to turn to their new CPs.

When the doorbell rang, Luo Xuange immediately came out and opened the door. Bai Liu waited for An Ruoshui and Nannan to enter the door before returning to his senses.

Seeing An Ruoshui and Nannan, she immediately put away the book in her hand, got up and walked in front of them: "Sister An, why are you here?"

"Nannan wants to see the trapeze, I'll bring him over to play." An Ruoshui said while looking at Little Fatty.

Bai Liuming nodded, then said: "Then you two sit down first, I'll wash some fruit and bring it."

"Don't bother, we're just here to play for a while." An Ruoshui refused, but Bai Liu didn't stop.

These interactions between them, Master Luo watched silently, and then wrote down in her heart that although she also knew the etiquette as the leader of the demon sect in the past life, she knew it was the rules of the demon sect, and the demon sect No matter how well the sect master knows the rules, she has not been able to learn these rules of hospitality in person. After all, there are many believers in the teaching, and there are countless maids, so there is absolutely no need for her to learn these.

Now, eight hundred years later, it will be different. She has to try to learn these things and use them as soon as possible.

Bai Liu went to the kitchen to clean the fruit, An Ruoshui looked at Bai Liu's actions and felt that her role was brought in very quickly.

"Flying Man..." Nannan broke free from An Ruoshui's hand, came to Luo Xuange, and tugged at the corner of Luo Xuange's clothes and shouted in a low voice.

Luo Xuange suddenly lowered his head and looked directly at him, making the little guy shudder.

"Flying man, you teach me to fly." Nannan clenched his fists and looked at Luo Xuange, as if he could learn the magic skills to fly to the nine heavens right away.

An Ruoshui was amused by the little guy's appearance. When the bear is not a bear, it is very cute. When the bear is up, you go to sharpen the knife and let him live for too long.

"I don't teach." Luo Xuange answered him indifferently.

Suddenly, the little guy fell to the ground and began to roll as if he had been hit hard.

An Ruoshui started to have a headache again, I really didn't expect this child to be so rascal.

"Get up!" Luo Xuange only occasionally thinks children are cute, but more often she thinks these are little devils, she yelled at the little guy in a low voice: "Stand up!"

Nannan was stunned by Luo Xuange, she lay on the ground blankly and blinked at Luo Xuange.

Luo Xuange's actions caused a major repercussions in the live broadcast room, and many people supported Luo Xuange's approach. After all, this child is too bearable, and their goodwill in their hearts has been negative. And many people are criticizing Luo Xuange for treating a child rudely in public.

An Ruoshui is too familiar with Luo Xuange, although Luo Xuange looks very angry at the moment, but there is no anger in his eyes.

When Bai Liu washed the fruit and came out, he saw Luo Xuange coldly confronting the child.

An Ruoshui, who was beside him, cast a helpless look at himself.

An Ruoshui really doesn't know how to resolve this conflict. In order to maintain the character in front of the camera, she must stop Luo Xuange's current actions, but once she stops Luo Xuange, she is afraid of Luo Xuan There is grievance in the heart of the song.

The best way is to let an outsider like Bai Liu adjust.

Bai Liu chuckled helplessly: "Come, come, the fruit has been washed. Xuange and Sister An come over and taste it."

Bai Liu put the cleaned fruit on the table, then walked slowly to Xiao Pangdun, squatted down and looked at him: "Would you like to eat fruit together?"

"Okay." It wasn't that the little guy suddenly became obedient, but that he was just frightened by Luo Xuange.

Seeing that guy got up, Luo Xuange walked to the table casually and took the fruit.

Bai Liu and An Ruoshui began to chat, and the Luo leader silently ate a fruit before continuing to work in the kitchen.

"What is Sister An's occupation, and who is she partnering with?" Bai Liu was curious about who and An Ruoshui were unlucky together, and had such a bad boy.

An Ruoshui: "It's Xu Hao, brother Xu."

"Oh, then you two are really destined."

An Ruoshui didn't think so in her heart, but she nodded with a light smile on her face: "Yeah, I really have a lot of fate with Big Brother Xu."

After the two chatted for a while, when Nannan ate most of the fruit in the fruit plate, Luo Xuange came out of the kitchen: "It's time to eat."

"Well, I..." An Ruoshui wanted to say 'I'll try today's dishes', but she thought that she was still shooting a reality show, so she changed her voice abruptly: "I and I Nannan should go too."

"Sister An and Nannan stay and eat together." Bai Liu kept it.

An Ruoshui politely declined.

Luo Xuange echoed: "Leave a piece for dinner. Just add two more pairs of chopsticks, don't worry."

An Ruoshui was surprised that Luo Xuange could say these words. After a little hesitation, she found that Nannan was pulling the corner of her clothes. An Ruoshui looked down and said, "What's wrong with Nannan?"

"I want to stay." The little guy smelled the aroma of vegetables in the air, and every cell in his body was shouting that he must taste it.

Since the little guy has spoken, An Ruoshui can't force people to leave, so he has to follow the little guy's wishes and stay with him.

After being completely frightened by Luo Xuange, Nannan was finally honest when she sat on the sofa this time. Seeing Luo Xuange sitting beside An Ruoshui, he was startled again. . Because he was sitting on the other side of An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui helped Nannan get some vegetables, and reminded him in a low voice: "Eat well, don't make trouble."

As soon as An Ruoshui said this, the whole live broadcast room boiled again, and they all preached that women may have natural tenderness towards children.

And An Ruoshui's real purpose is to coax the child to be more obedient, after all, this is not her own child, she can't do it even after knowing that the other party is a rogue child who is rude from time to time To soft-spoken gentle and considerate love for him.

If the camera shot was excluded, she would probably stay away from this kind of arrogant child.

Bai Liu doesn't seem to like or dislike children, she basically seems to have a kind of alienated tenderness towards anyone.

"Xiao Xi should be awake, I'll take a look."

Luo Xuange put down the bowls and chopsticks in the middle of eating, and then said to everyone.

"I'll go." Bai Liu got up quickly, but Luo Xuange stopped him: "I'll just come, you can eat first."

After a while, Luo Xuange took a little girl out of the room, looking at the soft and soft, but the teddy bear in her arms never put it down, she saw two more A stranger she had never seen before, she timidly hid in Luo Xuange's arms.

As if remembering that Luo Xuange was not too familiar, she slowly retreated.

Luo Xuange seemed to notice something, and subconsciously stroked her back with another hand: "Don't be afraid."

Xiao Xiluo looked up at Luo Xuange in surprise, although the person holding her still had a cold face, as if she didn't like her very much, but inexplicably felt that this person was very warmth.

Luo Xuange carried Xiaoxi to the sofa, and began to rummage through the boxes to find a comb, and then helped her to re-comb the pigtails that were messed up during the nap.

He then took Xiaoxi's hand and said, "Get up, wash your hands and eat."

Xiao Xi looked at the table and found that An Ruoshui and Bai Liu both stopped their chopsticks and looked at her, and a little boy was nibbling on her favorite big chicken thigh, Xiao Xi stretched her neck towards the table Looking at it, I found that the dishes on it have already been eaten. Her eyes dimmed, just like at home, she still had to eat what others left.

"Okay, come and wash your hands." Luo Xuange couldn't help urging.

Xiao Xi lowered her head and Luo Xuange went to wash her hands.

After Xiaoxi washed her hands, Luo Xuange carried her to Bai Liu and sat next to Bai Liu.

However, Luo Xuange did not sit down to eat together, but went to the kitchen and brought out a small lunch.

Although there are few things, an adult may not be able to eat two or three servings, but for children, these things are enough to fill the stomach.

Luo Xuange brought the things to Xiaoxi: "Come, this is your lunch."

A discerning person will know at a glance that Xiaoxi's food is very healthy. Although many children may be picky eaters of various vegetables, Luo Xuange processed these vegetables through special methods. , Even the adults are faintly drooling, let alone a half-year-old child.

Xiaoxi looked at Luo Xuange with bright eyes, and asked in surprise, "Is this for me?"

Because she has only taken care of the child once, the other party is still the much-loved little princess. Basically, the little princess eats fragrant and spicy food, and she eats wild fruits and drinks the clear spring.

When I was holding the little guy, I found that she was much lighter than expected. I subconsciously gave her a pulse. It turned out that the little guy was a little malnourished. I don't know if it's because of picky eaters, or because the family is harsh on her. In short, Luo Xuange's cooking deliberately matched Xiaoxi with a more nutritious and more attractive lunch for children.

Luo Xuange's approach attracted heated discussions in the live broadcast room, and even climbed the hot search here because of this lunch.

Xiao Xi just picked up the chopsticks and was about to enjoy her lunch, but found that the little brother sitting opposite her threw the spoon in his hand on the ground.

Then he knocked over his bowl, and before An Ruoshui could react, he began to howl: "I want to eat that, I want to eat that..."

After Nannan shouted, Xiaoxi subconsciously clenched the spoon in her hand and looked at Luo Xuange nervously, for fear that Luo Xuange really handed the lunch to the other side boy.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xuange slowly put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said coldly to Nannan: "There is only one serving, we Xiaoxi want to eat. Also, you have eaten enough for noon today. , can't eat any more."

"I want to eat, I want to eat, I want to eat..." The bear child is not scary, but a foodie bear child begins to be a little scary.

If you don't give him food, he will bear you. If you give him food, you will have to worry about his body.

An Ruoshui heard the familiar voice again, she was so annoyed that she had a headache. I really don't know how my brother sent such an extremely naughty child into a reality show.

Bai Liu was about to coax Nannan when Luo Xuange suddenly got up and patted Xiaoxi's head lightly: "Good, you eat first."

Then the voice fell, she picked up the crying little Fatty, and slowly put him on the ground: "First of all, we have nothing to do, I don't need to help you carefully prepare a lunch. Secondly, I don't like you because you're so loud, I've never been patient with people I don't like, and I won't put up with you just because you're a child. Do you understand?!"

The little guy didn’t understand, but he was sobered by Luo Xuange again, staring blankly at Luo Xuange, which made Luo Xuange mistakenly think that he accidentally gave him some hole.

"Either eat quietly, or get the **** out of here." Luo Xuange felt that her temper was getting better and better, and she never thought of giving medicine to kill the child.

When Luo Xuange threatened to play with the bear child, everyone present was too surprised to speak.

Bai Liu can't help her forehead: Xuan Ge, ah Xuan Ge, it's still live. Can you be a little bit more public figure awareness? I don't know how many black powder and trolls will pop up this time.

However, the live broadcast room did not denounce Luo Xuange as much as Bai Liu imagined, on the contrary, they all felt very refreshed, and the bear boy also had a day when he was too scared to speak.

The meal was spent crying and laughing, and when An Ruoshui finished eating, she took Nannan to leave.

Luo Xuange looked at the little meat dumpling uneasy, she stood up and followed: "I'll take you back."

An Ruoshui was about to say no, but unexpectedly Luo Xuange had already caught the little meat dumplings: "Let's go."

Nannan glanced at An Ruoshui in grievance, then pouted and sat on the ground: "I can't walk anymore, I want to hug."

An Ruoshui looked at Luo Xuange helplessly, the grievance in her eyes was deeper than Nannan.

Luo Xuange suddenly bent over: "How about I take you back?"

"...I can go by myself, my father said that I can lose weight." The little meat dumpling climbed up, moved from Luo Xuange to An Ruoshui, and then carefully held An Ruoshui. Ruo Shui's hand.

An Ruoshui breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately she didn't have to carry it back, otherwise she was afraid that a new hot search would appear in the middle of the road: actress An Ruoshui took the cute baby home, exhausted halfway!

Luo Xuange's eyes flickered slightly, so...if he didn't keep up, this little guy would pester An Ruoshui to hug him?

Master Luo's heart was a little complicated, she silently stretched out her hand and pulled out Little Fatty's claws from An Rushui's hand, and she held it calmly.

Then said softly to An Ruoshui: "Let me hold it."

"Well, good." An Ruoshui couldn't understand what Luo Xuange was thinking, only that this guy suddenly became very angry.

Master Luo looked down at the little chubby pier at his feet. See if you dare to let my wife hold you!

An Ruoshui once again felt that Luo Xuange's emotions changed very complicatedly, just like when they first met, that awkward Luo Xuange seemed to appear again.

The two of them didn't speak the whole way, and the little guy who was held by Luo Xuange was even more frightened and silent, followed Luo Xuange silently, he looked good You have to be different from before.

Luo Xuange sent Xiaopangdun and An Ruoshui to the door. She knew that Xu Hao was inside, so she didn't plan to go in.

beads of sweat.

An Ruoshui stared at Luo Xuange's back in a daze, suddenly there was an illusion that Xiao Luo couldn't support his family and started selling his wife and children? ! This scene seems a little sad.

Master Luo also thought it was very strange. She wanted to look back, but found that if she turned back, the strange atmosphere would only be worse, and she finally held back.

An Ruoshui took Nannan back to the house, but Xu Hao was not seen in the living room.

After a while, Xu Hao hurried out of the study holding the book and lesson plan. Seeing An Ruoshui and Xiao Nan, she asked with a smile, "You guys are back. Come and eat."

The smile on Xu Hao's face was still the same, and An Ruoshui gave him a small smile: "Sorry, Nannan and I just used it at Bailiu."

"It's okay, there's nothing to be sorry for. Then you can play with the children again, and I'll go to dinner." Xu Hao turned and returned the book and lesson plan in his hand to the study.

Seeing this, An Ruoshui suddenly thought of their temporary identity as teachers. He didn't expect Xu Hao to be so dedicated. As long as the camera has started shooting, no matter if he is with him or not, the arrangement is just a background board. Done dutifully.

Five years ago, it was said that Xu Hao won the best actor because of his looks and luck. In her opinion, Xu Hao's acting skills are not inferior to hers, and even have a slight edge over her.

In terms of acting, An Ruoshui felt that she had too much to learn, so her dislike of Xu Hao gradually became lighter, and she carefully observed Xu Hao with an open-minded learning attitude. ho.

Xu Hao noticed An Ruoshui's gaze when he was eating, and he smiled warmly at An Ruoshui, which made the heartbeat of the entire live broadcast room accelerate.

"By the way, I just made soup, do you want to drink some?" Xu Hao suddenly remembered, and while speaking, he got up and prepared to go to the kitchen to make soup.

An Ruoshui shook her head again and again: "No, no, I'm full at Bai Liu."

"So, Nannan, do you want some?" Seeing that An Ruo didn't drink water, Xu Hao asked Xiao Pangdun regretfully.

Seeing Nannan shaking her head, Xu Hao chuckled: "Then tell your uncle when you want to drink soup, okay?"

"Well." Nan Nan nodded obediently, the psychological shadow caused by Luo Xuange has not dissipated yet.

An Ruoshui took Nannan to the room: "Now you can take a nap."

"It should be fine, the cute baby manual says that Nannan will take a nap 30 minutes after the meal." Xu Hao said while putting down the tableware: "I'll help, you go Take a break. You're exhausted from running around with the kids just now."

I have to say, if you only look at the salesman design, Xu Hao's image of an actor who is warmer than An Junfeng is very popular in the whole circle.

Another example is Luo Xuange's gloomy face that the world owes her hundreds of millions. If it wasn't for the contrast she gave her when she debuted, Luo Xuange would be hard-pressed to become popular in this circle.

An Ruoshui relied on her works and netizens to make her black and white, and then washed her white, so that she could gain a firm foothold in the circle. Otherwise, even if he is a rich second generation, even if he is backed by the An family, An Junfeng can control the indiscriminate speech in the circle, but he can't control all the netizens.

As for An Ruoshui, most of them admire it from the heart. Because she was the only one in the entertainment industry who put down her halo and acted steadfastly at first, every work can stand the test of time. Among all the rich second-generations who entered the circle, only An Ruoshui and Xu Hao stood out and made great achievements in the circle.

"No need, Brother Xu has been busy all morning. Let's go to eat first." An Ruoshui's face was calm, but what she said would not chill people's hearts. This is also what the outside world likes her. .

Xu Hao hesitated for a few seconds, and finally nodded: "Okay, you can call me if you have anything."

After Xu Hao left, An Ruoshui led the little guy to the bedroom.

The little guy glanced at An Ruoshui and pushed An Ruoshui out of the door silently, and then grabbed the door domineeringly: "I can do it myself."

An Ruoshui couldn't help laughing, is this really the arrogant child?

The little guy closed the door without waiting for An Ruoshui to answer.

An Ruoshui called in time: "Okay, I won't go in. You have a good rest."

There was a crisp response from inside, An Ruoshui sighed in relief and walked to the living room.

Thinking of the lesson plans made by Xu Hao in the study, she went to the study with great interest to see if Xu Hao was acting so much that he prepared the lesson plans in a serious manner.

After An Ruoshui went, she saw all kinds of learning materials neatly arranged on the table, as well as some teaching methods.

It was boring, thanks to Xu Hao's patience to study it carefully.

When An Ruoshui was watching the lesson plan, Luo Xuange had already cleaned up the kitchen, and after drinking a few sips of cold water, he planned to go to the crew to ask if he could change his career.

However, before she could go out, the bracelet received the latest news notification.

System: After a morning of getting along, if all players are not interested in their careers, they can call out 100,000 gold coins to exchange careers with other players this afternoon.

Luo Xuange was stunned when he saw the news, feeling as if someone handed him a pillow when he was dozing off. This timely rain was simply too timely.

It is precisely because of this system message that Luo Xuange remembered that she still had the equipment of the first season in her backpack.

I don't know if other people brought the equipment, she tried to use the communicator to call other people, after all, we are all acquaintances, we have never met since the show started, and do not know other people's how is the situation. If some of them don't want their current career, then we can all work together to help.

Luo Xuange's call was quickly conveyed to other people's bracelets, and Jiang Yihan was the first to connect, she complained to Luo Xuange while packing up the housework: "Xuange, just now Have you seen the news? I told you, I must collect enough 100,000 to stay away from this devil. Even if I collect enough 100,000 on the sixth day, I will change my comfortable life for another day!"

Xu Jia chuckled suddenly from the communicator: "One hundred thousand? I think it is possible that you owe the system one hundred thousand."

"..." Jiang Yihan remembered the first season again, and was so heartbroken that she didn't want to talk to them more.

Meng Xiaomeng also went online after a while: "Xuange?! Are you looking for us?"

"Well, I just wanted to ask...Does any of you want to change careers too? We can help each other together, after all, many people are more powerful." Luo Xuange knew that at such a time he could not Saying that she wants to change directly is not good for her and Bai Liu's image. She needs to guide everyone to want to change. In the end, she will follow the trend and change with everyone.

Others were quite hesitant. Although Jiang Yihan clamored to change, he didn't really want to separate from Xu Jia. On the other hand, Meng Xiaomeng likes Gu Xunxue very much, and Gu Xunxue has a good way of taking care of children. If there is no Gu Xunxue and a new partner, she is afraid that she and others will be at a loss when they see the child. foggy water.

When everyone was silent, Xu Ru suddenly said, "Xiao Luo, I want to change."

Everyone was surprised to hear Xu Ru's voice.

"Hey, what's your sister Xu Ru's occupation? Who is your partner?" Jiang Yihan asked curiously, she was wondering if Xu Ru's partner was Bai Liu, and would the two of them meet because they met? Embarrassed to each other and want to change careers.

Xu Ru hesitated for a while, and finally chose: "No occupation was given. My current identity is a newly married couple, and my partner is Han Yu."

"Han Yu?!" Meng Xiaomeng shouted in surprise. Although she knew that Han Yu was also participating in this reality show for a long time, she didn't see him at all in the first season. So it is selectively ignored and forgotten.

Meng Xiaomeng doesn't like Han Yu very much, because Han Yu and Luo Xuange have some festivals, and because Han Yu is bound to her sister's hype in gossip magazines every time, all these make her to Han Yu Yu has deep resentment.

"I have more than 5,000 gold coins here, and I will transfer them to you now." Meng Xiaomeng supports her sister to change her career 100%, and it's better to exchange it with Bai Liu.

Jiang Yihan hesitated for a while, and finally said: "Xu Jia and I have a total of 12,000 gold coins, and I will transfer them to you now."

Gu Xunxue also quickly added: "I have fifty thousand here, and now I will transfer it to you forty five thousand. I will provide the rest for everyone's expenses."

Others also lamented Gu Xunxue's wealth, others are calculated by thousands, only she has to lead others by zero every time she speaks.

When Bai Liu was about to speak, Meng Xiaomeng suddenly said: "But, with whom?"


Luo Xuange immediately followed her and said, "Well, I think it's okay."

Hearing this, An Ruoshui, who had been diving all the time, finally came out.

Added: "I have no opinion. But is there enough gold?"

"There are still four hours before 5 o'clock in the afternoon to change careers, we can work together to complete it soon." Luo Xuange replied with great confidence.

Unexpectedly, Luo Xuange was so confident but no one refuted her. It seems that subconsciously, what Luo Xuange said is correct. In just four hours, they were able to collect 200,000.

Since it has been agreed, Luo Xuange will no longer hide it from everyone, she analyzed the temporary emergency situation: "Now we have all kinds of equipment left over from the first season, just took a look at the mall , I found that the business here is still continuing, but the price has been adjusted slightly. For example, the communicator has become less valuable, while the price of the detector and the hunter is unexpectedly high. I infer that this is the mall tempting us to sell, There may be a need for these gear in the final third season, and it will come back at a higher price. So we need to think again about whether these things are sold.”

"Then now we have collected all the gold coins and there are about 90,000. It is not enough for one person to replace. If we sell some equipment, we still need 50,000. To sell, we still need 30,000." Luo Xuange calculated all their economics, and finally waited for the members to make a decision.

After some careful calculation, Jiang Yihan said: "We will sell some gold coins first, and the remaining 50,000 will work hard to earn enough. If it still doesn't work at five o'clock, we will select some equipment to fill the vacancy. ."

"Well, I think this method is good." Gu Xunxue said, and then sighed: "It's just a pity that the profession in the first season can't be used, and this season did not take life. Exchange gold coins. Otherwise, we can not only eliminate a group of people, but also earn a lot of gold coins, the equipment obtained and their lifespan.”

An Ruoshui also agreed with a pity: "Yes, otherwise it would not be in such a passive state."

"I think it's okay for now, and I'm not too passive. After all, the gold coin acquisition here is easier than in the first season, and there is a cute baby scoring project, but unfortunately it can only be done once a day. There are also parents who voted outside the venue for gold coins, which do not require hard work, which is relatively easy." Luo Xuange said.

"The system has now updated the tasks, and you can use the corresponding profession to earn gold coins. Let me see... You can get ten gold coins by selling one fruit. How about yours?" Luo Xuange Looking at his taskbar, he said, and then asked others.

An Ruoshui immediately said, "Helps students to make up lessons and earns 500 gold coins per hour. Even if all four hours are spent on make-up lessons, I won't be able to collect enough gold coins."

Meng Xiaomeng said: "I am the owner of the supermarket. I can get ten gold coins by selling one item. Then how many things do I have to sell in one afternoon to get tens of thousands of gold coins."

Among so many people, only Xu Jia's tone was the most joyous: "Jiang Yihan and I are a young couple from the Cold War, and we will get 5,000 gold coins by impressing the pair in the most romantic way within three hours. But this The most romantic way requires netizens to vote."

Xu Ru looked at her profession and said helplessly: "You can get five gold coins for every love you say to each other."

So between fake couples, are love words so cheap? !

However, Xu Ru thought in anguish, don't say a word of love to Han Yu, I'm afraid she won't be able to say a half emotional word.


An Ruoshui knew that it was difficult for Xu Ru to complete her task, so before Xu Ru sighed, she told everyone what she found.

Xu Ru was the happiest when she heard that, she would rather do other tasks and earn some hard and tiring gold coins than keep talking to Han Yu.

"Since everything has been arranged, let's get ready to go now." Luo Xuange felt that she couldn't wait for a moment. 'It's still the man who has been rumored to be a special match for the lady, and the man she has always hated.

And this matter is not only Luo Xuange who is so anxious, but other people can't wait to get tools and go out to earn gold coins.

Luo Xuange looked at Xiaoxi at home, and then thought about the vicious sun outside, she said to Bai Liu: "You stay at home with Xiaoxi, I will go alone."

"But you were busy this morning, so let me go now. You stay with Xiaoxi at home." Bai Liu declined. In her mind, Luo Xuange might be For Xu Ru to work so hard to earn gold coins, she naturally can't push everything to Luo Xuange.

Xiaoxi will be fine."

"You all stop arguing, I can go with you! You don't have to stay at home, and you don't have to accompany me." Xiaoxi came to Luo Xuange with a stuffed bear, and initially A little timid, but in the end I'm not afraid anymore.

Luo Xuange bent over and reached out and rubbed the little girl's hair: "You're still young, it's too hot outside, you'll get heatstroke when you go out for a while."

"I wouldn't. At home, my parents would take my brother home for a nap every noon, and I would look at the fruit by myself. I'm not afraid of heat at all, I...if I I can drink more water when it's hot." Xiaoxi said to Luo Xuange with big watery eyes.

The author has something to say: Tomorrow my friend's birthday, plus it is impossible, silently wish her a happy birthday...

Hehe, she shouldn't be able to see it because she doesn't seem to read my text...

Jane Jane~Little Cutie~Happy Birthday~Remember to always be happy~Love your melon