MTL - The Demon Lord of the Shadow Queen-Chapter 90 The embarrassed Xu Hao

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After resting at home for a few days, I finally received a notice from the show team to start shooting the second season of the reality show.

But this time they informed them that the filming location was not the island of the first season.


Singer Luo Xuan was holding a copy of "The Daily Cultivation of Genius Babies" and looked up at An Ruoshui in confusion: "If you want to laugh, laugh, what are you holding back for?"

"Hehehe, Xiao Luo...This is the magic weapon you prepared?!" An Ruoshui lay on the sofa with a smile, unable to say a complete sentence.

Master Luo held his forehead with a headache: "The shop owner said that if you want to take care of a child, these are all necessary. I asked her to help to put it up, and it turned out like this..."

An Ruoshui listened to the grievances in Master Luo's tone, she finally held back her laughter again, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and sat beside Luo Xuange.

"As far as I know, the children we are going to have should be around four or five years old. You don't need these, and ... how to treat prenatal anxiety is not necessary. An Ruoshui sorted out the pile of books: "I bought it all back, so I can't just throw it away. I'll take it to the study and display it."

Master Luo looked at the back of An Ruoshui leaving, she lay on the sofa and sighed. She slept a bit badly these days, otherwise she wouldn't let the shopkeeper help you choose, she didn't even look Just paid and left.

On the Internet, it was blown up by the actions of the leader Luo during the day.

#A female star is visiting the mother and baby shop!

#The master of Luo appeared in the mother and baby store and bought "How to Treat Prenatal Anxiety"#

#Luo Xuange married into a wealthy family#

When Jiang Yihan saw the news in the background of the TV station, he was so frightened that he choked to death by his own saliva.

"Pfft, cough, cough..." Jiang Yihan quickly sent a message to inquire, but got Luo Xuange's spoiler: "The highlight of the second reality show is that the contestants bring cute babies. , you also prepare early. This season, we are all newbies and the probability of winning is too low."

Jiang Yihan instantly understood, but in order to help Luo Xuange avoid the rumors, she also immediately posted on Weibo and wrote to Luo Xuange.

Jiang Yihanv: Xuange, bring me a copy of "Children's Heart Sutra", pay when you meet 23333

Xu Ru, Bailiu and others were confused by the online interaction, and soon all the contestants received a notice from the program team that the content of the second season was that the contestants brought cute babies.

Others also crammed to learn.

In fact, this matter is secret, but the scandal of Luo Xuange came out, An Junfeng changed the rules in order to avoid suspicion and disclosed this matter to all the players.

As a result, the rumor of Luo Xuange's 'Fengzi getting married' fell apart.

On the second day, the program team brought the photography team to the door to shoot.

An Ruoshui also left home yesterday afternoon and went to his apartment.

The photography team came to Luo Xuange's residence. Luo Xuange was packing her luggage at home. She had already packed An Ruoshui's luggage yesterday afternoon, and last night she put away the things belonging to An Ruoshui at home. All collected.

As a demon sect leader, she can hide some things that she doesn't want to reveal to the public, and she can still do it very easily.

"Okay, um... Introduce your home to the audience!?"

Luo Xuange had already packed all his luggage and was about to leave with the program team when he suddenly received a letter from the staff, opened it and found that the program team asked to introduce himself Family.

Although her face was cold, her tone was warm, which made everyone who heard her speech feel very comfortable, as if the unpleasantness that had accumulated in her heart slowly dissipated.

Luo Xuange nodded: "Come with me. I didn't buy this house for a long time. To be honest, I don't know much about it myself."

"This is my study, na...this is the book I bought. In fact, it was just an accident to buy these, but I bought them and couldn't throw them away, so I had to put them in the study and look forward to the future I can use it someday." Luo Xuange smiled, she knew the technology of this world, so she was looking forward to her and An Ruoshui's children, but it was too early to think about it now. They don't seem to be consummating yet!

With the reminder of the staff, Luo Xuange finally recovered from his thoughts.

Introduced her home one by one, and finally the kitchen. She could see some comments from netizens selected by the program team, so Luo Xuange chose a few answers.

"Why is the food prepared for two people? Do people come over often?" Luo Xuange read softly, then she chuckled: "I don't know if there are any guests, but Bai Liu lives here. Around here, Jiang Yihan also occasionally comes over to eat, these things..."

Soon netizens understood that the private life of Luo Jiaozhu did not reveal, but let her show the sisterhood to the public.

"Okay, I've finished introducing my home. Now I can go to shoot the reality show!" Luo Xuange rubbed his hands like a fly while talking: "I'm looking forward to the second season. Little players."

The opposite of Luo Xuange is An Ruoshui. She has a gloomy face at the moment, standing in front of the camera of the program group, slightly raised her head and glanced at the comments on the Internet, there are some The words he said were ugly, and some famous detectives began to speculate about An Ruoshui's home, and found that the things here were neatly arranged, but they were not the sort of traces that they often lived in, but the traces that a housekeeping company came to clean up.

So they speculated that An Ruoshui had never lived in this house for a few months, so many people began to acid An Ruoshui.

An Ruoshui can also see some comments on the Internet, but she selectively ignored them, knowing that the program team handed over the envelope.

"Introduce your home to the audience." An Ruoshui nodded and said, "Please come with me."

"Actually, I'm not familiar with this place. This is a birthday present that my brother gave me five years ago. But that was also the year I stepped into the entertainment industry. I still remember when I went back to A trip to home was written into all kinds of explosive news. At that time, I seldom went home, basically on the set of the company, and then my work gradually stabilized and I had some private free time, but I made my debut at that time. I made an agreement with my eldest brother that I would stay in the old house for a few days during the New Year and holidays, so as not to let the old house lose its popularity. So I can’t remember the last time I came to this house.”

An Ruoshui's words reminded netizens of the black incident on the whole network five years ago, although An Junfeng stopped it in time, but now recalling the comments he made at that time, he clearly wanted to rely on himself A girl who worked hard for her career was called a vicious woman by their harsh words.

Now there are less voices in the comment area, fans began to speak for idols, and slowly turned the topic to this reality show.

An Ruoshui looked at the comments on the Internet again, her face did not change, but her tone softened a lot when she spoke again.

Looking at this posture, this area will be used for program shooting, but these are new houses. After the program team finishes shooting here, I believe that there is no need to invite additional celebrities to come to speak.

After An Ruoshui entered the community, the staff of the program team sent her the ID card belonging to her.

Get the ID card, An Ruoshui put it away properly, waiting for another notice from the program team.

Luo Xuange met Bai Liu at the airport by chance, so she came with Bai Liu at the moment, Luo Xuange took the ID card and said softly: "No. 27 fruit vendor, what is yours, Bai Liu? ?"

"No. 27." Bai Liu looked at her identity, but did not find any other text introduction that was the same as Luo Xuange's.

Soon everyone gathered in the park, Mu Ling and Mu Xiao were still co-hosting, Mu Ling took a step forward with a generous and decent smile, and calmly announced the second season of the game The rules are slowly introduced.

"The content of the second season competition is that two people holding the same ID card will form a partner for the next cute baby parent speed-dating. Now please come to the two people with the same ID card to receive yours Identity bracelet, and the little cute baby who went to the community to find you for three days and two nights."

Luo Xuange looked at the ID cards in his hands and in Bai Liu's hands: "I didn't expect that we would be together."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect it." Bai Liu also thought it was too coincidental.

While talking, she was looking for Xu Ru in the crowd. Now it has been determined that she is with Luo Xuange, so even if she finds Xu Ru, she can't partner with Xu Ru, but she is still in her heart I hope that Xu Ru will not run into strangers.

Bai Liu looked around but couldn't see Xu Ru's figure.

"Let's go." Seeing Bai Liu in a trance, Luo Xuange couldn't help urging her.

Bai Liu smiled apologetically: "Let's go."

"Well." Luo Xuange looked around, but didn't find An Ruoshui, so he could only compromise with Bai Liu to get the identity bracelet.

An Ruoshui looked at Xu Hao in front of her, holding the ID card in her hand: "Number 15?"

"Yeah, it's really fate." Xu Hao smiled like a gentleman, but An Ruoshui subconsciously felt that there was a poisonous snake standing in front of him.

"Let's go." An Ruoshui is fortunate that her personality has always been cold when she debuted, so there is no need to show a sweet smile to this very annoying person now.

In the square, Meng Xiaomeng was walking back and forth with her ID card, until a hand was placed on her shoulder, Meng Xiaomeng suddenly turned around and saw Gu Xunxue.

And Gu Xunxue was holding a cold drink: "Here, the boss of the No. 45 supermarket."

Meng Xiaomeng looked at her ID card, and when she looked at Gu Xunxue's ID card, she suddenly laughed, God knows how worried she was just now that she would be matched with an unknown stranger people. Fortunately, the person I met was Gu Xunxue.

Jiang Yihan was left standing on the square facing Xu Jia at a loss: "Where's your ID card?"

"No. 6, the young couple in the cold war." Xu Jia played with his fingernails proudly as he spoke: "What a pity, your partner in the second season is still I…"

"In the cold war! Don't talk to me!" Jiang Yihan couldn't tell how she felt about Xu Jia, but Xu Jia was always by her side. This feeling.

"Oh, let's not argue with you first, hurry up and get the bracelet." Xu Jia lightly smiled and stepped forward and took Jiang Yihan's arm, Jiang Yihan struggled twice: "Hey, we are Couples in the Cold War, you are ruining the design by doing this."

"Oh, I'm asking for reconciliation. Be good, don't talk. Hurry up!" Xu Jiasheng pulled the man away.

However, the interaction between the two also caused the whole live broadcast room to become lively.

Everyone received their own ID cards and their own temporary cute baby, only Luo Xuange looked at the little girl holding the bear toy in front of her, she reached out to touch the child's head, but was rejected directly by the child.

"Hehe, the child is probably afraid of life." Bai Liu explained to Luo Xuange, and by the way saved some of the child's image. In the future, regardless of the child's performance in the show, netizens' comments on the child's guidance should be reduced accordingly.

Luo Xuange asked the little guy, "What's your name?"

"My name is Yan Xi, and everyone calls me Xiaoxi." Xiaoxi hugged her stuffed bear tightly. For her, these unfamiliar brothers and sisters are very scary existences.

Luo Xuange was stunned: "Are you scared?"

"Don't be afraid!" The little girl answered neatly, which made Bai Liu chuckle, raised her hand and rubbed the soft hair on the little guy's head: "How old is it?"

"I, I'm four and a half years old this year." Xiaoxi's voice was soft and waxy, and even Master Luo thought this little guy was very cute.

Now everyone is standing in the sun, Luo Xuange and An Ruoshui have internal strength to protect the body, so only these two people in the whole square look very relaxed, and everyone else can't wait to find an ice cellar Stay a day.

Except for Meng Xiaomeng, of course, although she is also very hot, she will not be flustered, after all, Gu Xunxue brought her a refreshing cold drink.

Luo Xuange suddenly caught a glimpse of the sweat on Bai Liu's forehead, she took out a tissue and handed it to her: "Let's go back to the house first, the weather is too hot, the child will be unable to bear it if he stays for a long time. "Especially a kid with a stuffed toy in his arms.

"Help me get it."

Bai Liu handed the backpack to Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange took it in confusion, and then saw that Bai Liu wanted to bend over to hug the child.

Luo Xuange immediately stopped her: "I'll come, I'll just come."

Bai Liuzheng wanted to take her backpack, but Luo Xuange hid it from her: "You go quickly, I'll just come. These are not heavy."

"Do you need to prepare anything? The cute baby manual says that these children need to be taken care of for three days and two nights according to their usual daily routine. Xiaoxi's manual says to eat a fruit at noon every day , I'll go to the nearby store and have a look."

Bai Liu thought for a while, maybe that was the case, then stopped and followed Luo Xuange silently.

When they arrived at their little home, Xiaoxi looked out from Luo Xuange's arms, and her eyes flashed when she saw the fruit placed by the wall.

"Okay, let's play with Aunt Bai Liu first. I'll prepare lunch for you." Although Luo Xuange didn't have too many expressions on his face, his tone was surprisingly warm.

Bai Liu couldn't help but look at Luo Xuange twice, Luo Xuange suddenly raised her head to meet her eyes, and then chuckled: "I'll go to the kitchen to see if there are any dishes. Are you there? Accompany Xiaoxi here."

"Oh, thank you so much." Bai Liu whispered.

Luo Xuange shook his head slightly: "It's you who has worked hard."

Master Luo deeply feels that accompanying children is the hardest and most tiring task, especially for someone like her who doesn’t like children, having a bear child by her side is simply doomsday disaster.

I served a princess in my previous life, but when I came to this world, I suddenly found that every child was a little princess.

Bai Liu couldn't understand the sincerity in Luo Xuange's eyes, after all, she had not really touched the bear child in her life.

After Luo Xuange left, Bai Liu began to play with Xiaoxi. She found a lot of building blocks in the room, and the two sat on the ground and slowly exerted their imagination and creativity. Make all kinds of interesting things.

Luo Xuange, who went to buy vegetables, just came downstairs, and happened to meet An Ruoshui who was with Xu Hao.

Luo Xuange glanced at Xu Hao, then at An Ruoshui, her face changed suddenly, she imagined An Ruoshui and a stranger partner, but did not expect An Ruoshui to be with Xu Hao .

"What is your occupation?" Luo Xuange was very curious, wondering if they could switch occupations.

However, once they are exchanged, does it mean that Bai Liu will be with Xu Hao?


Xu Hao was holding a four or five year old boy with a toy car in his hand.

When Xu Hao was about to answer Luo Xuange's words, the little guy suddenly threw the toy car in his hand at Luo Xuange, Luo Xuange looked at the little guy in a daze.

Suddenly, the little guy sat on the ground and started howling.

Crying and kicking: "I don't want a car, I don't want a car, I want to change toys, I want to change, I want to change."

Master Luo looked at the little guy lying on the ground without knowing the situation, she bent down and picked up the toy car, and then handed it to Xu Hao.

The gentle smile on Xu Hao's face changed after the little guy accidentally kicked him a few times.

However, Xu Hao can't do anything less than An Ruoshui. At least no matter how much he hates and resents Luo Xuange, he can smile like a spring breeze when he is in front of the camera.

Now Xu Hao slowly bent down and looked down at the little guy: "Nannan, get up first, okay? Uncle and auntie will take you to buy something delicious."

"I don't want it, I don't want it, I want a new toy, I want my aunt to hold it..."

Wen Yan Luo Xuange looked down at the little fat man, she felt that both An Ruoshui might not be able to hug this little fat man.

Xu Hao endured it and continued to coax him: "Nan Nan, will my uncle hug you? This aunt was injured while filming, and she hasn't recovered yet. She can't hold you."

"I want that woman to hug, I don't want you, woo woo..."

An Ruoshui stood on the spot with a black line on her face, Xu Hao gritted his teeth inadvertently, and continued to laugh and coax the little guy.

In the end, the child's voice became louder and louder, causing the three of them to have a headache.

The audience in the live broadcast room began to have different opinions, and various keyboard warriors came to hear the sound, some criticized the bear child, some blamed the bear child's parents, and some bluntly said that An Ruoshui did not know how to take care of children .

Just when everyone was concentrating on this matter, Luo Xuange suddenly walked up to the little guy and held the child's collar with one hand, just like picking up an empty plastic bag , picked up the little guy.

"Will you try to cry again?" Luo Xuange knew what to do, but she didn't want a child to cry and annoy her wife.

The little guy seemed to be frightened by Luo Xuange, he stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, and then shook his head desperately at Luo Xuange.

"Are you still crying?" Master Luo inadvertently touched his back twice, and the little guy shook his head again and again.

Luo Xuange put the little guy on the ground in a good mood, and then said to Xu Hao, "Let's take some time to buy him a new toy."

"Thank you, I will buy it for him as soon as possible." Xu Hao's voice was sincere, but Luo Xuange, who was standing face to face with him, did not see any sincerity in his eyes.

Luo Xuange said goodbye to An Ruoshui, and then hurried to the supermarket.

An Ruoshui was the same iceberg expression from beginning to end. Now that Luo Xuange is gone, she has made the iceberg even worse.

The content of the cute baby will be filmed for three days and two nights, which means that she will spend three days and two nights with Xu Hao, which she can't bear.

In the office, An Junfeng threw the information in his hand to the ground, and angrily pointed at the staff: "What are you doing to eat?! How is the team arranged this time?! What about my sister? Will you be assigned with Xu Hao? I ordered An Ruoshui and Luo Xuange three times, what are your ears doing?!"

"Mr. An, it is Mr. Liu who said that this adjustment can increase the ratings of the show. And from the current situation, An Ruoshui and Xu Hao are partners together, so there will be no more scandals. ."

A little clerk stood up for the big guy.

"Okay, fine! Mr. Liu. You go to the finance department with him to settle the salary for next month."

An Junfeng doesn't even want to look at the live screen now, there is a problem with the allocation, and when the second season ends, I still don't know how my sister will hold a knife to his neck.

"Temporarily add a rule to it, and if you earn enough gold coins, you can change your partner."

An Junfeng remembered that Luo Xuange had nearly 27,000 gold coins on her body. As long as she exchanged all the props on her body for gold coins, and then did some random tasks, she could collect 10,000 gold coins. Increasing the gold coins in this way can better reflect Luo Xuange's desire to change partners, and it can also better express the role of the props he saved earlier.

And the gold coins needed to change partners are too high, except Luo Xuange, others should rarely change.

An Junfeng looked at the group of people still in his office and waved weakly: "Go to work."


The group of people timidly withdrew from An Junfeng's office, for fear of being angered by An Junfeng, but through this incident, they were afraid that they would no longer dare to follow other people's arrangements.

An Junfeng is sitting in the office looking at the computer screen in a daze , An Junfeng expressed that there are many things in the company that people do not need to be suspicious of, so he has given a lot of power to those old employees.

I didn't expect something to happen now.

In the reality show, Luo Xuange chose a lot of fresh vegetables in the supermarket. When she was shopping in the meat section, she met Xu Ru head-on.

"Sister Xu Ru, I didn't expect to meet you here. Are you here to buy groceries too?" Luo Xuange greeted first.

Xu Ru nodded: "Yes, it's almost time for lunch. Come and prepare to order."

"Oh." Luo Xuange is not proficient in the modern way of life, and it is not easy for her to reluctantly greet people.

Xu Ru looked at it casually, and then asked Luo Xuange casually, "Who are you partnering with? Are you a familiar friend? What about Xiaomeng and Yihan?"

"Their situation is not very clear, but I am with Bai Liu." Luo Xuange felt that Xu Ru's question was a bit wrong, but she didn't know exactly what was wrong, as if Xu Ru thought What I want to ask is not the situation of Meng Xiaomeng and Jiang Yihan.

After Luo Xuange finished speaking, Xu Ru did not ask any more. After all, she has achieved her goal.

Xu Ru chuckled: "Partner with Han Yu."

"Han Yu?!" Luo Xuange shouted in surprise: "Partnering with Han Yu? Then what is your identity?"

"Newly married couple." Xu Ru said a little helplessly.

Luo Xuange expressed that she was very surprised by this incident. She didn't expect Xu Ru to partner with Han Yu, and she didn't expect that their partners were newly married couples.

"It's getting late, I should go. Bye." After Xu Ru picked out the good things, she quickly swiped gold coins and left.

Luo Xuange also took the selected dishes and checked out.

After returning to her residence, she found Bai Liu hugging Xiaoxi watching TV on the sofa.

"I'm back." Bai Liu turned to look at Luo Xuange, and whispered, "Shh, take it easy... The little guy fell asleep."

Luo Xuange nodded to show her understanding, she sent the dishes to the kitchen, and when she came out, she whispered to Bai Liu, "I'll take her to the room to rest."

"En." Bai Liu knew that Luo Xuange was very strong, so he didn't shirk it now, after all, the child could sleep comfortably only when he was sent to bed.

After Luo Xuange came out, she found Bai Liu washing vegetables in the kitchen, she immediately went to help.

The netizens in the live broadcast room started a new round of CP matching, bluntly saying that Luo Xuange and Bai Liu feel full of CP.

However, many Luoan CPs came out to fight back, shouting that the two were just sisters, and according to the courtesy of the two, the two were more like visiting someone else's house.

The online quarrel was in full swing again, and the hot topic of Bai Liu and Luo Xuange appeared on Weibo hot search.

The second only to them is not the same frame as the best actor and the queen, but the newly married couple of Xu Ru and Han Yu. I saw Xu Ru and Meng Xiaomeng's CP party crying and fainting in the toilet.

On An Ruoshui's side, she may have been able to get along with her neighbor brother easily and naturally before, but since what happened that night, An Ruoshui can't look directly at Xu Hao, even in the ancient martial arts family When she saw Xu Hao with the people from the research team, she wished she could go straight up and beat Xu Hao to death.

Now sharing a room with Xu Hao and a bear child, An Ruoshui was so wronged that she wanted to cry.

But the live broadcast is still going on, she doesn't dare to tear her face off with Xu Hao, not to mention that now Xu Hao is polite and modest, she can't even pick out the slightest fault, it's really a headache and panic .

Until the two An Ruoshui heard the doorbell, Xu Hao probed from the kitchen: "An An, go open the door and see who is coming."

An Ruoshui suddenly recalled in An Ruoshui's mind that Luo Xuange often talked to her like this when she was at home. At that time, she didn't feel anything, but now that I think back, Luo Xuange's voice is simply the most beautiful in the world the sound of.

An Ruoshui stood up from the sofa and opened the door, the program team sent a special task.

"Please follow the rules of the game." The staff threw this sentence and left quickly.

An Ruoshui opened the task card, and the content on it could also be seen in the live broadcast room, but they could understand the words on it, but they didn't understand what it meant.

An Ruoshui took a look: lurking, forbidden to appear in the second season.

"..." If it weren't for this quest card, she would have forgotten her identity in the first season. It turns out that her identity can be inherited. If I knew this, Xu Hao should be removed before the task card is issued.

An Ruoshui suddenly regretted why he messed up in the first season and did not exclude Xu Hao from the game.

Otherwise, Xu Hao will not come to the second season.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world, and it is too late for An Ruoshui to regret it now.

Seeing Xu Hao busy in the kitchen, she walked towards the sofa with a complicated mood.

"What's the matter? Who came just now?" Xu Hao came out to ask, An Ruoshui said without hesitation, "Salesman."

"Oh, that's it. You sit down for a while, and the food will be ready soon. You can play with Nannan first." Xu Hao went to the kitchen again.

An Ruoshui looked at Little Fatty who was sitting on the ground, she sighed slightly, and squatted beside him: "Can we go to the sofa to watch TV?"

.I don't watch it."


The little guy's words not only angered An Ruoshui, but also angered the entire live broadcast room...

An Ruoshui's iceberg-like face was almost unbearable. She held back her anger and continued to ask the little guy in a soft voice, "Then what do you want to do?"

"Let's ride horses."

An Ruoshui looked at him puzzled: "Riding a horse? There is no horse farm here, let alone a horse."

"You are so stupid, you are not. You lie on the ground, I will ride you. Oh, oh oh ~ I want to ride..." The little guy danced with excitement, An Ruoshui squatted awkwardly on the ground land.

Seeing that An Ruoshui did not respond for a long time, Xiao Pangdun suddenly pouted and started to cry again.

Now, the entire live broadcast room began to denounce.

An Junfeng, who was watching the live broadcast, did not expect this scene. This child was forced in by a shareholder of the company. The purpose is to let the child debut from an early age and become a child star.

At that time, An Junfeng was afraid that the same thing would happen to Zhang Manman, so he rejected the shareholders.

I didn't expect that the little guy's mother died in a car accident that day. The family was afraid that the little guy would stay at home crying and calling for his mother, so I asked An Junfeng if he could let the little guy participate. Reality show, so he went to an unfamiliar environment and met new friends, maybe he wouldn't look for his mother every day.

At this moment, An Junfeng looked at the various rogue children in the live broadcast room. He couldn't help but have a headache.

An Junfeng sighed and began to plan how to send the little guy out, so as not to disturb the reality show in the reality show.

After all, the children are too disobedient, not only has a bad influence on the children, but also has a bad influence on the players after the live broadcast.

The injury on my body is not yet healed, so I can't do too strenuous exercise."

"She won't give me a ride, so hurry up and get down, I want to ride, I want to ride..." The little guy shouted a few words, and then he was about to cry.

Xu Hao really couldn't help but want to hit people, but the live broadcast was still going on, he couldn't act rashly in front of everyone's eyes, instead, in order to maintain his image, he exerted his acting skills as an actor, which was a little weird smile.

"Nan Nan, don't cry. Uncle will take you to buy toys." Xu Hao also thought about getting down and giving the little guy a ride. Or choose to spend money on disaster relief.

"Uncle will take you to buy delicious food and fun toys."

"I don't want it. I have a lot of toys at home. I want to ride, I want to ride!"

In the end, Xu Hao was forced to lie on the ground, An Ruoshui's gloomy mood was finally relieved at this moment.

Seeing Xu Hao crawling back and forth on the ground, An Ruoshui couldn't tell what complicated emotions she was in at the moment, although Xu Hao played with the little guy instead of her, but she didn't Feeling guilty for Xu Hao, but... very happy...

It’s useless to cook and eat it, just a little bit~”

I just don't know how the little guy's father will feel when he sees this scene outside the live broadcast room. After all, the man whose son rides a horse is Xu Jiada who can compete with An Junfeng. few…

An Ruoshui rarely took a tissue and handed it to Xu Hao: "Brother Xu, wipe the sweat. It's really hard for you."

As an actor, Xu Hao can naturally distinguish the sincerity in his smile. Looking at the secret joy in An Ruoshui's eyes, he held back his grief and anger and took the tissue handed by An Ruoshui: "It's really Thank you."

An Ruoshui snickered: "You're welcome."

The author has something to say: (catch bug)