MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 168 Being a master can know a lot of things

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I glanced at the throat of the person next to me. They are real men with throat knots. Which man brought children in this era? Is she a real woman with a child? This group of people is really fighting for the competition. (no pop-up ads)

Jiman sighed with disappointment.

Ning Yuxuan laughed, and got up and pulled it over. He pointed to a group of people here and asked, "Which do you like?"

I hugged the wood villain and watched it for a while. When I stepped on my feet, I twisted over to Zeman.

Jiman was overjoyed and he reached out to him as he continued. The people next to me looked anxious and quickly said: "I have heard that Hou Ye’s recruitment of the Master is very demanding. In the past, he taught at Taixue, and the students taught him to enter the DPRK as an official..."

"In the next grandfather is the first Emperor Taifu, but the family is in the middle of the road, the study of the grandfather, and all under the inheritance."

More than just affinity, it is better than a diploma. A group of scholars around began to say qualifications, and even some people are the top-notch in the past few years, but unfortunately the official path is not smooth, and now it is just an unnamed small official, thinking of borrowing the light of Mo Yuhou.

Upon listening to this introduction, Jiman felt ashamed. She still had no diploma. Anyone here is more qualified than her.

Already in front of her, Jiman couldn't help but hug him and lick his pink face.

"What about you?" Mo Yuhou's gaze fell, and there was no intention of selfishness. Ask her directly.

Ji Mangan laughed twice and held up and stood up: "There is no such good birth and achievement under you, but after a few years, you can take a name to Hou Ye."

“Hmm?” Ning Yuxuan raised his eyebrows: “What is the name?”

"The master of the Mo Yu Houzi."

Compared to shameless, Zeman is not afraid of them. Without a diploma, she still has a mouth open.

"Shizi will follow the four books and five classics, knowing the righteousness and humiliation, not swearing, not welcoming. The world is still small, need to teach slowly, believe that you are more patient than the children present, and will not abuse the children." I’m a good-looking novel.] When I grow up, I will make a contribution to my career.

The most terrible thing about tutoring is to meet metamorphosis, Hou Ye!

Ning Yuxuan thought for a long time, licking his lips: "This time I chose a master for the world, I have tried my best. I naturally choose a person I like, can listen to what I can, and can share the burden of taking care of the world. Everyone is good, and I can't make a decision. It's better to choose it by Shizi."

Everyone's eyes fell on Jiman, the world is in her arms, and have to choose?

"Does he bring something that can seduce children?" The scholars have been talking about it. It doesn't look like this person has any background. Mo Yuhou has no smuggling. It is all decided by the world. Two or three-year-old children can decide what to do, and they must be tricky.

Grabbing Jiman's clothes and giggling, seemingly strict and strict election of the Master, and finally to grasp the end of the season, Jiman also officially became a good master.

Those who enter the Mo Yuhou House are all going to be ruined. Fortunately, there are not many people in the capital who know that Changjun Wang has such an aide, and that Wu Yong has done a little bit of tricks and tricks, and that Shiman has entered the role of “a learned and talented food bank owner”.

There are also the masters in the palace who have asked about this, but everyone said that the Houfu election is very strict, and the grain manager is just a clever idea. No one has a background, no one asks more, after all, it is just a small role.

Going back to this familiar house, the honest money housekeeper took him to the peace of mind of Beiyuan. Jiman did not give up his hand and laughed like a metamorphosis uncle: "You will want to be with me later." I am together every day."

Blinking, the long eyelashes shook twice.

Just after the resettlement, the money steward said that the dinner party was used together in Beiyuan, and it was also seen that she was a newcomer in the house.

Looking at the mirror in front of the man who did not know the face of the man, Ji Man went very freely. [cotton candy novel network]

Things are human beings. It’s been a year’s past. The people in the house seem to be a lot less. The three women who come to dinner are Wen Wei, Liu Hanyun and Mu Shuiqing.

I remembered that when I came over, the Yan Yanyan, who was full of yards, Jiman sat down with some exclamation.

"This is Jifuzi." Ning Yuxuan introduced a sentence to everyone.

Wen Yan looked up at him, and his face was still beautiful and smiled gently. Next to Liu Hanyun is a small voice: "The future son will rely on the Master to teach."

"Be yourself in the bottom." Jiman arched his hand and said with a thick voice.

Mu Shuiqing looked at her for a few moments, standing low behind her head and standing behind Mo Yuhou.

"When the age is up, I will also find him a master." Ning Yuxuan said to Liu Hanyun.

Liu Hanyun nodded, but there was some sorrow in his eyes: "Xia's... Houye really wants to let the Master take the world? The child is still small, no mother..."

"Xia's is dead, have you forgotten?" Ning Yuxuan interrupted her and extended chopsticks to eat: "The Master can also take care of you, you don't have to worry about it."

Liu Hanyun was able to be the wife of the room, and Zyman was also somewhat surprised. In the days when she was not there, she did not know what happened to Hou.

Quietly used dinner, Ning Yuxuan said that there is something in the study, then take a step. Jiman is preparing to go back and take it with him, but he is quietly pulled to the side by the sandalwood: "The master has a husband."

Wen Wei? Jiman glanced at Tanxiang with a curiosity: "What's the matter? Is it not appropriate to go down to the master?"

"When the Master is holding the world, isn't it right?" Sandalwood screamed, sweeping her with a scented scent: "Go ahead."

Since being dressed as a man, Ji Man has seen the feminine charm of many women. I am now a full-time, that is, the person of the Changjun Wang, may be that the Prince will go to Wenyu here to know, so Wen Hao took her as her own person?

Going back and holding it, Ji Man really went to the Rose Garden. Anyway, if she knew her identity, Zhao Wei would like to use her words, and she would not tell her identity. She really wants to see what Wen is going to do.

Into the Rose Garden, there is a woman who wants to take it. Jiman frowned, holding his son and not letting go: "I am coming."

The woman was helpless and had to let her in. Sandalwood hit the curtain and saw her coming. He smiled and said: "The master is waiting for the master."

Jiman nodded and went straight into the gentle bedroom.

Wen Yan sat upright and watched her come in, and smiled: "The Master really does not bear the responsibility of Hou Ye, and the world is really close."

"Hey Master has won the prize." Jiman will be placed on the ground, holding his hand: "Hou Ye will hand over the world to the next, in case something goes wrong, can not afford it, naturally can only take good care of it."

The door was closed. Wen Wei stood up and took a good look. He looked at Ji Mandao: "The family does not say two words. Since the Master has entered the Yufu Hou, he has to take care of him."

Jiman chuckled and sat down beside him, saying: "This is of course."

Sure enough, some people are angry with Wen Yu.

"Just come from Changchun in the distance, I don't know the situation in this Houfu, I have to ask the master to tell one or two."

Wen Yanying smiled: "As the husband saw it tonight, there is only a lady of Liu's wife in the house, and the mother-in-law of the nephew. Then there is an aunt, and it is insignificant. Hou Ye has two sons. You are a child around you. The other one is the second son of the lady."

Jiman licked his lips: "According to what is known below, the world is not the wife of the present, is there any dispute in the house?"

"Yes, why not?" Wen Yan said with a smile: "I didn't hear that the child is sick and dead? That is the lady who can't hold the woman, and found an excuse to send it out. I guess it will soon be Liu. The little son around him started to help her son take the place of the world."

Jiman didn't take it for granted. Wen's view was too narrow, and what he saw was not necessarily true. If Liu’s heart is so vicious, Ning Yuxuan will not let her sit in the position of his wife.

Speaking of the battle with Xia, Jiman now recalls and contacted the last time he saw Xia, but he thought that it might be Xia’s desire to fight for pets, so take good use of it to suppress Liu Hanyun and create a cold cloud to kill her. The illusion, so that Hou Ye pity her more, and then stay in the house.

Fortunately, Ning Yuxuan is still tasteful. He is not able to go to the mouth of Xia, who is full of mud.

Liu just wants to be stable and should not be good.

"Since the Master is close to the world, he will often see Hou Ye." Wen Yan looked at her and said: "I have the opportunity to ask the Master to help, telling my uncle what I like now, what I want, where I will go."

Listening to this, Jiman has some mistakes: "Don't you always have a strange heart? What do you do with these things?"

Wen Xiao smiled, don't start at the beginning: "Please help the Master."

During this year, the outsiders looked at her as a favorite, and Ning Yuxuan’s heart went to the end, but she did not know. Perhaps in that heavy rain, it may not be possible to fall down to the cliff with Nie Sang.

How long did she not see Ning Yuxuan smile at herself, that person even refused to kiss her, she would be willing to send anything, except himself.

Wen Hao feels sad, she once enjoyed something, and now she is gone. The man also refused to tell her, because it turned out to be what it is now.

"Okay." Jiman should have taken it down, took the silver two from Wenyu, and went out with him.

Ning Yuxuan was in a good mood and took a pen and paper in the garden to prepare for painting. In the middle of the garden, a small table stool was placed. Jiman was in front of him and taught him some short sentences.

"There are only mothers in the world."

I looked at her with my head: "Mother is good."

With a brush, Ning Yuxuan said with a black face, "What about the father?"

I turned my head back, and the little hand was behind me, and I answered it in a serious way: "Father."


Next, at 2:30, I went to have a meal and went back.

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