MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 169 To be rich, first repair the road

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Ning Yuxuan was delighted, and his eyes showed some brilliance. He nodded with satisfaction and continued to bow his head. [cotton candy novel network]

Jiman was slightly disoriented, but he quickly turned around and continued to teach to speak.

She has already planned in detail, can give a good five classes a day, the first section of history class, by the way, you can move the history book to study this dynasty yourself. In the second section, poetry and songs are so good that she is also a person who studies some poetry. The third section of the ritual etiquette, this ... is still small, teach some children's songs can be mixed. There are also two sections for painting and four books and five classics.

The doll must be picked up from a young age, and Jiman does not intend to force him to become a talent, but he has something to do, and he wants to teach him all. Don't ask him for anything big, but ask him to save himself.

There are no teachers in the world who are more diligent than their mothers. Jiman taught for two or three days, and he got the praise of the housekeeper and his wife. Mo Yuhou also meant something and rewarded her.

Jiman opened the gift box happily, but found it was a painting. Looking at it, it was his own painting. It was the scene she taught in the garden that day, but she was dressed by a man who was automatically filled with a woman's face and painted on it.

I have never seen such a rewarding person. Are they not familiar with it now, why not give her gold and silver jewelry directly? Jiman’s mouth was pumped for a long time, and the box was locked and stuffed into the deepest part of the bed.

As he became the master of the Mouth Houfu, Jiman also had no time to look after the newly opened rice shop, and spent money to hire a savvy shopkeeper, called the strict, people as their name, a hairless, Jiman is very assured of the rice Shop for him.

It’s just that she opened the rice shop not to make pocket money. The quality of the county in Changjun is very good, but because the terrain is not good, it is always not exported. This is back to Beijing, she wants to test the water, if the market is good, then open the road to sell rice in Changjun, big deal to spend a little freight, or simply once and for all, to repair the road.

Up and down the relationship, plugged a lot of money, Ji's rice shop will also be on the operational track. Based on the principle of high-quality rice and virginity, it began to sell well in Beijing.

I taught well during the day, and I went out to work after I finished the class. It was so busy that I didn’t even have time to eat. I just sold it in modern times. Jiman feels that there is nothing, but the whole person is slimming down. Even the human skin masks are a bit big, and they have been specially repaired before they can be put on.

"What are you busy with?" Ning Yuxuan finally couldn't resist, standing in the back door of Houfu, and stopped Jiman who had to rush out of the house.

When Shiman saw him, he touched his face, and then he was just as authentic: "Going out to do things."

“What to do?” Ning Yuxuan frowned: “You teach the world every day for a long time, and do you have other things to do?”

"Hou Ye also said that it is a long time, and there is a small half-day naturally belongs to the private time below." Ji Man smiled and said: "The son of Shizi is not an official, can you have other things in the next?"

Mo Yuhou was dissatisfied with his lips and was about to ask again. There was a gentle voice behind him: "Hou Ye."

Sideways, Ning Yuxuan looked at Wen Hao, and faintly said: "What happened?"

Jiman took the opportunity to sway to Weng, and immediately took out the house.

Originally, Liu Rufeng also learned a lot of ways to deal with the ancients. Jiman also had a meal with the head of the household to eat and get through the relationship. Everyone who knows business knows that if business wants to be big, it must be up and down. A flattery is an indispensable homework.

For example, this degree is the smallest official, but the shelf is very big. If it is not for the sake of her husband, she will not eat at the food bank.

Liu’s treasurer of the Liuji Food Bank, as the leader of the Alliance, naturally helped to match the bridge and introduced the main event for Zeman. By the way, he also went to pick up some good things.

On the eighth floor of the Falling Wild Goose Pagoda, the book is full of fragrant and elegant, but there is a large mahogany table in the middle. The mountain and the sea have a table and do not say that there are many "talented women" sitting next to them.

I used to say that the Falling Wild Goose Pagoda is a place where literati and literati gather together. However, some officials prefer to wear elegant ya, and most want to go to the brothel, but they are not good at saying that the falling geese tower is a good place.

How can the following people not understand things, even if it is a falling geese, then there can be women, women are women.

When Zyman sat in the room, he was sandwiched between two "talented women". The chief executive sat in the upper position and looked at her with a smile: "Zifuzi is also a young man, how to start a businessman. In Hou Ye Under the door, it is better to abandon the business."

"There is no ambition in the lower chest." Jiman arched his hand: "Nothing is better than the Tang Dynasty, and he has reached the position of the Lord. It is also gratifying to hear that there may be a promotion of recent promotion."

Tang’s principal smiled and said: “It’s also a loss for other adults.”

There was a cup of wine between the seats, and Jiman did not hesitate to take it over. He also took the initiative to help the main thing block a lot of wine, of course, it was full of spit on the sleeve. At the end of the time when the main thing went downstairs, Jiman was also very considerate and thoughtful: "The main thing looks a bit drunk, and the side of the inn has already prepared the room, so that Xu Cainv helps you."

In the eyes of Tang’s principal, there was a ridiculous smile in his eyes, and he took a picture of Jiman’s shoulder: “Zifuzi really understands people.”

Liu treasurer has been toasting gifts, did not discuss the main thing what smile, but the people who sent the man to the shopkeeper of Ji Man, got a good. When the wild goose pagoda was out, Liu’s face was not very good-looking, and Jiman didn’t care. The same is the grain line, who was originally a competitive person. Does Liu’s treasurer come here today to want to please her by her name?

It’s not early. When I go back to Houfu, the back door is still closed. Jiman probe looked at the brain and then flew to his room.

I lived with her in the next door, and her strong taste of the wine naturally cannot be seen directly. Into the room is preparing to change clothes and bath, but suddenly caught a mouth.

It’s not good to be in someone’s home. At any time, the owner may come out and scare you to death.

Jiman reluctantly took Ning Yixuan's hand: "Hou Ye, now is a man, you are still in the room in the middle of the night, is it not appropriate?"

Mo Yuhou's face is not very good-looking, he raised his hand and lit the lamp, wrinkled his nose and said: "Are you going to drink?"

"Entertainment." Jiman took off his robe and left it, and finally it was better.

Ning Yuxuan’s face is like the wife of a husband who is holding a glass of wine in the middle of the night. It is already a gesture of cross-examination.

"Do you forget that you are a woman?"

Jiman nodded: "Hou Ye also forgot, now is a man."

When the chin was tight, Jiman looked up and seemed to hit the tip of the person's nose. Ning Yuxuan looked at her lips: "What do you want?"

He has already given her to her, why is it not enough? Can't you quietly take a child in his backyard, why not go out and show up?

Jiman squinted at him for a moment and said: "I want to be a tree, not a sinuous flower, Hou Ye can understand?"

Mo Yuhou stunned, and had not had time to ask her what it meant. Jiman interrupted him on his own: "How can you understand this kind of big man who has no romantic feelings, I may be Smoked by the wine."

Taking care of himself and pouring his face to the bed, Ji Man stretched his finger and pointed to the door: "Tomorrow will give you a good class, this will not leave Hou Ye, and Hou Ye will go slowly."

She was blocked by her words without gasping. Ning Yuxuan frowned and turned away angrily.

The price of Changjun rice is similar to that of ordinary rice, but it is full and sells well. Jiman also took the savings and rented stores in various places in the southeast and northwest of Beijing to expand sales. Long County is still supplying, just looking at the inventory, it is also time to consider whether to build roads or continue to carry high freight and small profits.

After Zhao Yujin entered the palace, he went to the Queen's Palace to speak. From the Long County to the capital, there are many mountain roads to go. Therefore, the mother and the child are different, and it is estimated that it will be gone for several years. Wu Yong is looking for an excuse to let Changjun Wang stay in the capital for a few more days. As a result, Jiman came to the door.

"I think it is necessary to build a road. What does Wu brother think?" Jiman looked serious.

Wu Yong curiously asked: "What is the good end of the road repair? That is a big project."

"Because it is a big project, so the money came out of the court, it is time to take advantage of the Queen Mother to tell the emperor when he is still in the capital." Ji Mandao: "Once the road is repaired, for us later Things are also very helpful. Wu Xiong, you think, if you fix a road straight to the capital, you can save the time of the mountain road delay, if you want to transport some weapons and the like... Is it much faster?"

Wu Yong frowned: "The road from Changjun to Jingcheng, the original prince also wrote many times that the new emperor wanted to repair, but the new emperor refused because of the shortage of the national treasury."

“The treasury is in short supply?” Jiman smiled and said: “The shortage of the treasury of the Queen Mother’s palace is also lacking in the treasury of the county. But I heard that the emperor is not going to repair the moon for the emperor? Why is the national treasury not in short supply?”

"This..." Wu Yong sighed: "It is also reasonable."

"As a strategist, Wu Xiong should also think of ways." Ji Man's face is the country for the people as the prince: "I can't always let the emperor treat the prince."

Wu Yong solemnly nodded.

Within a few days, Mo Yuhou received a request for funding, saying that it was written by Changjun Wang. The new emperor was not directly dismissed in person, but instead sent him here. The implication is to use him as an excuse to refuse.

"If you want to be rich, you should build the road first." Ji Man stood a small blackboard, squatting in the shadow of Ning Yuxuan not far away, and taught it well: "Read it with the Master."

Open your mouth well: "To the incense, first embroider the deer."

Ning Yuxuan mouth pumped.


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