MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 10 Player villages and trade lanes

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Senior physician, the third realm of the medical profession.

Further up, it is the master of medicine.

Gu Sanben has been stuck as a mid-level doctor for many years due to his low qualifications. And after he joined Tianqi Village, his aptitude was upgraded to S rank.

Being promoted to a senior doctor is a matter of course.

With the advancement of the ancient three, the medical value of Tianqi Village has officially exceeded 10.

【Apocalypse Village】

Village head: Cheng Mu

Level: first-class village

Village area: 200m×200m

Village Chief: Cheng Mu

Popularity: 85

Population: 88 (88/100)

Military: 13 (12/10)

Medical: 12 (12/10)

Culture: 4 (4/10)

Economy: 6 (6/10)

Basic resources: Food 150, Wood 80, Stone: 40, Bronze 60

Special resources: none

Special product: Kunming whitebait

Buildings: Villagers' meeting hall (lv.1), low-level residential buildings, medical hall

Currently enjoying BUFF: Mingjun, Wugufengdeng.

Cheng Mu estimated that according to the current development trend, it should not take a week to reach the standard for promotion to the second-level village.

The village now has a population of 88.

Excluding 50 militiamen, in fact, there are only about 30 villagers who actually participated in the labor.

Therefore, in addition to the daily drill tasks, the militiamen also had to reclaim farmland for the village.

Each of them is as strong as a bull, and they cultivate the fields very quickly.

Soon, the land around the village was reclaimed.

The current range of Tianqi Village is only 200M*200M, so the range of resource increase effect brought by Cheng Mu's Mingjun and the impact of Zhang Zhushan's Grain Harvest skill is only 200M*200N.

This was also one of the reasons why Cheng Mu was eager to upgrade the secondary village.

The larger the village area, the stronger the skill effect.

Rice and cabbage have been planted, and the harvest cycle is about three months.

The farmland is close to Kunming Lake, and the land is extremely fertile.

Cheng Mu is now working with the villagers to dig ditches for the farmland.

Participating in labor in person is conducive to the improvement of popularity and intimacy.

Suddenly, a militia sentry came to report, and a new village was discovered in the distance.

"Go! Go and have a look!"

Cheng Mu dropped the **** and hurried forward.

After so many days, it was not easy to finally see other players.

Since it was the first contact, Cheng Mu brought Guan Hai and Zhang Wanlong with him.

Li Shishi was learning how to manage the village with Zhang Zhushan, so he didn't follow him.

After getting along for a long time, Cheng Mu didn't want her to show her face in public.

This is a small village that is several times simpler than Tianqi Village.

Although there is a large population, all the buildings in the village are self-made, rough and without a trace of beauty.

A tributary of Kunming Lake flows through here, so some people chose to build a village here.

There are women fishing in the river, and young men clearing the fields and cutting trees.

Someone noticed Cheng Mu and the others approaching.

Immediately, a group of people rushed out of the village.

The leader was a middle-aged man.

He looked at Cheng Mu and the others vigilantly, and asked, "What can you do?"

"Don't be nervous, we have no malicious intentions."

Cheng Mu stepped forward and spread his hands to indicate that he was not hostile.

He looked at the middle-aged man and said, "We have a sentry who discovered your village, so come and have a look."

"and then?"

Even if Cheng Mu said so, the man did not relax his vigilance.

"I want to do business and trade with you and develop each other!"

Cheng Mu explained his reason for coming.

He could tell that there were other players in this village.

Although he didn't know which faction they belonged to, Cheng Mu was not interested in any conflict with them.

The village is too small, and the food is tasteless.

"Trade? Come in and talk!"

The man pondered for a while, and finally agreed to Cheng Mu's request.

After getting to know each other, Cheng Mu knew the man's name.

Hu Guangguo, head of Xiaoshi Village.

Xiaoshi Village now has a population of 63, including 14 players.

Not all players can become Lords.

Players who have not obtained the village building order can only support other lords to become villagers.

Or, go to the city of the faction to develop and become a ranger player.

"Are you Cheng Mu who is number one on the ranking list?"

After Cheng Mu reported himself, Hu Guangguo was so shocked that he couldn't speak for a moment.

He never expected that he would become neighbors with the most powerful player.

Afterwards, he reacted instantly pale.

He knew that his village was very dangerous.

"Do not be afraid!"

Cheng Mu saw his worries, and said comfortingly, "Shouldn't our enemy be the extraterrestrial demons who are about to invade the earth?"

Fighting in the nest? Cheng Mu never liked it.

"Yes Yes!"

Hearing what Cheng Mu said, Hu Guangguo immediately nodded in agreement.

After a friendly conversation, the two agreed on the way of the transaction.

Tianqi Village and Xiaoshi Village became allies and helped each other.

Xiaoshi Village has a specialty of rough ceramics, which some players got when they were drawing talents.

Tianqi Village can also earn a large price difference by selling Kunming whitebait to Xiaoshi Village.

After the decision on the alliance was made, Hu Guangguo immediately gathered his staff and followed Cheng Mu to Tianqi Village with several baskets full of rough ceramics.

At the same time, a system prompt sounded.

"Ding! Tianqi Village and Xiaoshi Village have formed an offensive and defensive alliance. The contract is valid for one year. During the valid period of the contract, the two sides cannot attack each other."

"Ding! The trade road between Tianqi Village and Xiaoshi Village has opened, and the economic value of the village is +5."

The business road was opened up, and the economic value of the village finally met the promotion requirements.

And after Hu Guangguo arrived at Tianqi Village, he was very grateful that he had reached an alliance contract with Cheng Mu.

Dozens of militiamen armed with big knives and majestic.

It seems to be welcoming his arrival, but in fact it is Cheng Mu who is showing the strength of his village.

"Brother Mu, the younger generation is awesome!"

Looking at the mighty and majestic militiamen around him, Hu Guangguo felt very healthy.

"Brother Hu's development is not slow, I'm just lucky."

Cheng Mu's mouth was modest, and his heart was already full of joy.

In this way, if Hu Guangguo wants to make some small moves in the future, he has to carefully weigh his own strength.

Then Cheng Mu took him on a brief tour of the village.

Hu Guangguo was surprised again when he saw a medical clinic in the village.

But what shocked him the most was the feeling of shock after eating Kunming whitebait.

At this time, Hu Guangguo regretted it again.

If the village had been built for dozens of kilometers, then this Kunming whitebait would have been a specialty of his Xiaoshi village.

Kunming whitebait only lives in Kunming Lake.

Since Kunming whitebait is only effective for the first time, Cheng Mu priced it at 1 silver and 1 fish.

A daily limited supply of 20 tails is given to Xiaoshi Village. UU Reading

The rough ceramics in Xiaoshi Village are relatively cheap, only 5 copper plates each.

Of course, both parties are willing to accept this price.

Zhang Zhushan, the deputy head of the village, is arranging to form a caravan. He heard that there is another village near Xiaoshi Village.

The first step of trading Cheng Mu was successfully opened, so he left all the rest to Zhang Zhushan and Li Shishi to take care of.

Hu Guangguo has already gone back.

Cheng Mu opened the leaderboard again to see the recent changes in player power.

He is still firmly occupying the number one position on the list.

The Snake Girl of the Mayan Empire was more vigorous, surpassing the Great Han Tianwei and the God of the Old One to come to the second place.

The subsequent rankings did not change much, but the ranking of Shenzhou Kingdom's Zhan Tianxia rose to 71st again.

"This person cannot be underestimated!"

Although they are both under the influence of the Shenzhou Kingdom, Cheng Mu never underestimates anyone.

In terms of the speed of development, Zhan Tianxia is no slower than Cheng Mu.

Cheng Mu rose from fourth to first, while Zhan Tianxia rose from more than 90 to more than 70.

Anyone who can hang on the leaderboard is a strong enemy.

After closing the leaderboard, Cheng Mu sent another message to Sanyue Fat Tiger.

Fat Tiger is currently running a mission.

He didn't get the village building order, so his dream is to be a ranger who can take the enemy's head from it.

Ranger players take a different path than Lord players.

But according to Fat Tiger, some ranger guilds will also develop power.

Their guild resident has the same effect as the lord player's village, with more manpower developed.

Cheng Mu couldn't understand these.

There's a new visitor to Giant Axe, so he has to deal with new enemies.

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!