MTL - The Heavens of Online Games Are Coming-Chapter 11 Riders are coming

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"Where are people?"

"In a village, more than a hundred people just disappeared?"

The man on the horse was astonished and angry.

"Master, the third son and the others seem to have encountered an accident."

A subordinate ran over to report.

Although the stockade was demolished, some traces of battle remained.


Hearing the word, the man slapped the whip on his subordinate's face.

"Hall master calm down! Hall master calm down!"

A bright red welt was printed on his face, but this subordinate did not dare to wipe the wound at all.

He knocked his head to the ground and cried out for mercy.

"Hmph! Find it for me!"

"With a radius of a hundred miles, not a single blade of grass is left!"

The man gave an order, vowing to tear the murderer who killed Tiger Wang to pieces.

His surname is Qi.

And Cheng Mu had already got the news when this group of people first appeared.

"This Tiger King, does he have a background at home?"

Cheng Mu was extremely surprised.

Is this considered to be the young one and the old one?

"My lord, there are only twenty people on the other side, let me take a team of brothers there!"

Guan Hai took the initiative to invite Ying to fight.


Cheng Mu shook his head and said, "Put the sentry farther away, I want to make sure that there is no support behind this team."

Be careful and you will never lose money.

And this is a team of cavalry, ordinary militiamen can't stop them at all.

In case one escapes, Qi Village will definitely face a colossus that day.


Guan Hai took the order to leave.

At this time, Master Li walked in.

"My lord, is there any servant who can help me?"

Although she didn't go to fight monsters to upgrade these few days.

But following Zhang Zhushan to manage the village, there are also certain experience points.

She is level 15.

"Okay! Then I will have to work hard for you later."

Cheng Mu already knew.

Li Shishi's various skills are not released anytime, anywhere, unlimited times.

Every time you use it, you will consume a certain amount of energy.

According to Li Shishi's current strength, she can only use it five times in a row at most.

No matter how much, there will be irreversible damage after exhaustion.

"It's not hard, it's my wish to help the Lord!"

Li Shishi did not leave after speaking, but quietly stayed by Cheng Mu's side.

Zhang Wanlong and Liu Yidao went to rectify the militia, this is a battle that cannot be lost.

"Hall Master, I found a village twenty miles to the southeast."

"The population is quite large, close to a hundred people."

The sentinel galloped back and reported the situation to Hall Master Qi.

"A village of a hundred people? Let's go and have a look!"

Hall Master Qi hesitated for a second, and finally chose to go over and have a look.

But let him believe that this hundred-person village wiped out the giant ax village, and there are still countless question marks in his heart.

Just as the twenty riders were galloping towards Tianqi Village, Guan Hai also came back after investigating the information.

"My lord, there are no other enemies nearby!"

"it is good!"

After hearing this, Cheng Mu was relieved.

He immediately ordered:

"Wan Long, lead a team of militiamen to outflank from the left."

"With one knife, you lead a group of militiamen to surround you from the right flank."

"Brother Guan Hai, lead someone to block their back, and make sure you don't let any of them get away."

Twenty cavalry, that is twenty war horses!

"What about you, my lord?"

Guan Hai asked aloud after receiving the order.


Cheng Mu chuckled lightly and said, "I will meet the enemy from the front!"

Now there are 60 invincible militiamen of the same level in the village, and they can completely surround these enemies from all directions.

Gather and annihilate them.

"That's too dangerous!"

Zhang Wanlong said aloud: "Master, go to the left wing, I will lead people to meet the enemy from the front!"

"That's right! Brother Wanlong has the magical skill of avoiding injuries, which can block the frontal impact of the cavalry!"

Liu Yidao also echoed.

"Do not!"

Cheng Mu still insisted on his order: "Accept orders to fight!"

Courage is developed.

Even if he has no skills, how can he be afraid of the mere twenty cavalrymen.


"The minister...takes orders."


Seeing that Cheng Mu had made up his mind, the three of them stopped advising him.

All they can do is obey orders.

However, when they left with the team, the three of them still left thirty militiamen for Cheng Mu.

"You underestimate me too!"

Cheng Mu smiled and shook his head.

He also knew that this was Guan Hai's concern for him.

There were already waves of hoofbeats in the distance, and there was no time for Cheng Mu to redistribute the troops.

Twenty riders came galloping from afar, raising clouds of dust!

"Good guy, if I have a team like this, it's really gods who block and kill gods, and Buddhas block ****!"

Cheng Mu admired.

Only twenty cavalry can rush out with such momentum.

What about hundreds of thousands of rides and millions of rides?

In less than a minute, this team of cavalry rushed to the gate of the village.

"Call your village chief out!"

Headed by Hall Master Qi, who was sitting high on the horse, watching Cheng Mu at the entrance of the village condescendingly.

He completely ignored the 30 militiamen behind Cheng Mu.

In such a small village, let alone 30 militiamen, he doesn't pay attention to 300 militiamen.

"I'm the village chief, what's your business!"

Cheng Mu responded aloud.

He thought that this team of cavalry would charge directly into the village, but he didn't expect to brake at the entrance of the village.

It is impossible to refuse to use a horse, and Cheng Mu will die of heartache if he loses one of the twenty horses.

"Have you seen bandits descending the mountain recently?"

Hall Master Qi narrowed his eyes and asked.

He didn't expect that this seemingly weak young man was actually the head of the village.

It seems that there is no hope for this village, and a yellow-haired kid is actually appointed as the village head.

He shook his head and sentenced Tianqi Village to death in his heart.

"Yes!" Cheng Mu nodded.

However, Hall Master Qi's contemptuous attitude made him unhappy.

Hall Master Qi was stunned when he heard this, and said, "Huh? Yes? Are you sure?"

When he saw that Cheng Mu was the village head, he gave up hope.

"That's right, Giant Axe Village, right, the head of the family, Tiger."

Cheng Mu showed a complacent look.

"Then what about them?" Hall Master Qi asked immediately.

"Killed by us!"

After all, Cheng Mu shrugged helplessly.

"Haha! Killed by you?"

Hall Master Qi seemed to have heard a big joke, and laughed again: "Just you and those thirty maggots behind?"

"Hurry up and tell me the truth!"

He doesn't want to waste time here.

"Maggots? Then I will show you the strength of maggots!"


Cheng Mu became angry instantly, and killed Hall Master Qi with a poisonous kiss in his hand.


Guan Hai, who had ambushed, rushed out from all around, and was surrounded by this team of cavalry in an instant.

When the cavalry has no speed advantage, it will definitely become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"So it's really you!"

Hall Master Qi turned his head to avoid Cheng Mu's thrust.

He was startled and angry.

"I want you to die!"

He turned his left hand into a palm, and UU Reading slapped Cheng Mu **** the horse.

And Cheng Mu immediately raised his hand to block the blow.

Then the whole person took advantage of the situation to slide off the horse and immediately merged with the surrounding militiamen.

He took advantage of the sneak attack just now.

In terms of strength, this hall master Qi is still a bit higher than Cheng Mu.

But Cheng Mu has the advantage of a sea of ​​people!

Cheng Mu, who was in the crowd, started attacking the hall master from all directions.


During the chaotic battle, a riding bandit was dragged down and hacked to death.

"Boy, come out and die!"

Hall Master Qi has been looking for Cheng Mu's figure the most.

But Cheng Mu, with the poisonous kiss in his hand, shuttled through the crowd like a stroll in a garden.


Someone was struggling to hold on, gritted his teeth and asked, "Master, what should I do?"

"Get out!"

At this time, Hall Master Qi also didn't care about dealing with Cheng Mu.

He can block the attacks of the surrounding militiamen, but not necessarily those cavalry bandits under him.

"Want to go?"

Cheng Mu sneered.

Then the whole person attacked Qitang again.

After being stabbed by him once, triggering the poisonous effect of the poisonous kiss, Hall Master Qi is the grasshopper after Autumn.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Being harassed and attacked by Cheng Mu, Hall Master Qi was furious.

But he still has some sense, and every time he blocks Cheng Mu's attack, he will not pursue it.

Several militiamen have already been wounded by his spear.

But in terms of the speed of casualties, those surrounded riders fell faster.

After all, what Cheng Mu needed was horses, not these bandits.


Another cavalry bandit fell down, Hall Master Qi was finally furious!

The first release of this book comes from 17K Novel Network, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!