MTL - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm-Chapter 17 Youth Campus Romance 05

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Chapter 17 Youth Campus Romance 05

"... What are you doing?" Mo Sheng swallowed his mouth and woke up | waking up to find that the dream came true couldn't be better.

Ye Junge calmly retracted his hand: "You have a reaction."

"... Um." Nonsense, he didn't give up, how could there be no response.

"I'm just a little curious." Ye Junge opened his eyes and talked blindly, watching him innocently.

Mo Sheng was defeated by his eyes and took the initiative to shift the topic: "Awake? Aren't you sleepy?"

Ye Junge nodded and followed him boringly: "Well, wake up."

"Are you hungry? The maids should all be sleeping. I'll make something for you, right?" Mo Sheng stood up.

Ye Junge stopped him: "No need." Glancing at the part where he was still standing, "May I help you?"

Mo Sheng looked at him in amazement and said, "Master ..."

Ye Junge looked at him and said nothing.

Mo Sheng's heart went sideways, grabbing his hand and standing on his erect position: "Then trouble Master."

Ye Junge: ... In fact, the help I want to say is real firearms, not to help you fight | fly | machine ...

Forget it. Ye Junge helped his lover with resentment, and Mo Sheng wrapped his little hand around him, taking him back and forth. Moving, it didn't take long for Mo Sheng to shoot. In Ye Jun's heart.

Ye Junge: ... is your lover a kidney deficiency? Why is this life so fast?

Mo Sheng was so embarrassed in his heart that it took a long time to add his lover to serve him personally. It was an excitement to shoot early.

Master qwq doesn't think he can't?

Ye Junge looked at him very sincerely: "Let ’s cook more kidney-feeding food these days."

Mo Sheng: ... No, Master, listen to me [Erkan Hand]

Mo Sheng, who was ineffective, got up and took a clean handkerchief to clean up the two of them. Then he yelled at Ye Junge and listened to what he said at school. Basically, how did Yan Xiaoxiao deal with Yan Xiaoxiao, and how Wang Yanyu thought of himself Handsomeness is actually ridiculous.

Mo Sheng had already inquired about it. The girl who often stayed with her own host was Yan Xiaoxiao. Now when he hears him from time to time, he always mentions that Yan Xiaoxiao. He is very angry, thinking about when to get this woman to the northwest. Go, let the two never see each other again.

Ye Junge knew too much about his old offense, watching him look jealously about something bad, and poked his chest: "Hey, you are not allowed to make your own claim, and I have no plans to implement it."

Mo Sheng was a little uncomfortable when he was broken, and he quickly agreed. The master was unhappy and he didn't do well. To do it, he should find an opportunity for the master to be absent and then plan it. It cannot be found by the master.

Knowing that he hadn't given up, Ye Junge rolled his eyes, forget it, anyway, the hostess will soon be recognized back to the Yan family, and by then he wo n’t be so easy to succeed, and at that time he should have established a relationship with his lover. It ’s okay, he has no reason to deal with the hostess ... right? Or tell him that he was close to the hostess because of fun? Alas, not in a hurry, use the heroine to stab him first, and always feel that it is not enough.

Ye Junge thought irresponsibly, and then let the man eat the vinegar, only to later regret it when he really tasted the bitter fruit.


Yan Xiaoxiao was frightened. He stayed in the dormitory for a few days and didn't come to class. Ye Junge asked for leave for him.

"What's wrong with Yan? Is he sick?" The class teacher likes this good and sensible student very much, thinking of Yan Xiaoxiao's various targets against her, very worried.

Ye Junge nodded: "Xiao Xiao received some surprises when she returned to school yesterday. You know, Yan Xiaoxiao classmates treated her ... Yesterday afternoon I added jumble to stop Xiao Xiao and wanted to hit her. Fortunately, I was with Xiao Xiao She was not injured. "

The head teacher was startled: "Song Song, have you been injured?"

"I'm fine." The class teacher was kind and kind. "Teacher, I have learned Taekwondo."

The head teacher was relieved, and smiled gently: "Then Song should go back quickly, and I'm going to class soon, I will tell the teacher."

"That would bother you."

Ye Junge returned to his class to continue reading his novel, watching the male host's reaction.

Yan Xiaoxiao didn't come to school. It seems that Wang Yiyu didn't care about it at all. Ye Junge who looked at it doubted that they were really a couple.

Yan Xiaoxiao did n’t come to school for the next few days, and Wang Yunyu did n’t show any worry. Ye Junge called Yan Xiaoxiao to care about her psychological condition, and found that Yan Xiaoxiao gradually came out of the shadow, and then asked Wang Yanyu When she didn't contact her, Yan Xiaoxiao was silent.

When there is a gap between two people, a little wind and small waves will make the cracks bigger and bigger. Wang Yanyu Xue will not care about Yan Xiaoxiao. In the past, Yan Xiaoxiao will make excuses for him that he does not know how to care for others. Now Yan Xiaoxiao just felt that he didn't care about himself at all. After experiencing such terrible things, he didn't make a phone call and didn't care a word.

However, Wang Yunyu didn't know what Yan Xiaoxiao had experienced. He was still angry because Yan Xiaoxiao said something because his | Mom said a little too much. A few days of temper, are you waiting for him to coax her? If he doesn't coax her, she won't come to school?

Yan Xiaoxiao was uncomfortable in her heart, but she was not the kind of Miss Jiao and didn't care too much. When she was cleaned up, she went back to school again.

During the afternoon class, she was forced to go to the park outside the school by Wang Xiuyu. She was ordered to accompany him to skip the class. Yan Xiaoxiao felt that he was really unreasonable. Wang Xiuyu didn't care about his academic performance, but she really cared. She wanted to take a good university .

"Yu Yu, I'm going to class!" Yan Xiaoxiao was really angry.

"No." Wang Xiuyu's solemn temperament does not allow others to rebel against him. "What kind of temper is it that you haven't been to school these days? Isn't it just a few words from my mother? As for it?"

Yan Xiaoxiao looked at him inconceivably, "is it just my mother saying something?" Is that something to say? Is that an insult to her personality and dignity? !! Didn't she come because of making a little piss? In his heart, he is the kind of girl who can make a little pitiful?

"Do you know how you | my mother scolded me? Isn't she an educated lady in all kinds of unpleasant words? What's the difference between scolding her and splashing her?" Yan Xiaoxiaoqi said indifferently, no Seeing Wang Xiuyu's dark face.

Wang Xiuyu didn't see him much like him | Mum, but Yan Xiaoxiao said that his elder was hitting his face.

"Enough!" Wang Minyu threw her a slap, "Don't make trouble unreasonably!"

Seeing Yan Xiaoxiao covering her face with red eyes, a little annoyed, and unable to pull her face to apologize, she could only tell businessly: "She's like that, you can't stand it? Don't you love me? Endure it for me. Can't it? "

Yan Xiaoxiao is completely angry, I love you, you can practice my true heart like this? Are you still riding a horse?

Yan Xiaoxiao looked at him with a strange look, until he was angered by the look, and then sneered: "Wang Yuyu, I have never seen anyone who is less than you | to | face, we are finished! Let's break up! "

After leaving the speech, he left. Wang Yuyu did not respond for a moment. He never thought that Yan Xiaoxiao would really dare to scold him and break up with him.

"Don't want to be with me after you dare to go!" Wang Yanyu thought that Yan Xiaoxiao intentionally wanted to use this method to make him realize the importance of her Yan Xiaoxiao to himself, but unfortunately, Wang Yanyu felt that he was not Very concerned about this disobedient little pet.

Yan Xiao smiled for a moment, and left more firmly, she was really blind to be with this young master.

Yan Xiao ran away with a smile, Ye Junge listened to 004's retelling, smiled with satisfaction, and seemed to be able to proceed to the next step.

‘004, send Yan Xiaoxiao ’s message anonymously to Yan ’s father ’s mailbox. ’

[Good ~] 004 was boring for many days, and immediately received the task to work hard.

After class, Ye Junge also lazily took his schoolbag. Although there was one lesson, he was not going to go again, and went directly to school with his wallet and mobile phone.

【Ding! Found a random task "buy an umbrella", please ask the host to buy an umbrella and bring it on the body. May I accept it? 】

‘... what do you buy an umbrella for? ’

[It's going to rain soon, junjun ~] Of course, it's because this is the first part of a series of missions.

Ye Junge gave a bang, bought it, held the folding umbrella, and continued shopping.

Now that the heroine is broken, she is wandering aimlessly in the park. Ye Junge intends to wait for her to find a place to sneak in | when she cries, she will reappear.

【Ding! Found a random task "Purchasing", buy a tube of lubricant | lubricant, do you accept? 】

‘...’ Ye Junge grabbed the unreasonable hair group into his hand and clenched it firmly, ‘what do you want to do? ’

[Qaq is not a monarch, you have to believe that you can use it tonight, oh forget, anyway, your femininity has reached 90, it is estimated that you can stand no matter how you play, no need to use lubricant | ] 004 originally wanted to persuade, but after thinking about it, it was not necessary at all.

‘...’ Ye Junge found that he could n’t refute it at all, who made his hands cheap and add so much tenderness.


Yan Xiaoxiao ran away from Wang Yiyu, and was at a loss, and was not in the mood to return to school.

Yan Xiaoxiao what are you doing? Not just a man, is it worth your sadness?

Yan Xiaoxiao laughed at his weakness in his heart, struggling to cheer up, and it wasn't that he couldn't live without the boyfriend.

She cheered herself at the faint reflection of herself in the lake, wiped her face, and prepared to leave the park to eat outside to comfort herself.

This park is very large, and Yan Xiaoxiao was just in a bad mood and was lost and confused. The weather was like the temper of a child. It changed and the raindrops on the beans fell down. Yan Xiaoxiao felt that she This period of time is almost unfavorable.

In the park, there is no place to hide from the rain except for the trees. It is absolutely stupid to hide under the trees on a rainy day. What if a thunder splits you? Yan Xiaoxiao had no choice but to find a road sign and rush to the exit as soon as possible.

Finally came out of the labyrinth-like park. I saw that there was no one outside the convenience store, and I could just hide from the rain.

The clerk in the convenience store looked at her and said nothing. The school name written on the school uniform she wore could make the clerk afraid to catch people. But are n’t the students in that college all wealthy? How could there be such a terrible student? Just come in and buy an umbrella?

Another shop clerk also glanced and said, "I heard that there are also very poor but poor students attending that school."

The clerk nodded before, thinking about it and still not rushing, because there is no business in rainy days, just block the door.

Ye Junge took this umbrella and walked to this side. At a glance, he saw the soggy heroine crouching at the door of the convenience store, her pitiful appearance like an abandoned puppy.

【Ding! I found the random task "Symbiosis Umbrella", share an umbrella with Yan Xiaoxiao and take her home. May I accept it? 】

'accept. ’Ye Junge took the task and walked in the direction of Yan Xiaoxiao.

"What's the beauty? Do I need to take you home?" Ye Junge asked with a rare smile.

Yan Xiaoxiao paused for a moment, suddenly looked up at the umbrella in front of him, and bent down like an angel to look at his teenager, his heart was very touched: "Song Ke ..."

【Ding! Yan Xiaoxiao favorability +10, currently favorability: 85]

"Don't cry." Ye Junge reached out and handed her a handkerchief. "It's not pretty when you cry."

Yan Xiaoxiao twitched the corners of his mouth: "I'm so embarrassed that I have nothing beautiful."

Ye Junge pulled her up: "Let's go, my house is nearby, go to me first to take a bath and change clothes, and come out again is a big beauty."

Ye Junge texted Mo Sheng to ask him to prepare a girl's clothes, and then waited for him to return at the door of the manor.

Mo Sheng almost smacked his phone after receiving a text message.

Girls' clothes! Master, which fox spirit are you bringing back? !! Needless to say he knows, it must be that Yan Xiaoxiao!

Mo Sheng called the maid coldly: "Go and prepare a set of high school girls' clothes." The maid quickly agreed, and then fled and left. The housekeeper Mo was so scary. Qwq

Ye Junge held an umbrella in her right hand, and wrapped her whole person under the umbrella with her left shoulder and Yan Xiaoxiao's shoulders to prevent her from getting rain again.

"Song Ke, how did you find me?" Yan Xiaoxiao looked up at the boy who was one head taller than himself, knowing that he must be worried that he came out to look for her.

"I asked outside the door, and he said that he saw Wang Xiuyu pulling you in this direction. I don't think there is any place to go nearby. He may have taken you to the park. Before you even transferred to this school, he liked it. Going to the park to sleep, one sleep is one afternoon. "

Yan Xiaoxiao opened her eyes wide and said, "Well? How do you know that he went to sleep in the park?" She or Wang Yiyu told her that she only knew it, and Wang Yiyu also said that he hadn't told anyone.

"Because every time he comes back, he is covered with grass dust." Ye Junge said earnestly, making Yan Yan smile with a chuckle.

"That must be silly!"

"Yeah." Ye Junge recalled how Wang Minyu looked and bent his eyes at that time. "I think that guy looks like a handsome guy with a total of two and a half thousand to eighty days."

Yan Xiaoxiao covered her stomach and laughed so that the whole person kept shaking. In the end, Ye Junge could barely stand. Ye Junge patted her back and said nothing. The little girl was just so sad that she forced herself to keep smiling with something else and refused to stop.

"Yes, smile." Ye Junge looked up and saw Mo Sheng, standing beside the car with an umbrella, "We are here."

"Huh?" Yan Xiaoxiao withdrew from Ye Junge's arms, wiped his eyes, and was startled by the dark-faced Mo Sheng.

Ye Junge rubbed her head: "It's all right, that's my housekeeper."

Yan Xiaoxiao nodded obediently and smiled sweetly at Mo Sheng: "Uncle Steward, hello."

Mo Sheng: ... Don't stop me, I want to neng to kill her!

Ye Junge: ... Ahahaha, uncle!

004: ... 2333333 Mo Sheng, I'm a pain to you!

Mo Sheng smiled gritted teeth: "Miss Yan, hello."

Yan Xiaoxiao waved his hands helplessly: "No, don't call me that, I'm not a lady ..."

"It's okay." Ye Junge personally opened the car door and let Yan Xiaoxiao advance. "It's just a title."

Yan Xiaoxiao nodded, and looked at Mo Sheng a little embarrassedly. I don't know if it was her illusion. I always felt that the housekeeper's face was darker.

After entering the castle, Ye Junge called the maid to take a bath with a smile and change clothes, and then came down for dinner.

【Ding! Random mission "Symbiosis Umbrella" has been completed, reward contribution value is 300]

Mo Sheng said once and didn't know what to do. He disappeared for a long time, and he was late when Ye Junge and Yan Xiaoxiao sat down at the table. Ye Junge's rules are different from those of other people's homes. As a housekeeper, Mo Sheng has been sitting at the same table with Ye Junge for dinner. Other people's housekeepers are servants and must not go to the table. But Yan Xiaoxiao didn't know much about it, so she didn't think there was anything wrong.

After eating rice, Ye Junge stayed with a smile and stayed overnight in the castle. He thought that Mo Sheng would immediately fry his hair, but he didn't expect the man to be able to bear it.