MTL - The Male God’s Favorable Impressions Are Difficult to Farm-Chapter 18 Youth Campus Romance 06

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Chapter 18 Youth Campus Romance 06

Mo Sheng stood in the rain with a **** umbrella, and watching Ye Junge slowly walked here with a half-scared Yan Xiaoxiao, but his jealousy could not find a place to vent.

The master actually hugged another woman.

The cold master always hugged other women!

And the master talked and laughed with other women! !!

Mo Sheng remembered that he had read a saying before. On a rainy day, a man and a woman walked in the rain with an umbrella. They are a couple. This situation is called a symbiosis umbrella.

Master, is this already with Yan Xiaoxiao? He must not allow it!

However, what surprised him was that the woman actually called him ... uncle ... uncle your sister is so young!

Then, the master personally opened the car door for that woman! Master! Pamper the young master! The young man who always waits for someone to open the door for him! personally! To a woman! Opened the door!

Mo Sheng's face remained calm, and his heart was resentful, thinking how to teach a disobedient young master?

While Master was going to take a bath, Mo Sheng went to take some things to decorate the room, and then returned to the restaurant to accompany Ye Junge for dinner.

Thinking of the arrangement in the room, I feel a lot better. Even if the young master let Yan Xiaoxiao stay overnight, it didn't affect his good mood.

Ye Junge returned to the room after dinner, and then the whole person was bad.

Can anyone tell him what happened to the various ropes in the room?

What should I do if the grass is playing off?

004 already knew what Mo Sheng did when he disappeared, and he immediately hid.

(* / w\ *) I don't know anything! Please feel free!

Mo Sheng walked into the room silently, then locked the door calmly.

Ye Junge: ... What do you want, dear? No, there is something to discuss! Don't move your feet!

However, Mo Sheng didn't do anything. He just said to Ye Junge very gently, "Master, please rest first, I'll take a bath."

... damaging me for nothing. Ye Junge froze unhappyly and went to bed angrily.

After Mo Sheng took a shower and went to bed, he carried people into his arms from behind. Ye Junge moved, and he earned and did not let him hold him.

The darkness in Mo Sheng's eyes became deeper and thicker, Master, why did you refuse my closeness? Is that Yan Xiaoxiao so good?

Mo Sheng suppressed his crazy thoughts in his heart, staring at the little master who pretended to sleep in front of his eyes, wait, just wait for him to fall asleep ...


Pull light


Ye Junge woke up from his deep sleep, moved his sore body, and secretly hated, looking for a chance to be tied back. The hands and feet were rubbed red by the rope. Although it had been applied, it still hurt when touched.

Ye Junge glanced resentfully at the man in front of his eyes nervously, and kicked him out of bed.

"Bastard, you can't tie it loose?"

Mo Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't get angry about what he wanted him to do.

The stingy action pulled behind the redness and swelling that was overused. Ye Junge couldn't help but look more gloomy, staring at him severely: "Don't think again in three months!"

Mo Sheng looked at him in surprise, did the master still accept himself?

Ye Junge could not see his stupidness, raised his chin arrogantly: "I'm hungry."

"Wait a moment." Mo Sheng immediately got up and downstairs to get the porridge, and the smirk on his face couldn't stop.

Yan Xiaoxiao sat alone at the dining table, and saw Mo Sheng coming in front of his eyes: "Uncle Butler, Song Ke?"

Mo Sheng was in a good mood and didn't care about her: "The young master is a bit uncomfortable. It may have been raining yesterday and just woke up, so I won't come down to accompany Miss Yan for dinner. You eat first."

Yan Xiaoxiao nodded worriedly, seeing that Mo Sheng didn't say much, he had to shut up and eat his own breakfast.

Song Ke was going to get rain because he had to protect himself, and he hit himself with his umbrella. Yan Xiaoxiao felt a bit guilty.

【Ding! Yan Xiaoxiao favorability +5, currently favorability: 90]

Ye Junge was lying in bed doing nothing when Mo Sheng went to breakfast, and he could just settle accounts with 004.

‘You already knew. ’Ye Junge expounds the facts.

004 shook: [Jun Jun, listen to me explain! 】

‘Oh, I do n’t listen. Say, how do you want to die? ’

[Qaq don't ah Junjun, everyone is a family! 】

‘Who is with your family. ‘Ye Junge snorted,‘ I found out about Wang Xiu ’s affair from an early age, or else ... ’

【go immediately! ] 004 quickly opened the highest-level database and began to search, but couldn't help but curious while searching, [Jun Jun, what do you check this? 】

Ye Junge pinched the hair group: ‘Do n’t tremble, annoy? ’

[... qwq]

Seeing 004 peace, Ye Junge smiled grimly: ‘Since I'm upset, of course, I want to make other people upset. ’

Wo grass snake sperm disease began to get sick again ∑ (っ ° Д °;) っ terrible ┭┮﹏┭┮

004 silently closed his mouth, why did he forget it, his host is not a normal person, what did his family eat? Bears and leopards dare to pit him _ (: 3 "∠) _ Ma Ma, so scary, I I want to go home!

Under the pressure of Ye Junge, 004 quickly found out a lot of information. Ye Junge flipped around at random, found useful records, and later took it to the pit man. Yan Xiaoxiao should be very interested in these things.