MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 14 red and black

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Standing outside the stone cave was a pretty girl, smiling sweetly, but her face and neck were covered with magic lines, layer upon layer, making her feel dizzy and nauseous when she looked at it. The woman smiled and replied: "Not human!" There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, but her eyes were piercing.

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Qi Fu's back, he forced himself to be calm, cupped his hands and said: "Who is your honor, please ask for instructions! If your honor is interested in this cave, I will withdraw immediately, and please spare my life!"

The woman smiled and said: "You are interesting, you insist on asking my name. I named myself Zhu Mo, are you satisfied? I am indeed very interested in this cave, but you just killed me Babe, I'm afraid I won't be able to save your lives!"

Qi Fu exclaimed in amazement: "You are the ancestor of the devil spider? Misunderstanding is all a misunderstanding! The devil spider wanted to devour us, but it was killed when it was broken. I hope the ancestor will show mercy!" Zhu Mo is the devil spider , I didn't expect that just after killing one with great effort, the enemy would come to the door so soon. Seeing the unfathomable cultivation of the ancestor of the demon spider, he could only bow his head and beg for mercy.

Zhu Mo still had a smile on his face, and said: "No! I have countless children, but few of them became angry, and one of them was beaten to death by you. I have to eat you alive to dispel my anger." What Yan said was extremely vicious.

Qi Fu couldn't beg for mercy, and said with a sneer, "I am the housekeeper of the Qi Mansion in Fulong Town. I will kill you all over the family, please think twice!"

That Zhu Mo tilted his head slightly, seemed to think for a while, and said: "It doesn't matter what his background is, if he kills you, at worst, I will hide in Fulong Mountain. Even if the immortals come, I will..." Before he finished speaking, Qi Fu His face turned cold, and he shouted: "Kill!" With a wave of his hands, he threw the Qianyin Banner at Zhu Mo, and at the same time sprayed three mouthfuls of natal qi, urging the banner to its maximum power! At the same time, with a stretch of figure, even Qi Chengyu disregarded it, and was about to get out of the cave.

Qi Fu knew very well that this beast was invincible, so he gave up Qianyin Banner, not seeking to kill the enemy, but only seeking a chance to escape. The Thousand Yin Banner's power soared, and dozens of arm-thick Yin Qi scattered, surging towards Zhu Mo!

There was a gloomy smile on Zhu Mo's face, he didn't see how to make any gestures, suddenly a pitch-black true energy appeared outside his body, and all the cold and evil energy was shattered in the blink of an eye! The Thousand Yin Banner lost its evil spirit and still flew down, Zhu Mo said with a smile: "You Qi practitioners have many tricks, such a good magic weapon can't be made by us monsters, it's great!"

Stretching out his hand for a move, Qi Fu felt that the true energy imprinted in Qianyin's flag was wiped away. Seeing the painstakingly cultivated long flag fell into Zhu Mo's hands, he could only shout in amazement: "Golden Core Law!" Zhu Mo snorted With a sound, he said: "You do have some knowledge! Go!" With a touch of his hand, a poisonous gas was released, Qi Fu couldn't even scream, his body had been biochemically destroyed by the poisonous gas, and there was no residue left!

Zhu Mo collected the Qianyin banner and killed Qi Fu, as if he had done an insignificant thing. A pair of peach blossom eyes glanced at Qi Cheng, stretched out a long scarlet tongue, licked his lips, and said with a smile: "You are born strong, It's time to catch it back and pick it up!"

Facing these old goblins, Qi Cheng was so frightened that his teeth twitched, he couldn't speak, and he lost the heroic spirit that Qi Gan had when he talked eloquently. When Zhu Mo saw it, he was very disgusted, and said: "It turned out to be a silver-like pewter tip! Forget it, it's better than nothing!" The poisonous gas rolled around him, engulfing Qi Cheng in it, and he was silent.

Zhu Mo seized treasures and killed people like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any effort, and then he looked at the stone bed with a pair of magic eyes. His cultivation base is extremely high, and under a pair of monster eyes, he can see through everything in the cave. That day, Hongzi's slough was still sitting on the stone bed, and it hadn't disappeared.

Zhu Mo giggled, and said: "The human race is really trash. They found it here, but they couldn't get the treasure. This treasure should belong to me!" Rolling Sword Spectrum.

There is no system for the cultivation of the monster race, unlike the inheritance of masters and apprentices like the human race, most of them rely on self-realization to practice. Only some ancient alien species with strong blood can leave the inheritance of cultivation and perception in the memory of future generations. No matter how powerful the sword manual left by Tianhongzi is, it is an extremely important treasure in Zhu Mo's hands.

Zhu Mo knows very well that human monks are very cunning, don't think there is only one slough left, and the primordial spirit is dead, there may be some weird means to prevent thieves from stealing the inheritance, so he is extra careful. While the poisonous gas was stretching, UU Reading gradually approached the sword manual in Tian Hongzi's hand, and most of Zhu Mo's attention was focused on it, just wanting to succeed with one move, and then moved away.

At the moment when he was about to make a move, a shadow suddenly surged in his heart, Zhu Mo snorted coldly, retracted the net of poisonous gas slightly, and said with a sneer: "Sure enough, there is an ambush!" Startled, Zhu Mo hurriedly turned his head and flew out of the cave, looking for the source of the magic sound.

The sound of the magic sound was so overwhelming that it made people ecstasy. Zhu Mo immediately calmed down his soul and wanted to get rid of the erosion of the magic sound, but the magic sound was pervasive. There is a desire to blend with the magic sound.

Amidst the ecstasy and magic sounds, a group of black clouds meandered over and dispersed like a tide, revealing one of the girls, wearing a cloak woven from bird feathers, and only a small shirt on her upper body, revealing her glistening belly and The belly button, and the lower body is just a pair of shorts, showing half of the calf.

The young girl's face was dark, her facial features were different from those of people in the Central Plains, she was holding a flute in her hands, the flute was yellow and white in color, it was actually carved from human bones, the magic sound came from this flute!

Hearing the sound of the flute, Zhu Mo gradually felt that his muscles and bones were weak, and couldn't help but let out a low cry, a poisonous gas rose from his feet, green and colorful, and the place where he stood seemed to be a poisonous cage, with the poisonous gas intertwined inside, covering it up and protecting it.

Zhu Mo yelled sharply: "Bone Erosion Demon Sound! You are a disciple of the Five Poison Sect! Damn it!" The poisonous gas rolled up and turned into a poisonous net, volleying the net! The young girl played the bone flute by herself, her face showed joy, she seemed to be immersed in it, but she pulled out a hand and slapped a small bamboo basket on her waist!

A beam of five-colored light shoots out, swirls in the air, and sees a five-color poisonous gas emanating from a small copper tripod. The stench is so unpleasant that people want to vomit.