MTL - The Poor Monk Cultivates a Way-Chapter 15 5 Poison Masters

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Zhu Mo shouted in amazement: "Five Poison God Cauldron? No! It's just an imitation!" He became even more angry, and he downplayed Qi Fu and Qi Cheng, but when he met the girl playing the bone flute, he lost his composure and opened his mouth. There are countless pure white silk threads, which are the spider threads spun by the demon spider of her original body, each of which can easily strangle cows and horses, and the spider threads are attached with poison, once contaminated, they will die!

The spider silk formed a cobweb, and slammed it down viciously, capturing the five-poison air sprayed by the five-poison **** cauldron. The five-poison air is a secret method in the Five-Poison Sect. Extremely poisonous, the two highly poisonous things attacked each other in mid-air. It only depends on who is more toxic, and can devour the opponent.

The Five Poisons Sect is a major branch of the Devil's Sect in this world. It established a religion in the southern region. Its sect is to raise the five poisons, produce the five poisons, and refine the five poisons. Because of being close to the five poisons, the disciples of the disciples are affected by the five poisons. They are brave and fierce, and take lives at every turn. They have always been the enemies of the righteous way.

The people of the Five Poisons Sect are the best at subduing the five poisons, and they are the nemesis of all poisons. Zhu Mo's body is a demon spider, so he is restrained by it. The girl held the bone flute and the five poison cauldrons, all of which could restrain her, so she used the spider silk condensed by the poisonous gas of her own life, intending to capture and kill her in one fell swoop.

The Five Poison God Cauldron is the treasure of the Five Poison Sect's township teaching. According to legend, it has become a magic weapon, and it has a self-generated primordial spirit with infinite power. The one in front of me is just an imitation, but it is not trivial, but if it falls into the hands of that girl, its power will be somewhat reduced.

Zhu Mo sneered and said: "But a mere junior who condenses evil spirits and refines strength, dares to bully me, die to me!" Sure enough, the girl had never cultivated a golden elixir, and only relied on two magic weapons that specifically restrained the five poisons. Seeing the foundation, he immediately panicked.

The spider web trembled, completely enveloping the five poisonous qi from the five-poison cauldron, Zhu Mo stretched out his hand, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the spider web in one gulp! In Zhu Mo's big mouth, there are sharp fine teeth all over, looking very frightening, he showed a sneer, and said: "What else do you have, just use it!"

The Five-Poison Divine Cauldron lost its poisonous gas, that is, the beggar lost its snake-playing skills. Frowning, the girl had no choice but to toss the bone flute, and said in a charming voice, "Yu Nu desires the golden elixir avenue, so I ask you, senior, to make it happen!"

Zhu Mo was furious, the Five Poisons Cult can only use the five poisons to refine the five poisons' true energy to cultivate the golden elixir, this guy said so, isn't it asking her to donate the golden elixir cultivation base and life? The old demon screamed sharply, shook his body, and revealed a demon body.

But seeing that the upper body is still the appearance of a beautiful woman, but not wearing an inch of hair, but the lower body is a demon spider, with six spider legs, several feet long, and bristles all over the place! Zhu Mo grinded his fine fangs, and screamed: "When the ancestor captures you, he will start gnawing on your legs a little bit, so that you can't live or die!"

Seeing that Zhu Mo was angered, the young girl Yu Nu was also a little bit afraid, but she refused to show weakness, sneered and said, "If you don't want me to refine your golden elixir, the end will only be worse!" He took a bamboo tube , muttering something in his mouth, he suddenly threw it into the sky, the bamboo tube exploded, spewed out a cloud of poisonous gas, and condensed into the shape of a centipede in mid-air.

Zhu Mo sneered and said: "Even if you have a helper here, you will not escape today!" With a shake of the spider's body, the bristles on the spider's legs shot out, turning into a rain of arrows. The setae have been carefully tempered by her, and each one is comparable to a flying sword, flying to kill with one brain.

Yu Nu was horrified, she only had the cultivation level of refining Gang Ningsha, which was not enough in front of Jindan Daoist, so she had to block the Five Poison God Cauldron in front of her, and the bristles sprayed between them, like a sword hitting leather, making a muffled sound .

Zhu Mo opened his mouth again and spewed out a stream of danqi, which fell on Yu Nu. The aura was as heavy as a mountain, and Yu Nu's back was bent. Fortunately, Yu Nu's ten fingers moved together, and the bone flute still played the magic sound in mid-air, distracting Zhu Mo's mind.

Seeing that the reinforcements had not arrived, Yu Nu gritted his teeth and shook his body, and layers of black clouds poured out to protect him. That black cloud was the evil spirit she had painstakingly condensed. It was integrated with a group of bee colonies of different species. It was ready for both offense and defense. It was very sharp, but it was also extremely precious, so if you use it up, you will spend less.

Together with the black clouds, the power of Zhu Mo's Dan Qi was weakened by nearly half. When Zhu Mo saw it, he sneered and said, "It's a trick!" play mouse. Danqi is thin, but it forms a domain of its own, invisible and formless, within a roll, the black cloud and jade slave have been covered together!

Yu Nu screamed: "Golden Core Law!" Seeing that it was collected into Zhu Mo's Golden Core Lawyer, UU Reading is full of infinite poison, far more poisonous than the alien poisonous bee she refined, crackling In the blink of an eye, there was an extra layer of poisonous bee corpses under his feet. At this moment, another young man slipped out of the black cloud, his eyes were closed tightly, and his aura was heavy. It was Qi Ze who had passed out.

Zhu Mo used the unique method of the golden core monk, Yu Nu immediately couldn't resist the enemy, and even had no time to play the bone flute, and fell to the ground. Zhu Mojie laughed and said: "After I break your magic weapon, let's see what else you can do!"

Hearing a cold snort, an old man dressed in a foreign race with a white cloth on his head appeared in front of the cave at some point, he paused, and a cloud of thin mist rose from his feet, and in a blink of an eye, it covered the body of Yu Nu, covering Zhu Mo's pill Qi Zhiwei took it over!

Yu Nu was surprised and delighted, and shouted: "Uncle!" The old man was her uncle Pan Kun, who was also the elder of the Five Poison Sect, and a master of the golden elixir series! Pan Kun caught Zhu Mo's attack with his hands, two cold lights shot out from his old eyes, showing ecstasy, and said with a smile: "Unexpectedly, I met a magic spider of the golden core level! If I subdue you, I'm afraid I can also make a magic spider!" The Five Poisons Primordial Spirit!"

Yu Nu shook her head in frustration, she took the risk to swallow the golden core spider for herself, but her strength was weak, so when Pan Kun came, she had to give it up. When Zhu Mo saw Pan Kun, he was seven-point frightened and angry mixed with three-point fear. Even if the five poisons were cultivated into golden elixirs, they would still suffer everywhere when they met a master of the five poisons sect at the same level, and maybe they would be caught and peeled for refining. Soul, miserable beyond words.

Pan Kun smiled and said to Yu Nu: "Little thing, uncle will teach you a trick today. The magic weapon of my teaching is not used in this way!" He also spewed out a mouthful of pill energy and landed on the five poisonous **** cauldron. The divine cauldron turned around, as if the dead were returning to life, and it was alive and well again. The lid of the cauldron opened wide, spraying out a cloud of five-color poisonous mist, and another strong suction gushed out, trying to absorb Zhu Mo into it.